A Refugee Tax?

Merkel is Hillary's twin. If Clinton get in office....she will do the same thing Merkel is doing. Count on it.
Leave it to Socialist Democrats to CREATE a problem THEN punish the people.

Former East German Communist Angela Merkle turn Socialist Democrat has an idea. That is to IMPOSE a "refugee tax" on citizens. This NEW "refugee" tax would be ADDED to the price of gas in that country. It would seem Hillary is not the only liar in Communist politics nor the only to tax for her social failures.

The announcement that there might be an extra tax to pay for the invasion is directly contrary to the October 2015 announcement by Angela Merkel that there would be no tax increases resulting from her policy."

But the TRUTH of the matter is she IS looking for this.....

New Observer Speaking in an interview with the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper, Schäuble—a member of Merkel’s CDU party—said that “if funds are not sufficient in the national and European budgets, then we will propose that a levy be placed on each liter of gasoline. Then we will have the means to cope with the European refugee question.”

When asked if this extra refugee tax was going to be obligatory across the entire European Union, Schäuble said that he would prefer it to be voluntary, rather than mandatory."

Oh how nice! They would PREFER citizens lined up to take it in the ass.
Why YOU folks as American CITIZENS would LOVE a FORCED MANDATE in regards to a REFUGEE TAX to fix a problem CAUSED by your government!

Could Americans be MANDATED into a refugee tax? NOT if you DON'T let them IN in the first place. So just how is Germany doing since letting the savages in?

The reason for this proposal, Schäuble said, was that although the German government had a tax surplus, “we may have a problem with the functioning of the federal system [in meeting its obligations] without debt.”

"HAD" a tax surplus "HAD" money to pay its bills "HAD" money for social services to its CITIZENS.....HAD. Folks its not only cheaper but safer to send food THERE. Trump IS right the refugee camps NEED to be THERE.


The Traitor Bitch is just asking for it isn't she? :whip:

asking for what? she did what the people of Germany seemed to want----she forgot about that FICKLE teutonic thing
Leave it to Socialist Democrats to CREATE a problem THEN punish the people.

Former East German Communist Angela Merkle turn Socialist Democrat has an idea. That is to IMPOSE a "refugee tax" on citizens. This NEW "refugee" tax would be ADDED to the price of gas in that country. It would seem Hillary is not the only liar in Communist politics nor the only to tax for her social failures.

The announcement that there might be an extra tax to pay for the invasion is directly contrary to the October 2015 announcement by Angela Merkel that there would be no tax increases resulting from her policy."

But the TRUTH of the matter is she IS looking for this.....

New Observer Speaking in an interview with the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper, Schäuble—a member of Merkel’s CDU party—said that “if funds are not sufficient in the national and European budgets, then we will propose that a levy be placed on each liter of gasoline. Then we will have the means to cope with the European refugee question.”

When asked if this extra refugee tax was going to be obligatory across the entire European Union, Schäuble said that he would prefer it to be voluntary, rather than mandatory."

Oh how nice! They would PREFER citizens lined up to take it in the ass.
Why YOU folks as American CITIZENS would LOVE a FORCED MANDATE in regards to a REFUGEE TAX to fix a problem CAUSED by your government!

Could Americans be MANDATED into a refugee tax? NOT if you DON'T let them IN in the first place. So just how is Germany doing since letting the savages in?

The reason for this proposal, Schäuble said, was that although the German government had a tax surplus, “we may have a problem with the functioning of the federal system [in meeting its obligations] without debt.”

"HAD" a tax surplus "HAD" money to pay its bills "HAD" money for social services to its CITIZENS.....HAD. Folks its not only cheaper but safer to send food THERE. Trump IS right the refugee camps NEED to be THERE.


The Traitor Bitch is just asking for it isn't she? :whip:

asking for what? she did what the people of Germany seemed to want----she forgot about that FICKLE teutonic thing

Nonsense, Merkel NEVER ASKED German people if this was okay, she just DEMANDED the savages be allowed in by DEMANDING that the German border stay open, even though people and politicians and the police were saying to close the border.
Rozman is right ... well, at least 80% right ... we are a nation greatly made up of immigrants. Back in the 1600's it was all new and people really didn't have papers ... they just wanted to get away from wherever they were in hopes of finding something better. But there came a time when coming in required doing so with paperwork in hand. Some got turned back for various reasons - various diseases, etc. Some were quarantined for a period and then allowed entry. Now ... well, they just come in willy-nilly, no paperwork, many with no intention of becoming productive American citizens ... or even becoming productive for that matter. They seem to have everything handed to them on a silver platter with no questions asked.

And there's this whole segment of people pushing for this country to become just like the countries our ancestors got the hell out of. And more and more our government is getting larger and larger and more and more intrusive into our private personal lives. Let's face it: one government department doesn't know what the other is doing, none of the agencies know what the other is doing - hell, nobody knows what's going on from one desk to another.

I'm afraid if we were to have another "American Revolution" it would be a lot more vicious, bloodier and hellish than the first one.

But, then, I'm just a crazy old lady - so what the hell do I know. :uhh:
Leave it to Socialist Democrats to CREATE a problem THEN punish the people.

Former East German Communist Angela Merkle turn Socialist Democrat has an idea. That is to IMPOSE a "refugee tax" on citizens. This NEW "refugee" tax would be ADDED to the price of gas in that country. It would seem Hillary is not the only liar in Communist politics nor the only to tax for her social failures.

The announcement that there might be an extra tax to pay for the invasion is directly contrary to the October 2015 announcement by Angela Merkel that there would be no tax increases resulting from her policy."

But the TRUTH of the matter is she IS looking for this.....

