A question to liberals who say Obama didn't create the ISIS

The isis was around for nearly a decade before he came to power! So how did he do that? Quite the trick.
You keep posting that lie but you have yet to furnish proof. Because it's not true and you know it. Every time you post that lie I will be right here to point it out to the whole board that you are a liar. You will never sneak that BS past me...I know first hand that you are full of crap.
Here learn some history:
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This isn't a partisan talking point, I heard Lindsey Graham on the Megan McCain program talking about it yesterday and he was talking about how ridiculous Trumps claim was. It is well known that Isi formed in 2006 in Iraq and they only started calling themselves ISIS and ISIL in 2013-2014 following the Syrian civil war.

they only started calling themselves ISIS and ISIL in 2013-2014

So what did they call themselves before then the Opie Taylor gang?
How the fuck could ISIS be well known If they didn't even call themselves ISIS according to you?
Again no one have a news story on ISIS pre 2014?

I am waiting

Again I Will change my aviator if someone can find one
The isis was around for nearly a decade before he came to power! So how did he do that? Quite the trick.
You keep posting that lie but you have yet to furnish proof. Because it's not true and you know it. Every time you post that lie I will be right here to point it out to the whole board that you are a liar. You will never sneak that BS past me...I know first hand that you are full of crap.
Here learn some history:
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This isn't a partisan talking point, I heard Lindsey Graham on the Megan McCain program talking about it yesterday and he was talking about how ridiculous Trumps claim was. It is well known that Isi formed in 2006 in Iraq and they only started calling themselves ISIS and ISIL in 2013-2014 following the Syrian civil war.

they only started calling themselves ISIS and ISIL in 2013-2014

So what did they call themselves before then the Opie Taylor gang?
How the fuck could ISIS be well known If they didn't even call themselves ISIS according to you?
They were the Islamic state of Iraq ISI in 2006 before they became ISIS and ISIL in 2014. The group actually originated in 1999 under the name jama lama ding dong and they were aligned with Al Qaeda... All in the link
Obama was elected on the promis of getting us out of Iraq . He kept his promis . And now ZERO troops come back dead from Iraq . 15 years is enough propping up . Oh, and they wanted us to leave.
Again no one have a news story on ISIS pre 2014?

I am waiting

Again I Will change my aviator if someone can find one
Been posting all kinds of info on it adding an S or an L to the end of the name to label their location doesn't change the group.
McCain was in the lead and then the economy tanked, of course you are smart enough to know that, you are also not smart enough to figure out by now I am noting voting for Trump. I'm not a partisan whackadoodle like you.

Seriously, do you do special exercises to remain this stupid?

Okay, here's the polling average as tracked by Real Clear Politics...


Now, the only time McCainiac was leading Obama after they both secured their nominations was that week around his convention. He got some good buzz, people hadn't realized Palin was retarded yet, but really, it was exactly what it looks like, a convention bounce. Romney got one of those. So did Trump. Once the convention was over, and people realized McCain was just going to give us more war and more voodoo economics, and he wasn't really a different kind of republican, his bounce vanished.
McCain was in the lead and then the economy tanked, of course you are smart enough to know that, you are also not smart enough to figure out by now I am noting voting for Trump. I'm not a partisan whackadoodle like you.

Seriously, do you do special exercises to remain this stupid?

Okay, here's the polling average as tracked by Real Clear Politics...


Now, the only time McCainiac was leading Obama after they both secured their nominations was that week around his convention. He got some good buzz, people hadn't realized Palin was retarded yet, but really, it was exactly what it looks like, a convention bounce. Romney got one of those. So did Trump. Once the convention was over, and people realized McCain was just going to give us more war and more voodoo economics, and he wasn't really a different kind of republican, his bounce vanished.

At that time the economy was already starting to tanks but thanks for being the partisan whackadoodle you,are, it makes life fun.
At that time the economy was already starting to tanks but thanks for being the partisan whackadoodle you,are, it makes life fun.

No, a partisan whackadoodle is one who repeats whatever he hears on Hate Radio like it's gospel.

Point 1- Obama lead McCain for most of the election season, because of his principled stand against the War.

Point 2 - McCain bent over backwards to appease the very elements he had opposed much of his career, capping off with taking Caribou Barbie as a runningmate.

Point 3- Even if the economy hadn't tanked, McCain would have lost because Americans were sick and tired of Bush's war. Just like they were sick and tired of it when they chased the GOP out of Congress in 2006.
At that time the economy was already starting to tanks but thanks for being the partisan whackadoodle you,are, it makes life fun.

No, a partisan whackadoodle is one who repeats whatever he hears on Hate Radio like it's gospel.

Point 1- Obama lead McCain for most of the election season, because of his principled stand against the War.

Point 2 - McCain bent over backwards to appease the very elements he had opposed much of his career, capping off with taking Caribou Barbie as a runningmate.

Point 3- Even if the economy hadn't tanked, McCain would have lost because Americans were sick and tired of Bush's war. Just like they were sick and tired of it when they chased the GOP out of Congress in 2006.

No a partisan whackadoodle is a left or right wing extremist that is strictly partisan distorts and lies to make their point. That is you to a T.

You remember the beginning of the recession in the spring and summer of 08, that is why McCain lost.

I am at the point that Democrats and Repubicans work for the rich, make laws for the rich and are paid for by the rich. That is what Hillary is. Trump is just plain crazy. Two very bad choices for this country. Their ad campaigns emphasis how the other is not to be trusted. I believe both sides on that issue.

