A solution to Illegal immigration- A modest proposal.

Last time I checked, laws were changed by Congress. THis is like 8th grade civics.

Do you have a fucking learning disability? Mexico isn't keeping them anymore. They aren't playing along.
Mexico can be persuaded

It wont be pretty and biden isnt up to the job

But its a vital part of our national security
Mexico can be persuaded

It wont be pretty and biden isnt up to the job

But its a vital part of our national security
Lettuce pickers and toilet cleaners are not a threat to our national security!

Mexico already feels like Trump burned them on MPP. Also, with the new NAFTA in place, Trump really has no leverage.

We know that they can, because Trump did it.

It cannot be done by Biden, but it can be done.

Except MPP didn't work, dummy. 2019 was the worst year for migrant crossing ever, and the only reason why 2020 wasn't just as bad was because Covid allowed the use of Title 42 to keep people out.
No, beccause the rules of the board say so... no attacks on family.
You know what, you're right. I shouldn't have mouthed off about your wife like that, I am sorry. Let's let bygones be bygones, ok? I blurt things out all the time and 98% of the times I regret it afterwards. Please forgive me. I will try to be more courteous in the future.
Those are jobs that lazy welfare bums could do if given the motivation
Lazy welfare bums only exist in your imagination.

The reality is that 40% of the households getting SNAP, TANF or Section 8 have at least one person working a minimum wage job. They are already working these kinds of jobs, just not making enough to put a roof over their heads and food on the table.

Most of the rest are elderly, disabled, or have some other inability to work.
Lazy welfare bums only exist in your imagination.

The reality is that 40% of the households getting SNAP, TANF or Section 8 have at least one person working a minimum wage job. They are already working these kinds of jobs, just not making enough to put a roof over their heads and food on the table.

Most of the rest are elderly, disabled, or have some other inability to work.
As I understand the child tax credit scam you have to work at least a little bit each year to qualify for the (un)Earned Income Tax Credit

Which seems to be up to $7,000 this earn

That kind of money drives welfare bums crazy with excitement
As I understand the child tax credit scam you have to work at least a little bit each year to qualify for the (un)Earned Income Tax Credit

Which seems to be up to $7,000 this earn

That kind of money drives welfare bums crazy with excitement
$7000 wouldn't last me two months with my current expenses, and I consider myself kind of frugal.

If this is big money to you, that kind of says a lot about your life.
It does nothing of the sort. AA balances white privilege that gives whites unfair advantages. They have AA for white people; they are called "Legacies", "Dean's Interest," and "Children of Staff">

Bullshit. The problem with Gay is that she wasn't a wartime consigliere. The ignorant ass Chrisitan Right is at war with Academia, and they need leaders ready to fight.

Uh, no, families are off-limits. Keep doing it, I'll keep reporting you.

No, he faced reality. These people were integrated into our society. Removing them was a practical impossibility. The things conservatives insisted on, such as tighter border security, made things worse. (Such as seasonal migrants becoming permanent residents because getting across the border became more of a hassle.)

See above. The border did get tighter, which just mean that people brought their families with them when they did get through.

I live in Chicago. We're fine, except some asshole keeps dumping off busloads of people in the middle of the night without telling anyone.

Whatever crazy shit you watch on Fox News is no reflection of reality.

Well, no, you don't put it that way because you'd sound awful by admitting your racism and homophobia.

Sure. Their fears are irrational. YOu might be killed by an undocumented person committing a crime, but you are far more likely to be killed by someone who is born here committing one. But you guys will scream about traffic accidents like they were tragedies for anyone other than the people involved.

Problem started under Trump, Biden solved it.

Well, here's the thing. The people said NO to Trump in 2016. He became president anyway, and turned out to be far worse than anything we could have predicted.

Then the people said "no" even louder to him in 2020. He attempted a violent overthrow of the government.

Now he's running for no other reason to escape legal responsibility for his crimes. If he wasn't, he wouldn't be trying to push them past the election with bullshit motions like, "The President is immune to prosecution!"

Trump decided that the rules didn't apply to him, so they don't apply to us, either. If throwing his fat orange ass in jail is the way to stop him, let's do it.
You are the one who keeps bringing your wife into posts. That makes her fair game in my opinion. You can dish out abuse but can't take even mild criticism. Grow up.
I'm sorry, if you think affirmative action is just like what the Nazis did, you are even crazier than I thought.

