A question to liberals who say Obama didn't create the ISIS

You make up facts, it's been proven over and over, time after time. That is why you are partisan whackadoodle.

No, you ignore facts you don't like.

LIke people were really pissed off about the Iraq War by 2008.


But your argument seems to be "McCain didn't lose because Bush fucked up the war, he lost because Bush fucked up the economy!!!"

This is an argument to you?

I kind of feel bad for McCain. He was left holding the bag of shit Bush left him. But it was a bag of shit he willingly picked up.

People being pissed off at a war don't mean shit unless your bid is to win the white house and Damn if you make a cluster fuck of the middle east.

Obama is guilty as charged on both accounts.
Again no one have a news story on ISIS pre 2014?

I am waiting

Again I Will change my aviator if someone can find one
Been posting all kinds of info on it adding an S or an L to the end of the name to label their location doesn't change the group.

News story pal, rag tag outfits only 30 to 100 strong with some obscure rebel name don't cut it..

That only die hard military researchers know don't cut it.

Its when they branch off on their own and recruit 1,000s of other rebels from different fighting groups is when they make the big times.

They didn't do shit pre 2014. Except fight along side Al Qaeda and others, that's why you see their puss poor ass rebel group ISIL last on this list.

List of armed groups in the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Syrian opposition
To make an oobscure claim that everyone New ISIS was around and a threat pre 2014 is preposterous when you had these many rebel groups is just propaganda and trying to rewrite history.

Again who did obama call JV January 2014?

Al Qeada


He called ISIS the JV team, a mischaracterization and a failed attempt to not give a group of thugs a golden platform to help them recruit and advance their cause. The Right didn't seem to get that and they pounded it into the news cycle giving ISIS more credit than they deserve. It's kind of crazy that y'all don't get it. It's like this whole Iran ransom situation... You all are so hell bent on winning an election and demonizing Obama that you actually spin this thing and spew it all over the airwaves that the US pays ransom which In Turn endangers the lives of all Americans. Well done you geniuses!
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You make up facts, it's been proven over and over, time after time. That is why you are partisan whackadoodle.

No, you ignore facts you don't like.

LIke people were really pissed off about the Iraq War by 2008.


But your argument seems to be "McCain didn't lose because Bush fucked up the war, he lost because Bush fucked up the economy!!!"

This is an argument to you?

I kind of feel bad for McCain. He was left holding the bag of shit Bush left him. But it was a bag of shit he willingly picked up.

Nothing changes the fact you are a whackadoodle. You lie and distort and make up facts to fit your partisan BS. You are a whackadoodle and not an entertaining whackadoodle at that.
People being pissed off at a war don't mean shit unless your bid is to win the white house and Damn if you make a cluster fuck of the middle east.

Obama is guilty as charged on both accounts.

The Middle East was a clusterfuck before Obama got there.

Not seeing why we need to send American boys off to die because we can't admit Bush made a mistake.
Nothing changes the fact you are a whackadoodle. You lie and distort and make up facts to fit your partisan BS. You are a whackadoodle and not an entertaining whackadoodle at that.

Your cowardly concession is duly noted. I'm sorry you can't man up and admit you were wrong after being shown numerous graphs proving you were wrong, but I'm not surprised, really.

You make this too fucking easy, sometimes.
People being pissed off at a war don't mean shit unless your bid is to win the white house and Damn if you make a cluster fuck of the middle east.

Obama is guilty as charged on both accounts.

The Middle East was a clusterfuck before Obama got there.

Not seeing why we need to send American boys off to die because we can't admit Bush made a mistake.

Obama didn't "got" there Joe. His job was to stabilize Iraq after Bush Jr war.

Just like Truman stabilized Germany and Japan after FDR's war.

Just like Eisenhower stabilized Truman's war in Korea.

The presidents kept troops in.

Just like obama stabilized Bush Jr war in Afghanistan he kept troops in to prevent the Taliban from going wild.

But obama wanted the white house in 2012 and Damn if he cared what happened to Iraq.
This is kind of a massive list of military personnel fired and purged under obama..

