A Question That Must Be Asked: Did Hermain Cain Ever Benefit From Affirmative Action?

I've talked to leftist, so I understand what they wish for and went. Yet the best you can do is call me a idiot. haha. I live in a place that votes 80 percent for democrats every election.

I understand what the far left is...:eusa_whistle:
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I've talked to leftist, so I understand what they wish for and went. Yet the best you can do is call me a idiot. haha. I live in a place that votes 80 percent for democrats every election.

I understand what the far left is...:eusa_whistle:

you understand nothing. in fact, you're really clueless. :cuckoo:
I've talked to leftist, so I understand what they wish for and went. Yet the best you can do is call me a idiot. haha. I live in a place that votes 80 percent for democrats every election.

I understand what the far left is...:eusa_whistle:

you understand nothing. in fact, you're really clueless. :cuckoo:

This is one tool used very well by the left -understand this my friends on the right...:lol: I understand you hate me and if you had real power you would have me killed, but that's why I fight you. :eek:
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There's nothing wrong with a person being hired on their merits as they relate to a job. It's wrong to hire a person based on quota over a person who is qualified but doesn't fall within the confines of the quota.

what if they're equally qualified? I don't know the answer, btw. I have very mixed feelings on this subject.

That's a tough one, jillian. I don't know what to tell you.

Tell her that it still shouldn't matter whether a person is black or white. They may be equally qualified but one or the other might be a better fit based on personality or attitude or sense of humor or personal vision. The doors for minorities and women are wide open now and it is up to them to qualify themseles and make themselves employable. The war has been won. Let's stop fighting it and stop making an issue of race or whatever so that racism becomes an uncommon thing instead of being constantly in our faces.
As for the "A Question That Must Be Asked," it is worthwhile to note the present avatar of USAR.

So, no. That "question" not only need not be asked, it is kind of fucking stupid.

I am offended by USAR's avatar and his opening post.

But there is a valid question in there and the answer is what if he did benefit from Affirmative Action? Desegregation was still going on at the time Cain graduated HS (1963) and entered college the same year. He went directly from college to his job with the Navy and no, affirmative action would not have been a factor in that job. It is possible affirmative action played a part with his first purely civilian job with Coca Cola but he apparently accomplished himself there and certainly earned every post he received after that on merit.

Cain has had his disappointments--he would be a really dangerous man if he had not had disappointments--and his successes are impressive. Nobody accomplishes what he has accomplished without having the skills, intelligence, and chutzpah necessary to accomplish it.

there is no "valid" question there.

almost everyone has a lift up somewhere along the line... whether it's because someone likes you and gives you an opportunity or because a university had to accept a certain number of people from a particular geographic region or of a particular race.

the only thing that would make it valid to question as to whether cain benefitted from affirmative action is his abject hatred of it. because then it makes him a hypocrite.

but the o/p didn't post this thread to raise any valid questions. he's just a loser racist.

No, it only makes him a hypocrite if he actively sought to use it. As I said, he can't really help what other people think or do.
there is no "valid" question there except for racists.

almost everyone has a lift up somewhere along the line... whether it's because someone likes you and gives you an opportunity or because a university had to accept a certain number of people from a particular geographic region or of a particular race.

There's nothing wrong with a person being hired on their merits as they relate to a job. It's wrong to hire a person based on quota over a person who is qualified but doesn't fall within the confines of the quota.

what if they're equally qualified? I don't know the answer, btw. I have very mixed feelings on this subject.

If they're equally qualified, then I can't really blame an employer for making the decision on the basis of keeping the EEOC off his back, although I would blame him for making his decision based on personal feelings about race either way. However, I think ideally he should make the decision on some other basis entirely, and race shouldn't be made a factor at all.
It is a question that we Americans, especially white Americans who work and pay taxes need to know. We have seen what the catastrophic results of a black man who benefited from affirmative action has done to America. It is the most needed question that needs to be answered. The question was never directly asked to Obama by the jewish dominated media if he benefited from affirmative action but as we all now know, he was. Obama's rise was a direct result of it and with the help of the media not vetting his true past, especially his credentials like grades and how he got into college. The same needs to be done with Cain. You have to ask yourself this, does anyone else think the rise in support for Herman cain seems a bit fabricated? The relentless media attention and poll changes makes it seem like something is trying to place Cain at the top or near the top. The way I see this, Cain will try and "out-Black" Obama, and if they do pick him then the whole election is going to be about race. The Obama camp will call Cain an "Uncle Tom" and question his "Black" credentials because he's a rich CEO (Was it by affirmative action?). Then the Cain camp might fire back by bringing up the fact that Obama's an affirmative action beach boy from Hawaii. The whole election will come down to "Our guy is Blacker than your guy!"

