A Touchy Question On Gendercide Or In This Case Homocide

You haven't provided any facts.

I checked the links, just in case, but I've learned something in my many years online...

When people refuse to quote the *evidence* and instead direct people to links and tell them to look it up themselves, it means they were lying about the evidence.

I went to the first link, Stanek's blog, and she said absolutely nothing about thinking the murderer should have gotten manslaughter. So you were lying.

She wants the guy to get another trial, meh, but that isn't exactly the same thing, now, is it? You made a specific claim..and that claim was a lie.

So much for your credibility. Not that you had any to begin with.

She thinks he deserves another trial because the judge wouldn't allow the assassination of Dr. Tiller to be categorized as voluntary manslaughter.

Somehow, in your warped pod, you claim it isn't the same thing.....
Jill Stanek is a Pro-Life activist.

She leads marches, has a pro-life column, and a pro-life website Jill Stanek - With her typing fingers on the pro-life pulse.

Apparently there was such a procedure being done, but only in cases of severe birth defect where the fetus would have undoubtedly died anyway if carried to term.

In other words, the hospital performed said "live-birth" procedures to prevent future suffering.

Jill Stanek's testimony, however, concerning fetuses being left to die in closets, etc, was found by an investigation by the Illinois Department of Public Health to be false. The investigation concluded that no laws had in fact been broken.

Jill Stanek - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jill Stanek is a Pro-Life activist.

She leads marches, has a pro-life column, and a pro-life website Jill Stanek - With her typing fingers on the pro-life pulse.

Apparently there was such a procedure being done, but only in cases of severe birth defect where the fetus would have undoubtedly died anyway if carried to term.

In other words, the hospital performed said "live-birth" procedures to prevent future suffering.

Jill Stanek's testimony, however, concerning fetuses being left to die in closets, etc, was found by an investigation by the Illinois Department of Public Health to be false. The investigation concluded that no laws had in fact been broken.

Jill Stanek - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sorry folks? This subject has shades of Josef Mengele.

Yes it absolutely does.....abortion is a form of eugenics......and babies suffer.....but liberals, Planned Parenthood, the education system, the liberal media.....promote and misinform misguided young people that abortion is just a simple "procedure"....a simple solution to their troubled situation....
Jill Stanek is a Pro-Life activist.

She leads marches, has a pro-life column, and a pro-life website Jill Stanek - With her typing fingers on the pro-life pulse.

Apparently there was such a procedure being done, but only in cases of severe birth defect where the fetus would have undoubtedly died anyway if carried to term.

In other words, the hospital performed said "live-birth" procedures to prevent future suffering.

Jill Stanek's testimony, however, concerning fetuses being left to die in closets, etc, was found by an investigation by the Illinois Department of Public Health to be false. The investigation concluded that no laws had in fact been broken.

Jill Stanek - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So if not a closet or a table where are the "10-20 percent of babies born alive and surviving for a 'period of time" left to die?
Sorry folks? This subject has shades of Josef Mengele.

Yes it absolutely does.....abortion is a form of eugenics......and babies suffer.....but liberals, Planned Parenthood, the education system, the liberal media.....promote and misinform misguided young people that abortion is just a simple "procedure"....a simple solution to their troubled situation....

But call us Conservatives that call this crap, this manipulation into question what Megele was...

Co-opting the subject...so they can DO what they should be against.

~Go Figure
I don't have to. Your lies are simply statements that you never verify when they're challenged...it's easy. In the case of this moronic statement, you provide no evidence that it's true, it's not up to me to prove a negative. If it's true, back it up! Give me the evidence that all the babies that are born alive and left to die in abortion clinics are hideously deformed and would have died if brought to term.

That was your (ludicrous) statement. Back it up!

I know you won't. Because..you're a liar.
Jill Stanek is a Pro-Life activist.

She leads marches, has a pro-life column, and a pro-life website Jill Stanek - With her typing fingers on the pro-life pulse.