List Of Military Elite Purged
And Fired Under Obama

Compiled By General Paul Vallely

Here is the list of our military elite who have been purged or fired under Obama:
Commanding Generals fired:

· General John R. Allen-U.S. Marines Commander International Security Assistance Force [ISAF] (Nov 2012)
· Major General Ralph Baker (2 Star)-U.S. Army Commander of the Combined Joint Task Force Horn in Africa (April 2013)
· Major General Michael Carey (2 Star)-U.S. Air Force Commander of the 20th US Air Force in charge of 9,600 people and 450 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (Oct 2013)
· Colonel James Christmas-U.S. Marines Commander 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit & Commander Special-Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force Crisis Response Unit (July 2013)
· Major General Peter Fuller-U.S. Army Commander in Afghanistan (May 2011)
· Major General Charles M.M. Gurganus-U.S. Marine Corps Regional Commander of SW and I Marine Expeditionary Force in Afghanistan (Oct 2013)
· General Carter F. Ham-U.S. Army African Command (Oct 2013)
· Lieutenant General David H. Huntoon (3 Star), Jr.-U.S. Army 58th Superintendent of the US Military Academy at West Point, NY (2013)
· Command Sergeant Major Don B Jordan-U.S. Army 143rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command (suspended Oct 2013)
· General James Mattis-U.S. Marines Chief of CentCom (May 2013)
· Colonel Daren Margolin-U.S. Marine in charge of Quantico's Security Battalion (Oct 2013)
· General Stanley McChrystal-U.S. Army Commander Afghanistan (June 2010)
· General David D. McKiernan-U.S. Army Commander Afghanistan (2009)
· General David Petraeus-Director of CIA from September 2011 to November 2012 & U.S. Army Commander International Security Assistance Force [ISAF] and Commander U.S. Forces Afghanistan [USFOR-A] (Nov 2012)
· Brigadier General Bryan Roberts-U.S. Army Commander 2nd Brigade (May 2013)
· Major General Gregg A. Sturdevant-U.S. Marine Corps Director of Strategic Planning and Policy for the U.S. Pacific Command & Commander of Aviation Wing at Camp Bastion, Afghanistan (Sept 2013)
· Colonel Eric Tilley-U.S. Army Commander of Garrison Japan (Nov 2013)
· Brigadier General Bryan Wampler-U.S. Army Commanding General of 143rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command of the 1st Theater Sustainment Command [TSC] (suspended Oct 2013)

Commanding Admirals fired:
· Rear Admiral Charles Gaouette-U.S. Navy Commander John C. Stennis Carrier Strike Group Three (Oct 2012)
· Vice Admiral Tim Giardina(3 Star, demoted to 2 Star)-U.S. Navy Deputy Commander of the US Strategic Command, Commander of the Submarine Group Trident, Submarine Group 9 and Submarine Group 10 (Oct 2013)

Naval Officers fired: (All in 2011)
· Captain David Geisler-U.S. Navy Commander Task Force 53 in Bahrain (Oct 2011)
· Commander Laredo Bell-U.S. Navy Commander Naval Support Activity Saratoga Springs, NY (Aug 2011)

List Of Military Elite Purged And Fired Under Obama
Inquring minds want to know...

It is NOT "inquiring minds" that want to know.....it is more half-brained, desperate right wingers who need to be educated.

ISIS was founded the day that the Bush administration pretty much pushed for Malaki's Shia government to take over Iraq, disbanding the Sunni military apparatus......leaving thousands of Sunni officers and troops, unemployed and disenfranchised.

You may not want to believe this and, of course, smaller right wing minds will respond with, "stop blaming GWB".....but the reality is what it is.....Find something else to bitch about and smarter conservatives well know that the Trumpster is dead wrong about his moronic claim that Obama and Clinton "founded" ISIS.
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Inquring minds want to know...

It is NOT "inquiring minds" that want to know.....it is more half-brained, desperate right wingers who need to be educated.

ISIS was founded the day that the Bush administration pretty much pushed for Malaki's Shia government to take over Iraq, disbanding the Sunni military apparatus......leaving thousands of Sunni officers and troops, unemployed and disenfranchised.

You may not want to believe this and, of course, smaller right wing minds will respond with, :stop blaming GWB".....but the reality is what it is.....Find something else to bitch about and smarter conservatives well know that the Trumpster is dead wrong about his moronic claim that Obama and Clinton "founded" ISIS.

Still can't figure out ISIS was a rag tag outfit under al Qeada can you during the Syria civil war?


List of armed groups in the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Syrian opposition
Inquring minds want to know...

It is NOT "inquiring minds" that want to know.....it is more half-brained, desperate right wingers who need to be educated.

