A Question For The Left Wingers On This Forum

Without sarcasm:

When was the last time any of you changed your mind concerning anything pertaining to Trump, or even just politics in general?

I am beginning to run into a brick wall on here where I realize none of you are interested in the truth, only playing for Team Blue.

Is this altogether surprising? Not remotely. But usually there are a few more reasonable ones in the bunch of any group. After a few months on this forum, I am not discovering that here in any capacity whatsoever.

Is the Right guilty of the same? Yes, of course, and perhaps more frequently than I would like to admit. But it still pales in comparison to the New Left.

Full disclosure for context: I used to be a Democrat up until March 2020, although I began drifting away during the Trump Presidency when I saw how insane my former Party became. How one man could drive them to abandon all the principles they supposedly believe in. Trump really lifted the veil from my eyes. Whatever you think of his personality - he definitively exposed the collusion between the corporate media, the intelligence agencies and the Democratic Party.

And then the riots and lockdowns came. And I saw tangible undeniable evidence that the very Party accusing the Right of authoritarianism were guilty of the very accusations they let fly. I could not, with all good conscience, continue to support them. Esp. when Trump began supporting things in both foreign and domestic policy that the Left once (apparently) pretended to believe in.

Do not believe in stupid wars? In 2008 you were a Democrat. Now you're a Republican.

Want to stop sending jobs overseas? In 2008 you were a Democrat, now you're a Republican.

Want higher wages for the middle class? Trump pulled it off, Obama failed.

I'm so tired of people just looking at D and R without acknowledging that they are simply labels, and political parties are fluid and inevitably always change.

I still hate Bush and Cheney. And I could swear the new MAGA Party (for the most part) now hates them more than the Democrats.

I didn't change, my Party did.

Fortunately the Republican party did as well.

OK, off the soapbox.

The Democrat Party is now for two groups of people:

Not very smart people and

People who are moderately smart but get off on controlling--or thinking they can control--others. Best to do this while you put a thin veneer of "compassion" over it, but that veneer is wearing quite thin indeed.
Says the guy now using insults to run from debate, a standard fascist tactic.

Speaking of other fascist tactics, the Nazis also used the "Jews/liberals are attacking children!" line that you use.

Remember, if you see someone spinning a "I used to be a Democrat ..." story and then backing it up with standard GOP talking points, they're either a hardcore lifelong Republican, or a paid Russian troll.

Yeah, it’s hard to believe anyone would leave the party that won’t define what a woman is.
Assaulting the Congress of the United States AFTER the several States had certified the results is NOT 'demanding an accurate count'.

It is vile traitorous behavior in support of an Orange Comb-Over Con-Man who bull$hitted you gullible sheeple into believing what even HE knew to be a lie.

Your tired overworked and long-since-discredited argument here is, itself, a Lie... and, like Rump's Big Lie itself, or Jay's Potato Chips, you can't eat just one. :itsok:

Sux to be on the wrong side of Right-and-Wrong, and to be on the wrong side of History on this one, doesn't it? :cool:
I guess you suck, then.
The Democrat Party is now for two groups of people:

Not very smart people and

People who are moderately smart but get off on controlling--or thinking they can control--others. Best to do this while you put a thin veneer of "compassion" over it, but that veneer is wearing quite thin indeed.
Are you kidding?

The Demonaziscumbag party is the home of every retarded misfit on the planet. Everything from trannies to racists to lying fucktard politicians.

If you're not a sheeple or a psychopath you won't succeed on the left side of the aisle.
The people that first entered the Capitol were doing so before Trump even finished his speech. And if you did watch the event or video, they were all over the steps, climbing up the walls, on the window sills before they entered. Apparently they weren't even at Trump's rally because they were there quite a bit before breaking into the building.

Now we're going to talk about the American way. The American way is innocent until proven guilty. So show us where Trump told anybody to break any laws or enter the building. No ambiguous phrases, a direct order or request that anybody break any laws. Go!
They came to DC at Trumps request
And they weren’t there to listen to a stupid speech
You public school students really have no comprehension skills, do you? So one more time: Show us where Trump directly instructed people to break any laws or force their way into the Capitol.

All those dog-whistle words used by the Orange Baboon, Josh, Rudi, etc., in whipping-up the crowd?

They don't call him Teflon Don for nothing.

And it's really quite revealing and sad that you are focused upon exactness with respect to wording, when the dog-whistle allusions were quite sufficient.

That's OK... play your games while you still can...

