A Republican Candidate Is Being Sued After Allegedly Sawing His Neighbor's Garage In Half.

It does seem Bush would know how to properly use a chain saw. Now Obama trying use one would be a bloody funny thing to watch!

The mind of a Democrat, only get one side of a story and run with it, the truth be damned.

So we should take matters into our own hands? This is the mindset of someone running for public office?

If I had a property line issue I'd call my Attorney who would handle the matter. That's what a RATIONAL person would do.
A rational person wouldn't assume 1/2 the story is the whole story and make accusations based on 1/2 the info.

but you're a leftist, hearing what you want to hear is enough.

A rational person would have sought a legal remedy, which proves this Republican (like most) is irrational.

This post shows that OnePercenter has no idea what it takes to prove anything.

The mind of a Democrat, only get one side of a story and run with it, the truth be damned.

So we should take matters into our own hands? This is the mindset of someone running for public office?

If I had a property line issue I'd call my Attorney who would handle the matter. That's what a RATIONAL person would do.
A rational person wouldn't assume 1/2 the story is the whole story and make accusations based on 1/2 the info.

but you're a leftist, hearing what you want to hear is enough.

A rational person would have sought a legal remedy, which proves this Republican (like most) is irrational.

A rational person would avoid ever talking to you.
The buyer could have tried to sue Ann Anderson for not informing him that the garage for that house was not legal, and a list of other things. The guy that cut the garage in half, wasn't the right party to try and sue. Not surprised if the case got thrown out.

The mind of a Democrat, only get one side of a story and run with it, the truth be damned.

So we should take matters into our own hands? This is the mindset of someone running for public office?

If I had a property line issue I'd call my Attorney who would handle the matter. That's what a RATIONAL person would do.

Ask the President, if he doesn't get his way, Constitution be damned and he uses an executive order to get his way, so you tell me, are you asking in all cases or just one because they are a Republican? You. Are a partisan nut, so rational is out the window with you anyway.

Baby Bush issued 291 executive orders. Obama needs more than100 to equal that.

So what does that have to do with anything? If the were legit executive orders that don't circumvent the Constitution, I have no issue.

The mind of a Democrat, only get one side of a story and run with it, the truth be damned.

So we should take matters into our own hands? This is the mindset of someone running for public office?

If I had a property line issue I'd call my Attorney who would handle the matter. That's what a RATIONAL person would do.
A rational person wouldn't assume 1/2 the story is the whole story and make accusations based on 1/2 the info.

but you're a leftist, hearing what you want to hear is enough.

A rational person would have sought a legal remedy, which proves this Republican (like most) is irrational.

This post shows that OnePercenter has no idea what it takes to prove anything.

Since the guy is a Republican candidate, it shows the Republican mind in action.
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This post shows that OnePercenter has no idea what it takes to prove anything.

Since the guy is a Republican candidate, it shows the Republican mind in action.[/QUOTE]A Republican is the Republican mind in action? Your mind is gone.

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