New Observer Speaking in an interview with the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper, Schäuble—a member of Merkel’s CDU party—said that “if funds are not sufficient in the national and European budgets, then we will propose that a levy be placed on each liter of gasoline. Then we will have the means to cope with the European refugee question.”

When asked if this extra refugee tax was going to be obligatory across the entire European Union, Schäuble said that he would prefer it to be voluntary, rather than mandatory."

Oh how nice! They would PREFER citizens lined up to take it in the ass.
Why YOU folks as American CITIZENS would LOVE a FORCED MANDATE in regards to a REFUGEE TAX to fix a problem CAUSED by your government!

Could Americans be MANDATED into a refugee tax? NOT if you DON'T let them IN in the first place. So just how is Germany doing since letting the savages in?

The reason for this proposal, Schäuble said, was that although the German government had a tax surplus, “we may have a problem with the functioning of the federal system [in meeting its obligations] without debt.”

"HAD" a tax surplus "HAD" money to pay its bills "HAD" money for social services to its CITIZENS.....HAD. Folks its not only cheaper but safer to send food THERE. Trump IS right the refugee camps NEED to be THERE.


The Traitor Bitch is just asking for it isn't she? :whip:

asking for what? she did what the people of Germany seemed to want----she forgot about that FICKLE teutonic thing

Nonsense, Merkel NEVER ASKED German people if this was okay, she just DEMANDED the savages be allowed in by DEMANDING that the German border stay open, even though people and politicians and the police were saying to close the border.

Lucy-----you comatose teutonics have been welcoming north African muzzies
for DECADES. You are their GREATEST assed because of your "support
single moms" ethics--------extra wives are all over your lands living off you for
DECADES. The north African muslims are not STUPID -----they know who is willing to BUTTER THEIR BREAD
Rozman is right ... well, at least 80% right ... we are a nation greatly made up of immigrants. Back in the 1600's it was all new and people really didn't have papers ... they just wanted to get away from wherever they were in hopes of finding something better. But there came a time when coming in required doing so with paperwork in hand. Some got turned back for various reasons - various diseases, etc. Some were quarantined for a period and then allowed entry. Now ... well, they just come in willy-nilly, no paperwork, many with no intention of becoming productive American citizens ... or even becoming productive for that matter. They seem to have everything handed to them on a silver platter with no questions asked.

And there's this whole segment of people pushing for this country to become just like the countries our ancestors got the hell out of. And more and more our government is getting larger and larger and more and more intrusive into our private personal lives. Let's face it: one government department doesn't know what the other is doing, none of the agencies know what the other is doing - hell, nobody knows what's going on from one desk to another.

I'm afraid if we were to have another "American Revolution" it would be a lot more vicious, bloodier and hellish than the first one.

But, then, I'm just a crazy old lady - so what the hell do I know. :uhh:

I don't think that you're a crazy old lady, you make perfect sense.
Leave it to Socialist Democrats to CREATE a problem THEN punish the people.

Former East German Communist Angela Merkle turn Socialist Democrat has an idea. That is to IMPOSE a "refugee tax" on citizens. This NEW "refugee" tax would be ADDED to the price of gas in that country. It would seem Hillary is not the only liar in Communist politics nor the only to tax for her social failures.

The announcement that there might be an extra tax to pay for the invasion is directly contrary to the October 2015 announcement by Angela Merkel that there would be no tax increases resulting from her policy."

But the TRUTH of the matter is she IS looking for this.....

New Observer Speaking in an interview with the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper, Schäuble—a member of Merkel’s CDU party—said that “if funds are not sufficient in the national and European budgets, then we will propose that a levy be placed on each liter of gasoline. Then we will have the means to cope with the European refugee question.”

When asked if this extra refugee tax was going to be obligatory across the entire European Union, Schäuble said that he would prefer it to be voluntary, rather than mandatory."

Oh how nice! They would PREFER citizens lined up to take it in the ass.
Why YOU folks as American CITIZENS would LOVE a FORCED MANDATE in regards to a REFUGEE TAX to fix a problem CAUSED by your government!

Could Americans be MANDATED into a refugee tax? NOT if you DON'T let them IN in the first place. So just how is Germany doing since letting the savages in?

The reason for this proposal, Schäuble said, was that although the German government had a tax surplus, “we may have a problem with the functioning of the federal system [in meeting its obligations] without debt.”

"HAD" a tax surplus "HAD" money to pay its bills "HAD" money for social services to its CITIZENS.....HAD. Folks its not only cheaper but safer to send food THERE. Trump IS right the refugee camps NEED to be THERE.


The Traitor Bitch is just asking for it isn't she? :whip:

asking for what? she did what the people of Germany seemed to want----she forgot about that FICKLE teutonic thing

Nonsense, Merkel NEVER ASKED German people if this was okay, she just DEMANDED the savages be allowed in by DEMANDING that the German border stay open, even though people and politicians and the police were saying to close the border.

Lucy-----you comatose teutonics have been welcoming north African muzzies
for DECADES. You are their GREATEST assed because of your "support
single moms" ethics--------extra wives are all over your lands living off you for
DECADES. The north African muslims are not STUPID -----they know who is willing to BUTTER THEIR BREAD

Most Germans who voted for Merkel must be self-flagellating masochists..........with U.S. muppets being not too far behind.

Most who voted for Traitor Merkel now very angry, the only support Merkel has these days are from Leftists, the actual Communists and the crazy Greens.

You could be right..........but it seems the Germans are 'terminal' like most Western Euro-peons.

What do you mean?

Too duped by socialism, for too long.......

This is the fault of the Cultural Marxists who now control pretty much all MSM, they also control your MSM in America. Many more people wake-up each day, people know MSM telling horsecrap.

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