A solution to Illegal immigration- A modest proposal.

You bring her up to make yourself look more knowledgeable by association

You mean, unlike the rest of you, I am actually DEALING with Immigration law? Yeah, by definition, that would make me more knowledgeable.

Yet, you pretend that your wife needs assylum to avoid paying a few thousand bucks for a bride's visa?

No, she should have gotten asylum 7 years ago because she was under a very real threat of being oppressed in China for her beliefs. Seven years ago, getting married was really not part of either of our plans.

Not at all.

He claims his wife owns a small business, but her "suffering" is that she has had eight years of uncertainty. Why did he not marry her seven and a half years ago, and get her a permanent residency? She could be a U.S. citizen by now.

No sense at all.
1) She spent nearly her life savings to buy into that business. She also borrowed from family members to invest with her.
2) I didn't marry her seven years ago because I didn't know her seven years ago.
3) Yes, knowing you could be deported at any time is a lot of uncertainty. I wouldn't want to live like that.
4) Even with producing 200+ pages of documentation, we are still going to have to wait more than a year to get final disposition of our case. That's fucking nuts.
The problem with walls is that they are very expensive to build. That's why Trump's so called border walls is just a bunch of metal slats. The problem with slats is that they can be cut through. It's not just drug smugglers... just smuggling the people is pretty lucrative.
The problem with locked doors is that they can be kicked in. The problem with fences is that they can be climbed over. The problem with armed guards is that they can be bribed or shot before they can react. The problem with safes is that they can be cracked. The problem with guard dogs is that they can be fed poison meat.

When people claim that we should take no security measures at all because none are perfect, you can bet that they really just want the lack of security.

You'd sound more honest, and no more idiotic than you already do, if you just admitted that you want unlimited crossing of the border by anyone who cares to walk in.
How about a radical proposal

Use our military to protect our own borders instead of the borders of other countries.

It is against the law to use the military for civilian law enforcement.

You can thank Rutherford B. Hayes for that, one of the other idiots who got put into the White House after the people said "No".
You mean, unlike the rest of you, I am actually DEALING with Immigration law? Yeah, by definition, that would make me more knowledgeable.

No, she should have gotten asylum 7 years ago because she was under a very real threat of being oppressed in China for her beliefs. Seven years ago, getting married was really not part of either of our plans.
So what about now? You keep trying to impress us with all the money you spend, why not spend some on your wife, however she came to be that? Stop whining about all the oppression and be glad the U.S. will welcome her as your bride.
1) She spent nearly her life savings to buy into that business. She also borrowed from family members to invest with her.
2) I didn't marry her seven years ago because I didn't know her seven years ago.
3) Yes, knowing you could be deported at any time is a lot of uncertainty. I wouldn't want to live like that.
4) Even with producing 200+ pages of documentation, we are still going to have to wait more than a year to get final disposition of our case. That's fucking nuts.
But you could end it so quickly. So long as the marriage is legit, and not part of a scam, the visa will be granted and all that horrible uncertainty is over.

Joe, it is clear that you are simply making shit up.
The problem with locked doors is that they can be kicked in. The problem with fences is that they can be climbed over. The problem with armed guards is that they can be bribed or shot before they can react. The problem with safes is that they can be cracked. The problem with guard dogs is that they can be fed poison meat.

When people claim that we should take no security measures at all because none are perfect, you can bet that they really just want the lack of security.

You'd sound more honest, and no more idiotic than you already do, if you just admitted that you want unlimited crossing of the border by anyone who cares to walk in.

Go back to the original posts... I provide multiple suggestions for making it HARDER for people to get in permanently.

Biometric ID's
Limited Guest Worker Visas
Workplace enforcement
Increased reporting
Expedited asylum resolution
Fixing the problems in the countries they are coming from.

All of these things will severely reduce the number of migrants because there would be no good reason for them to come here.

Walls, on the other hand, are a joke. Walls can be easily beaten.

About 15 years ago, Penn and Teller did this show where they hired six illegal immigrants outside the Home Depot, and got them to build a section of Fence similar to what was in use at the time. It took them a whole day to do it.

Then they told them to break up into two-man teams and get through it. One dug under, one climbed over, and one broke through it. It took them about three minutes to do it. Penn joked, "Gee, do you think they did this before?"
Go back to the original posts... I provide multiple suggestions for making it HARDER for people to get in permanently.

Biometric ID's
Limited Guest Worker Visas
Workplace enforcement
Increased reporting
Expedited asylum resolution
Fixing the problems in the countries they are coming from.

All of these things will severely reduce the number of migrants because there would be no good reason for them to come here.