A hypothetical match-up between Cain and Obama would be the biggest American debacle of all time with white Americans caught in the crosshairs of black violence, and if it happens then these Repub voters will be to blame for not wanting Palin as their president who never benefited from affirmative action with credentials running a government far greater than Cains and Obama's. Watch these polls Americans, the jews are manipulating them. For example, the jewish dominated MSM on TV always ask for opinions and show what they want. They could have asked 100 people about illegal immigration in which 90%+ say they need to clamp down. They'll show you 4 to 6 clips of people in which looks like 50/50 on the news just to numb the mass. Nice and balanced art of propaganda. Again remember, Cain recently was way behind in the polls until he declared himself a huge supporter of the Zionist bandit state named Israel, then he shot to the top.

My fellow tax paying working Americans and retirees, you are witnessing affirmative action happen before your eyes with Cain but the question that remains, did he benefit from it in the past? We need to know because I believe he did and even if he didn't, a black man has proven that they are incapable of running a country as factual history has proven. Even though Cain is a republican, a "DARK CLOUD" with remain over America if he is elected president.......just as it has with Obama. He will always side with his brothers over whites in any crisis. Cain is not the answer to America.

Affirmative action - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think I finally know who you are.

It's taken me years to do this. But I think I finally have got you. You bastard. Always trying to play whitey cracker versus black.

You bastard. I've got you.
I've talked to leftist, so I understand what they wish for and went. Yet the best you can do is call me a idiot. haha. I live in a place that votes 80 percent for democrats every election.

I understand what the far left is...:eusa_whistle:

okeydokey I am betting detroit city.

but I am completely shit faced so second choice is buffalo new york.
Blacks making a mockery of their history in America.

All to dramatize. Anyone getting this?
what if they're equally qualified? I don't know the answer, btw. I have very mixed feelings on this subject.

That's a tough one, jillian. I don't know what to tell you.

Tell her that it still shouldn't matter whether a person is black or white. They may be equally qualified but one or the other might be a better fit based on personality or attitude or sense of humor or personal vision. The doors for minorities and women are wide open now and it is up to them to qualify themseles and make themselves employable. The war has been won. Let's stop fighting it and stop making an issue of race or whatever so that racism becomes an uncommon thing instead of being constantly in our faces.

Sadly we can't.

I went to a most wonderous Thanksgiving dinner at my buddy's house. Black pastor out of Murfreesboro. You can only love and forgive your buddy when he tells you you will have just a blast of a time in Germantown and with the ooom pah pah bands from Alabama.

I'd never seen the like. Black dudes in leiderhosen. Aye carumba!!!!!!

And then you try to walk out of there. Frankly, I never felt so white before:lol: Actually I never knew how white I was.

I digress.

It was the best thanksgiving ever when Freddies grand kid just grabbed my arm and looked at me and said I've never ever touched a white person before.

It was such a special moment. But here I am in the 90s again.
I have no idea.

AA only helps workers get to a certain level. There is no quota for the CEO level.

There is for law students.
I agree that Affirmative Action needs to go on the shelf. We fought and won the war to 'free the slaves'. We fought and won the war to end segregation. We fought and won the war to break down the last big barriers to full integration.

Now we need to stop fighting the war and start encouraging everybody to take advantage of the victories. Otherwise the question "Did he or she get her job on merit or because of affirmative action' will be hanging like a big ominous cloud over the heads of all those who could otherwise benefit from the victories.

It's long past time for people to stop giving a rat's ass about race and ethnicity, anyway.
Many of us have. We see who it is that keeps it alive...and they're brazen about it.
I have no idea.

AA only helps workers get to a certain level. There is no quota for the CEO level.

There is for law students.

but not for law review... you have to be top 10% of your class to get that.

Unfortunately, that's not exactly accurate.

One of the reasons that some racist can take cheap shots at men like President Obama is because the "standards" got modified not just by Affirmative Action itself, as a program, but by other similar forms of political correctness.

Back in 1990, when law student Barack Obama got elected to the presidency of the Harvard Law Review, the standards HAD been changed. Well, at least according to an article then published in The New York Times:

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Change in Selection System

Mr. Obama was elected after a meeting of the review's 80 editors that convened Sunday and lasted until early this morning, a participant said.

Until the 1970's the editors were picked on the basis of grades, and the president of the Law Review was the student with the highest academic rank. Among these were Elliot L. Richardson, the former Attorney General, and Irwin Griswold, a dean of the Harvard Law School and Solicitor General under Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard M. Nixon.

