A traitor in our midst?

Anthony Scaramucci predicts group of Senate Republicans are about to turn on Trump

Anthony Scaramucci says President Donald Trump’s “meltdown” is going to get a whole lot worse.

On Wednesday night, the former White House communications director who was fired after just 10 days on the job said on CNN that Trump was looking at his future “and the future does not look good for him.”

“As more facts unfold about Syria, as more facts unfold about the people that have been arrested recently, and the conjoinment of all those issues over there, it’s going to be devastating for the president,” he said.

Scaramucci also predicted that Republicans in the Senate will soon turn on Trump and force him
CNN? I stopped reading when I saw that-its like finding used toilet paper.
yeah 3rd anything you can't wrap your little mind around is false news ,,,,,just like your god trump would say
Are you itching for a fight? I don't have a little mind, I don't have a human God, and your attack is unprovoked. I was easy on your silly post but you are asking for it.
Just keep on believing like Trump that everything you don't like is fake news And as for a fight I never backed out of one ,,but there's always a first time
Don't start them and you won't have to back out. I don't like CNN because they are so biased-C-span is fine -or am I being to much of a trumper if I watch that?
You PATHETIC TDS leftists will just LATCH ONTO ANY OLE POS FANTASY that comes along that makes you FEEL GOOD because it FEEDS your INSATIABLE appetite for ANYTHING ANTI TRUMP, even if it's OBVIOUS BS from some BUTT HURT little ass clown talking smack.

GOOD GOD you people are PATHETIC!

I just want to see the Orange Virus in prison. Oh, and half his cabinet as well. Is that too much to ask?

For a Nazi? Of course not.

"Nazi". :auiqs.jpg: Lol Okay. Binge drinking are we?

Yes, Nazi. Wanting to imprison a political opponent simply for being an adversary. That's as Nazi as you can get.

He went way beyond being an adversary and I can't believe you don't see that. These present republicans are well on the way to being as crooked as the reagan and nixon administrations.
Scaramucci initially remained a Trump supporter even after being fired in 2017, often defending the president in media appearances. But over the summer, he turned on Trump, writing a scathing op-ed in The Washington Post in which he vowed to work against his reelection.

Since then, he’s only stepped up his rhetoric.

“The American president is a traitor to the United States,” Scaramucci said on CNN earlier this month. “He is literally the most un-American president that we’ve had, probably since Andrew Johnson
So you are a war monger then. Don't ever spout anti war crap again the rest of your life. You put your party ahead of everything else. Your party sho spoke more ph ukn anti war chants in the last 60 years then any entity in history. A lot of voters who helped to put Trump into office are anti war. A lot are not. We have been at war since 1990 in that region. Throw a bone.
So why has trump sent troops to Saudi Arabia, as mercenaries for them? Saudi is paying for them.... So to Trump, our troops are sent to the middle east, if the country pays for them? Not what is in our nation's best interest... but for money? Money? Money is what determines the life or death of our military...really?

This awful, ignorant, low life creature, needs to be FIRED!!!

Think for a minute Care: what recent major event took place in Saudi Arabia that upped our gasoline prices???
Trump said we were pulling out of the middle east and sending our military home blah blah blah with Syria, yet he is sending troops to Saudi Arabia.... to protect them from Iran... while at the same time his withdrawal from Syria put more power in Iran's hands?

And the Saudi's paying for these troops of ours, STINKS of it NOT being because it is in our best interest, but the Saudi's...

Trump has no idea of what he is doing when it comes to foreign policy imo...

In case you haven't noticed, energy, and more importantly, energy prices, are partly responsible for the fantastic economy we have today. The Saudi attack was to interrupt part of Trump's success strategy.

What is your problem with Saudi paying us for protection, especially when it's more for our protection than theirs? After all, the attack was not to harm them, it was to harm Trump, because the terrorists would love nothing more than to see a Democrat President in the White House in 2020. There is not much difference between the mentality of a Democrat and a terrorist.
i have a problem with the saudi prince being a cold blooded murderer, and the way pres trump handled it.

i have a problem withe the saudi support of terrorism

I have a problem with more than 3/4's of the hijackers on 9/11/01 were Saudis...