An unemployed person is much better off in the U.S. than in the countries from which they flee. So they would still have incentive to come here, even if they believed that Joe's plan had made it impossible for them to find a job. They'd have to be pretty stupid to believe that, but some might.

Even for the purpose of protecting American jobs, are you claiming those methods are literally infallible, so no one seeking employment would ever come and try to get around them?

Yes, you are and it is moronic.
Walls, on the other hand, are a joke. Walls can be easily beaten.

About 15 years ago, Penn and Teller did this show where they hired six illegal immigrants outside the Home Depot, and got them to build a section of Fence similar to what was in use at the time. It took them a whole day to do it.

Then they told them to break up into two-man teams and get through it. One dug under, one climbed over, and one broke through it. It took them about three minutes to do it. Penn joked, "Gee, do you think they did this before?"
Walls, as well as the methods you suggested to stop people from getting jobs after your Party allows them in, are never meant to be infallible. They are meant to slow the crime down, just like locked doors, guard dogs, and alarms.

If you oppose them, you do not want the crime slowed down.

Not to mention that walls need to be guarded, not just built and expected to work infallibly as you envision. No one interested in securing the border thinks that, only those who do not want the border secured. A small team of guards can stop people from climing over, digging under and breaking through, but they need the wall to be there so that they are not trlying in vain to hold back a human wave.

In that video I posted that you did not watch, CBP officers simply watch people pour through the gap in the wall. Yes, it was just metal slats, but the people did not go through the slats, they wen to the gap. That's the desire of Democrats, though they will never admit it.
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For anyone still having their head far enough up their rear ends to not know it, Young Chinese are streaming through gaps in the border barriers, and being ignored by the overworked and stretched thin border patrol.

Gee, it's too bad Republicans shot down a bill that would have provided for more border patrol agents AND limited the number of people who could cross.

One minute into the video, a military aged man lists nine countries that he went through before coming to the United States. None of them notorious for violating the human rights of Chinese immigrants. He left off Mexico, which he had just come from. Also, not a death trap for Chinese.

Um, so what. The law makes no distinction about what countries you might have crossed through to get to the US.

Also, what is your obsession about "military age man"? Do you really think that the PLA is sending in infiltration units? I mean, I mocked you pretty thoroughly with the crack about nail salons, but what do you think these "military-age men" are going to do when they get here, poison your General Tsao's Chicken?

Hey, wait a minute. They keep calling it "General Tsao's" Chicken. Who is this General Tsao guy, and why does he keep making Chicken? Are we going to have a showdown between General Tsao and Colonel Sanders? (Yes, I am openly mocking you now!)

So what about now? You keep trying to impress us with all the money you spend, why not spend some on your wife, however she came to be that? Stop whining about all the oppression and be glad the U.S. will welcome her as your bride.
Um, I have spent the money.... $13,000 for the wedding, $4000 for the Visa Application, and $4000 on our honeymoon. I got a very nice picture of us at Disneyland with Darth Vader. My poor wife has no idea who Darth Vader is, so we are starting to watch the Star Wars movies together.

But you could end it so quickly. So long as the marriage is legit, and not part of a scam, the visa will be granted and all that horrible uncertainty is over.

Joe, it is clear that you are simply making shit up.
It's clearly you must like it when I report you, so I'll keep doing it.

It shouldn't take a year to resolve it. It shouldn't take 7 years to resolve an asylum claim.

We've been screaming about China being an oppressor of human rights since that tank rolled into Tiananmen Square. Seems we don't have a leg to stand on in denying people asylum.

An unemployed person is much better off in the U.S. than in the countries from which they flee.

Even for the purpose of protecting American jobs, are you claiming those methods are literally infallible, so no one seeking employment would ever come and try to get around them?

Yes, you are and it is moronic.

Again, not an issue of protecting "American jobs". Americans don't want to do these jobs. When COVID-19 (the Trump Plague) hit, Americans weren't taking those awful jobs cleaning up all the surfaces in an office when someone called in sick with COVID-19. Those were immigrants doing those jobs. Americans sat on their fat, happy asses at home and pretended to work or waited for those fatter-than-usual unemployment checks.

I am sure that there will be people who try to cheat. But you go after the people hiring them instead of a poor person who wants to make his life better.

Wall, as well as the methods you suggested to stop people from getting jobs after your Partry allows them in, are never meant to be infallible. They are meant to slow the crime down, just like locked doors and alarms.

If you oppose them, you do not want the crime slowed down.

Oh, I'd be just as happy if we let in more immigrants. That's what our country has always been about.

The time to stop immigration would have been when the assholes with the buckles on their hats showed up in 1621, looking to get fed.

