Zone1 A question for the USMB left.

I mean your side literally wants gay people ostracized from society and for the legal protections and benefits of marriage to be stripped from them. Your people have spent decades doing things like calling them child grooming pedophiles and applauding the AIDS epidemic. If you can't see how that can be interpreted as hatred then you're nuts.
Let me talk to the homosexuals. I am a Republican. So did I do things against homosexuals?

Actually they want Marriage. But they could not persuade the voters to hand them marriage. We handed them civil unions. My god, they were pissed. We did not knock their civil unions. We had court approvals. But they were pissed. We did not call them names. We voted to help them. They were pissed.

Seems they still are pissed. What could be more hateful than the diatribe above by Augustine?
Look kid, stop spewing RWNJ talking points for a minute and think about what you are saying.

Asylum seekers that are let into the country are not illegal. They have been granted at least temporary status. You know this yet you still mindlessly regurgitate the talking point.

And this is America.

The "melting pot", remember?

It's inscribed at the Statue of Liberty.

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

That's the real America baby. That's the country we are, the country I love.

Not this fascist nightmare you want us to become.

Let me work with you for a few moments.
So you do not believe in the laws currently on the books? And you think most of them get asylum?
News for you. Very small amounts get asylum. Proving you are wrong.
Look kid, stop spewing RWNJ talking points for a minute and think about what you are saying.

Asylum seekers that are let into the country are not illegal. They have been granted at least temporary status. You know this yet you still mindlessly regurgitate the talking point.

And this is America.

The "melting pot", remember?

It's inscribed at the Statue of Liberty.

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

That's the real America baby. That's the country we are, the country I love.

Not this fascist nightmare you want us to become.

The Statue of Liberty was created in France. If you love France, why do you live in the USA and why do you speak against the citizens of the USA?
You think it's only Alinskys who should come up with an alternative to the objects of their criticism?
No. What we need in America is an honest press. We lost it some years of our past. Reagan for one was vilified by the press all the time.
You think it's only Alinskys who should come up with an alternative to the objects of their criticism?
Let's try again. So I take it your attack is on the Saul Alinsky's?
Lol, figures a tRumpling wouldn't get sarcasm.

Robert replies
Sarcasm is another term for lying.
Sure, you don't hate gay people and a woman's right to choose, you just vote and behave as if you do :rolleyes:
Some homosexuals have gender dysphoria and women certainly do have the right to choose. Most choose life, some choose to kill life. It's not hate it's just the way things are. Just accept it and stop hating people who disagree with your fantasy alternate vision of life.

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