A Touchy Question On Gendercide Or In This Case Homocide

No one is forced to raise any child. That's why we have safe haven laws. What you propose is to kill a child instead of putting the child into a loving home and imagine that this is better for the child.

Forcing a person to birth a child is not better

Especially if that child is an unwanted girl-child.

I'd like to see the evidence of all the women down through the ages who have been *forced* to bear children against their will, who wish they had aborted.

Thanks, I'll wait for that information.
Forcing a person to birth a child is not better

Especially if that child is an unwanted girl-child.

I'd like to see the evidence of all the women down through the ages who have been *forced* to bear children against their will, who wish they had aborted.

Thanks, I'll wait for that information.

I have heard of a couple. In every case it was someone who had given the child up for adoption then the child as an adult tracked them down. There was one woman, raised in a loving adoptive home who went through great trouble and expense to track down her biological mother and was told "If I knew you were going to find me, I would have had an abortion and not taken the risk." It was a very cruel thing to say. All things considered, more women are glad they didn't have an abortion than wish they did. Tim Tebow's mother for instance was advised to have an abortion and chose not to. It's one of the reasons he supports life. He knows how close he came to not being born at all.

If someone was to make a study of the subject, it's the daughters who take care of aging parents. Sons couldn't be bothered. It's the aunts who look after their sister's children, not the uncles. Killing the women does not speak well of us as a culture.
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When Barry Hussein was a state senator he used his power to continue a unique form of infanticide where Chicago hospitals would induce premature birth in women who wished a late term abortion. The hospital would then leave the baby naked on a cold table without so much as a blanket to comfort it as it struggled to breathe and died. A janitor found a living baby in the trash and alerted a nurse who blew the whistle on the secret manslaughter. Barry made sure she was fired and the procedure continued.

:link::link::link: Considering what you said could be considered libel, don't you think you should back it up with some proof. We know that Barry voted against new legislation that was meant to protect premature babies who survived abortions, but there were already laws on the books that covered that. So please show us where Barry had someone fired at a hospital because of this just so it could go on. If you are going to make outrageous claims, you really do need to back them up.
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The name of the nurse who got fired for holding the baby is Jill Stanek. You can find what she did anywhere on the internet.

Her testimony before Congress in support of the Infant Born Alive Protection Act is here.

Testimony of Jill L. Stanek, RN on H.R. 4292

Keith Olberman once called her the worst person in the world.

obama eventually defeated the act.

What Nurse Stanek did is here.
Jill Stanek: Barack Obama “unmoved” by reports of infanticide « Doug Lawrence's Catholic Weblog

Stanek relates the story of how one night she saw a nurse bringing a baby to the soiled utility room to die, because the parents of the child did not want to hold it. The other nurse also did not have the time to hold the child. “When she told me what she was doing I couldn’t bear the thought of this suffering child dying alone,” says Stanek. “And so I cradled and rocked him for the forty-five minutes that he lived.”

Stanek recounts how, besides testifying before the federal House, she also testified before an Illinois State Senate Committee, a Committee on which Barack Obama sat.

“Barack Obama,” she says, “was unmoved, and actually opposed the Born Alive Infant Protection Act.”

“This one guy, Barack Obama,” she says, “thought that infanticide was acceptable and voted to protect it. Some people said that Barack Obama was uninformed or may not have fully understood the implications of this bill. But he voted against it three times. That’s calculated.”

She was fired for her mercy.

Illinois Hospital's Name is Blasphemous
It's a shame that she wasn't arrested for murder.

Oh, right, the police determined she was lying.
I wonder how many aborted humans would have rather had a chance at living their life rather than being aborted?
Another specious thread on this topic. I'm pretty sure most democrats and the president agree that the sex of the fetus should never be a reason for an abortion.
CaféAuLait;5373638 said:
So you clowns don't want a woman to decide about abortion based on the sex of the fetus,

but you also want to force her to see an ultrasound, and thus learn the sex of the fetus?


It's hard for your average person to decipher the sex of a child on ultrasound. Either way, this is a slippery slope. If abortion can be based on gender will sexual identity be next? Skin color, eye color, obesity? If Gene GABRG3 is found, will one abort because he/she has an increased risk of alcoholism?

If a woman is going to have the right to an abortion, it's nobody's business why she has it.

As soon as start limiting the 'why', you start infringeing on the right.
The name of the nurse who got fired for holding the baby is Jill Stanek. You can find what she did anywhere on the internet.

Her testimony before Congress in support of the Infant Born Alive Protection Act is here.

Testimony of Jill L. Stanek, RN on H.R. 4292

Keith Olberman once called her the worst person in the world.

obama eventually defeated the act.

What Nurse Stanek did is here.
Jill Stanek: Barack Obama “unmoved” by reports of infanticide « Doug Lawrence's Catholic Weblog

Stanek relates the story of how one night she saw a nurse bringing a baby to the soiled utility room to die, because the parents of the child did not want to hold it. The other nurse also did not have the time to hold the child. “When she told me what she was doing I couldn’t bear the thought of this suffering child dying alone,” says Stanek. “And so I cradled and rocked him for the forty-five minutes that he lived.”

Stanek recounts how, besides testifying before the federal House, she also testified before an Illinois State Senate Committee, a Committee on which Barack Obama sat.

“Barack Obama,” she says, “was unmoved, and actually opposed the Born Alive Infant Protection Act.”

“This one guy, Barack Obama,” she says, “thought that infanticide was acceptable and voted to protect it. Some people said that Barack Obama was uninformed or may not have fully understood the implications of this bill. But he voted against it three times. That’s calculated.”

She was fired for her mercy.

Illinois Hospital's Name is Blasphemous

This lady?

Sweet and Sour Fetus: Chinese cannibalism - Illinois Review
Another specious thread on this topic. I'm pretty sure most democrats and the president agree that the sex of the fetus should never be a reason for an abortion.

but they voted against it yesterday didn't they? try again
CaféAuLait;5373638 said:
So you clowns don't want a woman to decide about abortion based on the sex of the fetus,

but you also want to force her to see an ultrasound, and thus learn the sex of the fetus?


It's hard for your average person to decipher the sex of a child on ultrasound. Either way, this is a slippery slope. If abortion can be based on gender will sexual identity be next? Skin color, eye color, obesity? If Gene GABRG3 is found, will one abort because he/she has an increased risk of alcoholism?

If a woman is going to have the right to an abortion, it's nobody's business why she has it.

As soon as start limiting the 'why', you start infringeing on the right.

There is no *right* to kill babies.

RvW was a bogus ruling based on bogus studies, spearheaded by criminals who victimized a woman who later DECRIED it in order to force it upon us.

Regardless of what the law is now, it should never have become law, and there is no RIGHT to abortion.
Another specious thread on this topic. I'm pretty sure most democrats and the president agree that the sex of the fetus should never be a reason for an abortion.

but they voted against it yesterday didn't they? try again

Haha, you've been dupe again:

The Live Action video in question left much of the candid camera video on the cutting room floor, including a moment where the Planned Parenthood employee asks Live Action’s undercover operative if she’s considered adoption and another in which the employee notes there are no specific doctors who specialize in sex-selection abortions, though they all understand “that it’s a woman’s choice to decide if she’s interested in adoption, if she’s interested in prenatal care, if she’s interested in terminating. And whatever somebody’s decision is for having an abortion is really her choice.”
DId democrats defeat a bill that would have protected girl babies? Yes. That's what this comes down to.

If we have a situation in which it's okay to kill the females because it "protects" the right to abortion, we have a seriously sick need to kill babies generally and maybe now, in light of what abortion has become, get rid of it completely.

I can't believe I said that.

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