A small trip to the grocery...a large aggravation.

OK. Yeah, same here to a degree. If they don't have the intellectual capacity to make the choice then someone should be in charge of those decisions. And many I see don't have that ability. The will always be on welfare because they are too ill or in some cases too stupid to do anything else. My interaction with this group has not been a theoretical one, as you probably can tell.

I'm sure your clients appreciate you calling them stupid. Good thing you're not judgemental either! :thup:

Well hey, until you have walked in shoes ...........and all that. :rolleyes:

I am still out there doing service to humanity. What are you doing? Taking names and kicking ass on a message board. That's just plum funny in comparison!

Yeah, you're a much better person than me since you're on the same message board calling your clients stupid! :thup:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I'm sure your clients appreciate you calling them stupid. Good thing you're not judgemental either! :thup:

Well hey, until you have walked in shoes ...........and all that. :rolleyes:

I am still out there doing service to humanity. What are you doing? Taking names and kicking ass on a message board. That's just plum funny in comparison!

Yeah, you're a much better person than me since you're on the same message board calling your clients stupid! :thup:

You're right. I am. Now I am gong to retire for the evening because I get up and go to work in the morning. Somebody's gotta pay your salary. :lol::lol:

Well hey, until you have walked in shoes ...........and all that. :rolleyes:

I am still out there doing service to humanity. What are you doing? Taking names and kicking ass on a message board. That's just plum funny in comparison!

Yeah, you're a much better person than me since you're on the same message board calling your clients stupid! :thup:

You're right. I am. Now I am gong to retire for the evening because I get up and go to work in the morning. Somebody's gotta pay your salary. :lol::lol:


Just make sure you let your clients know how stupid and lazy you think they are, I'm sure it will be a fantastic day for another judgemental conservative like yourself! :clap2:

Remember, you are SO MUCH BETTER THAN THEM!
I'm better than all of you, but I won't take your food stamps away or let Syrenn decide what you can buy with them. I'm much more concerned with why the speaker of the house needs a plane that costs $20K/hr to fly or why the military pays $200 for a hammer. Or why Obamacare had to cost $3T? Feeding people though, I'd be fine with them doubling the funding for SNAP.

Doesn't mean I don't abuses prosecuted though.
Yeah, you're a much better person than me since you're on the same message board calling your clients stupid! :thup:

You're right. I am. Now I am gong to retire for the evening because I get up and go to work in the morning. Somebody's gotta pay your salary. :lol::lol:


Just make sure you let your clients know how stupid and lazy you think they are, I'm sure it will be a fantastic day for another judgemental conservative like yourself! :clap2:

Remember, you are SO MUCH BETTER THAN THEM!

Didn't say I am better than them. I said I am better than YOU.

Sorry about your poor reading skills. There are programs out there for that you know.
Personally, while I don't think that foodstamp recipients are necessarily stupid, I do believe that some of them do spend the money unwisely. But not on candy bars and such. On luxury foods that they can ill-afford, leaving them next to nothing until the next reload. Has more to do with the instant gratification mindset that our entire culture has fostered over the years than anything else.

CSB time:

Shortly after getting married to me, my wife "rescued" (can't think of a better word here, so it does sound a bit condescending), a high school friend of hers and her two children from an absolutely dreadful condition of poverty. Not homeless, but damn close. One room shack, with bare studs on the inside and old newspaper stuffed in the stud cavities as insulation. Toilet in the corner of the shack.

So anyway, we're pretty broke too. Newly married, newly moved, etc. So she puts her friend and her two daughters in the other bedroom of our 2 bedroom apartment. The friend thought she was doing us a favor whenever she got her food card reloaded, and went and bought us shrimp, steaks, etc...She couldn't understand why I said if she really wanted to help, it would have been better to buy some basic food to stretch things out, spaghetti, etc.

More to the story than all that....way more. Wound up kicking her out for her own good (but got her a place with first month paid for first). Now she's doing well for herself and her children. Not rich or anything like that. But she has a modest house, stable job, reliable car, etc.
You're right. I am. Now I am gong to retire for the evening because I get up and go to work in the morning. Somebody's gotta pay your salary. :lol::lol:


Just make sure you let your clients know how stupid and lazy you think they are, I'm sure it will be a fantastic day for another judgemental conservative like yourself! :clap2:

Remember, you are SO MUCH BETTER THAN THEM!

Didn't say I am better than them. I said I am better than YOU.

Sorry about your poor reading skills. There are programs out there for that you know.

