A very bad thing


Senior Member
Jun 13, 2009
A safari adventurer came upon a village of natives. In this village, there were drums constantly beating. "What are the drums for?" asked the adventurer. "If the drums stop, a Bad Thing will happen", answered one of the natives. This went on for days. Everytime, the answer was the same... a Bad Thing would happen if the drums should stop. Late one evening, the drums suddenly stopped. "Oh my God," shouted one of the explorers, "What's going to happen?!" "A Bad Thing will happen now" said the native. "Well, WHAT?" screamed the explorer, panic-stricken.

"Bass solo."
A safari adventurer came upon a village of natives. In this village, there were drums constantly beating. "What are the drums for?" asked the adventurer. "If the drums stop, a Bad Thing will happen", answered one of the natives. This went on for days. Everytime, the answer was the same... a Bad Thing would happen if the drums should stop. Late one evening, the drums suddenly stopped. "Oh my God," shouted one of the explorers, "What's going to happen?!" "A Bad Thing will happen now" said the native. "Well, WHAT?" screamed the explorer, panic-stricken.

"Bass solo."

I can't read "Bad Thing" without recalling a bit I heard on the radio some years ago.

A morning drive DJ had a segment of his program where callers would relate embarassing stories. An African-American man related a story to along these lines:

"My woman plays this game of making me wait when I'm in the mood. I'll be in bed all ready to get it on, and she spends all this time in the bathroom. So one night, I decided to teach her a lesson. While she was making me wait, I put some tobasco sauce on my BAD THANG. At first, it felt all right, but then it started burnin' and burnin'. My BAD THANG felt like it was on fire.

I yelled at my woman to come help me. She just started laughin', but got me a wet cloth to wrap my BAD THANG in. But it kept burnin! I had to put it in a glass of water to cool it off. Then, my woman took me to the emergency room while I held my BAD THANG in the glass of water.

The people at the emergency room laughed at my BAD THANG too."

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