A Soul In Hell - Annette's Story. A cautionary tale for atheists, the irreligious, and the backsliders. Take heed!

No. I'm talking about the one inflicting horrible torture on its own creation after they die.
Again, the people do it to themselves. What is it about the atheist left that they think there should be no personal responsibility?
Because that exterior force is the force behind the horrible torture.
No, it's the person doing it to themselves, through their own choice.
Why would people make that choice?
No, it's the person doing it to themselves, through their own choice.
Why would people make that choice?
They would never make the choice to be horribly tortured by a loving being. That choice was made by the loving being.

I think this would be the time to ask you what your definition of love is because that's where your confusion stems from.
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No, it's the person doing it to themselves, through their own choice.
Why would people make that choice?
Tell me something. Is it true that the god knows the beginning to end, and the end from the beginning?
They would never make the choice to be horribly tortured by a loving being. That choice was made by the loving being.

I think this would be the time to ask you what your definition of love is because that's where your confusion stems from.
You still want to deny personal responsibility. Why?
You still want to deny personal responsibility. Why?
I just wanted to confirm that you believe that, even though the horrible torture is the god's revenge for being denied love, you still believe it's holy and loving.

I guess it doesn't just zap sinners out of existence because it's not really in charge of things. But it is . . .

Does the god know the beginning to the end, and the end from the beginning?

You still want to cover up for an atrocious character whose response to disobedience is to inflict horrible pain on the disobedient for ever and ever.

I just wanted to confirm that you believe that, even though the horrible torture is the god's revenge for being denied love, you still believe it's holy and loving.

I guess it doesn't just zap sinners out of existence because it's not really in charge of things. But it is . . .

Does the god know the beginning to the end, and the end from the beginning?

You still want to cover up for an atrocious character whose response to disobedience is to inflict horrible pain on the disobedient for ever and ever.
Why do you continue to deny personal responsibility? If you state otherwise again, I'll have to put you on iggy with nine others.
Good information from Annette's Story;
1. Intelligent able people who fall will suffer more greatly in Hell than the lest able.
2. Catholics who fall will suffer more than others because they have had more opportunity for graces.
3. Talking about others negatively is good preparation for Hell.
4. People send themselves to Hell; not God who allows for free will.
5. People who God knows won't enter heaven are rewarded on earth for good deeds.
6. Prayer, suffering and sacrifice can help spare others from the pain of Hell.
7. Prayer is the primary first weapon for avoiding Hell.

Please add your own if you spotted them while listening.
You're saying that this god of yours benefits from inflicting horrible pain onto its own creation when that creation is deemed insincere when they die. Correct?
Do you believe a spirit feels physical pain?

Have you ever hated anyone? Could you replace that hate with love? Would you even wish to? The same with evil. People who do evil can turn from it and do good instead. But do they wish to do this?

If people cannot give up hate and evil in this life, what is it that makes you suggest they would want to give it up after they pass from the physical realm into the spiritual realm? What is it about God that causes people to think that although they have no use for Him in this life, He will be of use to them in the next--that if they have no use for love in this life, they will have use for it in the next?
So why are you on here trying to scare the heretics back to Jesus?
He may not be trying to scare anyone, only to give them food for thought--something to contemplate. One cannot be scared back to Jesus anymore than the opposite poles of a magnet can be drawn together. Love and hate are opposite poles, as are goodness and evil.
No. I'm talking about the one inflicting horrible torture on its own creation after they die.
Why do you call someone's choice a horrible torture? Again, think of hating someone so much you wanted nothing to do with them, but despite this, being forced not only to spend eternity with the being one hates, but being forced to do it with love. Wouldn't the reaction then be, "Just leave me alone with my hate!" We have a hand in our own creation, in our own destiny.
They would never make the choice to be horribly tortured by a loving being. That choice was made by the loving being.
I believe you have it backwards. While I don't give a lot of credence to that video, it does make the point that those in hell, given the choice, choose hell, and even an existence in hell does not cause them to change their minds--nor do they have the wish to change their minds. They are who they are and they have no wish to change that.

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