A traitor in our midst?

House Democrats Demand Probe Into 'Suspicious' Stock Trades Surrounding Economy-Shifting Statements by Trump
"Multiple large trades, resulting in billions in profit, occurred shortly before geopolitical events or statements by the president of the United States that moved the markets significantly."

Jake Johnson, staff writer

Two House Democrats on Friday urged federal agencies to investigate possible insider trading by President Donald Trump or members of his administration after a Vanity Fair story detailed several immensely profitable stock market bets that appeared suspiciously timed around Trump's actions or statements.

"Timing and scale [of the stock bets] raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information."

Reps. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) and Kathleen Rice (D-N.Y.), in letters to the FBI, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, requested a probe into "potentially unlawful behavior related to the trading of electronically traded futures contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the last several months."

"On October 16, Vanity Fair reported on numerous instances in which individuals or groups of individuals made millions, and in some cases billions, of dollars in profits by trading large numbers of Standard & Poor's 500 (S&P) e-mini futures contracts immediately prior to major geopolitical events," Lieu and Rice wrote.

"The trades preceded such events as the Saudi Aramco attack as well as announcements related to progress in talks between the United States and China over the trade war and the withdrawal of the extradition bill in Hong Kong," wrote the Democrats. "In one case occurring in August, the trader or traders made $1.5 billion when the S&P rose after President Trump lied about phone calls taking place between United States and Chinese officials."

"While the aforementioned trades may be purely coincidental," added Lieu and Rice, "their timing and scale raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information."

"We urge you to swiftly investigate whether trading on insider information or any other fraudulent behavior occurred in relation to these trades," the lawmakers wrote.
All of the Republicrats are turning on Trump...he has gone against the will and wishes of the War Industrial Complex. Most importantly...he has gone against the Zionists...who...let's be real honest...run the whole thing...as in the US.

Trump is gone. Gone. He stepped on that third rail.
Yay let’s interject with an anti Jew statement. Stupid Padres fan.
Well...just callin it like I see...we DO have a severe rat problem.
Why don’t you solve it.
Though I firmly believe Hitler had the right idea...it is far beyond my capabilities to continue his work.

What, getting crushed and overrun by a bunch of poorly armed Russian savages and losing half his country to Stalin for the next 40+ years? Yes, he was full of 'right ideas'.
House Democrats Demand Probe Into 'Suspicious' Stock Trades Surrounding Economy-Shifting Statements by Trump
"Multiple large trades, resulting in billions in profit, occurred shortly before geopolitical events or statements by the president of the United States that moved the markets significantly."

Jake Johnson, staff writer

Two House Democrats on Friday urged federal agencies to investigate possible insider trading by President Donald Trump or members of his administration after a Vanity Fair story detailed several immensely profitable stock market bets that appeared suspiciously timed around Trump's actions or statements.

"Timing and scale [of the stock bets] raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information."

Reps. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) and Kathleen Rice (D-N.Y.), in letters to the FBI, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, requested a probe into "potentially unlawful behavior related to the trading of electronically traded futures contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the last several months."

"On October 16, Vanity Fair reported on numerous instances in which individuals or groups of individuals made millions, and in some cases billions, of dollars in profits by trading large numbers of Standard & Poor's 500 (S&P) e-mini futures contracts immediately prior to major geopolitical events," Lieu and Rice wrote.

"The trades preceded such events as the Saudi Aramco attack as well as announcements related to progress in talks between the United States and China over the trade war and the withdrawal of the extradition bill in Hong Kong," wrote the Democrats. "In one case occurring in August, the trader or traders made $1.5 billion when the S&P rose after President Trump lied about phone calls taking place between United States and Chinese officials."

"While the aforementioned trades may be purely coincidental," added Lieu and Rice, "their timing and scale raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information."

"We urge you to swiftly investigate whether trading on insider information or any other fraudulent behavior occurred in relation to these trades," the lawmakers wrote.

Oh God....Another Democrat 'gotcha'...meh
Ray, Trump made an unadvised decision, on a phone call in the middle of the night, with no thought or reason, or plan... he betrayed the Kurds who we used to fight ISIS.... our goal and mission.... which forever forward, has made us less safe due to the betrayal, friends will never trust us or give aid to us again...

Pretty much the way the Iraqis felt after DumBama pulled us out of there, but no complaints or concerns of betrayal that would jeopardize the trust others may have for us in the future by the left. Instead, while ISIS was burning eyes out of babies and nailing people to a cross to die, the left praised DumBama up and down.

