A tweet that did not age well...

God didn't tell to look at a MAP and use COMMON SENSE......Got news for you moron......if a state only has 71 cases ...............THEY DON'T HAVE A SHORTAGE..........

You do not know that. More important is how many suspected cases did they have that required all the PPE to be used. A person could be in isolation for 3 to 5 days waiting on results and come back a negative and they still used up the PPE while waiting for those results.

Ky has less than 200 cases and yet their ER nurses are reusing mask for multiple days.


I have never put all the blame on Trump, in this tread alone I have pointed out to those that are that the blame goes well past Trump. You on the other hand could not put .000001% of the blame on Trump because your god is perfect in all ways.
You give isolated cases...........probably true............but if you haven't noticed........the WHOLE DANG WORLD HAS THIS PROBLEM.

The WHOLE WORLD didn't prepare for this..........some countries like South Korea did real well.........the rest.............well they are getting slammed just like us.

Did TRUMP DO EUROPE TOO.............or is that just another attempt to Impeach him for possible banging a Porn Star at a Golf game............golf.............gator...........oh well.
It is about numbers you IGNORANT FOOL.........

He's right...........YOU ARE WRONG.......it's about assets .........distance.....facilities and manpower PERIOD.

They were better prepared .........but it's a hell of a lot easier on a smaller population and land area.


Yet, somehow now after the shit hits the fan we are able to test in massive numbers...weird how that works.
HOW MANY DAYS TO GET A RESULT..........hmmmm.............
Look at his thread history.........looks like a scene from Hannible...........where JODY FOSTER IS LOOKING at the serial killers pictures on the wall.

This thread is just as I assumed it would be, all the Trump worshipers rushing to defend their god from the slightest perceived slight.

You people make the Obama worshipers look down right normal.

You blame EVERYTHING ON ONE MAN...........if ONE MAN COULD DO ALL THIS..........Well then .........YOU MUST THINK HE IS A GOD

You blame EVERYTHING ON ONE MAN...........if ONE MAN COULD DO ALL THIS..........Well then .........YOU MUST THINK HE IS A GOD

Your worship of the man makes you irrational. I have stated many times it is not all Trump's fault. The only thing I have blamed on him in this thread was making a stupid ass tweet.

Other than that I blame the government as a whole.
Hmmmmm, land area 100,000 sqkm, vs 9,800,000 sqkm. Get back to us when you have a cogent point.

We are testing people ,not land. Do try and keep up.

Yes, the point being, moron, that we have a shitload more land area to cover than tiny little Korea. That means time to travel.

This ain't Star Trek with teleportation you know. I thought you were a science believer. Looks like you are more into fantasy than I thought.

Regardless you are just a typical whiner who will find fault with Trump no matter what he does.

Which makes you boring.

We didn't even do it our biggest cities. They have been testing thousands of people PER DAY. That has nothing to do with the size of the country.

Trump is not built for this. He needs to shut up and let others handle this crisis. His approval rating would actually go UP if he could keep away from the microphone. His ego won't allow that, especially if someone else is getting positive press.
We didn't even do it our biggest cities. They have been testing thousands of people PER DAY. That has nothing to do with the size of the country.

Trump is not built for this. He needs to shut up and let others handle this crisis. His approval rating would actually go UP if he could keep away from the microphone. His ego won't allow that, especially if someone else is getting positive press.

It goes well beyond Trump, our government as a whole did nothing to prepare while we had the time.

You blame EVERYTHING ON ONE MAN...........if ONE MAN COULD DO ALL THIS..........Well then .........YOU MUST THINK HE IS A GOD

Your worship of the man makes you irrational. I have stated many times it is not all Trump's fault. The only thing I have blamed on him in this thread was making a stupid ass tweet.

Other than that I blame the government as a whole.
This whole thread.......you have been throwing shit at Trump.......BS.

Now finally you start seeing that IT ISN'T ALL TRUMP............after having to get smacked around for your TDS......
We didn't even do it our biggest cities. They have been testing thousands of people PER DAY. That has nothing to do with the size of the country.

Trump is not built for this. He needs to shut up and let others handle this crisis. His approval rating would actually go UP if he could keep away from the microphone. His ego won't allow that, especially if someone else is getting positive press.

It goes well beyond Trump, our government as a whole did nothing to prepare while we had the time.
Not true. We HAD a pandemic response team set up after H1N1. What happened to it?
Trump is like an impatient child

Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
The WHOLE WORLD didn't prepare for this
Did we or did we not, by virtue of what we knew was happening in China in Jan., have the opportunity to use that example to ramp up production of test kits and PPE, make plans for hospitals to be overwhelmed, and prepare the nation to begin social distancing practices? All of which would have lessened the impact to the US.
Hmmmmm, land area 100,000 sqkm, vs 9,800,000 sqkm. Get back to us when you have a cogent point.

We are testing people ,not land. Do try and keep up.

Yes, the point being, moron, that we have a shitload more land area to cover than tiny little Korea. That means time to travel.

This ain't Star Trek with teleportation you know. I thought you were a science believer. Looks like you are more into fantasy than I thought.

Regardless you are just a typical whiner who will find fault with Trump no matter what he does.

Which makes you boring.

Dude, I can order a flashlight from Amazon and have it here by tomorrow. We are not living in the days of horse and buggies....we have these things called planes and trucks....maybe you have heard of them.

