A “sizable amount” of FBI agents had sympathy toward the insurrectionists on Jan 6th

You fuckers just babble and pretend people agree with you.


You would be right there with him.

COme on, face it. Look inside yourself. Imagine her, unarmed, BLACK, and a fellow LEFTARD, and feel teh rage at here MURDER by teh fascist WHITE COP, boil up inside of you to a CRY FOR WACIAL JUSTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AGAIN...a riot is going on. Rioters are pounding on your doors and breaking your windows.

A rioter climbs through one of those broken windows. You're NOT justified in shooting her in the fucking face?

Of course you are
Not in DC.

Not according to the law.

lol !!!

See? Leftard laws don't even make sense to leftards! :p
You guessed it. They tried to use the summer riots as a whataboutism to justify it. Of course because they have
entirely different causes, it doesn’t even make sense to use it as a whataboutism.

This FBI email sums it up well:

“I literally had to explain to an agent from a ‘blue state’ office the difference between opportunists burning and looting during protests that stemmed legitimate grievance to police brutality vs. an insurgent mob whose purpose was to prevent the execution of democratic processes at the behest of a sitting president,” the email states. “One is a smattering of criminals, the other is an organized group of domestic terrorists.”

So, if opponents to your view of things are "domestic terrorists", what would you like to see done with them, and how would you proceed in carrying out the cleansing?
AGAIN...she was climbing through that window. If that were your window and your house, you'd have every right to blow her fucking head off.

Bullshit. The line is, she was your enemy. So suddenly, the rules changed. Next time, it depends on whether she is your enemy, or a fellow lefty.

That is all you care about. .Clearly.
Wait what? 81 million people fell for the con? You mean the people who actually voted for Biden fell for the con that Trump actually won? Umm. Huh?
You stole my meager wealth You want people to die. We will vote the same in if the rubes we elect do not wise up. The warnings have been going for many years.
You can make this pathetic, baseless, childish claim all you want. If there’s no actual evidence of it, real adults need to ignore you. You’re a waste of time.
That advice would apply to 90% of what progs say.
You still can’t give me a a reasoned explanation of what their motives were. They wanted to delay the certification and nothing else huh? Those rabid morons only wanted to delay it and nothing else. That’s your theory? Oh gee. That makes perfect sense. What better way to show that than damaging the building and chanting about hanging Pence. Sure what a reasoned way to get their civil political point across. I’m sure they were all for having a pow wow with Pence and Pelosi on the chamber floor and express their rational diplomatic approach.
Anyone who believes a disorderly mob has a motive needs to have his head examined.
Black Lives Matter protesters were overwhelmingly peaceful, our research finds

And on the rare occasion when there was violence, it was committed by outsiders and opportunists unaffiliated with the lawful protesters.

Again, any attempt to compare protests against police lawlessness and violence to the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy is a lie and false comparison fallacy.

The 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy was a treasonous attempt to overturn a fair, honest, and accurate election reflecting the will of the people; the protests against police lawlessness and violence were not.

And on the rare occasion when there was violence, it was committed by outsiders and opportunists unaffiliated with the lawful protesters.
ROFL! Thanks for proving that you're a gullible moron.

Again, any attempt to compare protests against police lawlessness and violence to the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy is a lie and false comparison fallacy.
It's truth, in other words.

The 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy was a treasonous attempt to overturn a fair, honest, and accurate election reflecting the will of the people; the protests against police lawlessness and violence were not.
It was no more "treasonous" than any BLM "peaceful protest."
There were no guns brought in by them anywhere in the Capitol.

This is a lie.

‘Trump said there were "no guns whatsoever" at the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol and that "people with no guns" walked down to the Capitol.

Court records and news reports show that many insurrectionists were armed, and several were charged with having firearms on Capitol grounds or stashed nearby while in Washington D.C. In addition, rioters had weapons other than firearms and used them during the attack.

We rate this claim False.’

Trump supporters are as much liars as Trump.

And on the rare occasion when there was violence, it was committed by outsiders and opportunists unaffiliated with the lawful protesters.

What lawful protesters?

The ones who were sitting down on freeways?

Or the ones who were trying to barricade cops inside a burning building?

Again, any attempt to compare protests against police lawlessness and violence to the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy is a lie and false comparison fallacy.

No one's comparing them.

The Demtard riots were a lot worse.

The 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy was a treasonous attempt to overturn a fair, honest, and accurate election reflecting the will of the people; the protests against police lawlessness and violence were not.

You shit for brains leftards still can't bring yourselves to look in the mirror.

You were bamboozled by a bunch of thieving commies.

Or maybe you ARE the thieving commies.

This is a lie.

‘Trump said there were "no guns whatsoever" at the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol and that "people with no guns" walked down to the Capitol.

Court records and news reports show that many insurrectionists were armed, and several were charged with having firearms on Capitol grounds or stashed nearby while in Washington D.C. In addition, rioters had weapons other than firearms and used them during the attack.

We rate this claim False.’

Trump supporters are as much liars as Trump.
No they don't. "Stashed nearby" is irrelevant. I have a firearm in my closet. If I went to the protest, would the police claim I was armed?

"Weapons other than firearms" like what, Aluminum flagpoles? Virtually anything can become a weapon. But when the police use the term "armed" they mean with guns. Leftwing turds are trying to stretch the definition of "armed" so they can continue their outrageous slanders.
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You guessed it. They tried to use the summer riots as a whataboutism to justify it. Of course because they have
entirely different causes, it doesn’t even make sense to use it as a whataboutism.

This FBI email sums it up well:

“I literally had to explain to an agent from a ‘blue state’ office the difference between opportunists burning and looting during protests that stemmed legitimate grievance to police brutality vs. an insurgent mob whose purpose was to prevent the execution of democratic processes at the behest of a sitting president,” the email states. “One is a smattering of criminals, the other is an organized group of domestic terrorists.”

LOL... Huffington Post said much the same:
A recently released email written by someone familiar with FBI operations warned a bureau official just days after last year’s insurrection of sympathy within the FBI for the Jan. 6 rioters.

The memo sent via email to now FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate — first revealed by NBC News — is the latest ominous sign of increasing politicization of policing organizations that are supposed to be without partisan bias.

{Bolding mine}

It always reads, this is hearsay... Every time they think they have a bombshell it's an anonymous source. Much like Adam Schiff's "I have evidence" lie he told over and over again, it was all hearsay and a deception meant to drive the democrat base into hate filled rage.

I find it funny this morning to be reading the repeated news talking points and then looking at the open comments from readers and no one is buying the propaganda. For instance, the Huffington piece had 137 comments and 126 of them were not taking the bait. The Raw Story piece was much the same. many called the story raw sewage. 357 posts and 335 of them didn't buy the story.

The barrage of lies/talking points are out this AM in a desperate attempt to change the narrative. From what I see, it's not working.

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