A ‘Vasectomy Revolution’ Threatens to Plunge America into a Population Crisis

Once they discover that it costs $750,000 to raise one child to the age of 18, math kicks in.
Where is it written our population needs to be the same or growing? We have 330 million people in this country. Didn't we do just fine with 300 million, 280 million, 250 million? Some would argue that we actually did much better.

IMO we have too many people in this country already. We don't need anymore.
I would agree with you but most businesses depend on population growth.
Ohhh no a declining birth rate sky is falling thread. Don't want kids then that's not a bad thing. Imagine taking steps to ensure there are no accidental pregnancies. How awful isn't it?
I would agree with you but most businesses depend on population growth.

Why would businesses depend on population growth?

The more people we have here, the less land there is to house them. The less land available, the less affordable it becomes. And what happens if the Democrats gain control over the entire federal government again? How many hundreds of square miles will we need for all those solar panels and windmills to generate energy? Then what about the millions of illegals Dementia is letting in? They have to live somewhere too!
Apparently the Mexicans in the US aren't good at math. They're breeding like rabbits.

His estimate is too high. The CDC estimated that to raise a middle-class child in the US today, the cost will be about $233,000.

Younger people that are educated in these matters start running the numbers. Instead of spending nearly a half-million in the next 20 years or so to have a two child family, what would that money look like invested in a conservative growth account?

That's where the problem is.
It could be if somebody had the guts to pass a requirement that anybody applying for any welfare program had to be fixed first; of course on taxpayers dime.

I'd be fully for that. Men and women.

I'd also support a bill where criminals in prison can get reduced sentences if they volunteer to be fixed as well.
"Too many" in all the wrong places. Too few, in the places we need it most.

Well, that's the way it works.
Poorer countries will have more children because more children becomes your pension fund. In rich countries you don't need children to get a pension fund.

Maybe helping poorer countries isn't such a bad idea.
Maybe they can pull themselves up by their bootstraps like China did. Make us some products we want to buy at a price lower than China is selling it at now.

Maybe, if the US doesn't keep pushing them back down every time they try and get on their feet.

Look at Venezuela. Chavez was like "we can turn OPEC into a good money making scheme so we can get richer" the US turns up and plots a coup to get rid of Chavez. Didn't work but turned Chavez and especially Maduro away from the US.

The US doesn't help these countries, it hinders them. The US is trying to hinder China now, but it's a little bit too late.
being reversal able depends on the type of surgery one has

I agree. People are afraid of two things associated with the future of child-rearing:

1) The astronomical cost
2) The moral (or immoral) direction America's society is heading.

If I were still a young man and wanted to have children ... I look backwards in history and see how they did things back in a simpler time. I'd move off grid; homeschool; teach my kids basic morality (from a biblical perspective); and how to use tools and their hands. I'd seek folks of like mind and create a small community of our own, and I'd toss the television in the nearest dumpster.
Seems like you are afraid of the modern world, getting on your knees praying to your imaginary sky friend to wipe us all out.

Here's the thing. Um, yeah, it is too expensive for young people to have kids, but is largely because the right wing has fought a living wage every step of the way.

The Federal Minimum Wage hasn't budged since 2009. But inflation has increased 41% since then.

We saddle these kids with tons of debt, and then wonder why they can't make ends meet.

I have a niece who is trying to have her first kid at 33. Why did she wait until 33? (Her mother had her older sister when she was 24) Because it's taken that long for her and her husband to get established.

And they are both working professionals! (He's an engineer, she's a communications specialist). It would be a lot worse for a couple without a college degree.
Seems like you are afraid of the modern world, getting on your knees praying to your imaginary sky friend to wipe us all out.

Here's the thing. Um, yeah, it is too expensive for young people to have kids, but is largely because the right wing has fought a living wage every step of the way.

The Federal Minimum Wage hasn't budged since 2009. But inflation has increased 41% since then.

We saddle these kids with tons of debt, and then wonder why they can't make ends meet.

I have a niece who is trying to have her first kid at 33. Why did she wait until 33? (Her mother had her older sister when she was 24) Because it's taken that long for her and her husband to get established.

And they are both working professionals! (He's an engineer, she's a communications specialist). It would be a lot worse for a couple without a college degree.
^^Biden's Speech Writer^^

No wonder he's so incoherent.

My fear isn't of the modern world. It's nuts and I just navigate around it. My fear is for the poor, innocent, young victims of all those pedos in your camp. I just think it would be better for kids to learn how to fish, grow a garden, hunt, and build a tree house, etc., than to deal with the trauma of seeing a man dressed as a woman showing his junk and/or dealing with the emotional side effects of being raped by a Demwit.

A ‘Vasectomy Revolution’ Threatens to Plunge America into a Population Crisis

Such “crises” have already been noted in China and Russia. China’s “one child” per couple rule is given primary credit for that country’s lower birth rate, but other elements are also involved. As for Russia, high rates of alcoholism and economic hardship cause women to feel less than encouraged to have children. Russia's total fertility rate is low at 1.6 births per woman. This number represents a 2019 report on the number of children each Russian woman has during her lifetime. Coupled with the deaths of so many of Russia’s young men fighting in Putin’s idiotic attempt to annex the Ukraine, he’s crippled his country’s armed services’ recruitment base for generations.

“When America’s Supreme Court overturned the historic Roe vs Wade ruling that made abortion a federally protected right, it triggered a fierce debate over women’s freedom – and led to a total ban on the procedure in 13 states.”

“Campaigners on both sides had predicted precisely such an outcome, but there was another unexpected side effect. America is now undergoing what urologist Esgar Guarín, of the SimpleVas clinic in Iowa, dubs a ‘vasectomy revolution’.”

The vast majority of men choosing a vasectomy possess an above average level of sophistication. Since 55% of Hispanics in the U.S. identify as Catholic, any form of birth control is forbidden by the Church. Add to that, the traditional belief among many poorly educated men of color that fertility is equated with virility, the demand for vasectomies among these groups will be minimal.

If white Christian nationalists (white supremacists) truly understood these bits of reality, they would be shocked and see that overturning Roe v Wade along with all legislation in red states to ban abortion entirely is not the tremendous victory they first thought. This so-called victory can only further accelerate the decline of the white race in the U.S. It is a forced decline caused by right-wing religion-based politics that leaves the birth rates of America’s minority population relatively untouched.

Also, younger people can read the writing on the wall, that climate change will continue to worsen as will the widening income gap. These two factors alone are reason enough for young people’s loss of desire to raise families. But, that’s not all, as this nation moves rapidly towards its inevitable fall to fascism following the 2024 elections, enlightened young men and women cannot help but realize it would be the ultimate cruelty to saddle a child with the bleak future all living creatures on this planet face, which is being created by the insatiable greed of the billionaire class and the corrupt politicians and corporate heads they own.

So, you're saying it is working the way it is supposed to be now, with contraception being used as opposed to letting a pregnancy happen and then murdering an innocent fetus.

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