The US Dept of Justice and the grand jury quite probably now have all they need by way of recordings and records and eyewitness testimony...

Enough to metaphorically hang the sonofabitch in the criminal law courts for summoning, inciting and aiming his Crowd-of-Minions against Congress.

Not to mention the Conspiracy and Fraud charges on both the Federal and State level that are likely to materialize now concerning his election-related actions.

Couldn't happen to a nicer modern-day Benedict Arnold.

Your Orange Comb-Over Albatross channels the ghost of P.T. Barnum in dealing with his Sheeple...

"There's a sucker born every minute."

He tosses you a bone here-and-there and you elevate him to demigod status and then the sociopathic power-mad sonofabitch thinks he's The Chosen One.


America dodged a bullet when he lost in November 2020 and he will lose again IF you characters are (collectively) stupid enough to run him again in 2024.
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You public school students really have no comprehension skills, do you? So one more time: Show us where Trump directly instructed people to break any laws or force their way into the Capitol.
You are so simple

Trump fed them lies
Trump called them to DC
Trump told them to fight like hell and it was up to them to stop the steal
Trump sent them to the Capitol
Trump did nothing when things turned violent
The people that first entered the Capitol were doing so before Trump even finished his speech. And if you did watch the event or video, they were all over the steps, climbing up the walls, on the window sills before they entered. Apparently they weren't even at Trump's rally because they were there quite a bit before breaking into the building.

Yeah. I know about them. They were one of the white nationalist groups doing a check before the crowd got there. You didn't know that? I am betting you didn't watch the hearings. Color me shocked.

"Hundreds of Proud Boys assembled near the Capitol on the mid-morning of Jan. 6 — well before Donald Trump’s speech at the ellipse — and appeared to perform reconnaissance for the attack on the Capitol that they would spearhead later that afternoon.

That was the testimony of British documentary filmmaker Nick Quested, live before the Jan. 6 Committee on Thursday night. Quested was embedded with Proud Boys on that day, and his raw footage of violence during the insurrection was featured at length by the committee.

In his testimony, Quested recalled how hundreds of Proud Boys had ditched the Ellipse and made straight for the Capitol complex at about 10:30 on Jan. 6. They watched as the cops set up bike-rack style barricades, and donned riot gear on the west side perimeter of the Capitol, before circling to the other side of the halls of Congress to see the East side. The Proud Boys finished their recon mission so early that they had time to go out for tacos."

Hmmm, I wonder where they got tacos near there?

Now we're going to talk about the American way. The American way is innocent until proven guilty. So show us where Trump told anybody to break any laws or enter the building. No ambiguous phrases, a direct order or request that anybody break any laws. Go!
Red herring. I never claimed he was directly involved by specifically ordering people to attack the capital.

That didn't happen.

What happened is Trump spent weeks lying about the election and organized a protest on the same day that Congress was carrying out it's constitutional obligation and sent the crowd to the capital knowing some were armed.

Then Trump sat on his fat ass for hours doing nothing while watching the attack on TV.

What a feckless traitor.
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That is just a lie.
The only people with guns were the police, and they were fully armed with automatic rifles,

Here is the testimony of Trump knowing some of the protesters were armed.

"In explosive testimony, former Trump White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson provided a firsthand account of former President Donald Trump's actions on Jan. 6, including by testifying that he did not care that some of his supporters in the crowd had weapons, and he demanded that his staff remove metal-detecting magnetometers.

Trump, who was reportedly "furious" about the size of the crowd at his rally, said "I don't care that they have weapons. They are not here to hurt me. Take the effing mags (magnetometers) away," according to Hutchinson."

I'm sure echo chambers make you feel good but they certainly make you ignorant of the events of that day. America deserves better voters.
I am further left than anyone here, and Trump is really just a populist, latching on to whatever he thinks will get him votes.
He was probably right about China, trade, covid, etc.
He did not start any wars and started getting out of Aghanistan.
The only big problems I had with him was his stacking the SCOTUS, and his extreme anti-drug views,

Fair enough - we definitely disagree - but this is an entirely rational post completely grounded in reality.

Quite rare for a Lefty these days.

That said: Your boy Bernie has 3 houses now, and says "BILLIONAIRES!" instead of "MILLIONAIRES!" now that he has joined the seven figure club.

He sold ya out!
Or they could love their country enough to look at this shit show, and want to act….
That lets Donny out, unless there is a person advantage and prestige angle.

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