Or so you think. Amazon is ceasing to ship non-essential items. Is a flashlight essential?
Why would you not already have a flashlight?
The WHOLE WORLD didn't prepare for this
Did we or did we not, by virtue of what we knew was happening in China in Jan., have the opportunity to use that example to ramp up production of test kits and PPE, make plans for hospitals to be overwhelmed, and prepare the nation to begin social distancing practices? All of which would have lessened the impact to the US.
Only if the products are made with PIXIE DUST in LIBERAL UTOPIA.

Google MAGIC BEANS and a beanstalk...........There you go.
The WHOLE WORLD didn't prepare for this
Did we or did we not, by virtue of what we knew was happening in China in Jan., have the opportunity to use that example to ramp up production of test kits and PPE, make plans for hospitals to be overwhelmed, and prepare the nation to begin social distancing practices? All of which would have lessened the impact to the US.
Only if the products are made with PIXIE DUST in LIBERAL UTOPIA.

Google MAGIC BEANS and a beanstalk...........There you go.
You are mesmerized by the bullshit from Trump's new reality show.

GG started this thread as an "Orange Man Bad" ..Let's be real about things, people.

He's a fucking Bolshevik POS.

GG is. Yeah, bitch, Gator my ass, fucking commie is more like it.

You ain't no FL Gator, turdboy.

I'm from FL, 3/4 of my cousins were Gators, the other 1/4 were Seminoles.

Where you from, boy?

Pripyat? Wtf?

you said what we have all been thinking, thanks for calling him what he is

You blame EVERYTHING ON ONE MAN...........if ONE MAN COULD DO ALL THIS..........Well then .........YOU MUST THINK HE IS A GOD

Your worship of the man makes you irrational. I have stated many times it is not all Trump's fault. The only thing I have blamed on him in this thread was making a stupid ass tweet.

Other than that I blame the government as a whole.

when he made that tweet, the entire world thought the same thing, even china was saying it was under control. Facts change over time.

your TDS has destroyed your brain.

You blame EVERYTHING ON ONE MAN...........if ONE MAN COULD DO ALL THIS..........Well then .........YOU MUST THINK HE IS A GOD

Your worship of the man makes you irrational. I have stated many times it is not all Trump's fault. The only thing I have blamed on him in this thread was making a stupid ass tweet.

Other than that I blame the government as a whole.
This whole thread.......you have been throwing shit at Trump.......BS.

Now finally you start seeing that IT ISN'T ALL TRUMP............after having to get smacked around for your TDS......

I have not changed my message at all, your worship of Trump leaves you incapable of any sort of rational thinking or understanding.
Hmmmmm, land area 100,000 sqkm, vs 9,800,000 sqkm. Get back to us when you have a cogent point.

We are testing people ,not land. Do try and keep up.

Yes, the point being, moron, that we have a shitload more land area to cover than tiny little Korea. That means time to travel.

This ain't Star Trek with teleportation you know. I thought you were a science believer. Looks like you are more into fantasy than I thought.

Regardless you are just a typical whiner who will find fault with Trump no matter what he does.

Which makes you boring.

Dude, I can order a flashlight from Amazon and have it here by tomorrow. We are not living in the days of horse and buggies....we have these things called planes and trucks....maybe you have heard of them.

Or so you think. Amazon is ceasing to ship non-essential items. Is a flashlight essential?
Why would you not already have a flashlight?


You blame EVERYTHING ON ONE MAN...........if ONE MAN COULD DO ALL THIS..........Well then .........YOU MUST THINK HE IS A GOD

Your worship of the man makes you irrational. I have stated many times it is not all Trump's fault. The only thing I have blamed on him in this thread was making a stupid ass tweet.

Other than that I blame the government as a whole.
This whole thread.......you have been throwing shit at Trump.......BS.

Now finally you start seeing that IT ISN'T ALL TRUMP............after having to get smacked around for your TDS......

I have not changed my message at all, your worship of Trump leaves you incapable of any sort of rational thinking or understanding.
Proving once and for all that there is NO CURE FOR TDS
View attachment 314908

This was exactly 1 month ago...much has changed since then
/——-/ At the time, it was under control.

No, it was not.
/—-/ The Chinese virus came from China, the planes and ships landed in Washington state, and Trump barred travel and isolated the travelers. At that time it was under control.

Travel as never barred and if it was under control we would not all be in lock-down. There was an empty illusion of control, not control. Behind the scenes they knew how bad it was likely to get.
/——-/ I always knew the NY Slimed lies to prop up Trump, because they said:
Trump Administration Restricts Entry Into U.S. From China ...
Trump Administration Restricts Entry Into U.S. From China
Jan 31, 2020Moving to counter the spreading coronavirus outbreak, the Trump administration said Friday that it would bar entry by most foreign nationals who had recently visited China and put some American

Learn the difference between barred and restricted and then come back and apologize for spreading lies.
/----/ "Learn the difference between barred and restricted and then come back and apologize for spreading lies."
Once again - from the article you didn't bother reading: Moving to counter the spreading coronavirus outbreak, the Trump administration said Friday that it would bar entry by most foreign nationals who had recently visited China and put some American travelers under a quarantine as it declared a rare public health emergency. NOW you can apologize.

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