A tweet that did not age well...

Just another TDS Pom Pom Rally here. Nothing new here.

Regardless what Trump does or says they will bitch and moan........It's how they ROLL.

At a time that we need to stop PANIC........you push for calm.........Not YOUR GONNA DIE.........The entire world was in full meltdown...........still is to be quite Frank with you. .........panic and fear never solved anything.............

The Media and the Politicians have been using this as a political weapon........Just as they have for years now........it doesn't shock us anymore.

Defend your god at all cost...do not let anything negative go by without attacking the source.

I am sure you will be well rewarded as a good and faithful slave.
He is FUCKING ODIN...........are you NERVOUS..............All HAIL ODIN...............

In your eyes I have no doubt that a fat fuck that ran from military service is Odin...that is right up your alley.
GG started this thread as an "Orange Man Bad" ..Let's be real about things, people.

Perhaps it was bait to see how many of you Trump worshipers would rush to his defense.

Congrats on catching the worm
Gator says..."Hey look at me; I'm a better Orange Man Bad troll than Mac1958"
You smartest guys in the room from the TDS Mafia are hilarious...always "casting the bait".

and reeling in the worshipers. you people are too easy.
Really? We have more people tested than S. Korea and they had over a 8 week head start on us. Our death rate is far less than italy's so yeah, i think it is under control.

Why they hell did they have an 8 week head start on us? Just imagine if we had not been sitting on our thumbs and we had acted as quickly as they had.

Things are not under control, my wife's hospital has doctors making decisions based upon how much PPE gear will be used because they are running so low.

Yeah that’s unfair.We’re 10000 miles away from China and their government hid everything from us. That’s why we got a late start on things.

South Korea got their first case the same time we did, they did not wait 8 weeks to act.
Why did we?

China is in the back yard of South Korea. Of course they would find out about the virus and how contagious and deadly it is quicker than us.

They did not know anything we did not know, they just acted faster.

OMG so you don’t think them being in the vicinity of Wuhan enters into the equation at all? We didn’t have sufficient knowledge of the situation earlier, otherwise we would have acted more expediently. It’s not like we knew how bad this virus was and sat on our asses.

Once again, the same time this tweet was being made a Senator was telling a group of donors that this would be as contagious at the 1912 Flu, to expect school closing and not to travel. Another Senator was selling off her stock and buying stock in a company that specializes in working from home software. A few more just did massive sell offs.

They knew, they just did not tell us.

You have far, far too much trust in your government.

so let me this straight. Trump sent out that tweet knowing full well the economy would be shut down by a global pandemic. But for shits and giggles he sent it out anyway? I’m not buying that at all.
Really? We have more people tested than S. Korea and they had over a 8 week head start on us. Our death rate is far less than italy's so yeah, i think it is under control.

Why they hell did they have an 8 week head start on us? Just imagine if we had not been sitting on our thumbs and we had acted as quickly as they had.

Things are not under control, my wife's hospital has doctors making decisions based upon how much PPE gear will be used because they are running so low.

Yeah that’s unfair.We’re 10000 miles away from China and their government hid everything from us. That’s why we got a late start on things.

South Korea got their first case the same time we did, they did not wait 8 weeks to act.
Why did we?

China is in the back yard of South Korea. Of course they would find out about the virus and how contagious and deadly it is quicker than us.

They did not know anything we did not know, they just acted faster.

OMG so you don’t think them being in the vicinity of Wuhan enters into the equation at all? We didn’t have sufficient knowledge of the situation earlier, otherwise we would have acted more expediently. It’s not like we knew how bad this virus was and sat on our asses.

Once again, the same time this tweet was being made a Senator was telling a group of donors that this would be as contagious at the 1912 Flu, to expect school closing and not to travel. Another Senator was selling off her stock and buying stock in a company that specializes in working from home software. A few more just did massive sell offs.

They knew, they just did not tell us.

You have far, far too much trust in your government.

so let me this straight. Trump sent out that tweet knowing full well the economy would be shut down by a global pandemic. But for shits and giggles he sent it out anyway? I’m not buying that at all.

He had the same information that these Senators had. I think in Trump's part is was wishful thinking, that if he ignored it it might go away. He is not the brightest bulb on the tree after all.
rump sent out that tweet knowing full well the economy would be shut down by a global pandemic.
No, he said "they" knew, as in, his administration. because they did. Trump doesn't know or learn things. Trump sent out the tweet because he ties his re-election chances to the Dow. This isn't rocket surgery. There is no mystery to the man.
Just another TDS Pom Pom Rally here. Nothing new here.