Did Trump make the right move? Who knows. But the better question would be, how long did you want us involved over there?

The Gulf and focusing on Iran is the hotspot that needs the most attention now; not much he can do about Turkey, except note that letting the Russians and Syrians block Erdogan is best for the moment; it's not like they have an interest in letting Erdogan wipe out the Kurds, and as we've seen it looks like a cease fire is on. Israel can handle Turkey easily if it comes to that. SA can't be allowed to fall to Iran. Whether Hillary's little snowflakes and commies and other traitors like that or not is irrelevant at this time, since they're allied with the Iranians like their hero Obama is.
House Democrats Demand Probe Into 'Suspicious' Stock Trades Surrounding Economy-Shifting Statements by Trump
"Multiple large trades, resulting in billions in profit, occurred shortly before geopolitical events or statements by the president of the United States that moved the markets significantly."

Jake Johnson, staff writer

Two House Democrats on Friday urged federal agencies to investigate possible insider trading by President Donald Trump or members of his administration after a Vanity Fair story detailed several immensely profitable stock market bets that appeared suspiciously timed around Trump's actions or statements.

"Timing and scale [of the stock bets] raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information."

Reps. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) and Kathleen Rice (D-N.Y.), in letters to the FBI, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, requested a probe into "potentially unlawful behavior related to the trading of electronically traded futures contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the last several months."

"On October 16, Vanity Fair reported on numerous instances in which individuals or groups of individuals made millions, and in some cases billions, of dollars in profits by trading large numbers of Standard & Poor's 500 (S&P) e-mini futures contracts immediately prior to major geopolitical events," Lieu and Rice wrote.

"The trades preceded such events as the Saudi Aramco attack as well as announcements related to progress in talks between the United States and China over the trade war and the withdrawal of the extradition bill in Hong Kong," wrote the Democrats. "In one case occurring in August, the trader or traders made $1.5 billion when the S&P rose after President Trump lied about phone calls taking place between United States and Chinese officials."

"While the aforementioned trades may be purely coincidental," added Lieu and Rice, "their timing and scale raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information."

"We urge you to swiftly investigate whether trading on insider information or any other fraudulent behavior occurred in relation to these trades," the lawmakers wrote.

Oh God....Another Democrat 'gotcha'...meh
you have a crook in the wh , he must be dealt with sooner or later .....ah republicans have to face facts
House Democrats Demand Probe Into 'Suspicious' Stock Trades Surrounding Economy-Shifting Statements by Trump
"Multiple large trades, resulting in billions in profit, occurred shortly before geopolitical events or statements by the president of the United States that moved the markets significantly."

Jake Johnson, staff writer

Two House Democrats on Friday urged federal agencies to investigate possible insider trading by President Donald Trump or members of his administration after a Vanity Fair story detailed several immensely profitable stock market bets that appeared suspiciously timed around Trump's actions or statements.

"Timing and scale [of the stock bets] raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information."

Reps. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) and Kathleen Rice (D-N.Y.), in letters to the FBI, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, requested a probe into "potentially unlawful behavior related to the trading of electronically traded futures contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the last several months."

"On October 16, Vanity Fair reported on numerous instances in which individuals or groups of individuals made millions, and in some cases billions, of dollars in profits by trading large numbers of Standard & Poor's 500 (S&P) e-mini futures contracts immediately prior to major geopolitical events," Lieu and Rice wrote.

"The trades preceded such events as the Saudi Aramco attack as well as announcements related to progress in talks between the United States and China over the trade war and the withdrawal of the extradition bill in Hong Kong," wrote the Democrats. "In one case occurring in August, the trader or traders made $1.5 billion when the S&P rose after President Trump lied about phone calls taking place between United States and Chinese officials."

"While the aforementioned trades may be purely coincidental," added Lieu and Rice, "their timing and scale raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information."

"We urge you to swiftly investigate whether trading on insider information or any other fraudulent behavior occurred in relation to these trades," the lawmakers wrote.

Oh God....Another Democrat 'gotcha'...meh
you have a crook in the wh , he must be dealt with sooner or later .....ah republicans have to face facts

TDSers will have to buy tubs of Preparation H in 2020.
House Democrats Demand Probe Into 'Suspicious' Stock Trades Surrounding Economy-Shifting Statements by Trump
"Multiple large trades, resulting in billions in profit, occurred shortly before geopolitical events or statements by the president of the United States that moved the markets significantly."