You are a partisan whackadoodle.
At that time the economy was already starting to tanks but thanks for being the partisan whackadoodle you,are, it makes life fun.

No, a partisan whackadoodle is one who repeats whatever he hears on Hate Radio like it's gospel.

Point 1- Obama lead McCain for most of the election season, because of his principled stand against the War.

Point 2 - McCain bent over backwards to appease the very elements he had opposed much of his career, capping off with taking Caribou Barbie as a runningmate.

Point 3- Even if the economy hadn't tanked, McCain would have lost because Americans were sick and tired of Bush's war. Just like they were sick and tired of it when they chased the GOP out of Congress in 2006.
Caribou Barbie, I like that... Apparently they thought they'd give old fat orange ken a go this time around
I just remembered something on another thread..

So why do we still have troops in the year 2016 in Afghanistan?

Why did obama have to declare the war over in Iraq and pull out all troops in Iraq , which created a power vacuum and gave rise to the ISIS in 2014?

Inquring minds want to know...

Let me get this straight: You bitch and moan that he didn't get troops out fast enough. Now that he has, you bitch and moan he should have left them there?

I couldn't make this shit up...
The isis was around for nearly a decade before he came to power! So how did he do that? Quite the trick.

Bush was the one that agreed to iraq's terms to get out. Why did we need to hold their hands for the next 500 years?



Link has been posted, Google Isis

Let me clarify , how long has ISIS Syria being around?

2013-2014. But it's the same groups that called themselves ISI and Duma luma ding dong in 1999. Prince changed his name to a symbol for a few years... He was still prince

It was a stupid comment by trump and a stupid discussion
Last edited:
No a partisan whackadoodle is a left or right wing extremist that is strictly partisan distorts and lies to make their point. That is you to a T.

You remember the beginning of the recession in the spring and summer of 08, that is why McCain lost.

McCain was losing before then... but okay. Please try to pretend no one was upset about the War he still thought was a great idea. Try to pretend that this guy joking about "Bombing Iran' didn't scare the shit out of people.

I am at the point that Democrats and Repubicans work for the rich, make laws for the rich and are paid for by the rich. That is what Hillary is. Trump is just plain crazy. Two very bad choices for this country. Their ad campaigns emphasis how the other is not to be trusted. I believe both sides on that issue.

Guy, here's the thing. Yes, the rich will always do well, and they will always have too much power. That's baked into the pie.

The difference is that the Republicans delight in screwing the working class. Just look at the laws they pass when they get power. The Bankruptcy Reform Act comes to mind. Ignore the fact that 62% of bankruptcies are due to medical crisis, we are goign to help the banks fuck the little guy. Meanwhile, the Democrats give us laws like the Credit Card Reform Act of 2009, which kept the Credit Card companies from screwing over working folks.

You are a partisan whackadoodle.

No, I'm somebody who studies facts...
No a partisan whackadoodle is a left or right wing extremist that is strictly partisan distorts and lies to make their point. That is you to a T.

You remember the beginning of the recession in the spring and summer of 08, that is why McCain lost.

McCain was losing before then... but okay. Please try to pretend no one was upset about the War he still thought was a great idea. Try to pretend that this guy joking about "Bombing Iran' didn't scare the shit out of people.

I am at the point that Democrats and Repubicans work for the rich, make laws for the rich and are paid for by the rich. That is what Hillary is. Trump is just plain crazy. Two very bad choices for this country. Their ad campaigns emphasis how the other is not to be trusted. I believe both sides on that issue.

Guy, here's the thing. Yes, the rich will always do well, and they will always have too much power. That's baked into the pie.

The difference is that the Republicans delight in screwing the working class. Just look at the laws they pass when they get power. The Bankruptcy Reform Act comes to mind. Ignore the fact that 62% of bankruptcies are due to medical crisis, we are goign to help the banks fuck the little guy. Meanwhile, the Democrats give us laws like the Credit Card Reform Act of 2009, which kept the Credit Card companies from screwing over working folks.

You are a partisan whackadoodle.

No, I'm somebody who studies facts...

You make up facts, it's been proven over and over, time after time. That is why you are partisan whackadoodle.
You make up facts, it's been proven over and over, time after time. That is why you are partisan whackadoodle.

No, you ignore facts you don't like.

LIke people were really pissed off about the Iraq War by 2008.


But your argument seems to be "McCain didn't lose because Bush fucked up the war, he lost because Bush fucked up the economy!!!"

This is an argument to you?

I kind of feel bad for McCain. He was left holding the bag of shit Bush left him. But it was a bag of shit he willingly picked up.
Again no one have a news story on ISIS pre 2014?

I am waiting

Again I Will change my aviator if someone can find one
Been posting all kinds of info on it adding an S or an L to the end of the name to label their location doesn't change the group.

News story pal, rag tag outfits only 30 to 100 strong with some obscure rebel name don't cut it..

That only die hard military researchers know don't cut it.

Its when they branch off on their own and recruit 1,000s of other rebels from different fighting groups is when they make the big times.

They didn't do shit pre 2014. Except fight along side Al Qaeda and others, that's why you see their puss poor ass rebel group ISIL last on this list.

List of armed groups in the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Syrian opposition

To make an oobscure claim that everyone New ISIS was around and a threat pre 2014 is preposterous when you had these many rebel groups is just propaganda and trying to rewrite history.

Again who did obama call JV January 2014?

Al Qeada



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