A Touchy Question On Gendercide Or In This Case Homocide

Another specious thread on this topic. I'm pretty sure most democrats and the president agree that the sex of the fetus should never be a reason for an abortion.

but they voted against it yesterday didn't they? try again

Haha, you've been dupe again:

The Live Action video in question left much of the candid camera video on the cutting room floor, including a moment where the Planned Parenthood employee asks Live Action’s undercover operative if she’s considered adoption and another in which the employee notes there are no specific doctors who specialize in sex-selection abortions, though they all understand “that it’s a woman’s choice to decide if she’s interested in adoption, if she’s interested in prenatal care, if she’s interested in terminating. And whatever somebody’s decision is for having an abortion is really her choice.”

Eventually the conservatives are going to figure out that the Breitbart flunkies are not to be trusted.
When Barry Hussein was a state senator he used his power to continue a unique form of infanticide where Chicago hospitals would induce premature birth in women who wished a late term abortion. The hospital would then leave the baby naked on a cold table without so much as a blanket to comfort it as it struggled to breathe and died. A janitor found a living baby in the trash and alerted a nurse who blew the whistle on the secret manslaughter. Barry made sure she was fired and the procedure continued.

The Chinese have "Dying Rooms" for newborns when the child is not authorized.

Thats some creepy ass shit.
Another specious thread on this topic. I'm pretty sure most democrats and the president agree that the sex of the fetus should never be a reason for an abortion.

but they voted against it yesterday didn't they? try again

Haha, you've been dupe again:

The Live Action video in question left much of the candid camera video on the cutting room floor, including a moment where the Planned Parenthood employee asks Live Action’s undercover operative if she’s considered adoption and another in which the employee notes there are no specific doctors who specialize in sex-selection abortions, though they all understand “that it’s a woman’s choice to decide if she’s interested in adoption, if she’s interested in prenatal care, if she’s interested in terminating. And whatever somebody’s decision is for having an abortion is really her choice.”

congress moron.. they voted a bill that would prevent discrimination against female babies down..
It's a shame that she wasn't arrested for murder.

Oh, right, the police determined she was lying.

What is it that she lied about? The hospital spokesman even stated that these babies can and do survive outside the womb after the abortion:

Chicago Sun Times:

Bill proposes care for fetus after abortion

You have to understand, they're not given any sustenance whatsoever," O'Malley
said. A spokesman for Christ Hospital's parent, Advocate Health Care, said it
provides "compassionate care" for its patients and estimated that between 10
percent and 20 percent of fetuses with genetic defects that are aborted
survive for short periods outside the womb."
Advocate's policy allows for
termination of pregnancy in those rare cases when there are very severe and
complex anomalies in the fetus that wouldn't allow life to be sustained after
birth," Advocate spokesman Sue Reimbold said. "This is a legal and approved
process." Sen. Barack Obama (D-Chicago), who voted against O'Malley's abortion
bills, predicted they would be struck down by a federal court if they became
state law." Whenever we define a pre-viable fetus as a person that is
protected by the equal protection clause or other elements of the
Constitution, we're saying they are persons entitled to the kinds of
protections provided to a child, a 9-month-old child delivered to term
," he
said. "That determination then essentially, if it was accepted by a court,
would forbid abortions to take place."

CaféAuLait;5378847 said:
It's a shame that she wasn't arrested for murder.

Oh, right, the police determined she was lying.

What is it that she lied about? The hospital spokesman even stated that these babies can and do survive outside the womb after the abortion:

Chicago Sun Times:

Bill proposes care for fetus after abortion

You have to understand, they're not given any sustenance whatsoever," O'Malley
said. A spokesman for Christ Hospital's parent, Advocate Health Care, said it
provides "compassionate care" for its patients and estimated that between 10
percent and 20 percent of fetuses with genetic defects that are aborted
survive for short periods outside the womb."
Advocate's policy allows for
termination of pregnancy in those rare cases when there are very severe and
complex anomalies in the fetus that wouldn't allow life to be sustained after
birth," Advocate spokesman Sue Reimbold said. "This is a legal and approved
process." Sen. Barack Obama (D-Chicago), who voted against O'Malley's abortion
bills, predicted they would be struck down by a federal court if they became
state law." Whenever we define a pre-viable fetus as a person that is
protected by the equal protection clause or other elements of the
Constitution, we're saying they are persons entitled to the kinds of
protections provided to a child, a 9-month-old child delivered to term
," he
said. "That determination then essentially, if it was accepted by a court,
would forbid abortions to take place."


That it ever happened.
CaféAuLait;5378847 said:
It's a shame that she wasn't arrested for murder.

Oh, right, the police determined she was lying.

What is it that she lied about? The hospital spokesman even stated that these babies can and do survive outside the womb after the abortion:

Chicago Sun Times:

Bill proposes care for fetus after abortion

You have to understand, they're not given any sustenance whatsoever," O'Malley
said. A spokesman for Christ Hospital's parent, Advocate Health Care, said it
provides "compassionate care" for its patients and estimated that between 10
percent and 20 percent of fetuses with genetic defects that are aborted
survive for short periods outside the womb."
Advocate's policy allows for
termination of pregnancy in those rare cases when there are very severe and
complex anomalies in the fetus that wouldn't allow life to be sustained after
birth," Advocate spokesman Sue Reimbold said. "This is a legal and approved
process." Sen. Barack Obama (D-Chicago), who voted against O'Malley's abortion
bills, predicted they would be struck down by a federal court if they became
state law." Whenever we define a pre-viable fetus as a person that is
protected by the equal protection clause or other elements of the
Constitution, we're saying they are persons entitled to the kinds of
protections provided to a child, a 9-month-old child delivered to term
," he
said. "That determination then essentially, if it was accepted by a court,
would forbid abortions to take place."


