A Rare Credit to the USMB Republicans, Conservatives and Other Assorted Rightwingers

I have to give credit where it's due.

I'm shocked, but proud to see so many rightwingers of USMB agreeing w/Biden's move.

Yes, the fallout is messy, but that can be resolved.

I've observed many, if not most of you, basically agreeing w/the end to this 20-year nonsensical war.

Some of you are trying to object, but I can tell from your words it's just reflexive and bunk.

Others of you are outright rejecting the warmongering.

And this is why I'm pleasantly surprised.

Let's see what else we can find agreement on.

Anyway, kudos to all USMB righties on this issue.

I tip my hat to you.
/——-/ “I tip my hat to you.”


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Without a doubt, I don't want to have troops there any more. I'm all for withdrawing.

I'm just for leaving properly is all. Making sure the Taliban doesn't get what it wants, if needed, put up a short but spirited fight against them, make a peace deal, something.

It just seems like it was too rushed and uncoordinated for my liking.
How can you stop the Taliban if you withdraw?
Learn to take a compliment when you get it sir.

Anyway, what's the "disaster" part?
I said, 'Thank you'. I guess you just did not get that....

,,,like the way you do not consider Biden pulling the military out of Afghanistan before trying to evacuate tens of thousands of civilians , leaving as many as 40,000 Americans behind, un-protected, and no way to get out while in the midst of Taliban terrorists.

I guess you don't consider a 'disaster' the Biden administration telling stranded Americans:

- We have no plan to rescue you if you are not at the Kabul airport or the surrounding area

- To be rescued you must get YOURSELF to the Kabul airport - we will not help you

- We can not guarantee your safety

- You are on your own

I guess you don't consider it a disaster when the President of the United States says this chaos was part of his plan, that he says just because he could not organize, prepare, and execute a safe, orderly evacuation of all US citizens and instead allowed the situation to descend into chaos then no one else could is not a disaster.

I guess his military and CIA advisers declaring they warned Biden of the rapidly destabilization of the Afghanistan govt and rapid seizing of that govt by the Taliban before he publicly declared everything that did happen would not happen ...the fact that he lied to the American people...is not a disaster....

So you think Biden declaring that - with all the power & resources of the United States govt at his disposal - he can not rescue American citizens trapped in Afghanistan is not a disaster....yet 1 retired SpecOps Army Ranger traveled to Afghanistan by himself, located a family trapped and begging for help, and got them out of Afghanistan ... by himself...and you don't think that is a 'disaster' for Biden?

Democrats...even CNN...is calling this a humiliating disaster for Biden and the US..but you disagree.

Ok...good luck with all of that. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, no matter how biased or wrong.
Biden claimed chaos was inevitable during the exit...

Only to someone with dementia, who had no plan , and allowed the situation to turn into chaos instead of controlling the situation...as we have seen.
Chaos would be an improvement vs Biden's FUBAR Afghanistan fiasco. That clown has zero leadership skills.
I have to give credit where it's due.

I'm shocked, but proud to see so many rightwingers of USMB agreeing w/Biden's move.

Yes, the fallout is messy, but that can be resolved.

I've observed many, if not most of you, basically agreeing w/the end to this 20-year nonsensical war.

Some of you are trying to object, but I can tell from your words it's just reflexive and bunk.

Others of you are outright rejecting the warmongering.

And this is why I'm pleasantly surprised.

Let's see what else we can find agreement on.

Anyway, kudos to all USMB righties on this issue.

I tip my hat to you.
I wish you were honest enough to admit that Joe fucked up bigly. If you have already, my apologies.
How can you stop the Taliban if you withdraw?
Either A., Come to an agreement, or deal,

B. Major assault on Taliban positions with pretty much everything we got. In fast, and then out. The problem with the war was we sent too few troops in piecemeal. If we had a major military strike like we used to do in 1944, we could have just overwhelmed them massively within months.
I dunno, she must have been in the bushes or something. Hard to say.
Quick sanity check, who's our VP again?
I have to give credit where it's due.

I'm shocked, but proud to see so many rightwingers of USMB agreeing w/Biden's move.

Yes, the fallout is messy, but that can be resolved.

