A very tough night for Donald Trump at DNC Convention


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
This is a very tough night for Donald Trump. Joe Biden, Former CIA director, Leon Panetta, who worked for 9 different Presidents including Republican administrations.

All night long it was very clear the Democrat party efforts are to attract Republicans, they are appealing to them--big time. Leon Panetta blasting Trump on his statements, stating he would be very dangerous to National Security. They kept bringing up Republicans that did not go to the RNC convention and their statements regarding Trump. Kasich Governor of Ohio, and his home state did not go to the Cleveland convention.

Kaine stated he learned one thing while in the Senate and it's a big secret. "Republicans liked and praised Hillary Clinton's Senate tenure. Obama even quoting Ronald Reagan's shining city on a hill in his speech and how optimistic he was, as compared to what is going on now with the Republican party with Donald Trump at the helm.

The one Republican and Trump supporter on CNN is just stunned, he cannot respond to any questions, and is at a loss for words to defend Trump. All of them referred to Obama's speech as Reaganisk.

The worst beating came from another Billionaire--Michael Bloomberg, and former Republican, Mayor of New York city who is now an independent. Here it is.

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Funny how they talk about Trump being dangerous to national security when Hillary got hacked by foreign governments because of her stupidity and incompetence. And let's talk about how the Ambassador in Benghazi repeatedly called for help and instead of sending help, Hillary went to bed, then blamed the attack on a fucking video. Yeah, let's talk about Hillary's record on national security.
They really haven't said anything about Trump that they didn't say about Ronald Reagan.

Same playbook designed to deal with their own incompetent candidate...Jimmy Carter back then. They have a tougher job now. Carter was a fool, but honest...Mrs. Bill is incompetent and a fool....and a crook and liar to boot.
Funny how they talk about Trump being dangerous to national security when Hillary got hacked by foreign governments because of her stupidity and incompetence. And let's talk about how the Ambassador in Benghazi repeatedly called for help and instead of sending help, Hillary went to bed, then blamed the attack on a fucking video. Yeah, let's talk about Hillary's record on national security.

I think your email issue is long over.

They made it very clear that Donald Trump would be the most incompetent Commander & Chief, and would represent a clear and present danger to this country.

Keep in mind these speakers came in from the military to Leon Panetta who is highly respected within the ranks of the Republican party.

Obama also stated that there is no one more qualified to be commander & chief than Hillary Clinton. Obama noted that he was not as qualified and neither was Bill Clinton when they entered the oval office, as she is right now.
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Funny how they talk about Trump being dangerous to national security when Hillary got hacked by foreign governments because of her stupidity and incompetence. And let's talk about how the Ambassador in Benghazi repeatedly called for help and instead of sending help, Hillary went to bed, then blamed the attack on a fucking video. Yeah, let's talk about Hillary's record on national security.

I think your email issue is long over.

They made it very clear that Donald Trump would be the most incompetent Commander & Chief, and would represent a clear and present danger to this country.

Keep in mind these speakers came in from the military to Leon Panetta who is highly respected within the ranks of the Republican party.
No, he isn't. He's a liberal, like you.
This is a very tough night for Donald Trump. Joe Biden, Former CIA director, Leon Panetta, who worked for 9 different Presidents including Republican administrations.

All night long it was very clear the Democrat party efforts are to attract Republicans, they are appealing to them. Leon Panetta blasting Trump on his statements, stating he would be very dangerous to National Security. They kept bringing up Republicans that did not go to the RNC convention and their statements regarding Trump. Kasich Governor of Ohio, and his home state did not go to the Cleveland convention.

Kaine stated he learned one thing while in the Senate and it's a big secret. "Republicans liked and praised Hillary Clinton's Senate tenure. Obama even quoting Ronald Reagan's shining city on a hill in his speech and how optimistic he was, as compared to what is going on now with the Republican party.

The one Republican and Trump supporter on CNN is just stunned, he cannot respond to any questions, and is at a loss for words to defend Trump.

The worst beating came from another Billionaire--Michael Bloomberg, and former Republican, Mayor of New York city who is now an independent. Here it is.

Who cares what biden thinks. He's a hack. Go along to get along, never had a real job joe. Think a real man like Trump cares what a a creep like bloomberg thinks? You know, the guy that doesn't think free Americans are intelligent enough to decide the size of their soft drink cups? Notice none of the above guys are worried about the cash the clintons have accumulated since she became secretary of state. Clinton Cash is a good documentary to watch. Go Trump go.
This is a very tough night for Donald Trump. Joe Biden, Former CIA director, Leon Panetta, who worked for 9 different Presidents including Republican administrations.

