A question to liberals who say Obama didn't create the ISIS

You leave out a few points..we were the occupying force, the Iraq government was our puppets..

THAT'S THE FUCKING PROBLEM, YOU DUMBASS!!! The Iraqi government WEREN'T our puppets, but a lot of Iraqis SAW them as quislings and collaborators. They insisted on the right to prosecute Americans who killed Iraqis. We said, No, we don't trust your ability to give our guys a fair trial.

You'd be the first guy on here screaming if an American soldier ended up in an Iraqi prison for shooting a civilian. You'd be screaming about Islam and hostages and that sort of shit.

Here's the thing. Americans wanted out of Iraq. No one wanted to waste more blood and treasure validating George W. Stupid's fuckup. Heck, even Trump has made hay pretending he was against the Iraq war at the time, and you STILL nominated him.

But Obama was supposed to continue the war you guys don't even support at this point?



You stupid fucking moron we invaded that God Damn country , we installed that government and could wipe it out at any time.

Obama pulled out to win the white house he put troops back in with out an agreement it was signed latter.

And the agreement was irevalant we would of just killed anyone who got in our way.
I just remembered something on another thread..

So why do we still have troops in the year 2016 in Afghanistan?

Why did obama have to declare the war over in Iraq and pull out all troops in Iraq , which created a power vacuum and gave rise to the ISIS in 2014?

Inquring minds want to know...
I thought only people who are being "sarcastic" believe that

Again look at Lakotas thread. Two people founding ISIS in 2006 don't mean shit. Again obama called Alquadia JV in January 2014..

We didn't hear about ISIS till around April of 2014 when thousands of people were joining them

30 people flying a flag of ISIS in syria in 2012 does not make them shit.
I just remembered something on another thread..

So why do we still have troops in the year 2016 in Afghanistan?

Why did obama have to declare the war over in Iraq and pull out all troops in Iraq , which created a power vacuum and gave rise to the ISIS in 2014?

Inquring minds want to know...

read your history like a good little boy. ISIS arose out of the vacuum created by baby bush when he destabilized the middle east. did it gain power when we pulled out of the region. yes. but baby bush signed the agreement taking us out of the region.

read. learn.

never ever ever believe ignorant dumb donald. but you already know that.
So you think Obama was in the middle east putting it all together in the early 2000's? Please check yourself into a mental institution. You need help.
No but at best he froze due to political concerns and allowed them to grow and expand. He caused the death of many good Iraqi people...women and children that in large part supported our invasion were slaughtered and he had his generals and his staff cover it all up by telling the American people that Isis was JV and on the run. I have no respect for you and your misconceptions and you are not a good American.

Lol ! Like u give a shit about the Iraqi people?

If we stayed , you know what that means? More dead troops and another bazillion dollars wasted .

So how much money have we spent now Timmy? The war was over iraq was stabilized, we needed troops to maintain the peace...

Again Timothy how much news in the past 4 years have you heard about the Taliban?
I just remembered something on another thread..

So why do we still have troops in the year 2016 in Afghanistan?

Why did obama have to declare the war over in Iraq and pull out all troops in Iraq , which created a power vacuum and gave rise to the ISIS in 2014?

Inquring minds want to know...

read your history like a good little boy. ISIS arose out of the vacuum created by baby bush when he destabilized the middle east. did it gain power when we pulled out of the region. yes. but baby bush signed the agreement taking us out of the region.

read. learn.

never ever ever believe ignorant dumb donald. but you already know that.

You wouldn't know history if it bit you in the ass ...

Again post me any news story pre 2014 that mentions ISIS I Will change my aviator..
Let's look at the Syria players in there civil war , we know the rag tag rebels of ISIS went there in 2009..after They couldn't get a foot hold in Iraq..

Syrian opposition
More to come
Bullshit that Bush didn't try diplomacy. Absolute bullshit.

Before the invasion started, the UN asked for more time to complete inspections and said the IRaqis were cooperating.

Bush invaded anyway.

Because Saddam tried to kill his Pa.
Let's look at the Syria players in there civil war , we know the rag tag rebels of ISIS went there in 2009..after They couldn't get a foot hold in Iraq..

They couldn't get a foothold in Syria, either. At least not until Bush's Boy Maliki purged the Sunnis from the government and they joined ISIL.

Put down the bottle.
You stupid fucking moron we invaded that God Damn country , we installed that government and could wipe it out at any time.

Obama pulled out to win the white house he put troops back in with out an agreement it was signed latter.

And the agreement was irevalant we would of just killed anyone who got in our way.

It's 9 in the morning. You shouldn't be drinking this early.

The Iraqi government wasn't our puppet. They were clearly playing to the crowd when they demanded things we couldn't give them.

I'm still not seeing why we need to throw more lives and treasure to fix Bush's mistake.
And your favorite get ready to shit in your pants to try to prove me wrong.

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
Not to be confused with Islamic republic.
"ISIL", "ISIS", "Daish", "Daesh", and "Islamic state group" redirect here. For other uses, see ISIL (disambiguation), ISIS (disambiguation), Daish (disambiguation), and Islamic state (disambiguation).


Say it ain't so they separated from Al QAEDA in February 2014

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You stupid fucking moron we invaded that God Damn country , we installed that government and could wipe it out at any time.