Apparently there was such a procedure being done, but only in cases of severe birth defect where the fetus would have undoubtedly died anyway if carried to term.

In other words, the hospital performed said "live-birth" procedures to prevent future suffering.

Jill Stanek's testimony, however, concerning fetuses being left to die in closets, etc, was found by an investigation by the Illinois Department of Public Health to be false. The investigation concluded that no laws had in fact been broken.

Jill Stanek - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I clicked your link and I can't find the passage where it states that an investigation showed her testimony to be false.
I don't have to. Your lies are simply statements that you never verify when they're challenged...it's easy. In the case of this moronic statement, you provide no evidence that it's true, it's not up to me to prove a negative. If it's true, back it up! Give me the evidence that all the babies that are born alive and left to die in abortion clinics are hideously deformed and would have died if brought to term.

That was your (ludicrous) statement. Back it up!

I know you won't. Because..you're a liar.

Whom are you addressing dear?

You sure do use that word a lot.

And rarely provide any corroborating data to back it up.

She's one of those off the deep end anti-abortion extremists who no longer finds logic, reason, rationality, facts, and evidence to be of any use unless they are compatible with the extremism.

How extreme is forcing a live infant from its mother’s womb alive and feeling pain and then allowing the baby to die a horrible death. I find more sensitivity from some over whale calf’s than a human baby screaming after being suctioned from its mother’s womb. I am not saying such about you whatsoever. But this practice of live birth abortions where the child survives as the hospital spokesperson states in 10 to 20 percent of the cases, horrible to say the least.
CaféAuLait;5379406 said:
You sure do use that word a lot.

And rarely provide any corroborating data to back it up.

She's one of those off the deep end anti-abortion extremists who no longer finds logic, reason, rationality, facts, and evidence to be of any use unless they are compatible with the extremism.

How extreme is forcing a live infant from its mother’s womb alive and feeling pain and then allowing the baby to die a horrible death. I find more sensitivity from some over whale calf’s than a human baby screaming after being suctioned from its mother’s womb. I am not saying such about you whatsoever. But this practice of live birth abortions where the child survives as the hospital spokesperson states in 10 to 20 percent of the cases, horrible to say the least.

It's an abomination, and a sad state of affirs in human events.
I don't have to. Your lies are simply statements that you never verify when they're challenged...it's easy. In the case of this moronic statement, you provide no evidence that it's true, it's not up to me to prove a negative. If it's true, back it up! Give me the evidence that all the babies that are born alive and left to die in abortion clinics are hideously deformed and would have died if brought to term.

That was your (ludicrous) statement. Back it up!

I know you won't. Because..you're a liar.

No, see, I'm not sure where you come from, but here in the good ol' USA, if you make an accusation of wrongdoing, the onus is on YOU to back it up with facts.

Now, if these people are indeed guilty of killing fetuses at a late stage of development, in a circumstance where the fetus was not hideously deformed and would die anyway, then they are guilty of murder, and need to be tried accordingly.
A late stage of development being anything past the 24 weeks dictated by Roe v Wade.
CaféAuLait;5379406 said:
How extreme is forcing a live infant from its mother’s womb alive and feeling pain and then allowing the baby to die a horrible death. I find more sensitivity from some over whale calf’s than a human baby screaming after being suctioned from its mother’s womb. I am not saying such about you whatsoever. But this practice of live birth abortions where the child survives as the hospital spokesperson states in 10 to 20 percent of the cases, horrible to say the least.

If it is before the Roe v Wade viability time limit, then the fetus cannot "feel pain" because they don't have a thalamus.
I don't have to. Your lies are simply statements that you never verify when they're challenged...it's easy. In the case of this moronic statement, you provide no evidence that it's true, it's not up to me to prove a negative. If it's true, back it up! Give me the evidence that all the babies that are born alive and left to die in abortion clinics are hideously deformed and would have died if brought to term.

That was your (ludicrous) statement. Back it up!

I know you won't. Because..you're a liar.

