A simple question for Trump fans: Is Trump above the law?

I'm having one heck of a time getting this spectacularly simple question answered.

You complain about equal treatment. Jack Smith brings a case that has CLEAR EVIDENCE, most of which was facilitated by TRUMP'S OWN PEOPLE, and you seem to be angry about that.

So: Is Trump above the law? Yes or No?

And please try to answer without changing the subject, if you think you can. Let's see how many STRAIGHT ANSWERS we can get.

No he is not above the law. I hope that turns out to be true....for America's sake.
Funny how you can't answer. Embarrassed for your orange sexual abuser?
Maccy had to vent a bit of that TDS pressure from his head with this thread.

It'll be better when someone agrees with his TDS addled BS. That someone is not going to be me.

There's too much at stake here, you idiot.

What is "Jack Smith" prosecuting Trump for, moron?

If you say "read the indictment", I have, and fuck you with that!
Funny how you can't answer. Embarrassed for your orange sexual abuser? You're embarrassed for him, aren't you?
What laws did Trump break, Mactardo?

Hey, just so you know, It isn't about Trump worship, dumbass. It's about regular people like me vs. fucktardation like you're exhibiting, K?

That is precisely where we're at right now. What say you?

Trust me, you do not want to hear the next question I have to ask.
The indictment lists the laws that the orange sexual abuser is accused of breaking. It's now up to a trial to find him guilty or innocent. Does that make you nervous that he will be held to a court of law?
They're not above karma. :nono:

There's a Bible verse somewhere that explains how karma works in this world.

I doubt it can be found with a web search, but I do know it's pretty much on par with "Natural law"

and works like clockwork without fail.
There's a Bible verse somewhere that explains how karma works in this world.
I just say "prove it" as I've said to all conspiracies.

ISSUES: Where does Mac1958 actually stand on the issues?

You folks desperately want to think I'm a lefty because I don't obediently bend over for orange high hard one.

That's on you, not me. On the ACTUAL ISSUES, I'm not a lefty. Sorry.
Says the democrat cultist I know for a fact what you argue for and it's never been for a republican issue
This is a cliched question. Why do leftists endlessly parrot one another? If he wins the presidency it will keep him about of jail. If he "loses" he may go to prison. What will you do then? Jerk yourself off to a frenzy?
An unprecedented political indictment raises the stakes dramatically. Trump's "crime" doesn't affect people personally. Its all top secret hearsay that you're not allowed to know about, but choose to blindly believe. I think the situation will inspire sympathy in people and make more people vote for Trump

edit: why would you link an article with a paywall, welp guess it's not important for me to read
Why do leftists endlessly parrot one another?
You mean speak to facts and reality?
yes, because we have become north korea where political enemies are prosecuted for made up crimes and the guilty that are part of the leader's cult are not subject to any laws. Is that really what you want for this country? Remember the dem/libs will not always be in charge so if you fools set the precedent it will come around and bite your asses.
You’re close but I hate to tell ya, you are actually in the cult of misinformation. You believe the wrong things and mistakenly blame those in reality for your shit never coming to fruition. You need to look at yourself.

How do I know this?
I’m never let down while you always are. It’s good to be woke.
I just say "prove it" as I've said to all conspiracies.

ISSUES: Where does Mac1958 actually stand on the issues?

You folks desperately want to think I'm a lefty because I don't obediently bend over for orange high hard one.

That's on you, not me. On the ACTUAL ISSUES, I'm not a lefty. Sorry.
It is because the things you say are based on lies. That thought ever cross your mind?


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