A Touchy Question On Gendercide Or In This Case Homocide

what state did this happen in?

That would be Michigan....A extremely liberal state.

Michigan Looks to Pass Nation's Most Anti-Abortion Law

Michigan Looks to Pass Nation's Most Anti-Abortion Law | Mother Jones

this Michigan? The liberal state?

LOL so recent actions make past ones disappear right???? What kind of scumbag has to use these ignorant tactics to defend killing babies?
Someone who has something to lose, and who benefits from the abuse of women/death of children. Bottom line.
"A Houston adoptive mother has been charged after arranging an abortion for her 12-year-old special needs daughter during a criminal investigation about whether the woman's biological son impregnated the girl."

Houston mom charged in pre-teen's abortion - Houston Chronicle

This is what abortion exists for. To protect criminals who prey upon women and children.

oh no! and the crime she committed was prosecuted. Again the govt. does not support what tis lady did and she should not have done it. But she could still get and abortion in another country, home made attempts and illegal abortion clinics in the USA, more than like ly this would have occurred even if abortion was not legal.
Notice it was the woman that committed the crim. Not the man. so try to show your man hating abilities a little better next time.
That would be Michigan....A extremely liberal state.

Michigan Looks to Pass Nation's Most Anti-Abortion Law

Michigan Looks to Pass Nation's Most Anti-Abortion Law | Mother Jones

this Michigan? The liberal state?

LOL so recent actions make past ones disappear right???? What kind of scumbag has to use these ignorant tactics to defend killing babies?

ignorant tactics? All I was doing was asking a question,put ur dagger away. Go and listen to mega death which music extolls the virtues of life and not the wish for death.mega deaths.
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"A Houston adoptive mother has been charged after arranging an abortion for her 12-year-old special needs daughter during a criminal investigation about whether the woman's biological son impregnated the girl."

Houston mom charged in pre-teen's abortion - Houston Chronicle

This is what abortion exists for. To protect criminals who prey upon women and children.

oh no! and the crime she committed was prosecuted. Again the govt. does not support what tis lady did and she should not have done it. But she could still get and abortion in another country, home made attempts and illegal abortion clinics in the USA, more than like ly this would have occurred even if abortion was not legal.
Notice it was the woman that committed the crim. Not the man. so try to show your man hating abilities a little better next time.

You fucking idiot. The 12 year old was raped by her 19 year old son. The man committed the original crime, and then the woman committed another to cover it up.

And the abortion was performed. The guy gets out of the responsibility, the baby is dead, and the 12 y.o. is traumatized and ready to be used again!. Win/win, eh?
"A Houston adoptive mother has been charged after arranging an abortion for her 12-year-old special needs daughter during a criminal investigation about whether the woman's biological son impregnated the girl."

Houston mom charged in pre-teen's abortion - Houston Chronicle

This is what abortion exists for. To protect criminals who prey upon women and children.

oh no! and the crime she committed was prosecuted. Again the govt. does not support what tis lady did and she should not have done it. But she could still get and abortion in another country, home made attempts and illegal abortion clinics in the USA, more than like ly this would have occurred even if abortion was not legal.
Notice it was the woman that committed the crim. Not the man. so try to show your man hating abilities a little better next time.

You fucking idiot. The 12 year old was raped by her 19 year old son. The man committed the original crime, and then the woman committed another to cover it up.

And the abortion was performed. The guy gets out of the responsibility, the baby is dead, and the 12 y.o. is traumatized and ready to be used again!. Win/win, eh?

not really, sounds like humans to me. Both before and after the advent of legalized abortion.
Of course it sounds normal to you.

Because you're depraved. This is what abortion exists to support. The depravity of people, the abuse of women and children, and the mainstreaming of those abuses.

Congrats, you made my point for me.
Of course it sounds normal to you.

Because you're depraved. This is what abortion exists to support. The depravity of people, the abuse of women and children, and the mainstreaming of those abuses.

Congrats, you made my point for me.

pretty bad when you must twist others words to try to so called "win" ur argument. but, that is what psychpaths do.

Abortion exists today to keep women under the thumbs of men. Through abortion, women can be raped repeatedly, and the results of it hidden. Thanks to abortion, women can be used again and again by multiple men who care nothing for them, and the men never have to worry about being saddled with a child or a pregnant female.

Um, yeah, right. Did you get that out of a comic book?

Thanks to abortion, prostitution and slavery can flourish without repercussion to the men who profit from those industries.

Slavery? Seriously? You do realize most hookers know enough on how not to get pregnant. The women who have abortions are the ones who are too dumb to know better.

The estimate is that as many as 60 percent, perhaps more, abortions are coerced. Nobody knows what the numbers are with regards to the number of abortions that come about to hide rape and abuse because PLANNED PARENTHOOD REFUSES TO REPORT THE STATS OR REPORT THE CRIMES.

Estimates by who? And what constitutes coercion. Frankly, I've know several women who've had abortions, one who had multiple ones. Every last one of them made that call. All by themselves.

You're a lowlife scum, as is any man who supports the abortion industry. I have never met a man who supports it who wasn't some sort of fucking pervert who had something to hide, and you're no different. How many women have you dragged to the clinic, you piece of shit?

Why am I getting the image of a person who had an abortion when she was young, and has externalized her anger at the boyfriend who walked off on her afterwards.

Point is, I don't support it, I just realize it's necessity. It's gonna happen, regardless.
Now that murdering girls in the womb is becoming fashionable, you will see the same situation in India, pimps will certainly encourage whores to get pregnant, abort the boys and raise the girls into a new generation of prostitutes. Girls can get started at around 7 and the girl children at that age generate much more money than the hags.
Anyone who suppots making abortion illegal is a antifreedom liberal.its amusing to watch the same people whine about abortion but how dare they tell you what you can eat.
Now that murdering girls in the womb is becoming fashionable, you will see the same situation in India, pimps will certainly encourage whores to get pregnant, abort the boys and raise the girls into a new generation of prostitutes. Girls can get started at around 7 and the girl children at that age generate much more money than the hags.

tourism pregnancy and surrogate are a problem in India.

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