I've observed many, if not most of you, basically agreeing w/the end to this 20-year nonsensical war.

Some of you are trying to object, but I can tell from your words it's just reflexive and bunk.

Others of you are outright rejecting the warmongering.

And this is why I'm pleasantly surprised.

Let's see what else we can find agreement on.

Anyway, kudos to all USMB righties on this issue.

I tip my hat to you.
How many things have you agreed with the right on that they could tip their hat to you? Or, do you just expect the other side to see things your way?
Chaos would be an improvement vs Biden's FUBAR Afghanistan fiasco. That clown has zero leadership skills.
A leader does not allow the situation to control him - he controls the situation.

By claiming he believed chaos would be part of his planning, he planned to allow chaos to enter into the equation in stead of not allowing it to enter the equation at all.

When Barry negotiated his personal treaty with Iran it was reported he did not demand the release of hostages as part of their negotiations because he was afraid Iran would walk away from the negotiating table. That was negotiating from a position of weakness.

In the same way, as the Taliban began to rapidly seize Afghanistan cities and move towards Kabul Biden failed to demand the Taliban cease their attacks / advances until the United States could evacuate all of the US citizens in-country. Instead, he allowed the Taliban to dictate what was going on, forcing the US to REACT to what they were doing and eventually to abandon close to 40,000 Americans in-country. Due to not forcefully manage the situation the US is now having to proverbially jump through their ass just to save/evacuate SOME - not all - Americans in Afghanistan.

And, yes, this failure to be proactive and allow the Taliban to dictate the conditions and situation proves Joe Biden is NOT a 'leader'.
A leader does not allow the situation to control him - he controls the situation.

By claiming he believed chaos would be part of his planning, he planned to allow chaos to enter into the equation in stead of not allowing it to enter the equation at all.

When Barry negotiated his personal treaty with Iran it was reported he did not demand the release of hostages as part of their negotiations because he was afraid Iran would walk away from the negotiating table. That was negotiating from a position of weakness.

In the same way, as the Taliban began to rapidly seize Afghanistan cities and move towards Kabul Biden failed to demand the Taliban cease their attacks / advances until the United States could evacuate all of the US citizens in-country. Instead, he allowed the Taliban to dictate what was going on, forcing the US to REACT to what they were doing and eventually to abandon close to 40,000 Americans in-country. Due to not forcefully manage the situation the US is now having to proverbially jump through their ass just to save/evacuate SOME - not all - Americans in Afghanistan.

And, yes, this failure to be proactive and allow the Taliban to dictate the conditions and situation proves Joe Biden is NOT a 'leader'.
Biden commands the most powerful military on earth and he surrenders to the Taliban? :huh1:
Im not sure how Biden does the mental gymnastics to take credit for the ending of the war in Afghanistan and in the same breath blames the agreement brokered by the previous administration for the failed execution of said ending..... Mental twister....
I have to give credit where it's due.

I'm shocked, but proud to see so many rightwingers of USMB agreeing w/Biden's move.

Yes, the fallout is messy, but that can be resolved.

I've observed many, if not most of you, basically agreeing w/the end to this 20-year nonsensical war.

Some of you are trying to object, but I can tell from your words it's just reflexive and bunk.

Others of you are outright rejecting the warmongering.

And this is why I'm pleasantly surprised.

Let's see what else we can find agreement on.

Anyway, kudos to all USMB righties on this issue.

I tip my hat to you.
Dude, i agreed with President Trump that we should of gotten out of Afghanistan with conditions. But since Joe Biteme has made it his point to do nothing Trump, we see the results of complete failure under Biteme's admin. I wonder how many Americans have to die over there before you, a retarded folk, would actually care. Let me pull up the phrase "At this point what difference does it make, that Americans are going to die over in Afghanistan, just because Joe didnt give a shit".
Learn to take a compliment when you get it sir.

Anyway, what's the "disaster" part?
The disaster part?

Taliban has tons of arms we left for the Afghan army.

Thousands of Americans stranded behind Taliban lines.

Tens of thousands of Afghans who helped us will eventually be tortured and killed.

Should I go on, or are you good with all that cuz you are a Bidenista Cultist?

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