A Rare Moment Of Sanity From The GOP, McCain Unloads On Paul

What is really funny is that just three short years ago, Republicans were actually WHINING that Obama had Mirandized a terrorist and brought him to US court.

Times change. People evolve.

And guess what? Clinton "Mirandized" a majority of the terrorists as well? Guess where they are? Oh, yeah...they're either dead or in jail.
Rand Paul believes drones are imbued with magical properties which usurp centuries of domestic law enforcement case law.

Tanks? Never been used unconstitutionally by Obama to kill Americans without due process.

Helicopters? Never been used unconstitutionally by Obama to kill Americans without due process.

Grenade launchers? Never been used unconstitutionally by Obama to kill Americans without due process.

Pointy carbon knives? Never been used unconstitutionally by Obama to kill Americans without due process.

Drones? Never been used unconstitutionally by Obama to- OHMYGOD HE'S GOING TO START STRAFING LIBERTARIANS AND PEOPLE WHO PAY CASH!!!

America used a drone to kill an American citizen without due process.

Do you live in a cave or something? Are you willfully blind to facts? Are you a bot?

I do not live in a cave, but the American you are talking about was living many thousands of miles OUTSIDE THE US in Al Qaeda controlled territory and his case was under MILITARY JURISDICTION.

When will you idiots finally got that through your thick skulls, and stop brining that orange to topics about apples?

What crackerjaxon isn't getting is that it may be that the muslim american cleric got all the due process he deserved. The question for some is more about who makes the call on what is due process. But under any view, due process is not a tool that an American can use, to go to a country where we have means to arrest him, and advocate killing Americans ... and then say to America "and you can't touch me."

It's not always easy to see what Rand Paul is ranting about, and here he seems to have fantasies about drones launching missles on unsuspecting dissidents in a local Starbucks. But this is really just an issue of how far executive power goes.
The filibuster wasn't about any drone program although he railed against it but it was meant to hold up the nomination of John Brennan.

You people are stupid.

Brennan is irrelevant. It's not like if he was somehow defeated Obama is going to nominate somebody better. The policies themselves are the problem.

It was relevant to filibuster the nomination.

That was the reason for the filibuster.

You sound like all the other morons that don't have a clue.
McCain and Graham are about as irrelevant as they come.
Nobody cares what they have to say.
Due process is a right forfeited once you take arms against your own nation in a war.

The citizen in the drone strike publicaly declared allegiance to al quada and then went over to them to fight against us, in a WAR.

My gosh.
Other things the Right has conveniently forgotten: The US Supreme Court's Enemy Combatant Decisions: A "Major Victory for the Rule of Law"?

In its recent judgments in Rumsfeld v Padilla, Hamdi v Rumsfeld and Rasul v Bush, the Supreme Court of the United States rejected the executive’s claim that it has the authority to incarcerate people suspected of terrorist connections without any judicial review.

Yeah. That's right. It was fucking BUSH that wanted to throw out due process, folks.

It was Obama who Mirandized terrorists and made the Right incredibly shocked and angry over it.

Jesus. You people are right out of the pages of Orwell's 1984.

"We have always been at war with Eastasia."
And now, a Fox News flashback:

One day after the very first detainee from Guantanamo Bay was transferred to New York City to stand trial, we are now learning some shocking news thanks to The Weekly Standard.

According to Congressman Mike Rogers — who serves on the House Intelligence Committee — the Obama administration is now requiring FBI agents to read Miranda rights to captured terrorists.

The italics were Fox News' emphasis.



That fucker read them their RIGHTS? And brought them to TRIAL? Are you fucking KIDDING ME?!?!

Yeah, I can see how you guys think Obama is going to start strafing America any day now. :lol::lol::lol:
The filibuster wasn't about any drone program although he railed against it but it was meant to hold up the nomination of John Brennan.

You people are stupid.

Brennan is irrelevant. It's not like if he was somehow defeated Obama is going to nominate somebody better. The policies themselves are the problem.

It was relevant to filibuster the nomination.

That was the reason for the filibuster.

You sound like all the other morons that don't have a clue.

Thank you.
Time for a USMB flashback: Can it be true? Obama orders Miranda Rights for Foreign enemies!!!

My oh my, how angry the Right was about this. Remember?

I think these this post sums up their attitude at the time:

How exactly do you interrogate someone that you gave "the right to remain silent" to. What a bone headed idea this was...stupid ass democrats.

The Right has obviously erased all this from their minds.

Did it ever occur to you that the "right" is not all a single mass, and that it might make more sense to deal with individuals on an... wait for it... individual level?
And now, a Fox News flashback:

One day after the very first detainee from Guantanamo Bay was transferred to New York City to stand trial, we are now learning some shocking news thanks to The Weekly Standard.

According to Congressman Mike Rogers — who serves on the House Intelligence Committee — the Obama administration is now requiring FBI agents to read Miranda rights to captured terrorists.

The italics were Fox News' emphasis.



That fucker read them their RIGHTS? And brought them to TRIAL? Are you fucking KIDDING ME?!?!

Yeah, I can see how you guys think Obama is going to start strafing America any day now. :lol::lol::lol:

Yeah, but that really had two sources. Fox had to feed it's consumers with anti-Obama rhetoric. But, there was a more fundamental, and principaled, issue. Is it a military war on terror and it's off to military tribunals (which were legally uncertain at the time) or do we have a terrorist who was arrested and will be charged with criminal acts in a court.

Imo killing the cleric is more akin to waterboarding. Does the executive branch have the power to do something that there's really no justification for in civil, criminal, military law? There's no hard or fast answer unless you're making some moral argument.
Republicans are demanding the constitutional rights of suspected terrorists be protected.

Read that again.

Republicans are demanding the constitutional rights of suspected terrorists be protected.

Are you people going to tell me that does not induce the slightest bit of cognitive dissonance? :lol:


Oh, wait...wut?
The question is when is mush mouth McCain going to start acting like a man instead of a Obama lackey?Everytime republicans score points in the National debate McCain kisses Obama's ass. McCain is an amateur politician compared to Obama. As the son of a Navy Admiral McCain was flying F-16's (poorly) when Obama was learning to hate his Country. Obama learned hard core Chicago politics from a former domestic terrorist while McCain was nursing his PTSS.
Republicans are demanding the constitutional rights of suspected terrorists be protected.

Read that again.

Republicans are demanding the constitutional rights of suspected terrorists be protected.

Are you people going to tell me that does not induce the slightest bit of cognitive dissonance? :lol:


Oh, wait...wut?

Of course there is. But both parties have a track record of pushing executive power when they have the presidency. And pushing back against the presidency when they don't have it.

McCain danced very lightly around waterboarding.
The old guard is having trouble letting go. It happens. McCain and Graham still think it is like it used to be when republicans and democrats could still be friends with policy differences. One of the things that rankled republicans was McCains unwillingness to attack obama on his weak record. The younger ones don't have that disabiliy.

The young power is all on the Republican side and they are starting to flex.
The old guard is having trouble letting go. It happens. McCain and Graham still think it is like it used to be when republicans and democrats could still be friends with policy differences. One of the things that rankled republicans was McCains unwillingness to attack obama on his weak record. The younger ones don't have that disabiliy.

The young power is all on the Republican side and they are starting to flex.

yeah, the gop's killing the dems with the young vote.
The new GOP War on Terra™:


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