I thought you were going to bed! :rofl: :rofl:

Yeah, you're much better than me since you call your clients stupid! Again, do you see what a fool you're making yourself out to be here?

How you still have a job is beyond me, with your nasty attitude toward the people you work for.
Personally, while I don't think that foodstamp recipients are necessarily stupid, I do believe that some of them do spend the money unwisely. But not on candy bars and such. On luxury foods that they can ill-afford, leaving them next to nothing until the next reload. Has more to do with the instant gratification mindset that our entire culture has fostered over the years than anything else.

CSB time:

Shortly after getting married to me, my wife "rescued" (can't think of a better word here, so it does sound a bit condescending), a high school friend of hers and her two children from an absolutely dreadful condition of poverty. Not homeless, but damn close. One room shack, with bare studs on the inside and old newspaper stuffed in the stud cavities as insulation. Toilet in the corner of the shack.

So anyway, we're pretty broke too. Newly married, newly moved, etc. So she puts her friend and her two daughters in the other bedroom of our 2 bedroom apartment. The friend thought she was doing us a favor whenever she got her food card reloaded, and went and bought us shrimp, steaks, etc...She couldn't understand why I said if she really wanted to help, it would have been better to buy some basic food to stretch things out, spaghetti, etc.

More to the story than all that....way more. Wound up kicking her out for her own good (but got her a place with first month paid for first). Now she's doing well for herself and her children. Not rich or anything like that. But she has a modest house, stable job, reliable car, etc.

That is fact, and I wouldn't mind seeing them have to take a shopping course. My wife could teach it. A) use coupons, she saves at least $300 a month on food and household supplies using coupons B) compare unit price not total price, she taught me that to, sometimes the bigger package is cheaper, sometimes more expensive.
people, People, PEOPLE ...

I expect that MOST of you would understand that you can't just turn your children loose in a grocery store and HOPE that they'll buy some decent food for your family, right?

Does that mean you hate them and are trying to make their lives a living hell? Or that you're trying to FORCE your will upon them?


It means that you understand that they don't KNOW (read that: are ignorant of) the basic facts about nutrition, and that they probably don't know HOW to cook up nutritious, delicious meals.

You wouldn't allow them to load up your grocery cart with cheese puffs and soda, would you?

What you WOULD want to do is to educate them about nutrition so that they can make BETTER choices when it's their turn to do for themselves.

UNTIL then, you most assuredly would NOT want them living on "junk food," and even though they might feel some humiliation at you putting the crap BACK, you know that you're doing it FOR THEM,

NOT because you're trying to be some Authoritarian, but because you love them and want the BEST for them.

How this thread/topic has all been turned around into some sort of Power Grabbing try at total domination is mind boggling, imho.

Wanting to educate folks, to help them to make good choices, is NOT a Bad Thang ~

it's what's called Agape love by Christians,

a deep CARING about them, a CONCERN for them and a commitment towards helping them to do better for themselves.

NOW, does anyone "get it?"
That is fact, and I wouldn't mind seeing them have to take a shopping course. My wife could teach it. A) use coupons, she saves at least $300 a month on food and household supplies using coupons B) compare unit price not total price, she taught me that to, sometimes the bigger package is cheaper, sometimes more expensive.


I've been on a tear for a LONG time about why our educational system doesn't think it's important to teach folks the BASICS of life:

How to balance a checkbook;
How to clean house;
How to cook;
How to shop;

It is supposed that the parents will teach these things to their children, but we see, time after time, that THAT just isn't the case.
That is fact, and I wouldn't mind seeing them have to take a shopping course. My wife could teach it. A) use coupons, she saves at least $300 a month on food and household supplies using coupons B) compare unit price not total price, she taught me that to, sometimes the bigger package is cheaper, sometimes more expensive.


I've been on a tear for a LONG time about why our educational system doesn't think it's important to teach folks the BASICS of life:

How to balance a checkbook;
How to clean house;
How to cook;
How to shop;

It is supposed that the parents will teach these things to their children, but we see, time after time, that THAT just isn't the case.

Yeah, there is a class for that, called "Home Ec"

Too bad with all the budget cuts a lot of schools have cut that out as an elective.
The females should have required home ec class :D

Where else did you think I learned how to make sammys and pies?

My son took four years of Home Ec, our school has an entire program 8 different classes to choose from and you get a special pin to wear on your graduation gown if you take any four of them.


Boys taking home ec?

What's next, elective fashion classes?

I don't even know where the kitchen is in my house. I couldn't tell you where the hell the vacuum is either. I know I have a washer and dryer, because my clothes always end up in my dresser folded and smelling fresh.

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