ISIS was founded the day that the Bush administration pretty much pushed for Malaki's Shia government to take over Iraq, disbanding the Sunni military apparatus......leaving thousands of Sunni officers and troops, unemployed and disenfranchised.

You may not want to believe this and, of course, smaller right wing minds will respond with, :stop blaming GWB".....but the reality is what it is.....Find something else to bitch about and smarter conservatives well know that the Trumpster is dead wrong about his moronic claim that Obama and Clinton "founded" ISIS.

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


I sincerely encourage ALL right wingers to run Trump's campaign on this type of stupid crap about Obama "founding" ISIS.....I mean it has proven to be such a "winning strategy" that what could possibly go wrong?
Nothing changes the fact you are a whackadoodle. You lie and distort and make up facts to fit your partisan BS. You are a whackadoodle and not an entertaining whackadoodle at that.

Your cowardly concession is duly noted. I'm sorry you can't man up and admit you were wrong after being shown numerous graphs proving you were wrong, but I'm not surprised, really.

You make this too fucking easy, sometimes.

Yep, you got nothing. Lol! Maybe you can get some more of your whackadoodle friends to help you out.
I sincerely encourage ALL right wingers to run Trump's campaign on this type of stupid crap about Obama "founding" ISIS.....I mean it has proven to be such a "winning strategy" that what could possibly go wrong?

gnat , don't blame us because you motherfuckers can not handle the truth.

I sincerely encourage ALL right wingers to run Trump's campaign on this type of stupid crap about Obama "founding" ISIS.....I mean it has proven to be such a "winning strategy" that what could possibly go wrong?

What did you prove?

Except a rag tag rebel group of a few men waved the ISIS flag a bit? And exploded in Iraq when obama and McCain sent them arms in syria?

Remind me again how powerful the Taliban is in Afghanistan since obama kept troops in.

You can't see the difference can you?

Remember Those ‘Moderate’ Syrian Rebels That The U.S. Armed? ISIS Got Some Of Those Weapons Too

As the Syrian Civil War has waged on over the past few years, the United States, along with Arab states such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar, decided to arm the Syrian rebels under the “Free Syrian Army” umbrella.

The shipments of former Yugoslavian Army weapons held by the Croatians, along with newly manufactured Croatian weapons,began in November 2012, according to The Telegraph UK. The weapons were flown out of Croatia on chartered flights to Jordan and then smuggled into Syria.

Fast forward to the rise of ISIS and their blitzkreig campaign across northern Iraq. An investigation by the arms control organization Conflict Armament Research has found that various U.S. supplied weapons have wound up in the hands of ISIS.

AFP reports:

The study by the London-based small-arms research organisation Conflict Armament Research documented weapons seized by Kurdish forces from militants in Iraq and Syria over a 10-day period in July.

The report said the jihadists disposed of “significant quantities” of US-made small arms including M16 assault rifles and included photos showing the markings “Property of US Govt”.

It also found that anti-tank rockets used by IS in Syria were “identical to M79 rockets transferred by Saudi Arabia to forces operating under the Free Syrian Army umbrella in 2013”.

The U.S.-made small arm in question is the M16A4 assault rifle. It is the main service rifle of the U.S. Marine Corps and sees limited use in the U.S. Army. More importantly, thousands of them were supplied to the Iraqi Army. The source of ISIS’s M16s, along with other U.S. made weapons, is likely captured Iraqi Army stocks.

As for the M79s, they were part of the arms shipments from Croatia that were meant for the Free Syrian Army. The weapons were either captured, or acquired by former FSA fighters as they joined ISIS.

I sincerely encourage ALL right wingers to run Trump's campaign on this type of stupid crap about Obama "founding" ISIS.....I mean it has proven to be such a "winning strategy" that what could possibly go wrong?

What did you prove?

Except a rag tag rebel group of a few men waved the ISIS flag a bit? And exploded in Iraq when obama and McCain sent them arms in syria?

Remind me again how powerful the Taliban is in Afghanistan since obama kept troops in.

You can't see the difference can you?

Remember Those ‘Moderate’ Syrian Rebels That The U.S. Armed? ISIS Got Some Of Those Weapons Too

As the Syrian Civil War has waged on over the past few years, the United States, along with Arab states such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar, decided to arm the Syrian rebels under the “Free Syrian Army” umbrella.

