A ‘Vasectomy Revolution’ Threatens to Plunge America into a Population Crisis


A ‘Vasectomy Revolution’ Threatens to Plunge America into a Population Crisis

Such “crises” have already been noted in China and Russia. China’s “one child” per couple rule is given primary credit for that country’s lower birth rate, but other elements are also involved. As for Russia, high rates of alcoholism and economic hardship cause women to feel less than encouraged to have children. Russia's total fertility rate is low at 1.6 births per woman. This number represents a 2019 report on the number of children each Russian woman has during her lifetime. Coupled with the deaths of so many of Russia’s young men fighting in Putin’s idiotic attempt to annex the Ukraine, he’s crippled his country’s armed services’ recruitment base for generations.

“When America’s Supreme Court overturned the historic Roe vs Wade ruling that made abortion a federally protected right, it triggered a fierce debate over women’s freedom – and led to a total ban on the procedure in 13 states.”

“Campaigners on both sides had predicted precisely such an outcome, but there was another unexpected side effect. America is now undergoing what urologist Esgar Guarín, of the SimpleVas clinic in Iowa, dubs a ‘vasectomy revolution’.”

The vast majority of men choosing a vasectomy possess an above average level of sophistication. Since 55% of Hispanics in the U.S. identify as Catholic, any form of birth control is forbidden by the Church. Add to that, the traditional belief among many poorly educated men of color that fertility is equated with virility, the demand for vasectomies among these groups will be minimal.

If white Christian nationalists (white supremacists) truly understood these bits of reality, they would be shocked and see that overturning Roe v Wade along with all legislation in red states to ban abortion entirely is not the tremendous victory they first thought. This so-called victory can only further accelerate the decline of the white race in the U.S. It is a forced decline caused by right-wing religion-based politics that leaves the birth rates of America’s minority population relatively untouched.

Also, younger people can read the writing on the wall, that climate change will continue to worsen as will the widening income gap. These two factors alone are reason enough for young people’s loss of desire to raise families. But, that’s not all, as this nation moves rapidly towards its inevitable fall to fascism following the 2024 elections, enlightened young men and women cannot help but realize it would be the ultimate cruelty to saddle a child with the bleak future all living creatures on this planet face, which is being created by the insatiable greed of the billionaire class and the corrupt politicians and corporate heads they own.

Sperm counts are down also. It is not just a problem in the US. The whole world is facing a population issue. That Chinese curse of may you live in interesting times. I think we are living in interesting times. Oh well be thankful for what ya got.

Where is it written our population needs to be the same or growing? We have 330 million people in this country. Didn't we do just fine with 300 million, 280 million, 250 million? Some would argue that we actually did much better.

IMO we have too many people in this country already. We don't need anymore.
It is written in the code of the Ponzi scheme called Sosial Security, and the tenets of debt based economy. Both fail without an ever expanding population/tax base.
It is written in the code of the Ponzi scheme called Sosial Security, and the tenets of debt based economy. Both fail without an ever expanding population/tax base.
As will our consumerist economy where fewer people buy less useless shit.
How's that goosing so far? Seems to me the more people on this rock the more wars, the more unhappiness, the more pollution etc

Hate God = hate humanity

Hate humanity = hate God

It's a circle of hate, always connected, always destructive. First to the person hating, and then to those around him/her.
Hate God = hate humanity

Hate humanity = hate God

It's a circle of hate, always connected, always destructive. First to the person hating, and then to those around him/her.

Yes we know your life is ruled by emotions.

Not wanting or not having children does not equal "hate for humanity"
Yes we know your life is ruled by emotions.

Not wanting or not having children does not equal "hate for humanity"

Hate is more than emotion, first.

Second, you equated humanity with war, pollution, etc. on "this rock". In my worldview this rock's purpose is humanity. Not humanity's purpose is to keep this spacerock--bound for destruction at any rate--floating for as long as possible.
Good.....religoius christians and Jews will restock the country while leftists zero out their populations of their own free will....

