A Reminder - Just Before Midnight Eastern Time on November 3, 2020

I told you what happened. I don't expect you to believe it.
And then their widdle hearts were broken and their widdle dweams were crushed with the counting of the mail in ballots.

And then they demanded recounts and got them! But the recounts showed
Donny had struck out.

Wait, the railed, we will take to the courts! Rudy will represent us!

But alas, crazy broke down Rudy, all he had was

But the judges weren't taking any shit.

And the poor widdle trumpers were so sad.

Wait, we go back to the state houses, but the state houses said


But wait! We'll have a big rally, send our people to march on the Capital
and stop congress before they can receive to vote, so we can run in fake
electors to overturn the vote, so they did!

but, we know how that turned out.


So now, three years later here we are, same on trumper crybaby sore loser


Here's a song that express the sentiments of myself and the nation for
your behavior and the damage you did to the nation and the political climate.

And we are in decline as a nation. We as a people are no different than in other lands. We are manipulated. Prog voters will understand this at some point. There are endless people who will work for the dictatorship as law enforcers on all sides who will crack heads and kill when the time comes. We see the precursors as when the arrests are made of people as examples. The top secret military leaker last week is just one as the stormtroopers had glee in them and were disappointed they could not put hundreds of rounds into the man. Across the nation if a person does not comply exactly to law enforcement there are no rights. And it can be over nothing. Anyway, we are a nation breaking apart with divisions. And perhaps if most suffer, that would be vengeance enough to sustain the long period of oppression we will face.
Please tell us, Oh wise one....why would dems go through all that alleged cheating for Biden, and not cheat to get the other Dems elected as well?
And we are in decline as a nation. We as a people are no different than in other lands. We are manipulated. Prog voters will understand this at some point. There are endless people who will work for the dictatorship as law enforcers on all sides who will crack heads and kill when the time comes. We see the precursors as when the arrests are made of people as examples. The top secret military leaker last week is just one as the stormtroopers had glee in them and were disappointed they could not put hundreds of rounds into the man. Across the nation if a person does not comply exactly to law enforcement there are no rights. And it can be over nothing. Anyway, we are a nation breaking apart with divisions. And perhaps if most suffer, that would be vengeance enough to sustain the long period of oppression we will face.
Your level of paranoia is evident. It’s sway over you is complete. You think of the US Government as if they were some Stalinist totalitarian regime come to power, yet you do not immigrate. The laws that have been passed are the laws passed by the representative of the people of the country for the good of the people of the country and are (by in large) good laws, though they protect nobody from anybody, only punish the guilty when caught afterward, more of a warning to law-abiding to remain law-abiding, or to punish the perpetrators caught. We, as a nation are not breaking apart. Your theory is popular among the extremes of right and left, but false. Radical malcontents on the right and left, as well as criminals for profit (who would rather take than work, build and create), along with the sociopathic deranged are the biggest dangers. You wish most would suffer for some reason, some lack of freedom, you do not describe, nor it's benefit or a time when we possessed it, if we ever did. You on the far right are as bad and possible more dangerous than the small groups allowed to run rampant by elected official more worried of re-election than maintaining law and order in their city for the working building tax paying citizens, temporarily taking over a block or two in some distant city, as your radical answers are more destructive to the whole. The country is not behind you, as your warped vision is not in the best interests of the normal working American, nor the wealthy that depend on stability to make their living.
On vote night, OAN News was in the voting places where suspicious activities were going on and they were pointing the activities out and interviewing poll workers. Newsmax was doing the same kind of reporting. Eventually, both networks were forced off the air. They were punished for reporting things that I and everyone in America saw. The public was told that they were believing their lying eyes. There were so many things of a suspicious nature happening on camera that it would take a book to describe them. And of course it was all Republican lies because it was an honest election and counting process because Democrats would never,never, never cheat.
I stopped reading as soon as I saw OAN, One America News, a far right pro Trump cable news service. They claim to be one of the greatest supporters of Donald Trump. OAN is well know for it's promotion of falsehoods and conspiracy theories. Get back with us when you have some real evidence of Trump's stolen election.
I worked the polls for years in a bright blue state. I applauded us going to paper ballots which should have made elections more secure, but once filled out that ballot is fed into a 'counting' machine that presumably tallies the vote. To this day I have no confidence my vote has been counted or was counted as I voted and there is zero way to verify that unless there is credible evidence of fraud or error.

Also in state district after district when the vote is very close, they always seem to run across a box of uncounted ballots that are just enough to tip the scale. So am I confident the vote is honest in New Mexico? I have no evidence it isn't. But no confidence that it is.

These kinds of things were rampant on election night in 2020. Did Trump lose that election? I honestly don't know. Did Biden get all those votes assigned to him? There is no way in hell I will ever believe that.