Jake Johnson, staff writer

Two House Democrats on Friday urged federal agencies to investigate possible insider trading by President Donald Trump or members of his administration after a Vanity Fair story detailed several immensely profitable stock market bets that appeared suspiciously timed around Trump's actions or statements.

"Timing and scale [of the stock bets] raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information."

Reps. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) and Kathleen Rice (D-N.Y.), in letters to the FBI, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, requested a probe into "potentially unlawful behavior related to the trading of electronically traded futures contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the last several months."

"On October 16, Vanity Fair reported on numerous instances in which individuals or groups of individuals made millions, and in some cases billions, of dollars in profits by trading large numbers of Standard & Poor's 500 (S&P) e-mini futures contracts immediately prior to major geopolitical events," Lieu and Rice wrote.

"The trades preceded such events as the Saudi Aramco attack as well as announcements related to progress in talks between the United States and China over the trade war and the withdrawal of the extradition bill in Hong Kong," wrote the Democrats. "In one case occurring in August, the trader or traders made $1.5 billion when the S&P rose after President Trump lied about phone calls taking place between United States and Chinese officials."

"While the aforementioned trades may be purely coincidental," added Lieu and Rice, "their timing and scale raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information."

"We urge you to swiftly investigate whether trading on insider information or any other fraudulent behavior occurred in relation to these trades," the lawmakers wrote.

Oh God....Another Democrat 'gotcha'...meh
you have a crook in the wh , he must be dealt with sooner or later .....ah republicans have to face facts

TDSers will have to buy tubs of Preparation H in 2020.

TOTAL CAPITULATION Thank you ah republicans
...Whaddya mean "pending evidence"? We have tRump's confession. That's all that is needed.
Nope. Let the Inquiry play itself out. By that time, there will be enough evidentiary material to sink a battleship.
We already have that evidentiary, and guess who's going to jail. Obama, Clinton, and Biden.

They did really bad things, and they will be there for awhile. And that's what I think.
You are living in a fantasy world.
I sure as hell am living in a fantasy world. My world is the USA where freedom rings in spite of YOU. Dopus.

Well reality will be here when you're ready.
It's Friday, and still no Big Giant Impeachment Vote yet. Why the wait? We have a dozen tards here telling us all about it, so what's the hold up?
The Beast, the antichrist is thrown out by the Courts in 3 1/2 years from when he took power.... :D:D

You've got a few months more to the Senate impeachment trial, exspels him... :p

This post is case in point of the lunacy of the far left. Beast and anti Christ? Really?

My goodness.
Not a guarantee, no one knows the hour...in Bible prophesy....

We'll just have to wait and see.... if he is expelled, at 1260 days of power....

Then hells bells, get ready for a rough ride... according to scripture...

A second beast takes his spot, who looks like a Lamb (pence?), and forces everyone to worship the first Beast, (Trump) and causes Armageddon... with fire and fury.

And heck yes, I could be 100%wrong!!! And hope I am....

But note, Israel was just betrayed by Trump/USA... an ally of Israel... With his action in Syria... So little by little, prophesy is coming in to fruition.... :eek:
The first beast is Hillary......the second is Obama.

And Trump pulling back a few troops to a more secure base isn't a betrayal to Israel.
But Obama giving weapons and billions to Iran is.

What weapons?

What billions? Do you mean the money the international courts would have forced us to give eventually without nothing in return?
It's Friday, and still no Big Giant Impeachment Vote yet. Why the wait? We have a dozen tards here telling us all about it, so what's the hold up?
The Beast, the antichrist is thrown out by the Courts in 3 1/2 years from when he took power.... :D:D

You've got a few months more to the Senate impeachment trial, exspels him... :p

This post is case in point of the lunacy of the far left. Beast and anti Christ? Really?

My goodness.
Not a guarantee, no one knows the hour...in Bible prophesy....

We'll just have to wait and see.... if he is expelled, at 1260 days of power....

Then hells bells, get ready for a rough ride... according to scripture...

A second beast takes his spot, who looks like a Lamb (pence?), and forces everyone to worship the first Beast, (Trump) and causes Armageddon... with fire and fury.

And heck yes, I could be 100%wrong!!! And hope I am....

But note, Israel was just betrayed by Trump/USA... an ally of Israel... With his action in Syria... So little by little, prophesy is coming in to fruition.... :eek:
The first beast is Hillary......the second is Obama.

And Trump pulling back a few troops to a more secure base isn't a betrayal to Israel.
But Obama giving weapons and billions to Iran is.

What weapons?