Regardless what Trump does or says they will bitch and moan........It's how they ROLL.

At a time that we need to stop PANIC........you push for calm.........Not YOUR GONNA DIE.........The entire world was in full meltdown...........still is to be quite Frank with you. .........panic and fear never solved anything.............

The Media and the Politicians have been using this as a political weapon........Just as they have for years now........it doesn't shock us anymore.

Defend your god at all cost...do not let anything negative go by without attacking the source.

I am sure you will be well rewarded as a good and faithful slave.
He is FUCKING ODIN...........are you NERVOUS..............All HAIL ODIN...............

In your eyes I have no doubt that a fat fuck that ran from military service is Odin...that is right up your alley.

Aim high, lowlife, I suggest you never get anywhere near me, though. Sorry, my patience is worn too thin to suffer fucks (commies) like you.

I am a real 7th gen American whose ancestors were pioneers.

My family has been here since before the 18th Century, you?

And yes, I did mean 18th, smartass. "If you wanna go, let's do this" -Louie
These idiots are acting like we’re in this predicament because of Trump.
Because, to a degree, we are. Everyone knows this. The only difference is that his cult members are too scared of their own shadows to say it out loud.

No this is a GLOBAL PANDEMIC. It’s hitting us hard because this is the epicenter of the world. This is not a question of Trump’s policies or competence. We would be in the same predicament under any other president
Just another TDS Pom Pom Rally here. Nothing new here.

Regardless what Trump does or says they will bitch and moan........It's how they ROLL.

At a time that we need to stop PANIC........you push for calm.........Not YOUR GONNA DIE.........The entire world was in full meltdown...........still is to be quite Frank with you. .........panic and fear never solved anything.............

The Media and the Politicians have been using this as a political weapon........Just as they have for years now........it doesn't shock us anymore.

Defend your god at all cost...do not let anything negative go by without attacking the source.

I am sure you will be well rewarded as a good and faithful slave.
He is FUCKING ODIN...........are you NERVOUS..............All HAIL ODIN...............

In your eyes I have no doubt that a fat fuck that ran from military service is Odin...that is right up your alley.

Aim high, lowlife, I suggest you never get anywhere near me, though. Sorry, my patience is worn too thin to suffer fucks like you.

What are you going to do little man, hit me with your walker? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Just another TDS Pom Pom Rally here. Nothing new here.

Regardless what Trump does or says they will bitch and moan........It's how they ROLL.

At a time that we need to stop PANIC........you push for calm.........Not YOUR GONNA DIE.........The entire world was in full meltdown...........still is to be quite Frank with you. .........panic and fear never solved anything.............

The Media and the Politicians have been using this as a political weapon........Just as they have for years now........it doesn't shock us anymore.

Defend your god at all cost...do not let anything negative go by without attacking the source.

I am sure you will be well rewarded as a good and faithful slave.
He is FUCKING ODIN...........are you NERVOUS..............All HAIL ODIN...............

In your eyes I have no doubt that a fat fuck that ran from military service is Odin...that is right up your alley.

Why would I care about what you say when you have said nothing but BS for years because of TDS.

At some point your WHINING means NOTHING........same as the rest of the liberals here who came into give you a group hug.............and yes I SAID LIBERAL.

He took action while the BS Impeachment was still going.........the Congress and Senate did nothing for weeks after this point..........1st case was January 21st.......they didn't do meetings til February..................That BOUGHT US TIME........I don't care how you spin it...........

Time we needed to give the medical more time to prepare..........did we have problems........YUP....did other nations have problems..........YUP........are they whining like you are here.......IN MOST CASES .............NOPE.

This virus is going to run it's course until we get a vaccine.......or so many get it the spread stops..........we can slow it in the next few weeks.......but it will not matter...it's gonna spread off and on and anyone that says 1 person can stop this is an idiot.

This has ALWAYS HAPPENED...........we Give Hope.......find treatments......and vaccines......people get sick......and some DIE.

That is REALITY.........your TDS blinds you.
View attachment 314908

This was exactly 1 month ago...much has changed since then
I brought this up a week ago, yes Trump made some bad statements early on, he still does much better than the leftist jackasses who keeps bullshitting and lying about the Trump administration activities in dealing with the COVID-2019 problem.