Nope, mocking your stupidity isn't racist. Your claim was so fucking absurd it deserved mockery.

Mocking you isn't racist.

I'm all for weeding out the bogus claims, but I doubt there are very many of them. Most of the rest of the world is awful to live in. Most of these people would face hardship if they went home.

You mean other than 8 years of uncertainty.

We only got married last year. Our "expedited" claim will STILL take a year.

Oh, come on, guy, if this was about you wanting to buy a gun, and they made you submit 200 pages of paperwork proving you aren't a crazy person and pay $4000, you would be screaming high holy hell about how the Militia Amendment means God himself wanted you to have a gun.
The fact that your home country is a shithole isn't grounds for an asylum claim. If the citizens of those shithole countries would stay at home and work to make their homes better the entire world would be better off. Those countries are shitholes because the US has become a safety valve for everyone with the gumption to achieve anything leaving the kleptocrats free to continue their depredations.
$7000 wouldn't last me two months with my current expenses, and I consider myself kind of frugal.

If this is big money to you, that kind of says a lot about your life.
If you think spending $3,500.00 a month is frugal, you are insane.
You are the one who keeps bringing your wife into posts. That makes her fair game in my opinion. You can dish out abuse but can't take even mild criticism. Grow up.

You are the one who keeps bringing your wife into posts. That makes her fair game in my opinion. You can dish out abuse but can't take even mild criticism. Grow up.

Nope., the rules are the rules. I bring her up only to illustrate just how fouled up our system is. (And for all you guys who really think there's a Chinese hiding under your bed.)

The fact that your home country is a shithole isn't grounds for an asylum claim. If the citizens of those shithole countries would stay at home and work to make their homes better the entire world would be better off. Those countries are shitholes because the US has become a safety valve for everyone with the gumption to achieve anything leaving the kleptocrats free to continue their depredations.
Actually, most of those countries are shitholes because of US policies of PUTTING the kleptocrats in charge or punishing countries for picking the wrong kind of government.

If you think spending $3,500.00 a month is frugal, you are insane.
My condo and association fees alone are close to $1700. Add in food, utilities, costs of running my business. it adds up pretty quickly.
$7000 wouldn't last me two months with my current expenses, and I consider myself kind of frugal.

If this is big money to you, that kind of says a lot about your life.
It's not about the limit; it's about the FACT that while people may be poor, they're not stupid. If they work and earn over that amount, the money from taxpayers is cut off. So why work too hard?

The primary difference between a child raised below or above the poverty level is that one is a single parent, and the other is married. President Johnson and his infamous "War on Poverty" rewarded bad behavior. How's that working out?
It's not about the limit; it's about the FACT that while people may be poor, they're not stupid. If they work and earn over that amount, the money from taxpayers is cut off. So why work too hard?
Why indeed.

That sounds like a good reason to stop punishing people for working harder, or put the upper limit above a certain level.

Yes, giving up EIC, SNAP, Medicaid and Section 8 by earning a few hundred more a week would be stupid.

I would be fine with replacing welfare with workfare.

The primary difference between a child raised below or above the poverty level is that one is a single parent, and the other is married. President Johnson and his infamous "War on Poverty" rewarded bad behavior. How's that working out?
You are laboring under a bunch of misconceptions. First is that unmarried means an absent father. Just simply not the case.

Second is that the war on poverty increased poverty when in fact it reduced it. The black poverty rate in 1959 was 55%. Today it's 17%.
You are laboring under a bunch of misconceptions. First is that unmarried means an absent father. Just simply not the case.

Second is that the war on poverty increased poverty when in fact it reduced it. The black poverty rate in 1959 was 55%. Today it's 17%.
The FACT is that a child raised with a married couple is far less likely to live in poverty than the child of a single parent. By the way, a child is 30 times more likely to be abused if there is an unmarried male living in the house.

Of course, many couples live in the same household as a way to manipulate the system, live together, and receive taxpayer money without marriage. If you don't know a married couple gives the children a far greater sense of security than two people living together, it is both pathetic and sad.

As for the poverty rate, the War on Poverty went into effect in 1965, not 1959.


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