Unlike the left who ise murder to reduce populations they don't like

It is always so obvious who did not even read the OP, let alone open the link
I figure once we’re numbers and freedoms a memory .. forced sterilization based on higher intelligence, needed physical attributes and such will pretty much rule the day.

AI. will help..😉

The lesser human specimens will simply fade away over time but who knows maybe used as entertainment, basic slave labor .. zoological specimens, basic replacement part supplies.

Sounds promising.. 🥺 .. eh what!
Where is it written our population needs to be the same or growing? We have 330 million people in this country. Didn't we do just fine with 300 million, 280 million, 250 million? Some would argue that we actually did much better.

IMO we have too many people in this country already. We don't need anymore.

Actually, we do to maintain a labor participation rate, Welfare Ray.

You see, when you have a large portion of your population that is retired or scamming the government on fake disabilities, it means you need a larger proportion of the population out there working to support it. (I mean, if you aren't going to do anything as breathtakingly rational as making the rich pay their fair share.)
Hate God = hate humanity

Hate humanity = hate God

It's a circle of hate, always connected, always destructive. First to the person hating, and then to those around him/her.
Sayeth Islamophobic Twat, who hates Gays and Mexicans, just like Jesus did.
Hate is more than emotion, first.

Second, you equated humanity with war, pollution, etc. on "this rock". In my worldview this rock's purpose is humanity. Not humanity's purpose is to keep this spacerock--bound for destruction at any rate--floating for as long as possible.
No hate is nothing but an emotion and as such it is 100% subjective.

No I didn't I said the more people the more pollution I never stated that people ARE pollution. Do you deny that the more people there on on the planet the more pollution they produce or that since only people make war that more people means more wars waged?

And how shortsighted is it to think that this closed system of our planet can absorb an infinite amount of pollution and still be fit to fulfill what you say is its purpose?

Tell you what get a fish tank and keep adding fish to it and never clean it and see what happens.
No hate is nothing but an emotion and as such it is 100% subjective.

No I didn't I said the more people the more pollution I never stated that people ARE pollution. Do you deny that the more people there on on the planet the more pollution they produce or that since only people make war that more people means more wars waged?

And how shortsighted is it to think that this closed system of our planet can absorb an infinite amount of pollution and still be fit to fulfill what you say is its purpose?

Tell you what get a fish tank and keep adding fish to it and never clean it and see what happens.

The bible tells us the purpose of the earth is to be destroyed.
The bible tells us the purpose of the earth is to be destroyed.

So what?

The bible is far from scientific.

Yes the earth will end when our sun enters the red giant phase of its existence so i suppose you think that's a good reason to pollute to our heart's content.
No hate is nothing but an emotion and as such it is 100% subjective.

No I didn't I said the more people the more pollution I never stated that people ARE pollution. Do you deny that the more people there on on the planet the more pollution they produce or that since only people make war that more people means more wars waged?

And how shortsighted is it to think that this closed system of our planet can absorb an infinite amount of pollution and still be fit to fulfill what you say is its purpose?

Tell you what get a fish tank and keep adding fish to it and never clean it and see what happens.

It's not smart to destroy our home, nor is it Biblical.

But we do not exist to keep this floating rock floating. That is not our purpose.
It's not smart to destroy our home, nor is it Biblical.

But we do not exist to keep this floating rock floating. That is not our purpose.
We have no purpose but what we decide for ourselves.

And we cannot keep the planet "floating" as you say in fact we can do nothing to stop the inevitable death of our sun and the subsequent scorching of the earth to cinders.

And that's science not biblical conjecture.
We have no purpose but what we decide for ourselves.

And we cannot keep the planet "floating" as you say in fact we can do nothing to stop the inevitable death of our sun and the subsequent scorching of the earth to cinders.

And that's science not biblical conjecture.

I laughed at your last sentence.

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