I have a problem with their mass murdering in Yemen

I have a problem with the way they treat women

they pretty much have been on my sh8t list for a while now...

and quite honestly, they do not deserve our help.

We don't rely on the Saudis for oil as much as we used to.... a much smaller percentage and we've developed our own here in the USA leaps and bounds the past decade

why would trump make a big deal about leaving the middle east with it being ''time to bring them home'' when it came to syria with the Kurds actually being our allies and front line in many of our battles and causes for 50 years or so, only to send our troops to another middle eastern country, saudi arabia?

bat shit crazy, foreign policy, with no thought or reason is what it looks like, imo.
All of the Republicrats are turning on Trump...he has gone against the will and wishes of the War Industrial Complex. Most importantly...he has gone against the Zionists...who...let's be real honest...run the whole thing...as in the US.

Trump is gone. Gone. He stepped on that third rail.
I guess you said this silly shit before the announcement of an agreed to cease-fire in Syria.

Boy you must be eating crow right about now.

However...Trumped messed with some very very strategic troops. He is playing with fire.
Not really.....he's being set up by Globalists.
You mean the same people I referred to in my initial post which you called me a 'Doofus' for?...yeah...
So you are a war monger then. Don't ever spout anti war crap again the rest of your life. You put your party ahead of everything else. Your party sho spoke more ph ukn anti war chants in the last 60 years then any entity in history. A lot of voters who helped to put Trump into office are anti war. A lot are not. We have been at war since 1990 in that region. Throw a bone.
So why has trump sent troops to Saudi Arabia, as mercenaries for them? Saudi is paying for them.... So to Trump, our troops are sent to the middle east, if the country pays for them? Not what is in our nation's best interest... but for money? Money? Money is what determines the life or death of our military...really?

This awful, ignorant, low life creature, needs to be FIRED!!!

Think for a minute Care: what recent major event took place in Saudi Arabia that upped our gasoline prices???
Trump said we were pulling out of the middle east and sending our military home blah blah blah with Syria, yet he is sending troops to Saudi Arabia.... to protect them from Iran... while at the same time his withdrawal from Syria put more power in Iran's hands?

And the Saudi's paying for these troops of ours, STINKS of it NOT being because it is in our best interest, but the Saudi's...

Trump has no idea of what he is doing when it comes to foreign policy imo...

In case you haven't noticed, energy, and more importantly, energy prices, are partly responsible for the fantastic economy we have today. The Saudi attack was to interrupt part of Trump's success strategy.

What is your problem with Saudi paying us for protection, especially when it's more for our protection than theirs? After all, the attack was not to harm them, it was to harm Trump, because the terrorists would love nothing more than to see a Democrat President in the White House in 2020. There is not much difference between the mentality of a Democrat and a terrorist.
i have a problem with the saudi prince being a cold blooded murderer, and the way pres trump handled it.

i have a problem withe the saudi support of terrorism

I have a problem with more than 3/4's of the hijackers on 9/11/01 were Saudis...

I have a problem with their mass murdering in Yemen

I have a problem with the way they treat women

they pretty much have been on my sh8t list for a while now...

and quite honestly, they do not deserve our help.

We don't rely on the Saudis for oil as much as we used to.... a much smaller percentage and we've developed our own here in the USA leaps and bounds the past decade

why would trump make a big deal about leaving the middle east with it being ''time to bring them home'' when it came to syria with the Kurds actually being our allies and front line in many of our battles and causes for 50 years or so, only to send our troops to another middle eastern country, saudi arabia?

bat shit crazy, foreign policy, with no thought or reason is what it looks like, imo.

First of all, oil is not domestic, it's worldwide. Having our own only helps, but does not insulate us from oil disruptions across the globe.

Oil is a commodity. As such, people place bets on the direction oil will go. When news like that hits the market, people buy long contracts. A long contract means people are expecting the price of oil to increase, and the more long contracts purchased, the higher the price goes.

Next, who more than Trump is removing troops from the middle-east? When Trump said he wants to get us out of the middle-east, he's talking about conflicts like Turkey where the war has been ongoing for generations, and there is no solution in sight. Meaning we will be there forever if something isn't done. He did not mean we will leave the middle-east entirely and never go back no matter what.