No, see, I'm not sure where you come from, but here in the good ol' USA, if you make an accusation of wrongdoing, the onus is on YOU to back it up with facts.

Now, if these people are indeed guilty of killing fetuses at a late stage of development, in a circumstance where the fetus was not hideously deformed and would die anyway, then they are guilty of murder, and need to be tried accordingly.

No, it's not. Once again you prove what a clueless retard you are.

If you make a moronic statement like "All the babies that live briefly after abortion are so hideously deformed they would have died anyway" the standard dictates you provide supporting evidence. If somebody challenges you to support an idiotic statement, and you don't, then the assumption is that you are lying and making shit up.

See how that works, genius?

YOU make the statement, YOU prove it. This is a debate standard that 5th graders understand and are held to in grade school.

Here let me help you, even wiki understands this stuff:

"Argument from ignorance"
"It asserts that a proposition is true because it has not yet been proven false, it is "generally accepted" (or vice versa). "

"Arguments that appeal to ignorance rely merely on the fact that the veracity of the proposition is not disproven to arrive at a definite conclusion. "

Argument from ignorance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No, it's not. Once again you prove what a clueless retard you are.

If you make a moronic statement like "All the babies that live briefly after abortion are so hideously deformed they would have died anyway" the standard dictates you provide supporting evidence. If somebody challenges you to support an idiotic statement, and you don't, then the assumption is that you are lying and making shit up.

That might be true, if that is what I said, but it is not. Once again you are misquoting me.

See how that works, genius?

YOU make the statement, YOU prove it. This is a debate standard that 5th graders understand and are held to in grade school.

Here let me help you, even wiki understands this stuff:

"Argument from ignorance"
"It asserts that a proposition is true because it has not yet been proven false, it is "generally accepted" (or vice versa). "

"Arguments that appeal to ignorance rely merely on the fact that the veracity of the proposition is not disproven to arrive at a definite conclusion. "

Argument from ignorance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You made an accusation, based upon the testimony of this Jill whatever-her-name-is.

I made a statement that contradicted said accusation, saying that the hospital was performing late term abortions in cases of hideous and life-ending mutations and abnormalities. And that in these cases, the fetuses survived after being removed from the mother's body, due to their advanced stage of development.

Is there some evidence that you can produce that fetuses of less than 24 weeks are surviving for any length of time outside the womb?

IN addition, I made a statement saying that I believed if they had performed abortions after the age of viability, as dictated by Roe v Wade, then they were murderers, and should be tried as such.
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CaféAuLait;5379406 said:
How extreme is forcing a live infant from its mother’s womb alive and feeling pain and then allowing the baby to die a horrible death. I find more sensitivity from some over whale calf’s than a human baby screaming after being suctioned from its mother’s womb. I am not saying such about you whatsoever. But this practice of live birth abortions where the child survives as the hospital spokesperson states in 10 to 20 percent of the cases, horrible to say the least.

If it is before the Roe v Wade viability time limit, then the fetus cannot "feel pain" because they don't have a thalamus.

Fetal Pain, stress, ect:

Fetal development of the thalamus occurs
much earlier than the sensory cortex,26-28 but functional evidence
for thalamic sensory processing will require novel
neuroimaging techniques29 or the recording of thalamic field
potentials24 from fetuses. If cortical activity is not required for
pain perception in adults, why should it be a necessary criterion
for fetuses? Despite this caveat, robust cortical activity
occurs in preterm neonates exposed to tactile or painful stimuli,
30 which may be correlates of sensory content or its context
and certainly imply conscious perception.

http://anes-som.ucsd.edu/VP Articles/Topic C. Anand.pdf

Such states what you do and more, they also state that they are not sure and there are many more factors. it also states that fetal stress is real and felt far earlier than 28 weeks. If you had a child prematurely and decided to assure that child lived would you allow the doctor to cut the infant open without pain medications? Perhaps the infant needed an operation at 25 weeks would you believe that this baby can’t feel what the doctors are doing?

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