A question to the left, is border security now racism?

How so?

We have rules and laws as a nation..to use the race card shows the left is desperate..
When you try to label and denigrate an entire group of people you are flirting with racism. Yes the race card is over used by many, that’s a fair criticism but don’t pretend that there aren’t emboldened racists engaging in this debate as well

We have laws , so some guy saying we are racist to fund our national security ourselves is racist?.

It's bull crap . The left is inviting illegals in and they all should be charged with felony's..
How about we stop playing games and get down to specifics. Post a quote of a leftie inviting illegals in this country and another of a leftie calling somebody racist for simply supporting border security. Try and pick somebody reputable please, not a whack job you find on google.

Here is what your reputable Dream Queen said and the article is in link.

Pelosi is so sequestered into her own illegal immigration bubble that she actually thanked illegal immigrants for breaking the law, and claimed that the U.S. owes these illegals a debt.

“I say to their parents: Thank you for bringing these Dreamers to America. We’re in your debt for the courage it took, for you to take the risk, physically, politically, in every way, to do so,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi Thanked Illegal Immigrants for Breaking the Law During Her Filibuster, Says US Owes Them a Debt
No excuses for that. I understand why she is trying to reach out and be sympathetic to poor people looking for a better life, however they broke the law to get here and that should not be thanked or celebrated by our leaders. Perhaps if her opposition didn’t try so hard to demonize these people the tone would get a little more civil on both sides.
Yep. This kind of behavior on one side gives the other side an excuse to get ridiculous too.

It all just compounds on itself, since neither tribe holds its own members accountable.
When you try to label and denigrate an entire group of people you are flirting with racism. Yes the race card is over used by many, that’s a fair criticism but don’t pretend that there aren’t emboldened racists engaging in this debate as well

We have laws , so some guy saying we are racist to fund our national security ourselves is racist?.

It's bull crap . The left is inviting illegals in and they all should be charged with felony's..
How about we stop playing games and get down to specifics. Post a quote of a leftie inviting illegals in this country and another of a leftie calling somebody racist for simply supporting border security. Try and pick somebody reputable please, not a whack job you find on google.

Here is what your reputable Dream Queen said and the article is in link.

Pelosi is so sequestered into her own illegal immigration bubble that she actually thanked illegal immigrants for breaking the law, and claimed that the U.S. owes these illegals a debt.

“I say to their parents: Thank you for bringing these Dreamers to America. We’re in your debt for the courage it took, for you to take the risk, physically, politically, in every way, to do so,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi Thanked Illegal Immigrants for Breaking the Law During Her Filibuster, Says US Owes Them a Debt
No excuses for that. I understand why she is trying to reach out and be sympathetic to poor people looking for a better life, however they broke the law to get here and that should not be thanked or celebrated by our leaders. Perhaps if her opposition didn’t try so hard to demonize these people the tone would get a little more civil on both sides.
Yep. This kind of behavior on one side gives the other side an excuse to get ridiculous too.

It all just compounds on itself, since neither tribe holds its own members accountable.

Yeah. Both tribes!!
I want the left to tell us, how many Americans need to be RAPED and KILLED by illegals before they will agree to secure the border? Pick a number you traitors.
Anybody who doesn't want the wall should leave their doors open at night, take down the walls around prisons, and house and feed these people they want to be here illegally.
Read my reply to nancies statement. What about that do you disagree with

Slade i really don't understand why this is such a big deal, the money is chump change..we have been building the wall for along time .

Everyone knows a barrier is a deterrent, otherwise we wouldn't have walls/fences door locks in America

This is a joke by the left and they should be charged.
I’ll explain it to you and if you have an open mind you might understand.

This is 100% about the rhetoric around the “wall” and not about actual border security. Very few Dems want open borders. But most Dems stand for helping the poor and being an inviting safe haven for immigrants and people in need. Trumps rhetoric around the wall and the rhetoric from many around him is very diragatory and it does not represent the brand of America which opponents hold dear.

If Trump really wants to improve border security he should couple his messaging with one that is constructive and inviting towards immigrants in need. Not just for the educated and wealthy (those with merit). I don’t think he is interested in doing this as he score political points with his base by inflaming the war.

When he says he only wants the “best” it leaves a void for those who are poor and oppressed and in search of a better life. This is the story that many of our ancestors share so this elitist attitude is off putting to many.

Agree or not... do you at least understand the point that I am trying to make?

We need a comprehensive immigration program
Not just...WALL
"Comprehensive" is a leftwing code word meaning "amnesty."
It means amnesty, security, and improving the process. Oh the horror!!!