If he does nothing, Iran is likely to continue bombing oil fields until the price of oil is so high it has a major impact on our economy. Is Saudi Arabis our best friends and provides humane treatment of their people, no they are not, but there are US interests in keeping the flow of oil uninterrupted for our benefit.
You PATHETIC TDS leftists will just LATCH ONTO ANY OLE POS FANTASY that comes along that makes you FEEL GOOD because it FEEDS your INSATIABLE appetite for ANYTHING ANTI TRUMP, even if it's OBVIOUS BS from some BUTT HURT little ass clown talking smack.

GOOD GOD you people are PATHETIC!

I just want to see the Orange Virus in prison. Oh, and half his cabinet as well. Is that too much to ask?

For a Nazi? Of course not.

"Nazi". :auiqs.jpg: Lol Okay. Binge drinking are we?

Yes, Nazi. Wanting to imprison a political opponent simply for being an adversary. That's as Nazi as you can get.

He went way beyond being an adversary and I can't believe you don't see that. These present republicans are well on the way to being as crooked as the reagan and nixon administrations.

Yeah, I know, orange man bad. But your TDS does not mean Trump is a bad person, or is violating our laws in any way. You people just hate him on a personal level, and that's it. He's doing a fantastic job with this country, particularly the economy. In fact so far, he's the best President I've seen in my lifetime. He's done more for the people of the US in every category.
All of the Republicrats are turning on Trump...he has gone against the will and wishes of the War Industrial Complex. Most importantly...he has gone against the Zionists...who...let's be real honest...run the whole thing...as in the US.

Trump is gone. Gone. He stepped on that third rail.
Yay let’s interject with an anti Jew statement. Stupid Padres fan.
All of the Republicrats are turning on Trump...he has gone against the will and wishes of the War Industrial Complex. Most importantly...he has gone against the Zionists...who...let's be real honest...run the whole thing...as in the US.

Trump is gone. Gone. He stepped on that third rail.
Yay let’s interject with an anti Jew statement. Stupid Padres fan.
Well...just callin it like I see...we DO have a severe rat problem.
...Whaddya mean "pending evidence"? We have tRump's confession. That's all that is needed.
Nope. Let the Inquiry play itself out. By that time, there will be enough evidentiary material to sink a battleship.
We already have that evidentiary, and guess who's going to jail. Obama, Clinton, and Biden.

They did really bad things, and they will be there for awhile. And that's what I think.
You are living in a fantasy world.
....says the liberal living in a media fantasy world.
So you are a war monger then. Don't ever spout anti war crap again the rest of your life. You put your party ahead of everything else. Your party sho spoke more ph ukn anti war chants in the last 60 years then any entity in history. A lot of voters who helped to put Trump into office are anti war. A lot are not. We have been at war since 1990 in that region. Throw a bone.
So why has trump sent troops to Saudi Arabia, as mercenaries for them? Saudi is paying for them.... So to Trump, our troops are sent to the middle east, if the country pays for them? Not what is in our nation's best interest... but for money? Money? Money is what determines the life or death of our military...really?

This awful, ignorant, low life creature, needs to be FIRED!!!

Think for a minute Care: what recent major event took place in Saudi Arabia that upped our gasoline prices???
Trump said we were pulling out of the middle east and sending our military home blah blah blah with Syria, yet he is sending troops to Saudi Arabia.... to protect them from Iran... while at the same time his withdrawal from Syria put more power in Iran's hands?

And the Saudi's paying for these troops of ours, STINKS of it NOT being because it is in our best interest, but the Saudi's...

Trump has no idea of what he is doing when it comes to foreign policy imo...

In case you haven't noticed, energy, and more importantly, energy prices, are partly responsible for the fantastic economy we have today. The Saudi attack was to interrupt part of Trump's success strategy.

What is your problem with Saudi paying us for protection, especially when it's more for our protection than theirs? After all, the attack was not to harm them, it was to harm Trump, because the terrorists would love nothing more than to see a Democrat President in the White House in 2020. There is not much difference between the mentality of a Democrat and a terrorist.
i have a problem with the saudi prince being a cold blooded murderer, and the way pres trump handled it.

i have a problem withe the saudi support of terrorism

I have a problem with more than 3/4's of the hijackers on 9/11/01 were Saudis...

I have a problem with their mass murdering in Yemen

I have a problem with the way they treat women

they pretty much have been on my sh8t list for a while now...

and quite honestly, they do not deserve our help.