What upsets you is that after white people took his country from people of color, people of color might take some of it back.
Gee, it's too bad Republicans shot down a bill that would have provided for more border patrol agents AND limited the number of people who could cross.
Limited to 5,000 people per day? The number is limited now, to those who have legitimate assylum claims, if Biden would enforce that limit.
Um, so what. The law makes no distinction about what countries you might have crossed through to get to the US.
Yes, it does. It's called the Safe Third Country Act. Look it u p.
Um, I have spent the money.... $13,000 for the wedding, $4000 for the Visa Application, and $4000 on our honeymoon. I got a very nice picture of us at Disneyland with Darth Vader. My poor wife has no idea who Darth Vader is, so we are starting to watch the Star Wars movies together.
8 years in the U.S. and she has no idea who Darth Vader is?

Dude, this story is as fake as fake can be.
It's clearly you must like it when I report you, so I'll keep doing it.
What you want to use your wife as a talking point, but then we are not allowed to respond.

Cry me a river!
It shouldn't take a year to resolve it. It shouldn't take 7 years to resolve an asylum claim.

We've been screaming about China being an oppressor of human rights since that tank rolled into Tiananmen Square. Seems we don't have a leg to stand on in denying people asylum.
"Your wife" was not denied assylum in your fake story. She's here, according to your fictional account.

Now, 80% of assylm claims are denied, if that's what you mean. Because people had no idea about assylum until the cartels, or some immigration activists suggested it to them after they illegally crossed. Bogus claims are denied, that's how it should be. Likely the number should be coser to 98%, but 80 is a step in the right direction.
Limited to 5,000 people per day? The number is limited now, to those who have legitimate assylum claims, if Biden would enforce that limit.

Okay, so let's appoint enough caseworkers to determine who can resolve these cases.

Yes, it does. It's called the Safe Third Country Act. Look it u p.
I did. It ONLY applies to Canada. I'll agree, Canada is a safe third country.

8 years in the U.S. and she has no idea who Darth Vader is?
Yes. She also doesn't know what the Super Bowl is. Now, here's kind of the thing, the Chinese American community is very isolated. They don't watch a lot of American movies. They don't get into American pop culture. Disney has been trying to break into the Chinese market for years, and they can't really do it. (She does know who Mickey Mouse is, though.)

I'd be happy to show you a picture, but your stalking is getting truly weird.

What you want to use your wife as a talking point, but then we are not allowed to respond.
Yes, exactly. You aren't allowed to make attacks on family. Glad we cleared that up.

"Your wife" was not denied assylum in your fake story. She's here, according to your fictional account.
Never said she was denied... They've had her case on review for 8 years.

Now, 80% of assylm claims are denied, if that's what you mean. Because people had no idea about assylum until the cartels, or some immigration activists suggested it to them after they illegally crossed. Bogus claims are denied, that's how it should be. Likely the number should be coser to 98%, but 80 is a step in the right direction.

Actually, until that Nazi Cocksucker Trump came along, about half of asylum claims were granted. But the biggest problem was that he so gummed up the works that few cases are heard in a timely manner.

Okay, so let's appoint enough caseworkers to determine who can resolve these cases.
First of all, let me note that for a person who claims to be so devastated at any mention of your wife (who you keep bringing up), you are certainly willing to keep engaging me in debate. You just want the "refs" throwing the flag every time you get in trouble, huh?

Very typical Democrat.

Yes, in a clean border and immigration bill, not a pork fest for foreign dictators.

But before we do any of that, we need to build - and guard - a barrier so that the number is managable.

Answer this: How many caseworkers will we need for 5,000 assylum claims per day, for the system to run smoothly?

Yes. She also doesn't know what the Super Bowl is. Now, here's kind of the thing, the Chinese American community is very isolated. They don't watch a lot of American movies. They don't get into American pop culture. Disney has been trying to break into the Chinese market for years, and they can't really do it. (She does know who Mickey Mouse is, though.)

I'd be happy to show you a picture, but your stalking is getting truly weird.
So you follow me around and accuse me of stalking? That's what's weird.

Yes, exactly. You aren't allowed to make attacks on family. Glad we cleared that up.
I never attacked your family, you pathetic crybaby.
Never said she was denied... They've had her case on review for 8 years.
You said

We've been screaming about China being an oppressor of human rights since that tank rolled into Tiananmen Square. Seems we don't have a leg to stand on in denying people asylum.