Why amnesty?
We aren’t a nation that rewards criminal activity. That’s simple for third graders..no?
Why improve the “process”? What process?
Why would we feel compelled to OWE Mexico an improved process?
We don’t NEED these people...they are not essential to our success as a nation.
Why not simply enforce the current laws The People laid on the books long ago...why not amend those laws which have been rendered useless to give them some teeth?
Anybody who doesn't want the wall should leave their doors open at night, take down the walls around prisons, and house and feed these people they want to be here illegally.
we have Government not Ten simple Commandments from a God. Why does the right wing expect social morals for free under Capitalism?
Anybody who doesn't want the wall should leave their doors open at night, take down the walls around prisons, and house and feed these people they want to be here illegally.
we have Government not Ten simple Commandments from a God. Why does the right wing expect social morals for free under Capitalism?
I'm a deist so means little to me.
Read my reply to nancies statement. What about that do you disagree with

Slade i really don't understand why this is such a big deal, the money is chump change..we have been building the wall for along time .

Everyone knows a barrier is a deterrent, otherwise we wouldn't have walls/fences door locks in America

This is a joke by the left and they should be charged.
I’ll explain it to you and if you have an open mind you might understand.

This is 100% about the rhetoric around the “wall” and not about actual border security. Very few Dems want open borders. But most Dems stand for helping the poor and being an inviting safe haven for immigrants and people in need. Trumps rhetoric around the wall and the rhetoric from many around him is very diragatory and it does not represent the brand of America which opponents hold dear.

If Trump really wants to improve border security he should couple his messaging with one that is constructive and inviting towards immigrants in need. Not just for the educated and wealthy (those with merit). I don’t think he is interested in doing this as he score political points with his base by inflaming the war.

When he says he only wants the “best” it leaves a void for those who are poor and oppressed and in search of a better life. This is the story that many of our ancestors share so this elitist attitude is off putting to many.

Agree or not... do you at least understand the point that I am trying to make?

We need a comprehensive immigration program
Not just...WALL
"Comprehensive" is a leftwing code word meaning "amnesty."
It means amnesty, security, and improving the process. Oh the horror!!!
Amnesty is a non-starter. We already tried that. "improving the process" means streamlining the amnesty process. No thanks. The security was purely an illusion, a scam.
Slade i really don't understand why this is such a big deal, the money is chump change..we have been building the wall for along time .

Everyone knows a barrier is a deterrent, otherwise we wouldn't have walls/fences door locks in America

This is a joke by the left and they should be charged.
I’ll explain it to you and if you have an open mind you might understand.

This is 100% about the rhetoric around the “wall” and not about actual border security. Very few Dems want open borders. But most Dems stand for helping the poor and being an inviting safe haven for immigrants and people in need. Trumps rhetoric around the wall and the rhetoric from many around him is very diragatory and it does not represent the brand of America which opponents hold dear.

If Trump really wants to improve border security he should couple his messaging with one that is constructive and inviting towards immigrants in need. Not just for the educated and wealthy (those with merit). I don’t think he is interested in doing this as he score political points with his base by inflaming the war.

When he says he only wants the “best” it leaves a void for those who are poor and oppressed and in search of a better life. This is the story that many of our ancestors share so this elitist attitude is off putting to many.

Agree or not... do you at least understand the point that I am trying to make?

We need a comprehensive immigration program
Not just...WALL
"Comprehensive" is a leftwing code word meaning "amnesty."
It means amnesty, security, and improving the process. Oh the horror!!!

Why amnesty?
We aren’t a nation that rewards criminal activity. That’s simple for third graders..no?
Why improve the “process”? What process?
Why would we feel compelled to OWE Mexico an improved process?
We don’t NEED these people...they are not essential to our success as a nation.
Why not simply enforce the current laws The People laid on the books long ago...why not amend those laws which have been rendered useless to give them some teeth?
Children who were brought here by their parents are not guilty of criminal activity.
Slade i really don't understand why this is such a big deal, the money is chump change..we have been building the wall for along time .

Everyone knows a barrier is a deterrent, otherwise we wouldn't have walls/fences door locks in America

This is a joke by the left and they should be charged.
I’ll explain it to you and if you have an open mind you might understand.

This is 100% about the rhetoric around the “wall” and not about actual border security. Very few Dems want open borders. But most Dems stand for helping the poor and being an inviting safe haven for immigrants and people in need. Trumps rhetoric around the wall and the rhetoric from many around him is very diragatory and it does not represent the brand of America which opponents hold dear.

If Trump really wants to improve border security he should couple his messaging with one that is constructive and inviting towards immigrants in need. Not just for the educated and wealthy (those with merit). I don’t think he is interested in doing this as he score political points with his base by inflaming the war.

When he says he only wants the “best” it leaves a void for those who are poor and oppressed and in search of a better life. This is the story that many of our ancestors share so this elitist attitude is off putting to many.

Agree or not... do you at least understand the point that I am trying to make?

