A Question For The Left Wingers On This Forum

I have been hearing this same stupid story since the early80s. Still no evidence of cheating. If I recall correctly President Trump started a committee to find all them illegal votes when Clinton beat him in the popular vote. But he could not find any, so you guys just started repeating the same old story. Still no evidence.
No investigations allowed.
Just like Epstein.
Nothing involving Democrats is ever investigated.
Al Sharpton still owes about 400K in taxes from 20+ years ago.
Even Bill Clinton wasn't investigated when 18 women came forward with claims of being raped.

You're on the right side of the corrupt legal system.
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No investigations allowed.
Just like Epstein.
Nothing involving Democrat is ever investigated.
Al Sharpton still owes about 400K in taxes from 20+ years ago.
Even Bill Clinton wasn't investigated when 18 women came forward with claims of being raped.

You're on the right side of the corrupt legal system.
Why didn't Trump find any? Who dont allow investigation? This is the crazy stuff you guys repeat over and over, and now believe.
It is funny, you guys dont believe Jan 6 was anything more than a normal tourist day, it was ANTIFA or anything else, except what all the tons of evidence clearly shows, yet believe completely in widespread voter fraud, with absolutely no evidence. I often think there are two realities and I wonder if mine is real. Stuff like this make me a bit more comfortable with my sanity.
It is funny, you guys dont believe Jan 6 was anything more than a normal tourist day, it was ANTIFA or anything else, except what all the tons of evidence clearly shows, yet believe completely in widespread voter fraud, with absolutely no evidence. I often think there are two realities and I wonder if mine is real. Stuff like this make me a bit more comfortable with my sanity.
Liberal sanity...
Trump was guilty before any evidence was made up.

Face it, you believe Trump should be jailed for taking a dump.
I often think there are two realities and I wonder if mine is real.

You're perhaps where I was in 2019, early 2020.

My advice? Expand your news intake to include alternative perspectives. Even just FOX News would be a momentous start.

It does, however, require intellectual honesty on your part - otherwise you're just wasting your time.
It was rigged.

Had the NY Post story on Hunter Biden and the "Big Guy" not been censored, a significant percentage of the electorate would have voted for Trump or just stayed home - this is according to multiple polls from across the political spectrum.

But at the time a large contingency of our Intelligence agencies literally signed on to the concept that it was "Russian disinformation". After having pursued Trump and lost based on the grounds he was a Russian asset.

The system is corrupt to the core, and it is you who does not see the "whole truth".
Stupidity abounds. That’s not election fraud even if the fantasy you claim were 100% accurate. If that is all it took then Hillary would be in her second term since we all know if Mueller hadn’t released a bogus statement on her email servers she’d be president. Come on man. Learn what fraud really is. Neither of those were fraud.
Stupidity abounds. That’s not election fraud

Your side's only tactic is to hijack language, manifest a straw man, and then run with it.

I said the election was "rigged".

If you do not think the Intelligence Agencies and the vast majority of the mainstream media labeling a pivotal story about a candidate for President and his son as "Russian Disinformation", and then subsequently enforcing its censorship on multiple platforms constitutes the very definition of such a term, then that says a lot more about you than it does me.

You do not appear to dispute it happened.

You also do not appear to dispute that the Hunter laptop story was, in fact, not "Russian Disinformation".

These two elements not only render your argument utterly incoherent, but call into question your own objectivity.
Generic terms like ‘someone better’….Who in their right mind would want to enter into this circus?

The one that tried came under withering attack, and to this day is under threat of total destruction….Worth it?
It would never enter my mind, having no wish for that office or power. You got to be "kind of out there" to seek it. That goes for anybody, Dem, Rep, Indy, a disqualifying amount of megalomania and self conceit goes, as a given, with the desire to attain that office.

The proles don't know they are proles.

Your side's only tactic is to hijack language, manifest a straw man, and then run with it.

I said the election was "rigged".

If you do not think the Intelligence Agencies and the vast majority of the mainstream media labeling a pivotal story about a candidate for President and his son as "Russian Disinformation", and then subsequently enforcing its censorship on multiple platforms constitutes the very definition of such a term, then that says a lot more about you than it does me.

You do not appear to dispute it happened.

You also do not appear to dispute that the Hunter laptop story was, in fact, not "Russian Disinformation".

These two elements not only render your argument utterly incoherent, but call into question your own objectivity.
All of those agencies were under Trumps leadership with leaders appointed by Trump. He was never impeached for “collusion”. He was impeached for the surefire slam dunk bribery of Ukraine to announce a non existent investigation into Biden and dereliction of duty on Jan 6th.