Now, you are trolling.
JoeBlow is completely full of shit. Almost everyone in China knows what Star Wars is. Certainly just about every Chinese American knows what the Super Bowl is even if they don't watch it. Don't buy any of the crap he's trying to sell.
First of all, let me note that for a person who claims to be so devastated at any mention of your wife (who you keep bringing up), you are certainly willing to keep engaging me in debate. You just want the "refs" throwing the flag every time you get in trouble, huh?

If you want to discuss asylum, I'm fine with that. If you want to make nasty comments about my family, I will report your ass.

Yes, in a clean border and immigration bill, not a pork fest for foreign dictators.

But before we do any of that, we need to build - and guard - a barrier so that the number is managable.

Answer this: How many caseworkers will we need for 5,000 assylum claims per day, for the system to run smoothly?

Oh, about 10,000 more should probably do the trick. Right now we only have 1500 people working on this.

There are 659 immigration judges and about 800 asylum officers who make decisions about asylum claims. In July, the government received about nine applications for every case it closed.

Asylum applications are filed to two separate government agencies: the immigration court, which is part of the Justice Department, and the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, an agency within the Homeland Security Department.
That is how long some people wait for the government to issue a decision on their asylum claim. Recent estimates show the wait times average three years in immigration court and 10 years if an application is filed with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Even as additional resources are added to help manage the overwhelming workload, far more asylum applications are filed each year than the government is able to resolve.

For many, the yearslong wait for a decision is benefit enough. Asylum seekers can work legally and often live in much safer environments than the ones they fled. Policymakers say this waiting period, which tends to grow as the backlog grows, has been one of the biggest drivers of illegal immigration.

We've been screaming about China being an oppressor of human rights since that tank rolled into Tiananmen Square. Seems we don't have a leg to stand on in denying people asylum.

Now, you are trolling.

I stated an ideal. If we are really going to claim China abuses civil rights, (which they do), then we should grant asylum to anyone coming from there.

JoeBlow is completely full of shit. Almost everyone in China knows what Star Wars is. Certainly just about every Chinese American knows what the Super Bowl is even if they don't watch it. Don't buy any of the crap he's trying to sell.

Actually, it's pretty much a nerd culture thing, but never mind.

Most people don't know what "Unkotare" means in Japanese. I recommend anyone look it up. But don't click on the image search.
It's a YOU are full of shit thing.
If Star Wars was popular in China, then Disney wouldn't be hamfistedly trying to stick Asian characters into the new movies, like the awful Rose Tico.

Another thing they did was not put John Boyega on the posters because they didn't want to emphasize the show had a black star.
You mean, unlike the rest of you, I am actually DEALING with Immigration law? Yeah, by definition, that would make me more knowledgeable.

No, she should have gotten asylum 7 years ago because she was under a very real threat of being oppressed in China for her beliefs. Seven years ago, getting married was really not part of either of our plans.

1) She spent nearly her life savings to buy into that business. She also borrowed from family members to invest with her.
2) I didn't marry her seven years ago because I didn't know her seven years ago.
3) Yes, knowing you could be deported at any time is a lot of uncertainty. I wouldn't want to live like that.
4) Even with producing 200+ pages of documentation, we are still going to have to wait more than a year to get final disposition of our case. That's fucking nuts.
So you are pissed

Big deal

We dont want millions more fake asylum seekers running around the country making the wait times even longer
Gee, it's too bad Republicans shot down a bill that would have provided for more border patrol agents AND limited the number of people who could cross.
What was in that bill that would miraculously solve our immigration catastrophe?

What's in the $95.34 billion Senate security aid bill?

February 7, 20242:33 PM ESTUpdated 3 days ago


Here is some of what is in the bill they released:


The bill includes $60.06 billion in additional aid to Ukraine. Much of that would come in the form of weapons and military equipment purchased from by U.S. defense companies and to restore U.S. stockpiles after two years of transfers for Ukraine's battle against Russian invaders.


The Senate plan directs $14.1 billion to Israel to support its war against Hamas.

It also strips U.S. funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency. Israel has accused 12 of UNRWA's Palestinian employees of being involved in Hamas' Oct. 7 attack.


The bill gives the Pentagon $2.44 billion for operations around the Red Sea, where U.S. forces have sought to combat attacks on shipping by Houthi rebels in Yemen.


The bill would spend almost $4.83 billion to support partners in the Indo-Pacific, including Taiwan, and deter aggression by China.


The bill would provide $9.15 billion in humanitarian assistance to provide food, water, shelter, medical care and other services to civilians in Gaza and the West Bank, Ukraine and other populations in conflict zones around the globe.


JoeB131, wouldn't a start be to return to the Trump policies that worked by undoing the executive orders Biden signed the first week of his administration? No cost there?

Four years for President Trump with another year to go for President Biden. How are the Biden policies working?


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