A Rare Moment Of Sanity From The GOP, McCain Unloads On Paul

McCain...leader of the GOP's "Old Geezer" club and recently got his ass handed to him by his own constituents back home in Arizona.
Is the "Maverick" actually back?

Speaking on the Senate floor Thursday, Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) tore into Sen. Rand Paul’s (R-KY) “ridiculous” 13-hour filibuster, chastising the junior senator for a speech that was “not helpful” and not in keeping with Republican orthodoxy on the terror war.

McCain specifically objected to Paul saying that a future president as evil as Nazi leader Adolph Hitler could one day come to power and use drones to kill political opponents like actress and peace activist Jane Fonda.

“To allege that the United States of America, our government would drop a drone hellfire missle on Jane Fonda, that, that is… that brings the conversation from a serious discussion about U.S. policy to the realm of the ridiculous,” McCain said.

McCain also quoted from a Wall Street Journal editorial that mocked Paul. “If Mr. Paul wants to be taken seriously, he needs to do more than pull political stunts that fire up impressionable libertarian kids in college dorms,” the editorial jibes.

McCain blasts Rand Paul?s filibuster as a ?political stunt? | The Raw Story
So McCain wants to kill American citizens on American soil?

Why the heck are our political leaders so ridiculous?
So McCain wants to kill American citizens on American soil?

Why the heck are our political leaders so ridiculous?

McCain is a rabid militarist who would just assume make Iraq the 58th state under Obama. :lol:
lol, Rand Paul is positioning himself to follow in his father's footsteps and become the perpetual rightwing pop culture presidential candidate,

doing just as his father has been doing,

siphoning off just enough votes from the Paulbot wing of the GOP rightwing to assure that moderates like McCain and Romney keep winning the nomination.
Is the maverick back? No, the liberal is back. McCain even slipped once during the 2008 campaign and called himself a "Liberal Republican". He has done more harm to the conservative movement than probably any other Republican. He really needs to go.
Is the "Maverick" actually back?

Speaking on the Senate floor Thursday, Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) tore into Sen. Rand Paul’s (R-KY) “ridiculous” 13-hour filibuster, chastising the junior senator for a speech that was “not helpful” and not in keeping with Republican orthodoxy on the terror war.

McCain specifically objected to Paul saying that a future president as evil as Nazi leader Adolph Hitler could one day come to power and use drones to kill political opponents like actress and peace activist Jane Fonda.

“To allege that the United States of America, our government would drop a drone hellfire missle on Jane Fonda, that, that is… that brings the conversation from a serious discussion about U.S. policy to the realm of the ridiculous,” McCain said.

McCain also quoted from a Wall Street Journal editorial that mocked Paul. “If Mr. Paul wants to be taken seriously, he needs to do more than pull political stunts that fire up impressionable libertarian kids in college dorms,” the editorial jibes.

McCain blasts Rand Paul?s filibuster as a ?political stunt? | The Raw Story

I don't even know how to respond to this.
You mean the maverick who let Obama wine and dine him at the Jefferson Hotel last night??:D
So McCain wants to kill American citizens on American soil?

Why the heck are our political leaders so ridiculous?

McCain is a rabid militarist who would just assume make Iraq the 58th state under Obama. :lol:

Not sure I'd go that far. But I am always amazed how much of our liberty McCain wants to just give up on. I mean you'd think someone who suffered as he did for this country would be a stronger advocate for the liberty it provides.
So McCain wants to kill American citizens on American soil?

Why the heck are our political leaders so ridiculous?

McCain is a rabid militarist who would just assume make Iraq the 58th state under Obama. :lol:

Not sure I'd go that far. But I am always amazed how much of our liberty McCain wants to just give up on. I mean you'd think someone who suffered as he did for this country would be a stronger advocate for the liberty it provides.

I get the feeling McCain's war stories are fake, and that he sold people out. I mean, as a politician he is the polar opposite of honorable and honest.
LOL, look at the Left drooling all over Alzheimer McCain....we on the Right laugh at him and Graham.
McCain is a rabid militarist who would just assume make Iraq the 58th state under Obama. :lol:

Not sure I'd go that far. But I am always amazed how much of our liberty McCain wants to just give up on. I mean you'd think someone who suffered as he did for this country would be a stronger advocate for the liberty it provides.

I get the feeling McCain's war stories are fake, and that he sold people out. I mean, as a politician he is the polar opposite of honorable and honest.
He did crack. There was a time when he would have been considered a traitor.
Not sure I'd go that far. But I am always amazed how much of our liberty McCain wants to just give up on. I mean you'd think someone who suffered as he did for this country would be a stronger advocate for the liberty it provides.

I get the feeling McCain's war stories are fake, and that he sold people out. I mean, as a politician he is the polar opposite of honorable and honest.
He did crack. There was a time when he would have been considered a traitor.

Is there evidence of this? That may be the case. But I dont think it wise to accuse things without evidence.
So McCain wants to kill American citizens on American soil?

Why the heck are our political leaders so ridiculous?

Our political leaders are Authoritarians (on both sides). When Libertarians, like Republican Senator Paul, or Democratic Senator Wyden, invoke the "radical" ideas of our founding fathers, the Authoritarians on both sides come out and denounce them, you lemmings/sheep follow them in their ridicule, while the Big Corporate Banks laugh all the way tot he bank while they restrict your freedoms.

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