All night long it was very clear the Democrat party efforts are to attract Republicans, they are appealing to them--big time. Leon Panetta blasting Trump on his statements, stating he would be very dangerous to National Security. They kept bringing up Republicans that did not go to the RNC convention and their statements regarding Trump. Kasich Governor of Ohio, and his home state did not go to the Cleveland convention.

Kaine stated he learned one thing while in the Senate and it's a big secret. "Republicans liked and praised Hillary Clinton's Senate tenure. Obama even quoting Ronald Reagan's shining city on a hill in his speech and how optimistic he was, as compared to what is going on now with the Republican party with Donald Trump at the helm.

The one Republican and Trump supporter on CNN is just stunned, he cannot respond to any questions, and is at a loss for words to defend Trump. All of them referred to Obama's speech as Reaganisk.

The worst beating came from another Billionaire--Michael Bloomberg, and former Republican, Mayor of New York city who is now an independent. Here it is.

Bring it on.
I think your email issue is long over.

They made it very clear that Donald Trump would be the most incompetent Commander & Chief, and would represent a clear and present danger to this country.

Keep in mind these speakers came in from the military to Leon Panetta who is highly respected within the ranks of the Republican party.
Why on earth would you think the email issue is over?

It has caused irreversible damage not only to her image and campaign, but undoubtedly also to the national security of the country. As you can see, almost any dialogue can quickly turn to it. These things do not simply get "over".
Filunny the press isn't talking about the negativity and darkness.......what a joke.......Democrats are so hypocritical
A bunch of liberals lied about Trump, pretended to misunderstand his positions, ignored the facts he cited about them, refused to address any of the questions he asked about them, called him names, and whined that he wasn't liberal enough?

What's "tough" about that? Liberals do those things every day.

The OP and other hysterical liberals seem to have an exaggerated sense of their own importance, or even relevance. Most normal people don't even listen to them any more. Why should Trump worry?
This is a very tough night for Donald Trump. Joe Biden, Former CIA director, Leon Panetta, who worked for 9 different Presidents including Republican administrations.

All night long it was very clear the Democrat party efforts are to attract Republicans, they are appealing to them. Leon Panetta blasting Trump on his statements, stating he would be very dangerous to National Security. They kept bringing up Republicans that did not go to the RNC convention and their statements regarding Trump. Kasich Governor of Ohio, and his home state did not go to the Cleveland convention.

Kaine stated he learned one thing while in the Senate and it's a big secret. "Republicans liked and praised Hillary Clinton's Senate tenure. Obama even quoting Ronald Reagan's shining city on a hill in his speech and how optimistic he was, as compared to what is going on now with the Republican party.

The one Republican and Trump supporter on CNN is just stunned, he cannot respond to any questions, and is at a loss for words to defend Trump.

The worst beating came from another Billionaire--Michael Bloomberg, and former Republican, Mayor of New York city who is now an independent. Here it is.

Who cares what biden thinks. He's a hack. Go along to get along, never had a real job joe. Think a real man like Trump cares what a a creep like bloomberg thinks? You know, the guy that doesn't think free Americans are intelligent enough to decide the size of their soft drink cups? Notice none of the above guys are worried about the cash the clintons have accumulated since she became secretary of state. Clinton Cash is a good documentary to watch. Go Trump go.

Donald Trump has had a silver spoon in his mouth since the day he was born. He's cheated contractors out of their pay. He won't release his income tax return.

Bloomberg is right. The only thing about Donald Trump that is rich is his hypocrisy. During tonight's convention--we find that Donald Trump again is asking the immigration department to again allow in immigrants to work his hotels.
I think your email issue is long over.

They made it very clear that Donald Trump would be the most incompetent Commander & Chief, and would represent a clear and present danger to this country.

Keep in mind these speakers came in from the military to Leon Panetta who is highly respected within the ranks of the Republican party.
Why on earth would you think the email issue is over?

It has caused irreversible damage not only to her image and campaign, but undoubtedly also to the national security of the country. As you can see, almost any dialogue can quickly turn to it. These things do not simply get "over".

