A traitor in our midst?

Are you itching for a fight? I don't have a little mind, I don't have a human God, and your attack is unprovoked. I was easy on your silly post but you are asking for it.
Just keep on believing like Trump that everything you don't like is fake news And as for a fight I never backed out of one ,,but there's always a first time
Don't start them and you won't have to back out. I don't like CNN because they are so biased-C-span is fine -or am I being to much of a trumper if I watch that?
IMHO CNN is a fine station with honest well informed reporting Not ranked as an entertainment station as the lying FOX station is But of course because Trump bashes it constantly Republican go along with it. And don't want to start fights with folks I feel are smart but disillusioned
CNN and Fox are biased stop it.
yes one leans heavily left and one right IMO Fox lies CNN doesn't
I would reverse that-I see Howie Kurtz squeeze Trump's nuts, but CNN has NEVER criticized a Democrat-even Schiff!
...Whaddya mean "pending evidence"? We have tRump's confession. That's all that is needed.
Nope. Let the Inquiry play itself out. By that time, there will be enough evidentiary material to sink a battleship.
We already have that evidentiary, and guess who's going to jail. Obama, Clinton, and Biden.

They did really bad things, and they will be there for awhile. And that's what I think.
You are living in a fantasy world.
I sure as hell am living in a fantasy world. My world is the USA where freedom rings in spite of YOU. Dopus.
Hows this fact Defiler?? WHO KNEW??? HUGE trades earning those people many millions even billions right before Trump gives happy talk about China Who did our POS president tell what he was going to say ?? Will the SEC investigate??

Again if you want him out then vote him out. Seems simple.
Nope. Let the Inquiry play itself out. By that time, there will be enough evidentiary material to sink a battleship.
We already have that evidentiary, and guess who's going to jail. Obama, Clinton, and Biden.

They did really bad things, and they will be there for awhile. And that's what I think.
You are living in a fantasy world.
....says the liberal living in a media fantasy world.
That's nice, kid.

You should join us out here in reality sometime soon. It's quite enlightening.
A 63 year old kid.
One who served in the military under Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, and Clinton. I don't need a lecture on reality from some tosser who was still in diapers when I was sailing off the coast of Vietnam.

Thank you for your service.
It's Friday, and still no Big Giant Impeachment Vote yet. Why the wait? We have a dozen tards here telling us all about it, so what's the hold up?
The Beast, the antichrist is thrown out by the Courts in 3 1/2 years from when he took power.... :D:D

You've got a few months more to the Senate impeachment trial, exspels him... :p

This post is case in point of the lunacy of the far left. Beast and anti Christ? Really?

My goodness.
Just keep on believing like Trump that everything you don't like is fake news And as for a fight I never backed out of one ,,but there's always a first time
Don't start them and you won't have to back out. I don't like CNN because they are so biased-C-span is fine -or am I being to much of a trumper if I watch that?
IMHO CNN is a fine station with honest well informed reporting Not ranked as an entertainment station as the lying FOX station is But of course because Trump bashes it constantly Republican go along with it. And don't want to start fights with folks I feel are smart but disillusioned
CNN and Fox are biased stop it.
yes one leans heavily left and one right IMO Fox lies CNN doesn't


While you're entitled to your opinion. Facts state otherwise.

CNN controversies - Wikipedia

Fox News controversies - Wikipedia
Don't start them and you won't have to back out. I don't like CNN because they are so biased-C-span is fine -or am I being to much of a trumper if I watch that?
IMHO CNN is a fine station with honest well informed reporting Not ranked as an entertainment station as the lying FOX station is But of course because Trump bashes it constantly Republican go along with it. And don't want to start fights with folks I feel are smart but disillusioned
CNN and Fox are biased stop it.
yes one leans heavily left and one right IMO Fox lies CNN doesn't


While you're entitled to your opinion. Facts state otherwise.

CNN controversies - Wikipedia

Fox News controversies - Wikipedia

That post doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Are you even paying attention?
Think for a minute Care: what recent major event took place in Saudi Arabia that upped our gasoline prices???
Trump said we were pulling out of the middle east and sending our military home blah blah blah with Syria, yet he is sending troops to Saudi Arabia.... to protect them from Iran... while at the same time his withdrawal from Syria put more power in Iran's hands?

