A Touchy Question On Gendercide Or In This Case Homocide

Right. Um, besides the sexist notion of calling people "pussies". (Seriously, you have some serious issues with women, don't you?) I've served in the military, which you never have...

The question is how you can live with yourself bringing shame on the US military by being such a fucking pussy. Ah, but questions scare the hell out of you, don't they pussy?

Well, given the fact I have a nice box of medals that say otherwise... I don't worry about it that much.

And frankly, I suspect your last encounter with "pussy" was the birth canal...
Right. Um, besides the sexist notion of calling people "pussies". (Seriously, you have some serious issues with women, don't you?) I've served in the military, which you never have...

The question is how you can live with yourself bringing shame on the US military by being such a fucking pussy. Ah, but questions scare the hell out of you, don't they pussy?

Well, given the fact I have a nice box of medals that say otherwise... ...

And you have the way you represent yourself here that PROVES you are a fucking pussy.

When did they teach you to be a coward who is afraid to answer a direct question, pussy?
calling people pussys from behind a CPU monitor is done only by a real man.

He's a manly-man all right.

And you're a real pussy all right.

Somehow I doubt you are going around through life screaming at people like you do here...

because you'd pretty soon get your ass kicked.

So if you act one way on the internet, and one way in real life, then that's the sign of being a "pussy".

I answered questions in a detailed, thoughtful way. That you couldn't handle the answers or didn't understand them is kind of your own problem.
And you're a real pussy all right.

Somehow I doubt you are going around through life screaming at people like you do here...

because you'd pretty soon get your ass kicked.

Not by some pussy like you, that's for damn sure.

Again, you avoid the question. DO you really go through life being abusive to people and calling them names.

This assumes you even have a job, which you probably don't.

I have to get to mine, so I'll leave you to stew all day.
Somehow I doubt you are going around through life screaming at people like you do here...

because you'd pretty soon get your ass kicked.

Not by some pussy like you, that's for damn sure.

Again, you avoid the question. DO you really go through life being abusive to people and calling them names.

Oh, is that a direct question? YES, I speak directly to people. I very rarely run into such pathetic pussies as yourself. YES, I would be happy to tell you what a pussy you are in any context - PUSSY. See how it is possible to answer direct yes or no questions, pussy?
I've asked you several simple yes or no questions and you have shamelessly run and hid like the idiotic fucking pussy that you are. You lack the brains or the character to even attempt to defend your own so-called positions, you worthless loser.

No, I gave you intelligent and thoughtful answers to false equivlency questions that were usually off topic.

The "wrongness" of rape has nothing to do with abortion.

Rape was wrong in the oldy days because women were property, and you were fucking up someoen else's property.

In the Bible, it calls for rape victims to be stoned in the city if they didn't cry out, and a rapist could pay his victim's father 50 sheckels and marry her. They also killed women if they weren't virgins on their wedding day or had sex outside of marriage.

It's wrong today because it's an assault on a woman, who is no longer property, but an equal person. So WHY it was against the law has changed. It's finally wrong for the right reasons.

Real questions don't have "yes or no" answers. But you probably don't understand it because you're not very bright.

Now, on Abortion, the purpose of abortion laws was to keep women under the thumbs of men. No one still thinks that's a good idea.


Abortion exists today to keep women under the thumbs of men. Through abortion, women can be raped repeatedly, and the results of it hidden. Thanks to abortion, women can be used again and again by multiple men who care nothing for them, and the men never have to worry about being saddled with a child or a pregnant female.

Thanks to abortion, prostitution and slavery can flourish without repercussion to the men who profit from those industries.

The estimate is that as many as 60 percent, perhaps more, abortions are coerced. Nobody knows what the numbers are with regards to the number of abortions that come about to hide rape and abuse because PLANNED PARENTHOOD REFUSES TO REPORT THE STATS OR REPORT THE CRIMES.

You're a lowlife scum, as is any man who supports the abortion industry. I have never met a man who supports it who wasn't some sort of fucking pervert who had something to hide, and you're no different. How many women have you dragged to the clinic, you piece of shit?
I've asked you several simple yes or no questions and you have shamelessly run and hid like the idiotic fucking pussy that you are. You lack the brains or the character to even attempt to defend your own so-called positions, you worthless loser.

No, I gave you intelligent and thoughtful answers to false equivlency questions that were usually off topic.

The "wrongness" of rape has nothing to do with abortion.

Rape was wrong in the oldy days because women were property, and you were fucking up someoen else's property.

In the Bible, it calls for rape victims to be stoned in the city if they didn't cry out, and a rapist could pay his victim's father 50 sheckels and marry her. They also killed women if they weren't virgins on their wedding day or had sex outside of marriage.

It's wrong today because it's an assault on a woman, who is no longer property, but an equal person. So WHY it was against the law has changed. It's finally wrong for the right reasons.