The shipments of former Yugoslavian Army weapons held by the Croatians, along with newly manufactured Croatian weapons,began in November 2012, according to The Telegraph UK. The weapons were flown out of Croatia on chartered flights to Jordan and then smuggled into Syria.

Fast forward to the rise of ISIS and their blitzkreig campaign across northern Iraq. An investigation by the arms control organization Conflict Armament Research has found that various U.S. supplied weapons have wound up in the hands of ISIS.

AFP reports:

The study by the London-based small-arms research organisation Conflict Armament Research documented weapons seized by Kurdish forces from militants in Iraq and Syria over a 10-day period in July.

The report said the jihadists disposed of “significant quantities” of US-made small arms including M16 assault rifles and included photos showing the markings “Property of US Govt”.

It also found that anti-tank rockets used by IS in Syria were “identical to M79 rockets transferred by Saudi Arabia to forces operating under the Free Syrian Army umbrella in 2013”.

The U.S.-made small arm in question is the M16A4 assault rifle. It is the main service rifle of the U.S. Marine Corps and sees limited use in the U.S. Army. More importantly, thousands of them were supplied to the Iraqi Army. The source of ISIS’s M16s, along with other U.S. made weapons, is likely captured Iraqi Army stocks.

As for the M79s, they were part of the arms shipments from Croatia that were meant for the Free Syrian Army. The weapons were either captured, or acquired by former FSA fighters as they joined ISIS.

There is NO civil war in Syria

Israel wants to destabilize Syria

1- it wants to permanently retain the Golan Heights
2- It wants to attack Iran and it does not want Syria or Hezbollah to retaliate

2- Saudi Arabia wants to remove Assad and install a Sunni puppet

the US CIA

wants to help US' allies , what Bibi and Saudi Arabia want the Obama administration wants to give


What did you prove?

Except a rag tag rebel group of a few men waved the ISIS flag a bit? And exploded in Iraq when obama and McCain sent them arms in syria?

Remind me again how powerful the Taliban is in Afghanistan since obama kept troops in.

You can't see the difference can you?

You morons just can't seem to get through your head the simplest of truths because it does NOT comply with your rather sick, "I hate Obama" agenda......

  • Bush negotiated a pull out of ALL troops for 2011
  • The [supposedly] duly elected Malaki government in Iraq demanded that the agreement be honored and all troops be out by 2011
  • Malaki...as a Shia.....purged from the Iraqi army virtually all Sunni officers and troops
  • Those now unemployed and disenfranchised Sunnis having no other recourse, founded ISIS (probably with the help of Saudi Arabia and maybe even Israel who sees any stronger Shia government siding with Shia Iran as a major threat.)

Now, Obama had the choice of making OUR troops from so-called Iraq "liberators" to OCCUPIERS against Iraq's own will.,,He chose, wisely, to honor the agreement to pull out and probably saved hundreds and hundreds of US troops' lives.

But, as I previously stated....keep on harping like Trump that Obama "founded ISIS" and you'll surely just convince all your fellow Obama haters.....a waste of time.
What did you prove?

Except a rag tag rebel group of a few men waved the ISIS flag a bit? And exploded in Iraq when obama and McCain sent them arms in syria?

Remind me again how powerful the Taliban is in Afghanistan since obama kept troops in.

You can't see the difference can you?

You morons just can't seem to get through your head the simplest of truths because it does NOT comply with your rather sick, "I hate Obama" agenda......

  • Bush negotiated a pull out of ALL troops for 2011
  • The [supposedly] duly elected Malaki government in Iraq demanded that the agreement be honored and all troops be out by 2011
  • Malaki...as a Shia.....purged from the Iraqi army virtually all Sunni officers and troops
  • Those now unemployed and disenfranchised Sunnis having no other recourse, founded ISIS (probably with the help of Saudi Arabia and maybe even Israel who sees any stronger Shia government siding with Shia Iran as a major threat.)

Now, Obama had the choice of making OUR troops from so-called Iraq "liberators" to OCCUPIERS against Iraq's own will.,,He chose, wisely, to honor the agreement to pull out and probably saved hundreds and hundreds of US troops' lives.

But, as I previously stated....keep on harping like Trump that Obama "founded ISIS" and you'll surely just convince all your fellow Obama haters.....a waste of time.

Ignore history much?