We need a comprehensive immigration program
Not just...WALL
"Comprehensive" is a leftwing code word meaning "amnesty."
It means amnesty, security, and improving the process. Oh the horror!!!
Amnesty is a non-starter. We already tried that. "improving the process" means streamlining the amnesty process. No thanks. The security was purely an illusion, a scam.
You asked what comprehensive immigration reform was and I explained it. Amnesty is a nonstarter for wingnuts like yourself but fortunately I don’t think that view is shared by to mainstream of our democracy
I’ll explain it to you and if you have an open mind you might understand.

This is 100% about the rhetoric around the “wall” and not about actual border security. Very few Dems want open borders. But most Dems stand for helping the poor and being an inviting safe haven for immigrants and people in need. Trumps rhetoric around the wall and the rhetoric from many around him is very diragatory and it does not represent the brand of America which opponents hold dear.

If Trump really wants to improve border security he should couple his messaging with one that is constructive and inviting towards immigrants in need. Not just for the educated and wealthy (those with merit). I don’t think he is interested in doing this as he score political points with his base by inflaming the war.

When he says he only wants the “best” it leaves a void for those who are poor and oppressed and in search of a better life. This is the story that many of our ancestors share so this elitist attitude is off putting to many.

Agree or not... do you at least understand the point that I am trying to make?

We need a comprehensive immigration program
Not just...WALL
"Comprehensive" is a leftwing code word meaning "amnesty."
It means amnesty, security, and improving the process. Oh the horror!!!
Amnesty is a non-starter. We already tried that. "improving the process" means streamlining the amnesty process. No thanks. The security was purely an illusion, a scam.
You asked what comprehensive immigration reform was and I explained it. Amnesty is a nonstarter for wingnuts like yourself but fortunately I don’t think that view is shared by to mainstream of our democracy
Wrong. I didn't ask any such thing. A stated categorically that "Comprehensive immigration reform" means amnesty. The majority of Americans are opposed to amnesty.
Border Security is racist fear mongering

Look conservatives.....Skeery Mexicans!


The reason why the Left Wingers make everything about race is because they are racist cretins.
All countries control their border crossings and immigration.
But, there is a real racist aspect about the Democratic Party's open borders crusade.
The Democrats regard middle class white voters to be their opposition and the are using illegal immigration to displace Anglo Voters.
They are pandering to the racist Aztlan Nationalist.

I’ll explain it to you and if you have an open mind you might understand.

This is 100% about the rhetoric around the “wall” and not about actual border security. Very few Dems want open borders. But most Dems stand for helping the poor and being an inviting safe haven for immigrants and people in need. Trumps rhetoric around the wall and the rhetoric from many around him is very diragatory and it does not represent the brand of America which opponents hold dear.

If Trump really wants to improve border security he should couple his messaging with one that is constructive and inviting towards immigrants in need. Not just for the educated and wealthy (those with merit). I don’t think he is interested in doing this as he score political points with his base by inflaming the war.

When he says he only wants the “best” it leaves a void for those who are poor and oppressed and in search of a better life. This is the story that many of our ancestors share so this elitist attitude is off putting to many.

Agree or not... do you at least understand the point that I am trying to make?

We need a comprehensive immigration program
Not just...WALL
"Comprehensive" is a leftwing code word meaning "amnesty."
It means amnesty, security, and improving the process. Oh the horror!!!

Why amnesty?
We aren’t a nation that rewards criminal activity. That’s simple for third graders..no?
Why improve the “process”? What process?
Why would we feel compelled to OWE Mexico an improved process?
We don’t NEED these people...they are not essential to our success as a nation.
Why not simply enforce the current laws The People laid on the books long ago...why not amend those laws which have been rendered useless to give them some teeth?
Children who were brought here by their parents are not guilty of criminal activity.

If a bank robber leaves his baby in the backseat of the getaway car, does the baby get the money while the robber goes to jail?

We need a comprehensive immigration program
Not just...WALL
"Comprehensive" is a leftwing code word meaning "amnesty."
It means amnesty, security, and improving the process. Oh the horror!!!

Why amnesty?
We aren’t a nation that rewards criminal activity. That’s simple for third graders..no?
Why improve the “process”? What process?
Why would we feel compelled to OWE Mexico an improved process?
We don’t NEED these people...they are not essential to our success as a nation.
Why not simply enforce the current laws The People laid on the books long ago...why not amend those laws which have been rendered useless to give them some teeth?
Children who were brought here by their parents are not guilty of criminal activity.

If a bank robber leaves his baby in the backseat of the getaway car, does the baby get the money while the robber goes to jail?

Ooooh! Impenetrable logic! Deport that 23 year old student now!!! She got away with the cash!!

We need a comprehensive immigration program
Not just...WALL
"Comprehensive" is a leftwing code word meaning "amnesty."
It means amnesty, security, and improving the process. Oh the horror!!!

