A simple question for Trump fans: Is Trump above the law?

How can you be so wrong all of time?

Why do you think it's cool to support a grifting pedo that's ruining the United States of America as much as he has the power to?

The dude is actively doing things to make your life worse, and you cheer him on. Pardon me while I don't understand that.

If you are miserable today, it's because you've made an effort at it.

The rest of us are far better off today than we were in 2020.
And I'll be happy to direct you to hundreds, if not thousands, of squabbles I've had with the Left over PC & Identity Politics, for which I was called every name in the book.

That used to be by far my biggest pet peeve, and I still fight against it. But something far more destructive has my attention at the moment.
you are a lib, admit it. your posts always favor the left, stop lying about what you are.
This is a cliched question. Why do leftists endlessly parrot one another? If he wins the presidency it will keep him about of jail. If he "loses" he may go to prison. What will you do then? Jerk yourself off to a frenzy?
An unprecedented political indictment raises the stakes dramatically. Trump's "crime" doesn't affect people personally. Its all top secret hearsay that you're not allowed to know about, but choose to blindly believe. I think the situation will inspire sympathy in people and make more people vote for Trump

edit: why would you link an article with a paywall, welp guess it's not important for me to read
Trump committed no crime.
What I'm getting at is the fact that I think Trumpism is a stain on the history of this country says nothing about my politics.

I know that confuses you people.

And if you don't like that, tough shit.
Decent Americans think Democrats are a stain on the history of the country. They literally elected a criminal to office. The fact that you're attempting to defend it shows that you're a despicable piece of shit just like every other Dim.
I'm having one heck of a time getting this spectacularly simple question answered.

You complain about equal treatment. Jack Smith brings a case that has CLEAR EVIDENCE, most of which was facilitated by TRUMP'S OWN PEOPLE, and you seem to be angry about that.

So: Is Trump above the law? Yes or No?

And please try to answer without changing the subject, if you think you can. Let's see how many STRAIGHT ANSWERS we can get.

What I'm getting at is the fact that I think Trumpism is a stain on the history of this country says nothing about my politics.

I know that confuses you people.

And if you don't like that, tough shit.
The stain on America has always been the foot print of a democrat but you say you aren't a democrat you sure in hell spend most of your time defending them.
I'm having one heck of a time getting this spectacularly simple question answered.

You complain about equal treatment. Jack Smith brings a case that has CLEAR EVIDENCE, most of which was facilitated by TRUMP'S OWN PEOPLE, and you seem to be angry about that.

So: Is Trump above the law? Yes or No?

And please try to answer without changing the subject, if you think you can. Let's see how many STRAIGHT ANSWERS we can get.

Of course he is. When Trump does something he feels like God must feel when God buys a gun.
^ A fine Christian man right there.

"RULE 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules. (This is a serious rule. The besieged entity’s very credibility and reputation is at stake, because if activists catch it lying or not living up to its commitments, they can continue to chip away at the damage.)"

Fuck you, you commie pussy ass piece of shit shitbag!

You're not going to win and it would take a miracle if soyboys like you keep on living much longer in America with your bullshit.

I am all for protecting the weak, but that's the good weak, something you are not a party of.

You're the shitbag weak trying to attack the strong. You are going to fail and fail hard, boy.

Furthermore, I say you deserved every time bullies took your lunch money. You turd!
If you are miserable today, it's because you've made an effort at it.

The rest of us are far better off today than we were in 2020.
You're a lying sack of shit and live in a singlewide trailer in a trailer park.

Only a few elite are better off since Joe Biden was cheated in, and you're NOT elite, retard.
Lame cliches not withstanding imagine if you were under constant scrutiny and a weaponized DOJ had you in their sights.
What I'm getting at is the fact that I think Trumpism is a stain on the history of this country says nothing about my politics.

I know that confuses you people.

And if you don't like that, tough shit.
Liar of the week winner.

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