A question from a newbie

Well, I can see my jump from Hannity was a waste of time. I supported the election of Obama, and lately have been expressing my concerns; and all those that respected my posts tunred on me becuase I did not act like a left wing hack.

Yesterday was the last straw. I expressed my disdain for Reids comment on skin tone (not the use of the word Negro, just the reference to darkeness of skin) and the left pretty much shut me up for my opinion. Called me a traitor. Called me a liar. Despite over 3000 posts over 2 years with left leaning sentiments, many said I am a right winger posing as a left winger. All becuase I was offended by Reids skin tone comment.

I see it is no different here.

These boards are not for debating. They are for doing whatever one can do to be right.

Welcome to USMB, a refuge for Hannity refugees and negros of all colors.
The responses are too 'phunny'
Welcome to USMB Jarhead, where a thicker skin is required and some people are just 'funnin wit ya' when they stick that pitch fork in your 'arse' just to see if your alive, if you are, then they'll stick more pitchforks 'inya' to make sure. If you don't flinch most will leave ya alone.....unless their curious :lol::lol:

Yeah, you gotta lighten up, get your body armor on and jump in the pool. Everything is not personal...........well almost everything.......:lol: Okay I have squeezed enough BS outa this reply, now for a word from our sponsors..................
Well, I can see my jump from Hannity was a waste of time. I supported the election of Obama, and lately have been expressing my concerns; and all those that respected my posts tunred on me becuase I did not act like a left wing hack.

Yesterday was the last straw. I expressed my disdain for Reids comment on skin tone (not the use of the word Negro, just the reference to darkeness of skin) and the left pretty much shut me up for my opinion. Called me a traitor. Called me a liar. Despite over 3000 posts over 2 years with left leaning sentiments, many said I am a right winger posing as a left winger. All becuase I was offended by Reids skin tone comment.

I see it is no different here.

These boards are not for debating. They are for doing whatever one can do to be right.
Maybe, but at least you don't have to worry about thin skinned titty baby mods. :eusa_whistle:

BTW...Most of the worst of their left wing hacks are here now....If that makes you feel any better.

And to be fair, most of the right wing hacks too!
Well, I can see my jump from Hannity was a waste of time. I supported the election of Obama, and lately have been expressing my concerns; and all those that respected my posts tunred on me becuase I did not act like a left wing hack.

Yesterday was the last straw. I expressed my disdain for Reids comment on skin tone (not the use of the word Negro, just the reference to darkeness of skin) and the left pretty much shut me up for my opinion. Called me a traitor. Called me a liar. Despite over 3000 posts over 2 years with left leaning sentiments, many said I am a right winger posing as a left winger. All becuase I was offended by Reids skin tone comment.

I see it is no different here.

These boards are not for debating. They are for doing whatever one can do to be right.
Maybe, but at least you don't have to worry about thin skinned titty baby mods. :eusa_whistle:

BTW...Most of the worst of their left wing hacks are here now....If that makes you feel any better.

HEY!!!!!!!!:mad::talktothehand: :booze:
Well, I can see my jump from Hannity was a waste of time. I supported the election of Obama, and lately have been expressing my concerns; and all those that respected my posts tunred on me becuase I did not act like a left wing hack.

Yesterday was the last straw. I expressed my disdain for Reids comment on skin tone (not the use of the word Negro, just the reference to darkeness of skin) and the left pretty much shut me up for my opinion. Called me a traitor. Called me a liar. Despite over 3000 posts over 2 years with left leaning sentiments, many said I am a right winger posing as a left winger. All becuase I was offended by Reids skin tone comment.

I see it is no different here.

These boards are not for debating. They are for doing whatever one can do to be right.

Well, I can see my jump from Hannity was a waste of time. I supported the election of Obama, and lately have been expressing my concerns; and all those that respected my posts tunred on me becuase I did not act like a left wing hack.

Yesterday was the last straw. I expressed my disdain for Reids comment on skin tone (not the use of the word Negro, just the reference to darkeness of skin) and the left pretty much shut me up for my opinion. Called me a traitor. Called me a liar. Despite over 3000 posts over 2 years with left leaning sentiments, many said I am a right winger posing as a left winger. All becuase I was offended by Reids skin tone comment.

I see it is no different here.

These boards are not for debating. They are for doing whatever one can do to be right.

Welcome to USMB, a refuge for Hannity refugees and negros of all colors.

Shouldn't that be 'negros of all shades'?
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Hey Folks. New from the Hannity boards. Is there a way to edit the layout so the most recent post is first in the thread like on the Hannity boards?

If you go to the last page in the thread it shows the most recent post.

Or, click on 'New Posts' link at the top (on the red bar) and that will bring up well, new posts. If you see a thread you want to read but want the most recent post, click on the little red arrow that is next to the username under the 'last post' column and it will take you to the last post.

Or, as Gunny said, go to 'User CP' and do the same as the above suggestions for threads you are already in.

That's as good as it's going to get but it works.

Oh, and hey . . . . welcome! :)
Geez, some of these guys really know how to make a guy feel welcome, huh?

It was a reasonable question, Jarhead, but no, this board is formatted differently, there's no way to reverse the order, and you get used to it pretty quick. Visiting Hannity's board is just as irritating for us who prefer to read the thread as it develops. It's all in what you're used to.

And welcome to USMB. Stick around. We aren't all jerks, even funny ones.
Hey Folks. New from the Hannity boards. Is there a way to edit the layout so the most recent post is first in the thread like on the Hannity boards?

This forum doesn't have that capability....at least not yet. I had mine set up that way on another but I haven't found a way to do that here.
Hey Folks. New from the Hannity boards. Is there a way to edit the layout so the most recent post is first in the thread like on the Hannity boards?

Does this look like fukken Hannity around here? WHERE does it say retarded neocon rightwingnut forum on this board?

Go to top lefthand corner of your screen where it says userCP. If it alows you to , you're there. If not, it's maggies drawers at the 5, devil dog. :eusa_eh:

The Marines let you keep your rightwingnut? Dayam, Gunnyfuck! :eek: :D

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