Why amnesty?
We aren’t a nation that rewards criminal activity. That’s simple for third graders..no?
Why improve the “process”? What process?
Why would we feel compelled to OWE Mexico an improved process?
We don’t NEED these people...they are not essential to our success as a nation.
Why not simply enforce the current laws The People laid on the books long ago...why not amend those laws which have been rendered useless to give them some teeth?
Children who were brought here by their parents are not guilty of criminal activity.

If a bank robber leaves his baby in the backseat of the getaway car, does the baby get the money while the robber goes to jail?

If a bank robber leaves his baby in the backseat of the getaway car, does the baby go to jail! ?

"Comprehensive" is a leftwing code word meaning "amnesty."
It means amnesty, security, and improving the process. Oh the horror!!!

Why amnesty?
We aren’t a nation that rewards criminal activity. That’s simple for third graders..no?
Why improve the “process”? What process?
Why would we feel compelled to OWE Mexico an improved process?
We don’t NEED these people...they are not essential to our success as a nation.
Why not simply enforce the current laws The People laid on the books long ago...why not amend those laws which have been rendered useless to give them some teeth?
Children who were brought here by their parents are not guilty of criminal activity.

If a bank robber leaves his baby in the backseat of the getaway car, does the baby get the money while the robber goes to jail?

Ooooh! Impenetrable logic! Deport that 23 year old student now!!! She got away with the cash!!

Despite what the ridiculously biased media wants to program you into believing, very few of those here illegally arrived as unsuspecting infants.

We have laws or we don't. We have a border or we don't.

If the laws we have aren't good, change them, but the government has a responsibility to enforce them either way.
"Comprehensive" is a leftwing code word meaning "amnesty."
It means amnesty, security, and improving the process. Oh the horror!!!

Why amnesty?
We aren’t a nation that rewards criminal activity. That’s simple for third graders..no?
Why improve the “process”? What process?
Why would we feel compelled to OWE Mexico an improved process?
We don’t NEED these people...they are not essential to our success as a nation.
Why not simply enforce the current laws The People laid on the books long ago...why not amend those laws which have been rendered useless to give them some teeth?
Children who were brought here by their parents are not guilty of criminal activity.

If a bank robber leaves his baby in the backseat of the getaway car, does the baby get the money while the robber goes to jail?

If a bank robber leaves his baby in the backseat of the getaway car, does the baby go to jail! ?


Who wants to send the baby to jail?
It means amnesty, security, and improving the process. Oh the horror!!!

Why amnesty?
We aren’t a nation that rewards criminal activity. That’s simple for third graders..no?
Why improve the “process”? What process?
Why would we feel compelled to OWE Mexico an improved process?
We don’t NEED these people...they are not essential to our success as a nation.
Why not simply enforce the current laws The People laid on the books long ago...why not amend those laws which have been rendered useless to give them some teeth?
Children who were brought here by their parents are not guilty of criminal activity.

If a bank robber leaves his baby in the backseat of the getaway car, does the baby get the money while the robber goes to jail?

If a bank robber leaves his baby in the backseat of the getaway car, does the baby go to jail! ?


Who wants to send the baby to jail?

Is the baby guilty of anything?

Silly, arrogant mfer.
"Comprehensive" is a leftwing code word meaning "amnesty."
It means amnesty, security, and improving the process. Oh the horror!!!

Why amnesty?
We aren’t a nation that rewards criminal activity. That’s simple for third graders..no?
Why improve the “process”? What process?
Why would we feel compelled to OWE Mexico an improved process?
We don’t NEED these people...they are not essential to our success as a nation.
Why not simply enforce the current laws The People laid on the books long ago...why not amend those laws which have been rendered useless to give them some teeth?
Children who were brought here by their parents are not guilty of criminal activity.

If a bank robber leaves his baby in the backseat of the getaway car, does the baby get the money while the robber goes to jail?

If a bank robber leaves his baby in the backseat of the getaway car, does the baby go to jail! ?

The baby goes to foster care. The baby does not get to keep the proceeds of the crime.
Why amnesty?
We aren’t a nation that rewards criminal activity. That’s simple for third graders..no?
Why improve the “process”? What process?
Why would we feel compelled to OWE Mexico an improved process?
We don’t NEED these people...they are not essential to our success as a nation.
Why not simply enforce the current laws The People laid on the books long ago...why not amend those laws which have been rendered useless to give them some teeth?
Children who were brought here by their parents are not guilty of criminal activity.

If a bank robber leaves his baby in the backseat of the getaway car, does the baby get the money while the robber goes to jail?

If a bank robber leaves his baby in the backseat of the getaway car, does the baby go to jail! ?


Who wants to send the baby to jail?

Is the baby guilty of anything?

Silly, arrogant mfer.

Who said the baby was guilty? Does everyone get a reward for not being guilty, or just babies?

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