We don't rely on the Saudis for oil as much as we used to.... a much smaller percentage and we've developed our own here in the USA leaps and bounds the past decade

why would trump make a big deal about leaving the middle east with it being ''time to bring them home'' when it came to syria with the Kurds actually being our allies and front line in many of our battles and causes for 50 years or so, only to send our troops to another middle eastern country, saudi arabia?

bat shit crazy, foreign policy, with no thought or reason is what it looks like, imo.
I have a problem with warmongers that fight against the president....even when he's trying to protect his troops.

We have no loyalty to anyone other than our own fighting men and women when it comes down to brass-tacks.
I figure if it was Obama pulling us out of a hostile-fire zone you would be saying the exact opposite of what you're saying now.

The difference between you and me is when it comes to military strategy...you think of politics first....and I think of the safety of our troops first-and foremost. I don't believe we should be sacrificing one soldier for oil or to protect people that wouldn't give a bucket of piss for you or me. There are only two Middle-Eastern countries that I consider true allies....Israel and Kuwait. The rest can go suck an egg.
All of the Republicrats are turning on Trump...he has gone against the will and wishes of the War Industrial Complex. Most importantly...he has gone against the Zionists...who...let's be real honest...run the whole thing...as in the US.

Trump is gone. Gone. He stepped on that third rail.
I guess you said this silly shit before the announcement of an agreed to cease-fire in Syria.

Boy you must be eating crow right about now.

However...Trumped messed with some very very strategic troops. He is playing with fire.
Not really.....he's being set up by Globalists.
You mean the same people I referred to in my initial post which you called me a 'Doofus' for?...yeah...
...Whaddya mean "pending evidence"? We have tRump's confession. That's all that is needed.
Nope. Let the Inquiry play itself out. By that time, there will be enough evidentiary material to sink a battleship.
We already have that evidentiary, and guess who's going to jail. Obama, Clinton, and Biden.

They did really bad things, and they will be there for awhile. And that's what I think.
You are living in a fantasy world.
....says the liberal living in a media fantasy world.
Maybe. Maybe not. But that does not detract from the truth of the original 'fantasy world' observation here.
So you are a war monger then. Don't ever spout anti war crap again the rest of your life. You put your party ahead of everything else. Your party sho spoke more ph ukn anti war chants in the last 60 years then any entity in history. A lot of voters who helped to put Trump into office are anti war. A lot are not. We have been at war since 1990 in that region. Throw a bone.
So why has trump sent troops to Saudi Arabia, as mercenaries for them? Saudi is paying for them.... So to Trump, our troops are sent to the middle east, if the country pays for them? Not what is in our nation's best interest... but for money? Money? Money is what determines the life or death of our military...really?

This awful, ignorant, low life creature, needs to be FIRED!!!

Think for a minute Care: what recent major event took place in Saudi Arabia that upped our gasoline prices???
Trump said we were pulling out of the middle east and sending our military home blah blah blah with Syria, yet he is sending troops to Saudi Arabia.... to protect them from Iran... while at the same time his withdrawal from Syria put more power in Iran's hands?

And the Saudi's paying for these troops of ours, STINKS of it NOT being because it is in our best interest, but the Saudi's...

Trump has no idea of what he is doing when it comes to foreign policy imo...

In case you haven't noticed, energy, and more importantly, energy prices, are partly responsible for the fantastic economy we have today. The Saudi attack was to interrupt part of Trump's success strategy.

What is your problem with Saudi paying us for protection, especially when it's more for our protection than theirs? After all, the attack was not to harm them, it was to harm Trump, because the terrorists would love nothing more than to see a Democrat President in the White House in 2020. There is not much difference between the mentality of a Democrat and a terrorist.
i have a problem with the saudi prince being a cold blooded murderer, and the way pres trump handled it.

i have a problem withe the saudi support of terrorism

I have a problem with more than 3/4's of the hijackers on 9/11/01 were Saudis...

I have a problem with their mass murdering in Yemen

I have a problem with the way they treat women

they pretty much have been on my sh8t list for a while now...

and quite honestly, they do not deserve our help.

