A Touchy Question On Gendercide Or In This Case Homocide

No, it's not. Once again you prove what a clueless retard you are.

If you make a moronic statement like "All the babies that live briefly after abortion are so hideously deformed they would have died anyway" the standard dictates you provide supporting evidence. If somebody challenges you to support an idiotic statement, and you don't, then the assumption is that you are lying and making shit up.

That might be true, if that is what I said, but it is not. Once again you are misquoting me.

See how that works, genius?

YOU make the statement, YOU prove it. This is a debate standard that 5th graders understand and are held to in grade school.

Here let me help you, even wiki understands this stuff:

"Argument from ignorance"
"It asserts that a proposition is true because it has not yet been proven false, it is "generally accepted" (or vice versa). "

"Arguments that appeal to ignorance rely merely on the fact that the veracity of the proposition is not disproven to arrive at a definite conclusion. "

Argument from ignorance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You made an accusation, based upon the testimony of this Jill whatever-her-name-is.

I made a statement that contradicted said accusation, saying that the hospital was performing late term abortions in cases of hideous and life-ending mutations and abnormalities. And that in these cases, the fetuses survived after being removed from the mother's body, due to their advanced stage of development.

Is there some evidence that you can produce that fetuses of less than 24 weeks are surviving for any length of time outside the womb?

IN addition, I made a statement saying that I believed if they had performed abortions after the age of viability, as dictated by Roe v Wade, then they were murderers, and should be tried as such.

Prove your point, retard. Otherwise quit sucking the life out of the thread.
Here's the thing..life isn't defined by whether or not one feels pain. There are adults who are unable to feel pain...are they not alive?
I don't have to. Your lies are simply statements that you never verify when they're challenged...it's easy. In the case of this moronic statement, you provide no evidence that it's true, it's not up to me to prove a negative. If it's true, back it up! Give me the evidence that all the babies that are born alive and left to die in abortion clinics are hideously deformed and would have died if brought to term.

That was your (ludicrous) statement. Back it up!

I know you won't. Because..you're a liar.

Whom are you addressing dear?

Kosher dear? Please address?
It's their choice dude...in another thread you're going to talk about how freedom is good in every way, not in this one

Are you saying you support gender-specific abortion?

He's saying he supports the choice of the mother to decide whether or not she wants to keep the baby.

Don't try and play that stupid game you're starting up.
So yes, he supports gender-specific abortion.

Cuz any abortion is a *good* abortion!
It's their choice dude...in another thread you're going to talk about how freedom is good in every way, not in this one

Are you saying you support gender-specific abortion?

He's saying he supports the choice of the mother to decide whether or not she wants to keep the baby.

Don't try and play that stupid game you're starting up.

Yet this thead is about gender-specific abortion. More so it is arguably about a woman getting pregnant by choice then ending the life of a child because she does not like its sex or possibly in the future, sexual identity and or even hair color.
It's their choice dude...in another thread you're going to talk about how freedom is good in every way, not in this one

Are you saying you support gender-specific abortion?

He's saying he supports the choice of the mother to decide whether or not she wants to keep the baby.

Don't try and play that stupid game you're starting up.

There IS no stupid GAME CowFart.

WE are discussing LIFE, and preserving it...
All this has shit to do with if a woman wants to do it for her reasoning, her reasoning has shit to do with your reasoning
CaféAuLait;5379711 said:
Fetal Pain, stress, ect:

Fetal development of the thalamus occurs
much earlier than the sensory cortex,26-28 but functional evidence
for thalamic sensory processing will require novel
neuroimaging techniques29 or the recording of thalamic field
potentials24 from fetuses. If cortical activity is not required for
pain perception in adults, why should it be a necessary criterion
for fetuses? Despite this caveat, robust cortical activity
occurs in preterm neonates exposed to tactile or painful stimuli,
30 which may be correlates of sensory content or its context
and certainly imply conscious perception.

http://anes-som.ucsd.edu/VP Articles/Topic C. Anand.pdf

Such states what you do and more, they also state that they are not sure and there are many more factors. it also states that fetal stress is real and felt far earlier than 28 weeks. If you had a child prematurely and decided to assure that child lived would you allow the doctor to cut the infant open without pain medications? Perhaps the infant needed an operation at 25 weeks would you believe that this baby can’t feel what the doctors are doing?

You neglected to post the first part of that paragraph, which is integral for context:

Some argue that activation of the sensory cortex is a necessary
criterion for pain “perception” to occur in the fetus,
citing the lack of evidence for pain-specific thalamocortical
connections in fetal life.6 This line of reasoning, however,
ignores clinical data showing that ablation or stimulation of
the primary somatosensory cortex does not alter pain perception
in adults, whereas thalamic ablation or stimulation

And yes, without a thalamus, the baby would not be able to perceive pain.
You can reason and rationalize anything. Not one serial killer ever did the wrong thing. It was always the right thing, according to their judgment.
The law of the land is wrong, just as it was wrong when it wasn't murder to kill a slave.

Obviously, if the law dictates that murder is AOK then murder charges are futile, moron.
Actually, you know what? I'm done with this entire argument.

I've presented the same damn set of facts dozens of times now, and been presented with the exact same arguments against them every single time.

So, this argument is pointless, and therefore meaningless.

I have already stated that I would be willing to seek a compromise, but no-one who starts out a conversation using terms like "murderer" and "baby-killer" will ever compromise.

So, I'm out. Have fun beating your heads against the wall.
CaféAuLait;5379817 said:
All this has shit to do with if a woman wants to do it for her reasoning, her reasoning has shit to do with your reasoning

So her reasoning could be to get pregnant and abort a perfectly healthy baby over and over until she gets the 'right' one?

It could be...not saying its right but people will always abuse laws on the books. Just like people will run red lights if they want to but traffic lights aren't bad.

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