Obama pulled out to win the white house he put troops back in with out an agreement it was signed latter.

And the agreement was irevalant we would of just killed anyone who got in our way.

It's 9 in the morning. You shouldn't be drinking this early.

The Iraqi government wasn't our puppet. They were clearly playing to the crowd when they demanded things we couldn't give them.

I'm still not seeing why we need to throw more lives and treasure to fix Bush's mistake.

Did they invite us to come in and invade and occupy them , you stupid moron?
The republicans? nearly the whole government ended up voting to start that stupid war in Iraq....including senator Hillary Clinton. Do some homework!

By the way Trump was against the Iraq war....

Actually, Hillary and teh Democrats voted for Bush to only use war if diplomacy failed. Bush didn't try diplomacy...

Oh, yeah, and Trump wasn't against the Iraq war until it was cool to be against the Iraq war.

Bullshit that Bush didn't try diplomacy. Absolute bullshit.

That's little Joey boys MO, he can't win one honesty so he just lies. That is all the whackadoodle has.

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Let's look at the Syria players in there civil war , we know the rag tag rebels of ISIS went there in 2009..after They couldn't get a foot hold in Iraq..

They couldn't get a foothold in Syria, either. At least not until Bush's Boy Maliki purged the Sunnis from the government and they joined ISIL.

Put down the bottle.

Again why do we still have troops in Afghanistan?

But pulled out of Iraq?

Its not that complicated even for you Joe.
Again anybody please post me a story pre 2014 that mentions ISIS

I will change my aviator..

Hell search USMB...

Find me one thread on ISIS pre 2014?

Go ahead and find me one...
Did they invite us to come in and invade and occupy them , you stupid moron?

No, but once we "liberated" them, it wasn't like we could tell them what to do. That would put the lie to the whole 'liberating" them thing.

Again, not sure why you want to piss away more lives covering up Bush's mistakes.

Again why do we still have troops in Afghanistan?

The Afghans signed a status of forces agreement, that's why.

The Iraqis didn't.

This isn't fucking complicated, drunk-boy.

That's little Joey boys MO, he can't win one honesty so he just lies. That is all the whackadoodle has.

And enjoying the space I occupy in your head, apparently.
Did they invite us to come in and invade and occupy them , you stupid moron?

No, but once we "liberated" them, it wasn't like we could tell them what to do. That would put the lie to the whole 'liberating" them thing.

Again, not sure why you want to piss away more lives covering up Bush's mistakes.

Again why do we still have troops in Afghanistan?

The Afghans signed a status of forces agreement, that's why.

The Iraqis didn't.

This isn't fucking complicated, drunk-boy.

That's little Joey boys MO, he can't win one honesty so he just lies. That is all the whackadoodle has.

And enjoying the space I occupy in your head, apparently.

You really can't figure out war right?

And might from right?

Name me one peace treaty we didn't break from the American Indians?

Just one?

You can't except the fact obama wanted to use ending the Iraq war was a political tool to win the white house.

Did Nixon go back into Vietnam?
You really can't figure out war right?

And might from right?

Name me one peace treaty we didn't break from the American Indians?

Just one?

Okay, you see, we aren't in the 19th century anymore. I'm sure someone sent you a message, but you were passed on the floor....
You can't except the fact obama wanted to use ending the Iraq war was a political tool to win the white house.

dude, it's "accept the fact".

You mean he actually did what he promised he would do and what the American people wanted done?

2008 was a referendum on Iraq. If you wanted to keep throwing away good lives after bad and waste more money... vote for McCain. He might even up the ante and invade Iran at the behest of our Zionist Masters.

Or you could vote for Obama and end the War in Iraq.

Wow. YOu mean we actually voted for something and got it? That's fucking unprecedented.
Did they invite us to come in and invade and occupy them , you stupid moron?

No, but once we "liberated" them, it wasn't like we could tell them what to do. That would put the lie to the whole 'liberating" them thing.

Again, not sure why you want to piss away more lives covering up Bush's mistakes.

Again why do we still have troops in Afghanistan?

The Afghans signed a status of forces agreement, that's why.

The Iraqis didn't.

This isn't fucking complicated, drunk-boy.

That's little Joey boys MO, he can't win one honesty so he just lies. That is all the whackadoodle has.

And enjoying the space I occupy in your head, apparently.

No I just can't stand ignorant fucks like you..

Joe we put troops back in Iraq before an agreement..

What Happened to Immunity for U.S. Troops in Iraq?

Only now, nearly six months into the gradual escalation of the renewed ground forces commitment to Iraq, there does not appear to be any such immunity protections. There is an interim immunity agreement covered only by an exchange of diplomatic notes dating from June 2014 when Obama ordered the first escalation of 300 U.S. boots on the ground. But as far as we can determine, there has been no Iraqi parliamentary vote ratifying that immunity protection. Instead, even as the U.S. ground presence has ballooned by an order of magnitude, the immunity protections appear to be only covered by the exchange of diplomatic notes.
No I just can't stand ignorant fucks like you..

Joe we put troops back in Iraq before an agreement..

So essentially, and American soldier (who aren't anywhere near the combat zones) can't be charged... Nor are they engaging in combat operations.

Put down the bottle, buddy.

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