A ‘Vasectomy Revolution’ Threatens to Plunge America into a Population Crisis

Vasectomies are reversible. Not only that but the vast, vast VAST, majority of white men regardless of educational level are preserving their sperm just in case.

Minority women will have abortions. Legal, illegal, they always have. But, black and Hispanic men kill one another to a remarkable degree. To combat the propensity for black murder, the men have babies by more than one woman. Oddly, they kill the children too.

Climate change is a total Hoax.

being reversal able depends on the type of surgery one has
If I were to lie, I would say something like, you are a decent human being who deserves a long and healthy life.

Now there's a lie.

Show us your source that "vast, vast VAST, majority of white men regardless of educational level are preserving their sperm"
If white far-left liberals are among the most enthusiastic customers, let's pass it. This bill has the potential to reduce the voter base of the liberal left to sub-quorum levels.
Show us your source that "vast, vast VAST, majority of white men regardless of educational level are preserving their sperm"
There are hundreds of sperm freezing banks. Someone is keeping them in business. It's not all Jamal and Jose.

There are hundreds of sperm freezing banks. Someone is keeping them in business. It's not all Jamal and Jose.

But that's not what you said, is it? You said, ""vast, vast VAST, majority of white men regardless of educational level are preserving their sperm." A majority is 50% plus one. A vast majority is probably in the 70% range. Vast, vast, vast majority? Close 100%.

That's not what's happening, is it?
But that's not what you said, is it? You said, ""vast, vast VAST, majority of white men regardless of educational level are preserving their sperm." A majority is 50% plus one. A vast majority is probably in the 70% range. Vast, vast, vast majority? Close 100%.

That's not what's happening, is it?
It certainly looks that way. Personal anecdotes aside, every guy I know that has had a vasectomy has banked sperm. It is something that a person does that does not require immediate gratification and some level of future thinking. This is a quality of whites in general and white men in particular.
No hate is nothing but an emotion and as such it is 100% subjective.

No I didn't I said the more people the more pollution I never stated that people ARE pollution. Do you deny that the more people there on on the planet the more pollution they produce or that since only people make war that more people means more wars waged?

And how shortsighted is it to think that this closed system of our planet can absorb an infinite amount of pollution and still be fit to fulfill what you say is its purpose?

Tell you what get a fish tank and keep adding fish to it and never clean it and see what happens.

It's likely our earth has a cleansing system we are unaware of. How did this planet survive all the volcano eruptions and forest fires that sometimes burn for weeks on end and still do? How did the earth survive before we were able to discover natural gas, produce it and deliver it to homes? Everybody burned wood to cook on and burned coal to stay warm.

And after all that and more, guess what, the planet is still here and doing just fine.
It is written in the code of the Ponzi scheme called Sosial Security, and the tenets of debt based economy. Both fail without an ever expanding population/tax base.

Which is why they should have never been developed in the first place.
Reasons for population decline:

Covid Vaccines (they kill some people and make others sterile)
Abortion (America literally murders its own children) (ban all assault forceps)
Vasectomies (duly noted in the OP)
Children being mutilated in "transition" clinics.
Murderers let out on the streets to kill again.
Men pretending to be women & women pretending to be men, but neither reproducing children (thank God).
Poor diet that leads to morbid obesity, which leads to heart disease; diabetes; cancer; and other deadly diseases.

The main reason for population decline is money. According to the CDC, it would cost you $233,000 to raise a middle-class child today from birth until the age of 18. So if you want the standard two child family, better be able to cough up a half-million bucks in the next 20 years or so.

What we've done is focus on more materialistic things instead of children. Having a larger and nicer home, a smart phone with no limitations, 500 channel cable or satellite services plus pay-per-view and Netflix among other things, two or three video game systems, out of town expensive vacations every year, eating fast food like it was the only food source out there.
The main reason for population decline is money. According to the CDC, it would cost you $233,000 to raise a middle-class child today from birth until the age of 18. So if you want the standard two child family, better be able to cough up a half-million bucks in the next 20 years or so.

