A Question For The Left Wingers On This Forum

Sure, fair question.

I'll give you a classic example:

When the media says Trump promoted a violent insurrection on the capital, but the video footage clearly shows him saying that the crowd should march "peacefully and patriotically".

Hhhmmm. One of those things is not like the other.

Of course, I don't need to watch the video again (though I've seen it multiple times), I saw the original speech live.

Most Lefties have only seen the edited version released by the treacherous "JAN 6th COMMITEE".

Though I will concede the concept of truth can be nebulous, in this case I'd say it is pretty clear cut. An that has been a consistent theme of the Trump era - as it has driven our elites into desperate madness.
You're acting as if that one speech is the entire story, when you know quite well the actual story goes back to the campaign trail when he said "the only way I lose is if it's rigged", with zero (0) evidence. Then he and his minions pounded it on it constantly, relentlessly, every single day, up to that day. That's what got those people there in the FIRST place.

You left that part out, because it's contrary to your thesis.

So you're not being truthful. The WHOLE truth. Individual cherry-picked facts do not present the WHOLE truth.

You don't own the truth. Neither does the Left. Different people have different perspectives on many issues. Some distort it with dishonest partisan agendas.
The year I started voting, we had a crooked Democrat Governor, so I went with Lamar and Nixon. We all know how Nixon turned out, so I went with Carter, a smart guy, but couldn't get lucky in a two-bit whore house with a roll of quarters. Went with Ron, all bets were off. At any given time any of them can be equally Fkd up or seriously incompetent. I take it on an election by election basis. I look for people that will probably not FUBA the whole government, and we are likely to be able to survive, until we can vote them out, if given a better choice. The only politician that ever had my vote from the beginning of their career to the end was Lamar. Been lots of Republicans and Democrats along the way, and I have survived them all and thrived, and will continue to survive them all, and thrive to an extent to the end, but it won't be politics or economics that gets. It will be old age, and I will fight the good fight there, as long as possible, as I am still having a good time.
Generic terms like ‘someone better’….Who in their right mind would want to enter into this circus?

The one that tried came under withering attack, and to this day is under threat of total destruction….Worth it?
You're acting as if that one speech is the entire story, when you know quite well the actual story goes back to the campaign trail when he said "the only way I lose is if it's rigged", with zero (0) evidence. Then he and his minions pounded it on it constantly, relentlessly, every single day, up to that day. That's what got those people there in the FIRST place.

You left that part out, because it's contrary to your thesis.

So you're not being truthful. The WHOLE truth. Individual cherry-picked facts do not present the WHOLE truth.

You don't own the truth. Neither does the Left. Different people have different perspectives on many issues. Some distort it with dishonest partisan agendas.
You ought to know, hack.
The 'truth' is, partisans are tools for a one party system cloaked in the guise of choice

The system is broken , and they (the folks in power) want us to target each other, not them

You'll note this goes double for the insurrection , while BLM can burn down whatever it wants


Yes, you seem to recognize Trump was a direct threat to the Establishment which is why he is so doggedly targeted by them.

For better or worse, his flamboyant (eccentric?) personality and larger than life ego makes it much easier.

But the truth is the Corporate Media will do their utmost to avert the toppling of their apple cart. Fortunately for them they have a massive host of brainless minions who will parrot everything they're told/shown and question nothing - while not looking at what is actually happening. Instead they focus singularly on one man's ostensible "villainy".

A "Forest for the trees" analogy has never been so apt.
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Without sarcasm:

When was the last time any of you changed your mind concerning anything pertaining to Trump, or even just politics in general?

I am beginning to run into a brick wall on here where I realize none of you are interested in the truth, only playing for Team Blue.

Is this altogether surprising? Not remotely. But usually there are a few more reasonable ones in the bunch of any group. After a few months on this forum, I am not discovering that here in any capacity whatsoever.

Is the Right guilty of the same? Yes, of course, and perhaps more frequently than I would like to admit. But it still pales in comparison to the New Left.

Full disclosure for context: I used to be a Democrat up until March 2020, although I began drifting away during the Trump Presidency when I saw how insane my former Party became. How one man could drive them to abandon all the principles they supposedly believe in. Trump really lifted the veil from my eyes. Whatever you think of his personality - he definitively exposed the collusion between the corporate media, the intelligence agencies and the Democratic Party.

And then the riots and lockdowns came. And I saw tangible undeniable evidence that the very Party accusing the Right of authoritarianism were guilty of the very accusations they let fly. I could not, with all good conscience, continue to support them. Esp. when Trump began supporting things in both foreign and domestic policy that the Left once (apparently) pretended to believe in.

Do not believe in stupid wars? In 2008 you were a Democrat. Now you're a Republican.

Want to stop sending jobs overseas? In 2008 you were a Democrat, now you're a Republican.

Want higher wages for the middle class? Trump pulled it off, Obama failed.

I'm so tired of people just looking at D and R without acknowledging that they are simply labels, and political parties are fluid and inevitably always change.

I still hate Bush and Cheney. And I could swear the new MAGA Party (for the most part) now hates them more than the Democrats.

I didn't change, my Party did.

Fortunately the Republican party did as well.