And the Saudi's paying for these troops of ours, STINKS of it NOT being because it is in our best interest, but the Saudi's...

Trump has no idea of what he is doing when it comes to foreign policy imo...

In case you haven't noticed, energy, and more importantly, energy prices, are partly responsible for the fantastic economy we have today. The Saudi attack was to interrupt part of Trump's success strategy.

What is your problem with Saudi paying us for protection, especially when it's more for our protection than theirs? After all, the attack was not to harm them, it was to harm Trump, because the terrorists would love nothing more than to see a Democrat President in the White House in 2020. There is not much difference between the mentality of a Democrat and a terrorist.
i have a problem with the saudi prince being a cold blooded murderer, and the way pres trump handled it.

i have a problem withe the saudi support of terrorism

I have a problem with more than 3/4's of the hijackers on 9/11/01 were Saudis...

I have a problem with their mass murdering in Yemen

I have a problem with the way they treat women

they pretty much have been on my sh8t list for a while now...

and quite honestly, they do not deserve our help.

We don't rely on the Saudis for oil as much as we used to.... a much smaller percentage and we've developed our own here in the USA leaps and bounds the past decade

why would trump make a big deal about leaving the middle east with it being ''time to bring them home'' when it came to syria with the Kurds actually being our allies and front line in many of our battles and causes for 50 years or so, only to send our troops to another middle eastern country, saudi arabia?

bat shit crazy, foreign policy, with no thought or reason is what it looks like, imo.

First of all, oil is not domestic, it's worldwide. Having our own only helps, but does not insulate us from oil disruptions across the globe.

Oil is a commodity. As such, people place bets on the direction oil will go. When news like that hits the market, people buy long contracts. A long contract means people are expecting the price of oil to increase, and the more long contracts purchased, the higher the price goes.

Next, who more than Trump is removing troops from the middle-east? When Trump said he wants to get us out of the middle-east, he's talking about conflicts like Turkey where the war has been ongoing for generations, and there is no solution in sight. Meaning we will be there forever if something isn't done. He did not mean we will leave the middle-east entirely and never go back no matter what.

If he does nothing, Iran is likely to continue bombing oil fields until the price of oil is so high it has a major impact on our economy. Is Saudi Arabis our best friends and provides humane treatment of their people, no they are not, but there are US interests in keeping the flow of oil uninterrupted for our benefit.
Ray, Trump made an unadvised decision, on a phone call in the middle of the night, with no thought or reason, or plan... he betrayed the Kurds who we used to fight ISIS.... our goal and mission.... which forever forward, has made us less safe due to the betrayal, friends will never trust us or give aid to us again...

And then sends Pence to give the A-Ok to Turkey, to clean out the Kurds from a region they have always called home, genocide..... 4 days from now.....

If something doesn't change....
There is something seriously wrong with you.
Trump will then face a moment like President Richard Nixon did in 1974: Republicans in the Senate will break the news to him that he’s got to go or else he’ll lose an impeachment trial.

“That will eventually happen,” Scaramucci said. “And that’s the reason why he’s pressurized.”
Poor dear careful with the bullshit you're dropping people normally step in it when back stepping
It's Friday, and still no Big Giant Impeachment Vote yet. Why the wait? We have a dozen tards here telling us all about it, so what's the hold up?
The Beast, the antichrist is thrown out by the Courts in 3 1/2 years from when he took power.... :D:D

You've got a few months more to the Senate impeachment trial, exspels him... :p

This post is case in point of the lunacy of the far left. Beast and anti Christ? Really?

My goodness.
Not a guarantee, no one knows the hour...in Bible prophesy....

We'll just have to wait and see.... if he is expelled, at 1260 days of power....

Then hells bells, get ready for a rough ride... according to scripture...

A second beast takes his spot, who looks like a Lamb (pence?), and forces everyone to worship the first Beast, (Trump) and causes Armageddon... with fire and fury.

And heck yes, I could be 100%wrong!!! And hope I am....

