A Republic, Not A Democracy


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
Wow, does this send chills up my spine.

I've never heard of this guy but DAMN was he prophetic.

Sound familiar?

We shoulda nipped this in the bud long ago...
He was a John Bircher.

Then I guess John Birchers knew what the hell they were talking about after all.

Yet another group of people who I was taught to demonize growing up in a Lefty household, and - of course - it turns out they weren't the monsters I was told they were.
The USA is both a democracy and a republic.

Those who deny the democracy part do so because they want to destroy the democracy, and replace it with an authoritarian republic.

If someone uses the "Derp! A republic, not a democracy!" line, you know you're listening to a hardcore authoritarian.
Those who deny the democracy part do so because they want to destroy the democracy, and replace it with an authoritarian republic.

A Republic can exist without Democracy.
Many nations do

Republicans are trying to run our Republic without the annoyance of those pesky voters
The root word of Republic is ”res publica,” Latin for a “public thing.” In other words, a Republic comes from the people. Therefore it has struck me as inane to argue whether the US is a democracy or a republic as each flows from the people. Our Constitution sets the rules and standards for our democratic institutions. Our Constitutional Republic is not anathema to a democracy but is just another form of it.
A Republic can exist without Democracy.
Many nations do

Republicans are trying to run our Republic without the annoyance of those pesky voters
California abandoned public referendums because they discovered that almost all of their proposals were being rejected by the people. Most states don't even allow them for the same reason.
I know

Regular people voting is so annoying isn’t it?
I vote, but I don't expect any good will come from it. I don't think anyone else does either. What voters want is to see their party in power. What the party does with that power is unimportant to them as long as it annoys the other party.
Thank you all for taking part in my experiment concerning how many Constitutionally ignorant commies populate this message board.

The answer?

No more than expected, but still far too many.

Dismissed! ;)

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