That system came under attack in the 1970's and was replaced by a program in which about half the editors are chosen for their grades and the other half are chosen by fellow students after a special writing competition. The new system, disputed when it began, was meant to help insure that minority students became editors of The Law Review.

First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review - Page 2 - New York Times

Since our incumbent President has never released his college or law school transcripts, we, the American Electorate, simply cannot say whether or not he got the Law Review gig by virtue of his (maybe) high achievement in academics (good grades) or by virtue of superior writing. We might have a hint by looking at some Law Review article he wrote, but ... no. No such document is available, either.
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I have no idea.

AA only helps workers get to a certain level. There is no quota for the CEO level.

There is for law students.

but not for law review... you have to be top 10% of your class to get that.

Unfortunately, that's not exactly accurate.

One of the reasons that some racist can take cheap shots at men like President Obama is because the "standards" got modified not just by Affirmative Action itself, as a program, but by other similar forms of political correctness.

Back in 1990, when law student Barack Obama got elected to the presidency of the Harvard Law Review, the standards HAD been changed. Well, at least according to an article then published in The New York Times:

* * * *

Change in Selection System

Mr. Obama was elected after a meeting of the review's 80 editors that convened Sunday and lasted until early this morning, a participant said.

Until the 1970's the editors were picked on the basis of grades, and the president of the Law Review was the student with the highest academic rank. Among these were Elliot L. Richardson, the former Attorney General, and Irwin Griswold, a dean of the Harvard Law School and Solicitor General under Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard M. Nixon.

That system came under attack in the 1970's and was replaced by a program in which about half the editors are chosen for their grades and the other half are chosen by fellow students after a special writing competition. The new system, disputed when it began, was meant to help insure that minority students became editors of The Law Review.

First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review - Page 2 - New York Times

Since our incumbent President has never released his college or law school transcripts, we, the American Electorate, simply cannot say whether or not he got the Law Review gig by virtue of his (maybe) high achievement in academics (good grades) or by virtue of superior writing. We might have a hint by looking at some Law Review article he wrote, but ... no. No such document is available, either.

Good catch Liability. This is one of the things I most hate about affirmative action. Instead of encouraging minority students to up their game, improve their performance, and excel in whatever endeavor they engage in, Affirmative Action lowers the standards so that sub par people of a certain demographics can qualify for whatever. Instead of promoting excellence, we lower expectations. The way I see it, this only confirms the mindset that minorities are incapable of achievement unless 'Whitey' helps them out. To me it is insulting and demeaning and we should stop it.

Even with President Obama you see the question in people's minds. Was he chosen President of the Law Review because he earned it? Or because he was black? The fact that he hides all his academic record strongly suggests the latter. And that is a sad thing.
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Affirmative Action was necessary, and expedient. White folks are still belly aching about it. We still need employment equity.
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In 1961 President Kennedy issued an executive order mandating that beneficiaries of federal monies "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin". It was a bold call to arms for the American government to walk the walk of desegregation. It wasn't until after the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964 that Lyndon Johnson expanded the mission of affirmative action: "You do not wipe away the scars of centuries by saying: 'now, you are free to go where you want, do as you desire, and choose the leaders you please.' You do not take a man who for years has been hobbled by chains, liberate him, bring him to the starting line of a race, saying, 'you are free to compete with all the others,' and still justly believe you have been completely fair…This is the next and more profound stage of the battle for civil rights. We seek not just freedom but opportunity—not just legal equity but human ability—not just equality as a right and a theory, but equality as a fact and as a result."
Affirmative Action was necessary, and expedient. White folks are still belly aching about it.

I believe I already suggested that there is a fair claim to be made that Affirmative Action was created to address a wrong. Specifically, it was implemented in the hope that we could (as an entire society) somehow offset the present day effects of past discrimination.

Logically, of course, to even state that as a premise or justification for a program that is, necessarily, race conscious, we HAD to believe that it would lead to its own eventual termination as a program because once we sufficiently eradicate the present day effects of past discrimination, it would be mere discrimination to permit it to continue.

Two problems. One: the program wasn't all that well thought out and in many important respects could never work as hoped. Wishful thinking is frequently a piss poor basis for such social engineering legislation. Who knew?

Two: nowadays, anybody who talks about the prospective termination of Affirmative Action is immediately labeled a "racist."

But all that aside, your contribution is really kind of beside the point, anyway.

It is not just white folks who "bellyache" about AA. And complaining about legislation that has proven itself to be largely unworkable and unwise is not mere "bellyaching," anyway.

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