What we've done is focus on more materialistic things instead of children. Having a larger and nicer home, a smart phone with no limitations, 500 channel cable or satellite services plus pay-per-view and Netflix among other things, two or three video game systems, out of town expensive vacations every year, eating fast food like it was the only food source out there.
I agree. People are afraid of two things associated with the future of child-rearing:

1) The astronomical cost
2) The moral (or immoral) direction America's society is heading.

If I were still a young man and wanted to have children ... I look backwards in history and see how they did things back in a simpler time. I'd move off grid; homeschool; teach my kids basic morality (from a biblical perspective); and how to use tools and their hands. I'd seek folks of like mind and create a small community of our own, and I'd toss the television in the nearest dumpster.
It's likely our earth has a cleansing system we are unaware of. How did this planet survive all the volcano eruptions and forest fires that sometimes burn for weeks on end and still do? How did the earth survive before we were able to discover natural gas, produce it and deliver it to homes? Everybody burned wood to cook on and burned coal to stay warm.

And after all that and more, guess what, the planet is still here and doing just fine.
The thing is the earth has been around a lot longer than people and look at how much we've polluted it in the short time we've been here.

And one of the reasons we have done such a good job destroying ecosystems is that we have reproduced to an unsustainable level
It's likely our earth has a cleansing system we are unaware of. How did this planet survive all the volcano eruptions and forest fires that sometimes burn for weeks on end and still do? How did the earth survive before we were able to discover natural gas, produce it and deliver it to homes? Everybody burned wood to cook on and burned coal to stay warm.

And after all that and more, guess what, the planet is still here and doing just fine.

The earth does not need a cleansing system as it does not care about those things. They are all natural parts of the planet.

The question is if the earth will continue to be suitable for mankind to thrive on. Mankind is no different than the Dina sours as far at the planet is concerned.
I agree. People are afraid of two things associated with the future of child-rearing:

1) The astronomical cost
2) The moral (or immoral) direction America's society is heading.

If I were still a young man and wanted to have children ... I look backwards in history and see how they did things back in a simpler time. I'd move off grid; homeschool; teach my kids basic morality (from a biblical perspective); and how to use tools and their hands. I'd seek folks of like mind and create a small community of our own, and I'd toss the television in the nearest dumpster.

I like to ask people that if it were possible, would they like to be a younger person today instead of the good ole days. The answer is usually no with the direction this country is heading in. If I could be frozen and come back in 75 years instead of dying now, I would choose dying now. I don't want to see this country (or world) in 75 years. It would be too depressing.
The earth does not need a cleansing system as it does not care about those things. They are all natural parts of the planet.

The question is if the earth will continue to be suitable for mankind to thrive on. Mankind is no different than the Dina sours as far at the planet is concerned.

The planet doesn't think--God does. This natural cleansing system is either here or it isn't, and given the amount of pollution from the planet itself, mankind, and even animals. there must be something that refreshes our atmosphere and environment that has yet to be discovered IMO.
I like to ask people that if it were possible, would they like to be a younger person today instead of the good ole days. The answer is usually no with the direction this country is heading in. If I could be frozen and come back in 75 years instead of dying now, I would choose dying now. I don't want to see this country (or world) in 75 years. It would be too depressing.
As hard a life as it would have been ... I wish I were born during the pioneer days. I would like to have been a mountain man exploring the unseen forests and mountains of America. It would have taken lots of specialized, survival skills, but I long for that sense of unhindered freedom.
If white Christian nationalists (white supremacists) truly understood these bits of reality, they would be shocked and see that overturning Roe v Wade along with all legislation in red states to ban abortion entirely is not the tremendous victory they first thought. This so-called victory can only further accelerate the decline of the white race in the U.S. It is a forced decline caused by right-wing religion-based politics that leaves the birth rates of America’s minority population relatively untouched.
Thank you for bringing publicity to this and trying to save our heritage.

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