A simple question for Trump fans: Is Trump above the law?

no Trump isnt above the law ... but he isnt below the law either .. for 7 yrs the left has been desperately trying to find and fabricate crimes [investigating the man ] and even attempted to destroy his presidency with illegal warrants based on fabricated evidence and hearsay ... so dont blame people for being skeptical about whats going on today .. Tump isnt below the law .. and neither is the Big Guy .

You guys have been trying for five years to get something on "the Big Guy", but you've come up short. His sexual abuse accuser just defected back to her Russian Handlers and after five years of investigating, all you've proven is that Hunter is a bit sloppy in his paperwork.

Trump, on the other hand has been indicted in two jurisdictions on 71 counts of criminality and misconduct. He's been impeached twice.
Democrats are above the law, you fucking scumbag.
They're not above karma. :nono:

There's a Bible verse somewhere that explains how karma works in this world.

I doubt it can be found with a web search, but I do know it's pretty much on par with "Natural law"

and works like clockwork without fail.
You guys have been trying for five years to get something on "the Big Guy", but you've come up short. His sexual abuse accuser just defected back to her Russian Handlers and after five years of investigating, all you've proven is that Hunter is a bit sloppy in his paperwork.

Trump, on the other hand has been indicted in two jurisdictions on 71 counts of criminality and misconduct. He's been impeached twice.
How can you be so wrong all of time?

Why do you think it's cool to support a grifting pedo that's ruining the United States of America as much as he has the power to?

The dude is actively doing things to make your life worse, and you cheer him on. Pardon me while I don't understand that. :dunno:
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They're not above karma. :nono:

There's a Bible verse somewhere that explains how karma works in this world.

I doubt it can be found with a web search, but I do know it's pretty much on par with "Natural law"

and works like clockwork without fail.

There are a lot of them, especially in Proverbs.

I did a quick search just on reaping and sowing and came up with this:

There are a lot of them, especially in Proverbs.

I did a quick search just on reaping and sowing and came up with this:

None of those are what I was thinking of, but that's a great start to a Sunday! :D
I'm having one heck of a time getting this spectacularly simple question answered.

You complain about equal treatment. Jack Smith brings a case that has CLEAR EVIDENCE, most of which was facilitated by TRUMP'S OWN PEOPLE, and you seem to be angry about that.

So: Is Trump above the law? Yes or No?

And please try to answer without changing the subject, if you think you can. Let's see how many STRAIGHT ANSWERS we can get.

This is a cliched question. Why do leftists endlessly parrot one another? If he wins the presidency it will keep him about of jail. If he "loses" he may go to prison. What will you do then? Jerk yourself off to a frenzy?
An unprecedented political indictment raises the stakes dramatically. Trump's "crime" doesn't affect people personally. Its all top secret hearsay that you're not allowed to know about, but choose to blindly believe. I think the situation will inspire sympathy in people and make more people vote for Trump

edit: why would you link an article with a paywall, welp guess it's not important for me to read
I think when Trump gets elected again, Mac1958 will well..keep starting Orange Man Bad threads.

It's a safe assumption. The history alludes as to that will be the case.
And you'll keep humping my leg, desperate for my attention.

That's okay. I'm used to it.
What are you getting at? People who break the law and are caught, are not above the law, while those who break the law and get away with it, are above the law?

To answer your question: no, Trump is not above the law. I support an outlaw for President. Get killed
What I'm getting at is the fact that I think Trumpism is a stain on the history of this country says nothing about my politics.

I know that confuses you people.

And if you don't like that, tough shit.
Both remain unindicted. :auiqs.jpg:
yes, because we have become north korea where political enemies are prosecuted for made up crimes and the guilty that are part of the leader's cult are not subject to any laws. Is that really what you want for this country? Remember the dem/libs will not always be in charge so if you fools set the precedent it will come around and bite your asses.
What I'm getting at is the fact that I think Trumpism is a stain on the history of this country says nothing about my politics.

I know that confuses you people.

And if you don't like that, tough shit.
And Poof! You've outed yourself as a retard. :dunno:

Obviously you're not for the America the Founding Fathers envisioned.
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They're already trying to get rid of how this has been for centuries by deletring iton the internet.

My country, 'tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing;
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the pilgrims' pride,
From ev'ry mountainside
Let freedom ring!

My native country, thee,
Land of the noble free,
Thy name I love;
I love thy rocks and rills,
Thy woods and templed hills;
My heart with rapture thrills,
Like that above.

Let music swell the breeze,
And ring from all the trees
Sweet freedom's song;
Let mortal tongues awake;
Let all that breathe partake;
Let rocks their silence break,
The sound prolong.

Our fathers' God to Thee,
Author of liberty,
To Thee we sing.
Long may our land be bright,
With freedom's holy light,
Protect us by Thy might,
Great God our King.

source: My Country, 'Tis of Thee Lyrics - Patriotic Song Lyrics

God is the king of Americans. Not government.
fine, but most sane people think liberal wokeism is a stain on the history of this country.
And I'll be happy to direct you to hundreds, if not thousands, of squabbles I've had with the Left over PC & Identity Politics, for which I was called every name in the book.

That used to be by far my biggest pet peeve, and I still fight against it. But something far more destructive has my attention at the moment.

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