A simple question for Trump fans: Is Trump above the law?

"As you know, President Biden has literally thousands of boxes containing classified documents in many unsecured locations going back to his days as a Senator."
If I read the good poster Markle correctly he is asserting that Joe Biden had or has..."thousands" of classified documents?
Personally, I don't trust that assertion as being factual.
Perhaps, poster Markle can vet this claim? Show us some data, or some informed analysis about those 'thousands' of classified docs?
Can you help us understand your post, poster Markle?

"....because we have become north korea where political enemies are prosecuted for made up crimes"
No, the USA has not become North Korea.
Pardon me, but expressing such a sentiment demonstrates ignorance about North Korea...AND.....about the US.
Do this poster Redfish ---read a book.
Try these: 'Dear Leader' by Jang Jing sung; and/or 'Nothing to Envy' by B.Demick.
Educate yourself poster Redfish.
You CAN be a better poster here.
Good luck.

you're a stupid, oblivious fuck, with TDS.
Fuck you, you commie pussy ass piece of shit shitbag!
It is posts like those two I quote above that re-enforce the widely held cliché that MAGA supporters / Trump supporters....are comprised too often of the mostly ill-educated, ill-raised ne'er-do-wells in life.
And are the sour, grievance filled segment who is unhappy over their own personal failures to secure a successful American life.
I honestly don't know if that cliche' is true.
But could be persuaded it is, based on some of the communications those folks post on this venue.

If you are miserable today, it's because you've made an effort at it.
The rest of us are far better off today than we were in 2020.

True that. :thup:
If I read the good poster Markle correctly he is asserting that Joe Biden had or has..."thousands" of classified documents?
Personally, I don't trust that assertion as being factual.
Perhaps, poster Markle can vet this claim? Show us some data, or some informed analysis about those 'thousands' of classified docs?
Can you help us understand your post, poster Markle?


No, the USA has not become North Korea.
Pardon me, but expressing such a sentiment demonstrates ignorance about North Korea...AND.....about the US.
Do this poster Redfish ---read a book.
Try these: 'Dear Leader' by Jang Jing sung; and/or 'Nothing to Envy' by B.Demick.
Educate yourself poster Redfish.
You CAN be a better poster here.
Good luck.

It is posts like those two I quote above that re-enforce the widely held cliché that MAGA supporters / Trump supporters....are comprised too often of the mostly ill-educated, ill-raised ne'er-do-wells in life.
And are the sour, grievance filled segment who is unhappy over their own personal failures to secure a successful American life.
I honestly don't know if that cliche' is true.
But could be persuaded it is, based on some of the communications those folks post on this venue.


True that. :thup:
What's your net worth, fucktard? How much debt do you carry? How much credit do you have?

If I was so "ill-educated", why is my vocabulary in the top 1% of the country?

(You just insulted all kinds of good teachers) That one English teacher I had would rip you wide open.

And that black woman wasn't even the best one I had, she's #3. #2? A black man, smart man, 90% of the class aced the State finals.

He was a really good teacher. #1 is a white man from GA, he was the best at that.

No, you're a sophist retard commie shill is more than likely the truth.

Kinda like midcan5.

Allow me to explain this to you: You are incapbale of over-sophisicating things to where I can't can't kick you right in your stupid ass.

Right in the butt, too. Let's do this!
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If you are miserable today, it's because you've made an effort at it.

The rest of us are far better off today than we were in 2020.

Please show me how that is possible.

"RULE 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules. (This is a serious rule. The besieged entity’s very credibility and reputation is at stake, because if activists catch it lying or not living up to its commitments, they can continue to chip away at the damage.)"

Fuck you, you commie pussy ass piece of shit shitbag!

You're not going to win and it would take a miracle if soyboys like you keep on living much longer in America with your bullshit.

I am all for protecting the weak, but that's the good weak, something you are not a party of.

You're the shitbag weak trying to attack the strong. You are going to fail and fail hard, boy.

Furthermore, I say you deserved every time bullies took your lunch money. You turd!
Your question is simple.

So is the answer.

However, the responses demonstrate that people don't seem to trust you.

For the sake of clarity, the answer is that Trump is NOT above the law.
Your question is simple.

So is the answer.

However, the responses demonstrate that people don't seem to trust you.

For the sake of clarity, the answer is that Trump is NOT above the law.
Biden is above the law, douchebag.
I'm having one heck of a time getting this spectacularly simple question answered.

You complain about equal treatment. Jack Smith brings a case that has CLEAR EVIDENCE, most of which was facilitated by TRUMP'S OWN PEOPLE, and you seem to be angry about that.

So: Is Trump above the law? Yes or No?

And please try to answer without changing the subject, if you think you can. Let's see how many STRAIGHT ANSWERS we can get.


The only ones above the law in Democrats eyes are illegal immigrants, Joe, Hunter, Hillary, and Obama.

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