The Hunter story made no difference. Look around now. No one cares.

Regardless, if that is your bar then Hillary is in her second term. You can’t dispute that. You’re just sore your views are not popular and you can’t accept being a loser. Accept. You lost.
All of those agencies were under Trumps leadership

Just a heads up that this will be my last response to you because you have proven yourself boneheaded in your own ability to ignore the content of responses.

But to your first point: It would take self delusion on a herculean scale to try and pretend the Intelligence Agencies did not go to war with Trump from day one.

Even Chuck Schumer declared this would happen at the very beginning, before Trump even took the oath of office. I was a deluded Democrat back then and remember it like it was yesterday:

Everyone knows this is the case, and your assertions otherwise are beneath the sophomoric level.

The Hunter story made no difference. Look around now. No one cares.

I already posted proof otherwise with a Nate Silver approved poll showing 63% of the American people think it is a big deal.

And that's it.

I refuse to engage with someone who doesn't have the capability of honestly assessing their opponent's argument.
All of those agencies were under Trumps leadership with leaders appointed by Trump. He was never impeached for “collusion”. He was impeached for the surefire slam dunk bribery of Ukraine to announce a non existent investigation into Biden and dereliction of duty on Jan 6th.

The Hunter story made no difference. Look around now. No one cares.

Regardless, if that is your bar then Hillary is in her second term. You can’t dispute that. You’re just sore your views are not popular and you can’t accept being a loser. Accept. You lost.

Trump never bribed anybody. He asked for a favor. A favor is not an impeachable offense because impeachment is for high crimes, misdemeanors or treason, none of which categorizes asking for a favor.

The FBI and MSM made sure the Hunter story was never discussed before the election. The MSM refused to talk about it and the FBI even paid social media to cut any posting of the story. If not for that, Trump would be our President today.

Stupidity abounds. That’s not election fraud even if the fantasy you claim were 100% accurate. If that is all it took then Hillary would be in her second term since we all know if Mueller hadn’t released a bogus statement on her email servers she’d be president. Come on man. Learn what fraud really is. Neither of those were fraud.
How many Hillary voters voted for Trump?
It is funny, you guys dont believe Jan 6 was anything more than a normal tourist day, it was ANTIFA or anything else, except what all the tons of evidence clearly shows, yet believe completely in widespread voter fraud, with absolutely no evidence. I often think there are two realities and I wonder if mine is real. Stuff like this make me a bit more comfortable with my sanity.

Fraud is suspected because there are few on our side that believe a majority of people were stupid enough to not only vote for this disaster, but in record numbers never seen in our history.

I don't know if it's fraud or not. If it's not, then our electorate is nothing but a bunch of morons. I guess we gave our people a little more credit than that. IMO it was in large part due to mail-in voting. The more mail-in voters you have, the less intelligent and politically ignorant people you draw to vote. It's the only thing (outside of fraud) that could explain the outcome of 2020.
Fraud is suspected because there are few on our side that believe a majority of people were stupid enough to not only vote for this disaster, but in record numbers never seen in our history.

Not to even mention that Trump won record numbers of votes as well - including roughly 15 million more than he did in 2016, and he won all the bellwether states. The anomalous nature of the 2020 "election" alone calls it into question at the very least.

That said, since the courts refused to hear the vast majority of cases, the Hunter laptop remains the single most viable residual factor that can be easily pointed to as to just how astoundingly crooked the "election" truly was.

Even its one time detractors now admit it was actually completely legitimate, all while we know swing voters were deprived of the real nature of the situation due to gross interference by the media and intelligence spooks.

Frankly, it's the stuff woven from the fabric of third world countries.
Not to even mention that Trump won record numbers of votes as well - including roughly 15 million more than he did in 2016, and he won all the bellwether states. The anomalous nature of the 2020 "election" alone calls it into question at the very least.

That said, since the courts refused to hear the vast majority of cases, the Hunter laptop remains the single most viable residual factor that can be easily pointed to as to just how astoundingly crooked the "election" truly was.

Even its one time detractors now admit it was actually completely legitimate, all while we know swing voters were deprived of the real nature of the situation due to gross interference by the media and intelligence spooks.

Frankly, it's the stuff woven from the fabric of third world countries.

I think it was a combo of Hunter and mail-in, but like you said, nobody really looked into it. Courts don't like getting involved in elections. The only reason they did with the Bush/ Gore race is because the state Supreme Court was legislating from the bench.

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