The FBI has stated there will be no charges. Furthermore if they were going to charge her, they would also have to charge Colin Powell & Condi Rice for the same email issues.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

Beating a dead horse isn't going to work for you.

What Trump supporters need to be very concerned about is a couple of the comments that came out of Leon Panetta & 2 others tonight.

Pannetta & others tonight were basically very close to accusing Trump of committing TREASON for openly encouraging the Russians to hack into the state department regarding those emails you never want to let go of.
Dems accuse Trump of disloyalty over Clinton emails - CNNPolitics.com

Can you say very stupid candidate, very, very stupid candidate.


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Yeah, all that party unity at the DNC has been a bitter pill to swallow for poor Donald. Half of the party walking out on Hitlery was tough to take:

(CNN)The bounce is back.
Donald Trump comes out of his convention ahead of Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House, topping her 44% to 39% in a four-way matchup including Gary Johnson (9%) and Jill Stein (3%) and by three points in a two-way head-to-head, 48% to 45%. That latter finding represents a 6-point convention bounce for Trump, which are traditionally measured in two-way matchups.
Perhaps most troubling for the Clinton supporters gathering in Philadelphia this week: 68% now say Clinton is not honest and trustworthy, her worst rating on that measure in CNN/ORC polling.
It was just an angry mob," Mook told reporters at a Bloomberg Politics breakfast in Philadelphia.

Poor Donald..
This is a very tough night for Donald Trump. Joe Biden, Former CIA director, Leon Panetta, who worked for 9 different Presidents including Republican administrations.

All night long it was very clear the Democrat party efforts are to attract Republicans, they are appealing to them. Leon Panetta blasting Trump on his statements, stating he would be very dangerous to National Security. They kept bringing up Republicans that did not go to the RNC convention and their statements regarding Trump. Kasich Governor of Ohio, and his home state did not go to the Cleveland convention.

Kaine stated he learned one thing while in the Senate and it's a big secret. "Republicans liked and praised Hillary Clinton's Senate tenure. Obama even quoting Ronald Reagan's shining city on a hill in his speech and how optimistic he was, as compared to what is going on now with the Republican party.

The one Republican and Trump supporter on CNN is just stunned, he cannot respond to any questions, and is at a loss for words to defend Trump.

The worst beating came from another Billionaire--Michael Bloomberg, and former Republican, Mayor of New York city who is now an independent. Here it is.

Who cares what biden thinks. He's a hack. Go along to get along, never had a real job joe. Think a real man like Trump cares what a a creep like bloomberg thinks? You know, the guy that doesn't think free Americans are intelligent enough to decide the size of their soft drink cups? Notice none of the above guys are worried about the cash the clintons have accumulated since she became secretary of state. Clinton Cash is a good documentary to watch. Go Trump go.

Donald Trump has had a silver spoon in his mouth since the day he was born. He's cheated contractors out of their pay. He won't release his income tax return.

Bloomberg is right. The only thing about Donald Trump that is rich is his hypocrisy. During tonight's convention--we find that Donald Trump again is asking the immigration department to again allow in immigrants to work his hotels.

So, Trump has some faults, nothing compared to the clintons. The other politicians don't like him because he's not on the take from the billionaires like they are, and he goes against the open border agenda. Hillary will increase the importation of muslims 500 % over what obama is doing. Is this what you want? A lot of great leaders came from wealthy backgrounds. Patton, FDR, Teddy Roosevelt. How 'bout that clinton cash, eh? Don't bother you a little?
I think your email issue is long over.

They made it very clear that Donald Trump would be the most incompetent Commander & Chief, and would represent a clear and present danger to this country.

Keep in mind these speakers came in from the military to Leon Panetta who is highly respected within the ranks of the Republican party.
Why on earth would you think the email issue is over?

It has caused irreversible damage not only to her image and campaign, but undoubtedly also to the national security of the country. As you can see, almost any dialogue can quickly turn to it. These things do not simply get "over".

The FBI has stated there will be no charges. Furthermore if they were going to charge her, they would also have to charge Colin Powell & Condi Rice for the same email issues.

Beating a dead horse isn't going to work for you.

What you do need to be very concerned about is a couple of the comments that came out of Leon Panetta tonight.

Pannetta & others tonight were basically very close to accusing Trump of committing TREASON for openly encouraging the Russians to hack into the state department regarding those emails.

So, you don't give a crap about hillary's incompetence with security? How about that clinton cash, eh?

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