Real questions don't have "yes or no" answers. But you probably don't understand it because you're not very bright.

Now, on Abortion, the purpose of abortion laws was to keep women under the thumbs of men. No one still thinks that's a good idea.


Abortion exists today to keep women under the thumbs of men. Through abortion, women can be raped repeatedly, and the results of it hidden. Thanks to abortion, women can be used again and again by multiple men who care nothing for them, and the men never have to worry about being saddled with a child or a pregnant female.

Thanks to abortion, prostitution and slavery can flourish without repercussion to the men who profit from those industries.

The estimate is that as many as 60 percent, perhaps more, abortions are coerced. Nobody knows what the numbers are with regards to the number of abortions that come about to hide rape and abuse because PLANNED PARENTHOOD REFUSES TO REPORT THE STATS OR REPORT THE CRIMES.

You're a lowlife scum, as is any man who supports the abortion industry. I have never met a man who supports it who wasn't some sort of fucking pervert who had something to hide, and you're no different. How many women have you dragged to the clinic, you piece of shit?

is that why abortion is voluntary?
you seem to have this preconceived notion that you can use physco babble to deduce anyone that supports abortion. You could not be more wrong.
No, I gave you intelligent and thoughtful answers to false equivlency questions that were usually off topic.

The "wrongness" of rape has nothing to do with abortion.

Rape was wrong in the oldy days because women were property, and you were fucking up someoen else's property.

In the Bible, it calls for rape victims to be stoned in the city if they didn't cry out, and a rapist could pay his victim's father 50 sheckels and marry her. They also killed women if they weren't virgins on their wedding day or had sex outside of marriage.

It's wrong today because it's an assault on a woman, who is no longer property, but an equal person. So WHY it was against the law has changed. It's finally wrong for the right reasons.

Real questions don't have "yes or no" answers. But you probably don't understand it because you're not very bright.

Now, on Abortion, the purpose of abortion laws was to keep women under the thumbs of men. No one still thinks that's a good idea.


Abortion exists today to keep women under the thumbs of men. Through abortion, women can be raped repeatedly, and the results of it hidden. Thanks to abortion, women can be used again and again by multiple men who care nothing for them, and the men never have to worry about being saddled with a child or a pregnant female.

Thanks to abortion, prostitution and slavery can flourish without repercussion to the men who profit from those industries.

The estimate is that as many as 60 percent, perhaps more, abortions are coerced. Nobody knows what the numbers are with regards to the number of abortions that come about to hide rape and abuse because PLANNED PARENTHOOD REFUSES TO REPORT THE STATS OR REPORT THE CRIMES.

You're a lowlife scum, as is any man who supports the abortion industry. I have never met a man who supports it who wasn't some sort of fucking pervert who had something to hide, and you're no different. How many women have you dragged to the clinic, you piece of shit?

is that why abortion is voluntary?
you seem to have this preconceived notion that you can use physco babble to deduce anyone that supports abortion. You could not be more wrong.

Voluntary????How many girls are made to abort a child by their twisted fucking parents do you think? I personally know three.
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No, I'm absolutely 100 percent right. I've been involved in this debate for a long time. I've worked in residential treatment and been to the clinics with the women who get raped and abused. So fuck off, and learn something about the industry you support, that preys on women and makes money off the death of children and the degradation of women.

Abortion exists today to keep women under the thumbs of men. Through abortion, women can be raped repeatedly, and the results of it hidden. Thanks to abortion, women can be used again and again by multiple men who care nothing for them, and the men never have to worry about being saddled with a child or a pregnant female.

Thanks to abortion, prostitution and slavery can flourish without repercussion to the men who profit from those industries.

The estimate is that as many as 60 percent, perhaps more, abortions are coerced. Nobody knows what the numbers are with regards to the number of abortions that come about to hide rape and abuse because PLANNED PARENTHOOD REFUSES TO REPORT THE STATS OR REPORT THE CRIMES.

You're a lowlife scum, as is any man who supports the abortion industry. I have never met a man who supports it who wasn't some sort of fucking pervert who had something to hide, and you're no different. How many women have you dragged to the clinic, you piece of shit?

is that why abortion is voluntary?
you seem to have this preconceived notion that you can use physco babble to deduce anyone that supports abortion. You could not be more wrong.

Voluntary????How many girls are made to abort a child their twisted fucking parents do you think? I personally know three.

The people who support abortion are the ones who do that, and who think it's okay.

They have no concept of human rights to begin with. This sort of thing doesn't bother them.
No, I'm absolutely 100 percent right. I've been involved in this debate for a long time. I've worked in residential treatment and been to the clinics with the women who get raped and abused. So fuck off, and learn something about the industry you support, that preys on women and makes money off the death of children and the degradation of women.

really, how do I support the abortion industry, POS!

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