Again obama put troops in before a New agreement was reached...

And Again we had troops back in Iraq with out a vote by the Iraq parliament

What Happened to Immunity for U.S. Troops in Iraq?

Only now, nearly six months into the gradual escalation of the renewed ground forces commitment to Iraq, there does not appear to be any such immunity protections. There is an interim immunity agreement covered only by an exchange of diplomatic notes dating from June 2014 when Obama ordered the first escalation of 300 U.S. boots on the ground. But as far as we can determine, there has been no Iraqi parliamentary vote ratifying that immunity protection. Instead, even as the U.S. ground presence has ballooned by an order of magnitude, the immunity protections appear to be only covered by the exchange of diplomatic notes.

What did you prove?

Except a rag tag rebel group of a few men waved the ISIS flag a bit? And exploded in Iraq when obama and McCain sent them arms in syria?

Remind me again how powerful the Taliban is in Afghanistan since obama kept troops in.

You can't see the difference can you?

You morons just can't seem to get through your head the simplest of truths because it does NOT comply with your rather sick, "I hate Obama" agenda......

  • Bush negotiated a pull out of ALL troops for 2011
  • The [supposedly] duly elected Malaki government in Iraq demanded that the agreement be honored and all troops be out by 2011
  • Malaki...as a Shia.....purged from the Iraqi army virtually all Sunni officers and troops
  • Those now unemployed and disenfranchised Sunnis having no other recourse, founded ISIS (probably with the help of Saudi Arabia and maybe even Israel who sees any stronger Shia government siding with Shia Iran as a major threat.)

Now, Obama had the choice of making OUR troops from so-called Iraq "liberators" to OCCUPIERS against Iraq's own will.,,He chose, wisely, to honor the agreement to pull out and probably saved hundreds and hundreds of US troops' lives.

But, as I previously stated....keep on harping like Trump that Obama "founded ISIS" and you'll surely just convince all your fellow Obama haters.....a waste of time.

Btw moron who would enforce the non agreement?

Your favorite guys in the little blue uniforms and tin foil hats?

Ya know the guys who arrested and hanged Bush Jr on war crimes a few years ago?
What did you prove?

Except a rag tag rebel group of a few men waved the ISIS flag a bit? And exploded in Iraq when obama and McCain sent them arms in syria?

Remind me again how powerful the Taliban is in Afghanistan since obama kept troops in.

You can't see the difference can you?

You morons just can't seem to get through your head the simplest of truths because it does NOT comply with your rather sick, "I hate Obama" agenda......

  • Bush negotiated a pull out of ALL troops for 2011
  • The [supposedly] duly elected Malaki government in Iraq demanded that the agreement be honored and all troops be out by 2011
  • Malaki...as a Shia.....purged from the Iraqi army virtually all Sunni officers and troops
  • Those now unemployed and disenfranchised Sunnis having no other recourse, founded ISIS (probably with the help of Saudi Arabia and maybe even Israel who sees any stronger Shia government siding with Shia Iran as a major threat.)

Now, Obama had the choice of making OUR troops from so-called Iraq "liberators" to OCCUPIERS against Iraq's own will.,,He chose, wisely, to honor the agreement to pull out and probably saved hundreds and hundreds of US troops' lives.

But, as I previously stated....keep on harping like Trump that Obama "founded ISIS" and you'll surely just convince all your fellow Obama haters.....a waste of time.

Ignore history much?

Again obama put troops in before a New agreement was reached...

And Again we had troops back in Iraq with out a vote by the Iraq parliament

What Happened to Immunity for U.S. Troops in Iraq?

Only now, nearly six months into the gradual escalation of the renewed ground forces commitment to Iraq, there does not appear to be any such immunity protections. There is an interim immunity agreement covered only by an exchange of diplomatic notes dating from June 2014 when Obama ordered the first escalation of 300 U.S. boots on the ground. But as far as we can determine, there has been no Iraqi parliamentary vote ratifying that immunity protection. Instead, even as the U.S. ground presence has ballooned by an order of magnitude, the immunity protections appear to be only covered by the exchange of diplomatic notes.

Moron....you're arguing against yourself and don't even know it.......Malaki is GONE....the new government has asked for help and Obama has responded......Look, idiot, stay dumb...I really don;t give a fuck if Trump loses by 55% or 54%......(take time to think of a new screen name after Nov.)

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