A Touchy Question On Gendercide Or In This Case Homocide

Abortion doesn't harm another person. .

Of course it does. You cannot even support your own position without hiding from the central moral issue involved.

No, it doesn't.

Every legal document I have indicates my date of personhood was my date of birth, not my date of conception.

In fact, there is no legal, medical or biblical justification for personhood before birth.

Another cowardly liberal hiding from the central moral aspect of the issue. Let's try this, if you're not too scared to answer a question (I expect you will be):

Do you support abortion just moments before the mother would have given birth?
Because prostitution is the definition of moral bankruptcy. It victimizes women, it promotes depravity, it lines the pockets of pimps and drug dealers, it supports the slavery market.

Again, all of which happen because it's illegal.

In countries where it is legal, or in Nevada, this stuff doesn't happen. The hookers are independent contractors, they are regulated, in some cases they even have unions. They work in nice safe brothels.

You are wrong, you immoral idiot.
Neither does prostitution. .

You are too much of a morally bankrupt idiot to understand that one. You really are remarkably stupid and a complete low-life scumbag.

I'm still waiting for you to explain why it's morally wrong for a woman to accept money for something that isn't a crime if she does it for free.

You really are hopeless. What a fucking piece of shit excuse for a human being you are.
More blithering nonsense from the guy who supports prostitution and abortion.

Using reason applied as you do in the post above, your stated refusal to speak out against prostitution or abortion means you support today's slave market. Good on ya!

Again, another false equivlency.

I guess you can't actually TELL me why abortion is bad without comparing it to something else.

Okay. Why is ABORTION wrong. Not why is murder or the slave trade wrong.

Tell me why abortion is wrong without comparing it to anything else.
Killing innocent babies is wrong and if you cant see that you are a sick twisted fuck.
I've made my case repeatedly. Abortion is wrong because it kills babies and victimizes women.

It's wrong because it subsidizes and hides crimes against children and women, including child sexual abuse, the sex trade, and slavery.
It is wrong because it devalues life and is a violation of human rights of women and children.

Anything else?
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Another cowardly liberal hiding from the central moral aspect of the issue. Let's try this, if you're not too scared to answer a question (I expect you will be):

Do you support abortion just moments before the mother would have given birth?

No one actually does that, so it's another false equivlency....

If they have a late abortion, it's usually because the fetus is seriously messed up or it will kill the mother, so I'd have no problem with it morally.
Because prostitution is the definition of moral bankruptcy. It victimizes women, it promotes depravity, it lines the pockets of pimps and drug dealers, it supports the slavery market.

Again, all of which happen because it's illegal.

In countries where it is legal, or in Nevada, this stuff doesn't happen. The hookers are independent contractors, they are regulated, in some cases they even have unions. They work in nice safe brothels.

You are wrong, you immoral idiot.

No, I'm not. Legal prostitution works very well in Nevada. It works very well in the parts of Europe where it happens.
I've made my case repeatedly. Abortion is wrong because it kills babies

fetuses aren't babies...

and victimizes women.

Again, only if you don't hold women accountable for their actions.

It's wrong because it subsidizes and hides crimes against children and women, including child sexual abuse, the sex trade, and slavery.

Horseshit. Most abortions performed in this country are performed on consenting adults or consenting teens who screwed up.

It is wrong because it devalues life and is a violation of human rights of women and children.

Anything else?

Again, this would make sense if abortionists were driving around in trucks pulling women off the street... they aren't. The make appointments, go to clinics, and have it done.
Yes, fetuses are babies.

I hold women accountable. However, when women are lied to, information is withheld from them, when they are manipulated and coerced...those women are being victimized.

You don't know who the majority of abortions are performed on because, according to Guttmacher, the CDC and PP....there are nothing even close to reliable or even complete stats.

And human rights violations occur when women are coerced into having their uteruses scraped, when babies are killed, and when women are butchered. As they are every day in abortion clinics worldwide.
Yes, fetuses are babies.

I hold women accountable. However, when women are lied to, information is withheld from them, when they are manipulated and coerced...those women are being victimized.

You don't know who the majority of abortions are performed on because, according to Guttmacher, the CDC and PP....there are nothing even close to reliable or even complete stats.