But note, Israel was just betrayed by Trump/USA... an ally of Israel... With his action in Syria... So little by little, prophesy is coming in to fruition.... :eek:
It's Friday, and still no Big Giant Impeachment Vote yet. Why the wait? We have a dozen tards here telling us all about it, so what's the hold up?
The Beast, the antichrist is thrown out by the Courts in 3 1/2 years from when he took power.... :D:D

You've got a few months more to the Senate impeachment trial, exspels him... :p

This post is case in point of the lunacy of the far left. Beast and anti Christ? Really?

My goodness.
Not a guarantee, no one knows the hour...in Bible prophesy....

We'll just have to wait and see.... if he is expelled, at 1260 days of power....

Then hells bells, get ready for a rough ride... according to scripture...

A second beast takes his spot, who looks like a Lamb (pence?), and forces everyone to worship the first Beast, (Trump) and causes Armageddon... with fire and fury.

And heck yes, I could be 100%wrong!!! And hope I am....

But note, Israel was just betrayed by Trump/USA... an ally of Israel... With his action in Syria... So little by little, prophesy is coming in to fruition.... :eek:

How do you know I am not the anti Christ? LOL

You crazy Bible people make me laugh.
Who stormed out of the meeting again? Find that person and there is your meltdown right. I can see her now all she lacks is a shit tipped broom.
That is because you need more than a broom to clean up Trump meltdowns.
You're mistaken. Bipolar Nancy is the person who melted down, stalked out, greed in her nasty little heart, thinking "If I can't humiliate him with impeachment talk, I am going to humiliate him by walking out and projecting the meltdown on him."

The speaker of the house is a disgrace to the human race. I associate her with the smell of people pooping on the streets of San Francisco because Pelosi does not care for the pauper, the homeless, and the downtrodden sitting in a room in the border deprived of humanitarian aid and not visited by any Democrats except when they want to use somebody's warm body for a photo opportunity to grab power away from those who were voted into office to make border decisions.

Nancy Pelosi is a damned traitor to the President, and when they find the evidence of her conspiracy with directing the media to say certain words and phrases to damage the Executive Branch on an every minute of every hour basis. When you peel her down, there is a rotton and sordid core inside her, and it shows up in her dead eyes that seek power, not justice, and she is willing to shred the Bill of Rights to enable her party to turn America into a goddamned commie outpost for whoever funds the creeps on the left who are damaging this country and its constitution, humiliating the dead Founders who fought for this nation to be free.

She doesn't want free. She wants power. And she will make up ugly to get that power. And Schumer the cockroach is there greased up and ready to support all power grabs made by House Democrats. bleh.
We will have to agree to disagree on this :)
Don't start them and you won't have to back out. I don't like CNN because they are so biased-C-span is fine -or am I being to much of a trumper if I watch that?
IMHO CNN is a fine station with honest well informed reporting Not ranked as an entertainment station as the lying FOX station is But of course because Trump bashes it constantly Republican go along with it. And don't want to start fights with folks I feel are smart but disillusioned
CNN and Fox are biased stop it.
yes one leans heavily left and one right IMO Fox lies CNN doesn't


While you're entitled to your opinion. Facts state otherwise.

CNN controversies - Wikipedia

Fox News controversies - Wikipedia
Everybody lies
IMHO CNN is a fine station with honest well informed reporting Not ranked as an entertainment station as the lying FOX station is But of course because Trump bashes it constantly Republican go along with it. And don't want to start fights with folks I feel are smart but disillusioned
CNN and Fox are biased stop it.
yes one leans heavily left and one right IMO Fox lies CNN doesn't


While you're entitled to your opinion. Facts state otherwise.

CNN controversies - Wikipedia

Fox News controversies - Wikipedia
Everybody lies
Some more than others ,,,The art of the deal???? This trump AH capitulates ? Russia Syria and Turks got everything they could want
CNN and Fox are biased stop it.
yes one leans heavily left and one right IMO Fox lies CNN doesn't


While you're entitled to your opinion. Facts state otherwise.

CNN controversies - Wikipedia

Fox News controversies - Wikipedia
Everybody lies
Some more than others ,,,The art of the deal???? This trump AH capitulates ? Russia Syria and Turks got everything they could want
For now-read the chapter on being patient.

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