That it ever happened.

Maybe I'm missing it, but I have searched and I can't find any results from an investigation determining she lied. Would you mind pointing me in the correct direction?
Ravi's full of shit, per usual.

Her entire focus is spread as many lies as she can to facilitate killing as many babies as possible.

That's why she wishes the woman who offered solace to a dying baby went to prison for murder. She doesn't think the abortionist is a murderer...but she'd like to see people who dare to help the vulnerable and victimized classes locked up.
Stanek considers the assassination of George Tiller to be "voluntary manslaughter".

She's "pro-life".
CaféAuLait;5378910 said:
CaféAuLait;5378847 said:
What is it that she lied about? The hospital spokesman even stated that these babies can and do survive outside the womb after the abortion:

Chicago Sun Times:

Bill proposes care for fetus after abortion


That it ever happened.

Maybe I'm missing it, but I have searched and I can't find any results from an investigation determining she lied. Would you mind pointing me in the correct direction?
It's on one of the many threads on this topic from before the election. When I have time, I'll see if I can find it for you.

Basically, the police found no evidence that children being born alive were put on a table somewhere in the hospital to die. If they had found such evidence, Stanek would have been arrested as she claimed to have been "forced" to do just that.
CaféAuLait;5378910 said:
That it ever happened.

Maybe I'm missing it, but I have searched and I can't find any results from an investigation determining she lied. Would you mind pointing me in the correct direction?
It's on one of the many threads on this topic from before the election. When I have time, I'll see if I can find it for you.

Basically, the police found no evidence that children being born alive were put on a table somewhere in the hospital to die. If they had found such evidence, Stanek would have been arrested as she claimed to have been "forced" to do just that.


"I'm Lying."
You haven't provided any facts.

I checked the links, just in case, but I've learned something in my many years online...

When people refuse to quote the *evidence* and instead direct people to links and tell them to look it up themselves, it means they were lying about the evidence.

I went to the first link, Stanek's blog, and she said absolutely nothing about thinking the murderer should have gotten manslaughter. So you were lying.

She wants the guy to get another trial, meh, but that isn't exactly the same thing, now, is it? You made a specific claim..and that claim was a lie.

So much for your credibility. Not that you had any to begin with.

It's clear Obama and many on the left don't care if people want to find out what sex their unborn baby is before deciding to abort them or not.

What if it's true that Homosexuality is really genetic?

What if they were to isolate that gene?

What if they were able to say definitively that their child is gonna be straight or Gay and people decided to abort the child accordingly?

What if people started using sexual orientation as a reason to snuff that unborn baby out of existence?

Would you feel the same way about Gendercide...or in this case Homocide.

Just asking.
what if you were not a retard?

it's a telling question....maybe too hard for you liberals to answer...?

would you support the right of gay babies to live or to die.....?

keep in mind that the mother would in most cases be heterosexual......:eusa_whistle:
CaféAuLait;5378910 said:
That it ever happened.

Maybe I'm missing it, but I have searched and I can't find any results from an investigation determining she lied. Would you mind pointing me in the correct direction?
It's on one of the many threads on this topic from before the election. When I have time, I'll see if I can find it for you.

Basically, the police found no evidence that children being born alive were put on a table somewhere in the hospital to die. If they had found such evidence, Stanek would have been arrested as she claimed to have been "forced" to do just that.

I have Googled it and I can't find it anywhere. But I must ask since O'Malley, the Christ Hospital spokesperson said that "10-20 percent of the babies do survive for a period of time". ( link a few posts above to Chicago Sun Times article) What pray tell do they do with this baby born alive and living for a 'period of time"? Hand it to the woman who aborted it and ask her to hold it until it dies? Hand it to a nurse and ask her to hold the dying baby? I can't figure what one believes they do with the dying baby? Does the doctor hold it until the baby dies? A table does not seem too far out of the picture. What else do you think they do with the baby that survives for a 'period of time"?
Maybe the whole practice of abortion has gotten so twisted and grotesque it all has to go.
CaféAuLait;5379124 said:
CaféAuLait;5378910 said:
Maybe I'm missing it, but I have searched and I can't find any results from an investigation determining she lied. Would you mind pointing me in the correct direction?
It's on one of the many threads on this topic from before the election. When I have time, I'll see if I can find it for you.

Basically, the police found no evidence that children being born alive were put on a table somewhere in the hospital to die. If they had found such evidence, Stanek would have been arrested as she claimed to have been "forced" to do just that.

I have Googled it and I can't find it anywhere. But I must ask since O'Malley, the Christ Hospital spokesperson said that "10-20 percent of the babies do survive for a period of time". ( link a few posts above to Chicago Sun Times article) What pray tell do they do with this baby born alive and living for a 'period of time"? Hand it to the woman who aborted it and ask her to hold it until it dies? Hand it to a nurse and ask her to hold the dying baby? I can't figure what one believes they do with the dying baby? Does the doctor hold it until the baby dies? A table does not seem too far out of the picture. What else do you think they do with the baby that survives for a 'period of time"?

Sssh..you're going to burst their "it's just a clump of cells, not even human and nobody gets late term abortions" bubble.

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