And human rights violations occur when women are coerced into having their uteruses scraped, when babies are killed, and when women are butchered. As they are every day in abortion clinics worldwide.

I never met a woman who had an abortion who didn't hear all the propaganda from both sides.

Fuck, I knew Catholic girls who got the full 12 years of frustrated homosexuals telling them Abortion is bad, and they sucked it into a sink anyway.

The notion that there is some bit of information they were denied is laughable.

Not to mention, as I've pointed out, in countries like the Philippines, where the Church gets its way, women are still having lots and lots of abortions.

Because at the end of the day, people make the choice that best suits their life.

And no stupid law you pass is going to change that. Read about prohibition some time. It didn't work. The war on Drugs doesn't work. Prostitution laws don't work.

In an ideal world, no one would have an abortion, do drugs, drink or have sex for money.

We don't live in an ideal world.
Even if I believed anything that you put up here (my experience is that assholes who go to bat for abortion are dishonest and have something to hide) I'm sure even you understand that your experience has no relevance.

And the rest of your post, well, all of your post, is just rubbish.

You're a sad and disgusting human. Hopefully you haven't been provided the opportunity to ruin any woman's life and God help any young women or daughters who have ever been subjected to you. I hope they survived intact. You really are that foul.
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Even if I believed anything that you put up here (my experience is that assholes who go to bat for abortion are dishonest and have something to hide) I'm sure even you understand that your experience has no relevance.

And the rest of your post, well, all of your post, is just rubbish.

You're a sad and disgusting human. Hopefully you haven't been provided the opportunity to ruin any woman's life and God help any young women or daughters who have ever been subjected to you. I hope they survived intact. You really are that foul.

and you are an asshole, what's new though

It's clear Obama and many on the left don't care if people want to find out what sex their unborn baby is before deciding to abort them or not.

What if it's true that Homosexuality is really genetic?

What if they were to isolate that gene?

What if they were able to say definitively that their child is gonna be straight or Gay and people decided to abort the child accordingly?

What if people started using sexual orientation as a reason to snuff that unborn baby out of existence?

Would you feel the same way about Gendercide...or in this case Homocide.

Just asking.

I love it, I love to say the same stuff, then we'll find out it's NOT genetic, or we'll get some kind of half assed 50/50 BS. Liberals are like worms, you defeat them and they come up with more excuses.
I never see them justify any other behavior via genetics. NEVER
When Barry Hussein was a state senator he used his power to continue a unique form of infanticide where Chicago hospitals would induce premature birth in women who wished a late term abortion. The hospital would then leave the baby naked on a cold table without so much as a blanket to comfort it as it struggled to breathe and died. A janitor found a living baby in the trash and alerted a nurse who blew the whistle on the secret manslaughter. Barry made sure she was fired and the procedure continued.

That is disturbing. If a baby is born alive, then even by the lowest standards, it's a person who deserves care.
funny thing is, it is not just libs who support abortion, there are republicans also.

wait you mean republicans have different thoughts and beliefs, we're not just robots pounding the same message, NOWAY!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll take that as a compliment, even if some support barbaric policies.
When Barry Hussein was a state senator he used his power to continue a unique form of infanticide where Chicago hospitals would induce premature birth in women who wished a late term abortion. The hospital would then leave the baby naked on a cold table without so much as a blanket to comfort it as it struggled to breathe and died. A janitor found a living baby in the trash and alerted a nurse who blew the whistle on the secret manslaughter. Barry made sure she was fired and the procedure continued.

That is disturbing. If a baby is born alive, then even by the lowest standards, it's a person who deserves care.

Not according to progressives, who maintain if a child survives an abortion, it needs to be killed or allowed to die.

When they aren't busy defending late term abortion...and paradoxically denying that late term abortions take place.
Another cowardly liberal hiding from the central moral aspect of the issue. Let's try this, if you're not too scared to answer a question (I expect you will be):

Do you support abortion just moments before the mother would have given birth?

No one actually does that.

Do you support it or not? You're such a fucking coward.
funny thing is, it is not just libs who support abortion, there are republicans also.

wait you mean republicans have different thoughts and beliefs, we're not just robots pounding the same message, NOWAY!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll take that as a compliment, even if some support barbaric policies.

And there are liberals that do not support abortion so, now you have it.

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