We don't rely on the Saudis for oil as much as we used to.... a much smaller percentage and we've developed our own here in the USA leaps and bounds the past decade

why would trump make a big deal about leaving the middle east with it being ''time to bring them home'' when it came to syria with the Kurds actually being our allies and front line in many of our battles and causes for 50 years or so, only to send our troops to another middle eastern country, saudi arabia?

bat shit crazy, foreign policy, with no thought or reason is what it looks like, imo.

Anthony Scaramucci predicts group of Senate Republicans are about to turn on Trump

Anthony Scaramucci says President Donald Trump’s “meltdown” is going to get a whole lot worse.

On Wednesday night, the former White House communications director who was fired after just 10 days on the job said on CNN that Trump was looking at his future “and the future does not look good for him.”

“As more facts unfold about Syria, as more facts unfold about the people that have been arrested recently, and the conjoinment of all those issues over there, it’s going to be devastating for the president,” he said.

Scaramucci also predicted that Republicans in the Senate will soon turn on Trump and force him
CNN? I stopped reading when I saw that-its like finding used toilet paper.
yeah 3rd anything you can't wrap your little mind around is false news ,,,,,just like your god trump would say
Are you itching for a fight? I don't have a little mind, I don't have a human God, and your attack is unprovoked. I was easy on your silly post but you are asking for it.
Just keep on believing like Trump that everything you don't like is fake news And as for a fight I never backed out of one ,,but there's always a first time
Don't start them and you won't have to back out. I don't like CNN because they are so biased-C-span is fine -or am I being to much of a trumper if I watch that?
IMHO CNN is a fine station with honest well informed reporting Not ranked as an entertainment station as the lying FOX station is But of course because Trump bashes it constantly Republican go along with it. And don't want to start fights with folks I feel are smart but disillusioned
All of the Republicrats are turning on Trump...he has gone against the will and wishes of the War Industrial Complex. Most importantly...he has gone against the Zionists...who...let's be real honest...run the whole thing...as in the US.

Trump is gone. Gone. He stepped on that third rail.
Yay let’s interject with an anti Jew statement. Stupid Padres fan.
Well...just callin it like I see...we DO have a severe rat problem.
Why don’t you solve it.
CNN? I stopped reading when I saw that-its like finding used toilet paper.
yeah 3rd anything you can't wrap your little mind around is false news ,,,,,just like your god trump would say
Are you itching for a fight? I don't have a little mind, I don't have a human God, and your attack is unprovoked. I was easy on your silly post but you are asking for it.
Just keep on believing like Trump that everything you don't like is fake news And as for a fight I never backed out of one ,,but there's always a first time
Don't start them and you won't have to back out. I don't like CNN because they are so biased-C-span is fine -or am I being to much of a trumper if I watch that?
IMHO CNN is a fine station with honest well informed reporting Not ranked as an entertainment station as the lying FOX station is But of course because Trump bashes it constantly Republican go along with it. And don't want to start fights with folks I feel are smart but disillusioned
CNN and Fox are biased stop it.
...Whaddya mean "pending evidence"? We have tRump's confession. That's all that is needed.
Nope. Let the Inquiry play itself out. By that time, there will be enough evidentiary material to sink a battleship.
We already have that evidentiary, and guess who's going to jail. Obama, Clinton, and Biden.

They did really bad things, and they will be there for awhile. And that's what I think.
You are living in a fantasy world.
....says the liberal living in a media fantasy world.
That's nice, kid.

You should join us out here in reality sometime soon. It's quite enlightening.
yeah 3rd anything you can't wrap your little mind around is false news ,,,,,just like your god trump would say
Are you itching for a fight? I don't have a little mind, I don't have a human God, and your attack is unprovoked. I was easy on your silly post but you are asking for it.
Just keep on believing like Trump that everything you don't like is fake news And as for a fight I never backed out of one ,,but there's always a first time
Don't start them and you won't have to back out. I don't like CNN because they are so biased-C-span is fine -or am I being to much of a trumper if I watch that?
IMHO CNN is a fine station with honest well informed reporting Not ranked as an entertainment station as the lying FOX station is But of course because Trump bashes it constantly Republican go along with it. And don't want to start fights with folks I feel are smart but disillusioned
CNN and Fox are biased stop it.
yes one leans heavily left and one right IMO Fox lies CNN doesn't

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