What billions? Do you mean the money the international courts would have forced us to give eventually without nothing in return?

You mean like they did for many years before? Why didn't Hussein wait until they did?
The Beast, the antichrist is thrown out by the Courts in 3 1/2 years from when he took power.... :D:D

You've got a few months more to the Senate impeachment trial, exspels him... :p

This post is case in point of the lunacy of the far left. Beast and anti Christ? Really?

My goodness.
Not a guarantee, no one knows the hour...in Bible prophesy....

We'll just have to wait and see.... if he is expelled, at 1260 days of power....

Then hells bells, get ready for a rough ride... according to scripture...

A second beast takes his spot, who looks like a Lamb (pence?), and forces everyone to worship the first Beast, (Trump) and causes Armageddon... with fire and fury.

And heck yes, I could be 100%wrong!!! And hope I am....

But note, Israel was just betrayed by Trump/USA... an ally of Israel... With his action in Syria... So little by little, prophesy is coming in to fruition.... :eek:
The first beast is Hillary......the second is Obama.

And Trump pulling back a few troops to a more secure base isn't a betrayal to Israel.
But Obama giving weapons and billions to Iran is.

What weapons?

What billions? Do you mean the money the international courts would have forced us to give eventually without nothing in return?

You mean like they did for many years before? Why didn't Hussein wait until they did?
What does Hussein have to do with it?
House Democrats Demand Probe Into 'Suspicious' Stock Trades Surrounding Economy-Shifting Statements by Trump
"Multiple large trades, resulting in billions in profit, occurred shortly before geopolitical events or statements by the president of the United States that moved the markets significantly."

Jake Johnson, staff writer

Two House Democrats on Friday urged federal agencies to investigate possible insider trading by President Donald Trump or members of his administration after a Vanity Fair story detailed several immensely profitable stock market bets that appeared suspiciously timed around Trump's actions or statements.

"Timing and scale [of the stock bets] raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information."

Reps. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) and Kathleen Rice (D-N.Y.), in letters to the FBI, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, requested a probe into "potentially unlawful behavior related to the trading of electronically traded futures contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the last several months."

"On October 16, Vanity Fair reported on numerous instances in which individuals or groups of individuals made millions, and in some cases billions, of dollars in profits by trading large numbers of Standard & Poor's 500 (S&P) e-mini futures contracts immediately prior to major geopolitical events," Lieu and Rice wrote.

"The trades preceded such events as the Saudi Aramco attack as well as announcements related to progress in talks between the United States and China over the trade war and the withdrawal of the extradition bill in Hong Kong," wrote the Democrats. "In one case occurring in August, the trader or traders made $1.5 billion when the S&P rose after President Trump lied about phone calls taking place between United States and Chinese officials."

"While the aforementioned trades may be purely coincidental," added Lieu and Rice, "their timing and scale raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information."

"We urge you to swiftly investigate whether trading on insider information or any other fraudulent behavior occurred in relation to these trades," the lawmakers wrote.

If we ever get a Democator President again (and I hope it never happens) I hope the Republicans dig into him or her right until the day they were born to find a reason to get rid of them.

Two can play the game.
House Democrats Demand Probe Into 'Suspicious' Stock Trades Surrounding Economy-Shifting Statements by Trump
"Multiple large trades, resulting in billions in profit, occurred shortly before geopolitical events or statements by the president of the United States that moved the markets significantly."

Jake Johnson, staff writer

Two House Democrats on Friday urged federal agencies to investigate possible insider trading by President Donald Trump or members of his administration after a Vanity Fair story detailed several immensely profitable stock market bets that appeared suspiciously timed around Trump's actions or statements.

"Timing and scale [of the stock bets] raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information."

Reps. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) and Kathleen Rice (D-N.Y.), in letters to the FBI, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, requested a probe into "potentially unlawful behavior related to the trading of electronically traded futures contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the last several months."

"On October 16, Vanity Fair reported on numerous instances in which individuals or groups of individuals made millions, and in some cases billions, of dollars in profits by trading large numbers of Standard & Poor's 500 (S&P) e-mini futures contracts immediately prior to major geopolitical events," Lieu and Rice wrote.

"The trades preceded such events as the Saudi Aramco attack as well as announcements related to progress in talks between the United States and China over the trade war and the withdrawal of the extradition bill in Hong Kong," wrote the Democrats. "In one case occurring in August, the trader or traders made $1.5 billion when the S&P rose after President Trump lied about phone calls taking place between United States and Chinese officials."

