A simple question for Trump fans: Is Trump above the law?

Yes, I know, you Trumpsters are just too smart for the rest of us.
So how many times does it take for you to realize this? Every single attempt you have lost trying to make anything stick, sooner or later you will drown in defeat…
I assume you've read the indictment, and it's all fake news?
The whole indictment is fake news based on the standards of politics 101, that is the most obvious fact about this. The double standards are screaming at you, yet you can’t see the forest for the trees, you’re in denial…
And clearly you think he's above the law.
No one’s above the law, and there will be no conviction in this case, so what’s your point? Jack Smith will fail miserably…
Good stuff.
I’m glad you recognized this, you may not drown in your BS after all 😂 😆 😝
Is Trump above the law? NO. And neither should anyone else be. And yet clearly equal treatment before the law is a joke in this country, the rich, powerful, and connected get away with stuff that the common man would not. And that includes democrat politicians and their subordinates, to deny that is to deny reality. In 2016, a Democratic administration declined to indict a poll-leading Democratic candidate for president who willfully retained and caused the destruction of government documents in her personal email system, while in 2023 a Democratic administration has indicted a poll-leading Republican candidate for president. Hillary Clinton was above the law then while Trump is not today.
Biden had no authority to take the docs in the 1st place...
Nither did Biden or Obama or Bush, but as a usual matter they do in their last days in office and then they square it off with the Archives. If that was the actual standard half of Washington would be in jail.

Ubnlike others though Trump REFUSED to co-operate with the NA, lied about having classified documents and obstructed FBI's investigation into the matter.
I'm having one heck of a time getting this spectacularly simple question answered.

You complain about equal treatment. Jack Smith brings a case that has CLEAR EVIDENCE, most of which was facilitated by TRUMP'S OWN PEOPLE, and you seem to be angry about that.

So: Is Trump above the law? Yes or No?

And please try to answer without changing the subject, if you think you can. Let's see how many STRAIGHT ANSWERS we can get.

The flaw in your question is the assumption that we have rule of law in the US. We do not. That is why the DOJ and the FBI attacks Trump with everything they have and hides damning evidence against Biden.
About indictments:

When an indictment is released, as in the case of President Trump, it presents a completely one-sided story developed by the prosecutor. Witnesses are not represented by attorneys, there is no opportunity for cross-examination, there is no opportunity for presenting exculpatory information, etc. It is not a trial jury. The indictment appears to me to be a piling on, which explains why the prosecution brought in as many witnesses and documents as possible, cherry-picking information, etc. Even now, nobody is present to deal with these charges in the media — for example, why is it assumed in some instances that the movement of some boxes was for the purpose of concealment.

Remember, virtually none of this would be an issue but for the original decision by the Biden White House and DOJ to turn this into a criminal case. Most of what is claimed in these charges flow from that decision. And attorney-client privilege was circumvented in at least one instance, I would argue, which will be a basis for challenge, among other things.

If any of the alleged evidence is based on violations of privilege, due process, etc., would result in the prosecution having to figure out what parts of that information was used to poison other witnesses or the presentation of information to the grand jury. Seems problematical to me.

Then there's this:

The prosecutor bringing this case is Jack Smith. This is the guy whose “overzealous” prosecution of then-Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell that ended in a conviction and destroyed a Republican with a rising political career. SCOTUS unanimously overturned the decision on review, finding that the prosecutors went too far in going after actions that may not even have been illegal regarding gifts McDonnell and his wife received. You read that right, all the Supreme Court justices smacked Jack Smith down for an overzealous, legally defective prosecution of a Republican politician. SCOTUS gutted him so badly that DOJ didn’t even try to re-try the case. They just dropped it.

And his wife is a leftist filmmaker who produced a hagiography of Michelle Obama.

And I'm wrong for having doubts about the veracity of this indictment? I'm wrong for thinking there is a double standard of justice here? The democrats have been going after Trump ever since he stepped off that elevator, the IG Report told us that the FBI basically didn't have anything to base the Russian Collusion investigation on but they did it anyway and came up with zilch as far as the Collusion was concerned. They falsified documents to the FISA Court and a guy got convicted for that. Why did he do it? To get Trump. And here we are again. Different people, different time, same shit. The DOJ has been politicized and is now weaponized against political opponents.
But I bet you think he's a criminal, huh?
Why do you think that trump is purely innocent?
Why do you think that everyone is going after trump, when in reality he initiated EVERY allegation against him, and WHY is this list so long?

Why, because trump IS doing illegal activities, and you deny them all, constantly asking, "What crimes has trump committed."

Good Grief, we have provided you an extensive list of trump crimes.
Nither did Biden or Obama or Bush, but as a usual matter they do in their last days in office and then they square it off with the Archives. If that was the actual standard half of Washington would be in jail.

Ubnlike others though Trump REFUSED to co-operate with the NA, lied about having classified documents and obstructed FBI's investigation into the matter.
You ignore the Clinton sock drawer case.

You’re special.

not what the law says.....no were in there does it say except the president....someones has to responsible for the stuff
here it is from Cornell U Law School.....
Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.......all 3 and who knows who else are guilty of this.....
Why do you think that trump is purely innocent?
Why do you think that everyone is going after trump, when in reality he initiated EVERY allegation against him, and WHY is this list so long?
Why, because trump IS doing illegal activities, and you deny them all, constantly asking, "What crimes has trump committed."
Good Grief, we have provided you an extensive list of trump crimes.
One of them told me a couple of days ago that Trump's voice on the recording is just AI, so the case is fake news.

They're just gone.
Donald Trump is the MOST LITIGATED president and ex-president in US history. Your thread is laughably absurd Mac.
Must be, since getting a straight answer from you rubes has been so difficult.

Trumpism: The true TDS.
Must be, since getting a straight answer from you rubes has been so difficult.

Trumpism: The true TDS.
I have no great love for the man. I just see the ONE guy standing up for America, pushing back against our adversaries and calling out our corrupt justice system. If you want to be a cheerleader for the Democrats and their corruption, have at it.
Maccy had to vent a bit of that TDS pressure from his head with this thread.

It'll be better when someone agrees with his TDS addled BS. That someone is not going to be me.

There's too much at stake here, you idiot.

What is "Jack Smith" prosecuting Trump for, moron?

If you say "read the indictment", I have, and fuck you with that!
Dookie taps out early. As expected.
Didn’t hitlery commit obstruction when she bleach it her computer and smashed her cell phones?
Could be. Go get her. Prove it. I guess your Orange God didn't have the balls, huh?

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