A tweet that did not age well...

Obama, "If you like your doctor and health care plan you can keep them, and save $2,500 a year on health insurance."

Obama, "Oops my bad."
Really? We have more people tested than S. Korea and they had over a 8 week head start on us. Our death rate is far less than italy's so yeah, i think it is under control.

Why they hell did they have an 8 week head start on us? Just imagine if we had not been sitting on our thumbs and we had acted as quickly as they had.

Things are not under control, my wife's hospital has doctors making decisions based upon how much PPE gear will be used because they are running so low.

Yeah that’s unfair.We’re 10000 miles away from China and their government hid everything from us. That’s why we got a late start on things.
Really? We have more people tested than S. Korea and they had over a 8 week head start on us. Our death rate is far less than italy's so yeah, i think it is under control.
Where did you find the numbers for number of people tested in USA? Last I heard was estimate of 56,000.
as of March 9
Coronavirus Testing Criteria and Numbers by Country - Worldometer
South Korea

Really? We have more people tested than S. Korea and they had over a 8 week head start on us. Our death rate is far less than italy's so yeah, i think it is under control.

Why they hell did they have an 8 week head start on us? Just imagine if we had not been sitting on our thumbs and we had acted as quickly as they had.

Things are not under control, my wife's hospital has doctors making decisions based upon how much PPE gear will be used because they are running so low.

Yeah that’s unfair.We’re 10000 miles away from China and their government hid everything from us. That’s why we got a late start on things.

South Korea got their first case the same time we did, they did not wait 8 weeks to act.
Why did we?
View attachment 314908

This was exactly 1 month ago...much has changed since then

yeah, things change. The only constant in life, is change. Trump was right, back then. So the tweet was correct then. That was then, this is now. Big deal.

Pointing out that things said in the past, might only be true in the past, and not in the present.... dumb post. Any other pearls you'd like to share, captain obvious?
View attachment 314908

This was exactly 1 month ago...much has changed since then

yeah, things change. The only constant in life, is change. Trump was right, back then. So the tweet was correct then. That was then, this is now. Big deal.

Pointing out that things said in the past, might only be true in the past, and not in the present.... dumb post. Any other pearls you'd like to share, captain obvious?

It was not true at the time!! it was not under control
Really? We have more people tested than S. Korea and they had over a 8 week head start on us. Our death rate is far less than italy's so yeah, i think it is under control.

Why they hell did they have an 8 week head start on us? Just imagine if we had not been sitting on our thumbs and we had acted as quickly as they had.

Things are not under control, my wife's hospital has doctors making decisions based upon how much PPE gear will be used because they are running so low.

Yeah that’s unfair.We’re 10000 miles away from China and their government hid everything from us. That’s why we got a late start on things.

South Korea got their first case the same time we did, they did not wait 8 weeks to act.
Why did we?

China is in the back yard of South Korea. Of course they would find out about the virus and how contagious and deadly it is quicker than us.
View attachment 314908

This was exactly 1 month ago...much has changed since then

yeah, things change. The only constant in life, is change. Trump was right, back then. So the tweet was correct then. That was then, this is now. Big deal.

Pointing out that things said in the past, might only be true in the past, and not in the present.... dumb post. Any other pearls you'd like to share, captain obvious?

It was not true at the time!! it was not under control

We know that now. It appeared to me that it was under control at that time. Things change.
Really? We have more people tested than S. Korea and they had over a 8 week head start on us. Our death rate is far less than italy's so yeah, i think it is under control.

Why they hell did they have an 8 week head start on us? Just imagine if we had not been sitting on our thumbs and we had acted as quickly as they had.

Ummm, because Trump shut down travel between China and the US would be my guess. You know that thing you were calling him a wacist for? Face it, Trump is doing OK in spite of non stop fear mongering by the MSM.

My definition of "OK" probably differs from yours. In my books "OK" isn't lying to the American people every time there's a microphone in front of the President's mouth. It's not putting the stock market ahead of people. It's not telling the states to find their own resources.

My definition of OK is to tell people the truth about what is going on, and not to dismiss advisors who tell you things you don't want to hear.
Ummm, because Trump shut down travel between China and the US would be my guess.

So we were behind the curve because Trump restricted travel? That is a stupid fucking comment even by your low standards. What relationship is the between the two?

No, we were ahead of the curve thanks to it. The CDC has been doing to much progressive bullshit instead of what they are supposed to be doing. Add to that the fact that they were lying to the USA about what they have been doing and you can firmly place the blame on the politically correct CDC, and not Trump.

But that blows your bullshit memes out of the water, doesn't it.

What "progressive bullshit" were they doing? How do you explain away the dismantling of the pandemic response team?

"Bolton’s chosen approach to NSC 'streamlining' involved decapitating and diluting the White House’s focus on pandemic threats," Jeremy Konyndyk, a senior policy fellow at the Center for Global Development, wrote in a rebuttal. "He eliminated the senior director position entirely, closed the biodefense directorate, and spread the remaining staff across other parts of the NSC."

Closing the pandemic office "clearly reflected the White House’s misplaced priorities and has proven to be a gross misjudgment," Konyndyk wrote
View attachment 314908

This was exactly 1 month ago...much has changed since then

yeah, things change. The only constant in life, is change. Trump was right, back then. So the tweet was correct then. That was then, this is now. Big deal.

Pointing out that things said in the past, might only be true in the past, and not in the present.... dumb post. Any other pearls you'd like to share, captain obvious?

It was not true at the time!! it was not under control

We know that now. It appeared to me that it was under control at that time. Things change.

No nothing changed. You were being lied to by the President and that's still true today.
View attachment 314908

This was exactly 1 month ago...much has changed since then

yeah, things change. The only constant in life, is change. Trump was right, back then. So the tweet was correct then. That was then, this is now. Big deal.

Pointing out that things said in the past, might only be true in the past, and not in the present.... dumb post. Any other pearls you'd like to share, captain obvious?

It was not true at the time!! it was not under control

We know that now. It appeared to me that it was under control at that time. Things change.

We knew that then, they were just not telling us. The same time this tweet was being made a Senator was warning his donors of schools closings and not to travel and that it could be as contagious as the 1918 Flu...

The government knew, they choose not to tell us.

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