I want an election policy nationwide that allows the people to have confidence that only legitimately registered voters vote and their votes are counted and counted exactly as they voted. I cannot imagine how any honorable American would not want that.
Whether the count is by hand or machine, there is no way to prove that there were no mistakes or voter fraud when you have 130 million people voting in 50 states operating under different rules using different methods of collecting the votes and counting them. However, this diversity in voting coupled with the electoral college makes a conspiracy crossing state lines almost impossible.

After an election, when the results are know, it is pretty easy to create a conspiracy but damn near impossible to do so before voting begins because there is no way of knowing how many votes to steal and where to steal them. It's sort like watching a football game and determining after the game is over, how it could have been won.
I stopped reading as soon as I saw OAN, One America News, a far right pro Trump cable news service. They claim to be one of the greatest supporters of Donald Trump. OAN is well know for it's promotion of falsehoods and conspiracy theories. Get back with us when you have some real evidence of Trump's stolen election.
You're right, as usual. The live videos of the acts I described and the footage on closed circuit cameras were faked by OANN. But the security cameras on streets, parking lots and buildings filming crimes like murders, assaults and robberies are factual court evidence. How could I have been so blind? Now, I will never watch the evil OANN again. Oh, the agony!
You're right, as usual. The live videos of the acts I described and the footage on closed circuit cameras were faked by OANN. But the security cameras on streets, parking lots and buildings filming crimes like murders, assaults and robberies are factual court evidence. How could I have been so blind? Now, I will never watch the evil OANN again. Oh, the agony!
Happy to hear you have seen the light
I have no doubt that there was an array of shenanigans going on. What I still can’t quite find is conclusive proof that any or all of it changed the electoral count at all.

That said, it is facially ridiculous to buy the 81 million vote count for Brandon.
I have no doubt that there was an array of shenanigans going on. What I still can’t quite find is conclusive proof that any or all of it changed the electoral count at all.

That said, it is facially ridiculous to buy the 81 million vote count for Brandon.

I don't think 'factual' means what you think it means.
I don't think
There. I fixed that for you.

Note: skyler’s comment has been edited to make it more accurate in terms of reality. Yeah. Yeah. It’s not what she said exactly. But those words were the only accurate part of what she did say.
There. I fixed that for you.

Note: skyler’s comment has been edited to make it more accurate in terms of reality. Yeah. Yeah. It’s not what she said exactly. But those words were the only accurate part of what she did say.

Laughing.....your imagination isn't 'fact'. You may not be able to tell the difference. But the states who certified their own election most definitely can.

But hey, whatever fantastically elaborate conspiracy you've got to cling to to avoid personal responsibility.

This thread has been relegated to *exactly* where it belongs.
Laughing.....your imagination isn't 'fact'. You may not be able to tell the difference. But the states who certified their own election most definitely can.

But hey, whatever fantastically elaborate conspiracy you've got to cling to to avoid personal responsibility.

This thread has been relegated to *exactly* where it belongs.
Thanks for sharing your opinions.
Happy to hear you have seen the light

I think maybe the light I think I'm seeing is fake and a trick by the devious Republican cartel.

What boggles my mind is how the right wing media can fake videos to make the left seem crooked. There is such a device called a "pool camera" that all the broadcasters employ. Take a Congressional hearing for example. One (1) camera in the hearing room. All 258 networks and news stations beam out the broadcast via the one (1) camera. Everyone at home watches the broadcast. Somehow OANN, NEWSMAX, FOX video playbacks are FAKE. Next day on USMB a poster puts the video in a thread. Immediately, every leftwing poster screams, "FAKE NEWS", "BREITBART?" "NEW YORK POST?" "FOX NEWS?"

It's amazing.
The election results aren't an opinion.
The election results, as reported, are indeed justifiably doubtful.
Your conspiracy fantasy most definitely is.
False. There is no reasonable doubt that there was a lot of improper activity taking place in various locations on Election Day.

But, despite that, it has not been my position that any or all of the election chicanery altered even one electoral vote.
The election results, as reported, are indeed justifiably doubtful.

Your feelings are not a standard of evidence. Your denial is not an argument. Its a poorly thought through opinion.

The election results on the other hand aren't an opinion.
False. There is no reasonable doubt that there was a lot of improper activity taking place in various locations on Election Day.

But, despite that, it has not been my position that any or all of the election chicanery altered even one electoral vote.

Every court to ever hear such meaningless conspiracy gibberish has said otherwise.
Whether the count is by hand or machine, there is no way to prove that there were no mistakes or voter fraud when you have 130 million people voting in 50 states operating under different rules using different methods of collecting the votes and counting them. However, this diversity in voting coupled with the electoral college makes a conspiracy crossing state lines almost impossible.

After an election, when the results are know, it is pretty easy to create a conspiracy but damn near impossible to do so before voting begins because there is no way of knowing how many votes to steal and where to steal them. It's sort like watching a football game and determining after the game is over, how it could have been won.
Hand counting with strong chain of custody and bipartisan poll watchers supervising will result in honest count 99.9% of the time. Strong voter registration rules that we once had and voter ID may not eliminate all fraud but it will make it so difficult that it is unlikely to change the outcome of any election.

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