"While the aforementioned trades may be purely coincidental," added Lieu and Rice, "their timing and scale raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information."

"We urge you to swiftly investigate whether trading on insider information or any other fraudulent behavior occurred in relation to these trades," the lawmakers wrote.

If we ever get a Democator President again (and I hope it never happens) I hope the Republicans dig into him or her right until the day they were born to find a reason to get rid of them.

Two can play the game.
They already did and it was disgusting. Not sure things can get much worse.

I just hope we get someone -even a REPUBLICAN - with ETHICS, a real love for our country, our national interest, our Constitution and who understand he represents all 50 states, ALL of our people, not just a base of fawning sycophants.
The Beast, the antichrist is thrown out by the Courts in 3 1/2 years from when he took power.... :D:D

You've got a few months more to the Senate impeachment trial, exspels him... :p

This post is case in point of the lunacy of the far left. Beast and anti Christ? Really?

My goodness.
Not a guarantee, no one knows the hour...in Bible prophesy....

We'll just have to wait and see.... if he is expelled, at 1260 days of power....

Then hells bells, get ready for a rough ride... according to scripture...

A second beast takes his spot, who looks like a Lamb (pence?), and forces everyone to worship the first Beast, (Trump) and causes Armageddon... with fire and fury.

And heck yes, I could be 100%wrong!!! And hope I am....

But note, Israel was just betrayed by Trump/USA... an ally of Israel... With his action in Syria... So little by little, prophesy is coming in to fruition.... :eek:
The first beast is Hillary......the second is Obama.

And Trump pulling back a few troops to a more secure base isn't a betrayal to Israel.
But Obama giving weapons and billions to Iran is.

What weapons?

What billions? Do you mean the money the international courts would have forced us to give eventually without nothing in return?

You mean like they did for many years before? Why didn't Hussein wait until they did?

Because the Democrats hated Israel so much they had to do something to help Iran; they were not only handing them billions in untraceable cash, Kerry was also going to advance their nuclear missiles program by leaps and bounds. They badly wanted to fry them some Joos, like most Democrats do.
House Democrats Demand Probe Into 'Suspicious' Stock Trades Surrounding Economy-Shifting Statements by Trump
"Multiple large trades, resulting in billions in profit, occurred shortly before geopolitical events or statements by the president of the United States that moved the markets significantly."

Jake Johnson, staff writer

Two House Democrats on Friday urged federal agencies to investigate possible insider trading by President Donald Trump or members of his administration after a Vanity Fair story detailed several immensely profitable stock market bets that appeared suspiciously timed around Trump's actions or statements.

"Timing and scale [of the stock bets] raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information."

Reps. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) and Kathleen Rice (D-N.Y.), in letters to the FBI, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, requested a probe into "potentially unlawful behavior related to the trading of electronically traded futures contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the last several months."

"On October 16, Vanity Fair reported on numerous instances in which individuals or groups of individuals made millions, and in some cases billions, of dollars in profits by trading large numbers of Standard & Poor's 500 (S&P) e-mini futures contracts immediately prior to major geopolitical events," Lieu and Rice wrote.

"The trades preceded such events as the Saudi Aramco attack as well as announcements related to progress in talks between the United States and China over the trade war and the withdrawal of the extradition bill in Hong Kong," wrote the Democrats. "In one case occurring in August, the trader or traders made $1.5 billion when the S&P rose after President Trump lied about phone calls taking place between United States and Chinese officials."

"While the aforementioned trades may be purely coincidental," added Lieu and Rice, "their timing and scale raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information."

"We urge you to swiftly investigate whether trading on insider information or any other fraudulent behavior occurred in relation to these trades," the lawmakers wrote.

If we ever get a Democator President again (and I hope it never happens) I hope the Republicans dig into him or her right until the day they were born to find a reason to get rid of them.

Two can play the game.
They already did and it was disgusting. Not sure things can get much worse.

I just hope we get someone -even a REPUBLICAN - with ETHICS, a real love for our country, our national interest, our Constitution and who understand he represents all 50 states, ALL of our people, not just a base of fawning sycophants.

How much more love for our country do you want? He's not only doing the job for free, but I heard on the radio today he lost a third of his financial worth doing this job.

The guy had the life. Flying around the world on his private plane, everybody loved him left or right, attending the most prestigious parties, a household name..... My Lord, maybe he is crazy. Who would give up a life like that to be cooped up in the White House and only being able to go to places approved by the SS and having their agents follow you around the rest of your life?

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