While YOU hypocritically focus on Trumps early mistakes, you seem to ignore the bucket loads of leftist LIES about what Trump and his administration are doing, along with the commie msm putting up their red colored lies as well:


Just another TDS Pom Pom Rally here. Nothing new here.

Regardless what Trump does or says they will bitch and moan........It's how they ROLL.

At a time that we need to stop PANIC........you push for calm.........Not YOUR GONNA DIE.........The entire world was in full meltdown...........still is to be quite Frank with you. .........panic and fear never solved anything.............

The Media and the Politicians have been using this as a political weapon........Just as they have for years now........it doesn't shock us anymore.

Defend your god at all cost...do not let anything negative go by without attacking the source.

I am sure you will be well rewarded as a good and faithful slave.
He is FUCKING ODIN...........are you NERVOUS..............All HAIL ODIN...............

In your eyes I have no doubt that a fat fuck that ran from military service is Odin...that is right up your alley.

Why would I care about what you say when you have said nothing but BS for years because of TDS.

At some point your WHINING means NOTHING........same as the rest of the liberals here who came into give you a group hug.............and yes I SAID LIBERAL.

He took action while the BS Impeachment was still going.........the Congress and Senate did nothing for weeks after this point..........1st case was January 21st.......they didn't do meetings til February..................That BOUGHT US TIME........I don't care how you spin it...........

Time we needed to give the medical more time to prepare..........did we have problems........YUP....did other nations have problems..........YUP........are they whining like you are here.......IN MOST CASES .............NOPE.

This virus is going to run it's course until we get a vaccine.......or so many get it the spread stops..........we can slow it in the next few weeks.......but it will not matter...it's gonna spread off and on and anyone that says 1 person can stop this is an idiot.

This has ALWAYS HAPPENED...........we Give Hope.......find treatments......and vaccines......people get sick......and some DIE.

That is REALITY.........your TDS blinds you.

yet here you are posting time and time again to defend your god from any and all negative comments.
Sweet...I got my first "dislikes" under the new software!
Get used to it.............We don't like TDS CLOWNS..........

Now repeat after me...........BIDEN BIDEN HE'S OUR MAN........oh..........you are gonna vote 3rd ticket where your vote doesn't count again....

Just another TDS Pom Pom Rally here. Nothing new here.

Regardless what Trump does or says they will bitch and moan........It's how they ROLL.

At a time that we need to stop PANIC........you push for calm.........Not YOUR GONNA DIE.........The entire world was in full meltdown...........still is to be quite Frank with you. .........panic and fear never solved anything.............

The Media and the Politicians have been using this as a political weapon........Just as they have for years now........it doesn't shock us anymore.

Defend your god at all cost...do not let anything negative go by without attacking the source.

I am sure you will be well rewarded as a good and faithful slave.
He is FUCKING ODIN...........are you NERVOUS..............All HAIL ODIN...............

In your eyes I have no doubt that a fat fuck that ran from military service is Odin...that is right up your alley.

Aim high, lowlife, I suggest you never get anywhere near me, though. Sorry, my patience is worn too thin to suffer fucks like you.

What are you going to do little man, hit me with your walker? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Now is the time for me to remember what FCT told me and not to talk about smashing your commie face into the back of your retarded skull. Yeah no. Fuck you, Commie punk! I'm a real American.

Come at me, commie Douchelord! I will counterpunch you so you wish you never did.

Try it and fail, punk.
Oops, as of 3/24 south Korea shows having tested 348,582 South Korea: coronavirus infections, recovered, and test cases 2020 | Statista

Still have not found USA testing numbers.

It really does not matter if we have caught up to them, it was bound to happen because they tested so many right off the bat. If we had started wholesale testing when they did we likely would not need to be shutting down the country.
Found it. US tests to date 359,161 The COVID Tracking Project
Matters to me. We should have started wholesale testing when they did. Poster correctly pitched out a fact that surprised me. I been pissed because it looked like we weren't doing dick, with all the reports of people not able to get tested. Two weeks ago they had not even tested all the people in Kirkland rest home where older folk were dropping like flies, make it look like some bizarre experiment gone wrong. You can't get a handle on it without testing. Numbers matter. Please to see we are getting in gear. Long way to go to the end of US epidemic, but testing is progress, cause you can't fight or defend against what you cannot see.

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