OK, off the soapbox.
You summarized a number of obvious points or problems so well. . Thank you . I would like to give you more credit for your post, but as I said already, the situation is and should be obvious. . What good is posting here or having some level of “discourse” except to massage one’s own ego. --------------- I believe us so-called “educated” and “accomplished” Americans are in far greater danger of eternal judgments than any third world pagan or homeless bum on the street. . But no one wants to think about that too deeply. . ------- Anyway, thanks again for explaining why so many of us are inconsolable.
You're acting as if that one speech is the entire story, when you know quite well the actual story goes back to the campaign trail when he said "the only way I lose is if it's rigged", with zero (0) evidence.

It was rigged.

Had the NY Post story on Hunter Biden and the "Big Guy" not been censored, a significant percentage of the electorate would have voted for Trump or just stayed home - this is according to multiple polls from across the political spectrum.

But at the time a large contingency of our Intelligence agencies literally signed on to the concept that it was "Russian disinformation". After having pursued Trump and lost based on the grounds he was a Russian asset.

The system is corrupt to the core, and it is you who does not see the "whole truth".
What good is posting here or having some level of “discourse” except to massage one’s own ego. ---------------

I'd like to think, as with all message boards, there are undecided silent Normiez out there perusing this stuff.

That said, you have me pegged.

Catharsis born out of selfishness.

Doesn't make it any less true though. ;)
Without sarcasm:

When was the last time any of you changed your mind concerning anything pertaining to Trump, or even just politics in general?

I am beginning to run into a brick wall on here where I realize none of you are interested in the truth, only playing for Team Blue.

Is this altogether surprising? Not remotely. But usually there are a few more reasonable ones in the bunch of any group. After a few months on this forum, I am not discovering that here in any capacity whatsoever.

Is the Right guilty of the same? Yes, of course, and perhaps more frequently than I would like to admit. But it still pales in comparison to the New Left.

Full disclosure for context: I used to be a Democrat up until March 2020, although I began drifting away during the Trump Presidency when I saw how insane my former Party became. How one man could drive them to abandon all the principles they supposedly believe in. Trump really lifted the veil from my eyes. Whatever you think of his personality - he definitively exposed the collusion between the corporate media, the intelligence agencies and the Democratic Party.

And then the riots and lockdowns came. And I saw tangible undeniable evidence that the very Party accusing the Right of authoritarianism were guilty of the very accusations they let fly. I could not, with all good conscience, continue to support them. Esp. when Trump began supporting things in both foreign and domestic policy that the Left once (apparently) pretended to believe in.

Do not believe in stupid wars? In 2008 you were a Democrat. Now you're a Republican.

Want to stop sending jobs overseas? In 2008 you were a Democrat, now you're a Republican.

Want higher wages for the middle class? Trump pulled it off, Obama failed.

I'm so tired of people just looking at D and R without acknowledging that they are simply labels, and political parties are fluid and inevitably always change.

I still hate Bush and Cheney. And I could swear the new MAGA Party (for the most part) now hates them more than the Democrats.

I didn't change, my Party did.

Fortunately the Republican party did as well.

OK, off the soapbox.

The Republican Party has gone Full Retard.

The party of Reagan - the greatest President of my lifetime- has become the party of cults, craziness, coups and conspiracy theories.
It was rigged.

Had the NY Post story on Hunter Biden and the "Big Guy" not been censored, a significant percentage of the electorate would have voted for Trump or just stayed home - this is according to multiple polls from across the political spectrum.

But at the time a large contingency of our Intelligence agencies literally signed on to the concept that it was "Russian disinformation". After having pursued Trump and lost based on the grounds he was a Russian asset.

The system is corrupt to the core, and it is you who does not see the "whole truth".

Nobody outside of your snowflake media echo chamber gives a shit about Hunter Biden.
Nobody outside of your snowflake media echo chamber gives a shit about Hunter Biden.

And now you'll attack the source, even though your own Nate Silver ranks them highly.

And 'round and 'round we go.
The Republican Party has gone Full Retard.

The party of Reagan - the greatest President of my lifetime- has become the party of cults, craziness, coups and conspiracy theories.
I think it goes back to the Tea Party.
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I sympathized with the Tea Party.

Now they're QAnon.
Exactly. They had to one up themselves every day on their far right wing forums. They went from Obama not standing for the National anthem to Hillary running a child protitution ring out of a pizza place then seemed to go full QANON.
They are way past the shit stage. Trying to blackmail SOS and stealing classified documents is going to bury his ass.

Shouldn't they start with him being a Russian asset first?

After all, this originally became the narrative almost 6 years ago now. (May of 2017.....some would convincingly argue even before he became President.) What happened to that?

I mean, it's arguable that is an even more egregious fantasy...eerrr...crime than these new fantasies....errr...crimes that have been concocted.

It's almost as if they're just throwing everything at him but the kitchen sink, desperately hoping that something - anything - will eventually stick.

At least it would appear that way to a rational person.

One who stopped, took a deep breath, and considered things for but a moment - instead of trying to win a "gotcha" game.

But I understand there is a paucity of that sentiment in our present company.
The George Floyd Effect...no judge was going to order a recount due to fear of your beloved BLM.
You must have relished that fact.
I have been hearing this same stupid story since the early80s. Still no evidence of cheating. If I recall correctly President Trump started a committee to find all them illegal votes when Clinton beat him in the popular vote. But he could not find any, so you guys just started repeating the same old story. Still no evidence.

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