A vicious, hateful Liberal~Georgetown Prof. Says White Republicans Should Be Castrated, Fed To Swine

Yes, all you WHITE PEOPLE, send your children to Georgetown, for that wholesome, diverse education...NOT! One wonders if she knows she is white...perhaps she should lead by example!


C. Christine Fair, an associate professor at Georgetown in the School of Foreign Service, tweeted Saturday, saying white Republican men should die and an added bonus would be if women “castrate their corpses and feed them to swine.”

Her tweet was in response to South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham’s comments in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. He defended Kavanaugh against an “unethical sham”

(Excerpt) Read more at dailycallernewsfoundation.org ...

Fox News also now with the thing about the Unhinged Bitch.

Georgetown professor says white GOP senators ‘deserve miserable deaths’ after Kavanaugh hearing

Triggering snow flakes is kinda Fox's marketing plan.

Well each day The Unhinged Left get more unhinged and psychotic, so Conservatives hope is that it will not be long before The Unhinged Left totally implode and combust, that should be excellent because it could give The Donald the excuse he needs to declare a State of Emergency across the entire United States and activate the Militarised Police:





The below was a Militarised Police situation during The Ferguson Riots, but THAT was when Obama was American President and he was Pro-BLM, so when the Unhinged Left implode and combust the Militarised Police that The Donald activates will NOT be held back like Obama held them back, The Donald will tell them to operate on Zero Tolerance, No Mercy, NOT just STAND there like the below at Ferguson did:


Some leftists in this country have also armed themselves, ANTIFA for example, as the picture shows. Good thing though. They wouldn't be much of a problem to deal with, as they're all wearing the same red targets around their necks.


I thought you guys loved the right to keep and bear arms!

As The Unhinged Left are ALL mentally deranged then ANY Leftist who has a firearm should be disarmed. Those with Psychological problems should not be allowed to have a firearm.
Yes, all you WHITE PEOPLE, send your children to Georgetown, for that wholesome, diverse education...NOT! One wonders if she knows she is white...perhaps she should lead by example!


C. Christine Fair, an associate professor at Georgetown in the School of Foreign Service, tweeted Saturday, saying white Republican men should die and an added bonus would be if women “castrate their corpses and feed them to swine.”

Her tweet was in response to South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham’s comments in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. He defended Kavanaugh against an “unethical sham”

(Excerpt) Read more at dailycallernewsfoundation.org ...

Fox News also now with the thing about the Unhinged Bitch.

Georgetown professor says white GOP senators ‘deserve miserable deaths’ after Kavanaugh hearing

Triggering snow flakes is kinda Fox's marketing plan.

Well each day The Unhinged Left get more unhinged and psychotic, so Conservatives hope is that it will not be long before The Unhinged Left totally implode and combust, that should be excellent because it could give The Donald the excuse he needs to declare a State of Emergency across the entire United States and activate the Militarised Police:





The below was a Militarised Police situation during The Ferguson Riots, but THAT was when Obama was American President and he was Pro-BLM, so when the Unhinged Left implode and combust the Militarised Police that The Donald activates will NOT be held back like Obama held them back, The Donald will tell them to operate on Zero Tolerance, No Mercy, NOT just STAND there like the below at Ferguson did:


Some leftists in this country have also armed themselves, ANTIFA for example, as the picture shows. Good thing though. They wouldn't be much of a problem to deal with, as they're all wearing the same red targets around their necks.


Wouldn't be much of a skirmish: Three shots with a muzzle sweep from left to right.

The shithead on the left with the AR fancies himself to be a Rambo, I would have put one through his neck first. The girl in the middle is just a poser, even though she's holding an AR. She's just there because she has a self-image problem and thinks she's "fat". One shot to the thigh and she'd be on the ground, screaming in pain.

The fat fucker to the right thinks he's a "tier-one" operator but he's holding an antiquated SKS rifle. He's also wearing a plate carrier which may or may not have armor plates in it. Probably would have shot him in the gut, right below the fake body armor.

Three shots in less than 2 seconds, and the "skirmish" would be ended.
Last edited:
Traditionally the Democratic Party has been based upon cultural bigotry.
The Democrat Bigots have a lot of hate groups to choose from, such as the Nation of Islam, Klan, La Raza, Black Panthers, Brown Berets, BLM, Muslim Brotherhood, Aztlan Nationalist.....endless
Republican Voters are just average mainstream middle class people who want a decent culture, law and order, a strong national defense and low taxes.

This one woman is now the entire Democratic Party?

Wow. If any one person is now all Democrats, then any one person is now the entire GOP.

And I get to pick the person! This is gonna be fun.
Yep! Everyone of the scum are like her.

All democrats want to castrate Republican men?

Oh, Snowflake? What color is the sky in your triggered, triggered little world?
When will you buy your sks and start shooting, criminal?

Now *I'm* gonna hurt you, snowflake?

Oh, sweetie....you're just so terribly triggered by that mean lady in the OP.
You gonna eat my balls?
Yes, all you WHITE PEOPLE, send your children to Georgetown, for that wholesome, diverse education...NOT! One wonders if she knows she is white...perhaps she should lead by example!


C. Christine Fair, an associate professor at Georgetown in the School of Foreign Service, tweeted Saturday, saying white Republican men should die and an added bonus would be if women “castrate their corpses and feed them to swine.”

Her tweet was in response to South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham’s comments in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. He defended Kavanaugh against an “unethical sham”

(Excerpt) Read more at dailycallernewsfoundation.org ...

Fox News also now with the thing about the Unhinged Bitch.

Georgetown professor says white GOP senators ‘deserve miserable deaths’ after Kavanaugh hearing

Triggering snow flakes is kinda Fox's marketing plan.

Well each day The Unhinged Left get more unhinged and psychotic, so Conservatives hope is that it will not be long before The Unhinged Left totally implode and combust, that should be excellent because it could give The Donald the excuse he needs to declare a State of Emergency across the entire United States and activate the Militarised Police:





The below was a Militarised Police situation during The Ferguson Riots, but THAT was when Obama was American President and he was Pro-BLM, so when the Unhinged Left implode and combust the Militarised Police that The Donald activates will NOT be held back like Obama held them back, The Donald will tell them to operate on Zero Tolerance, No Mercy, NOT just STAND there like the below at Ferguson did:


Some leftists in this country have also armed themselves, ANTIFA for example, as the picture shows. Good thing though. They wouldn't be much of a problem to deal with, as they're all wearing the same red targets around their necks.


Wouldn't be much of a skirmish: Three shots with a muzzle sweep from left to right.

The shithead on the left with the AR fancies hi self to be a Rambo, I would have put one through his neck first. The girl in the middle is just a poser, even though she's holding an AR. She's just there because she has a self-image problem and thinks she's "fat". One shot to the thigh and she'd be on the ground, screaming in pain.

The fat fucker to the right thinks he's a "tier-one" operator but he's holding an antiquated SKS rifle. He's also wearing a plate carrier which may or may not have armor plates in it. Probably would have shot him in the gut, right below the fake body armor.

Three shots in less than 2 seconds, and the "skirmish" would be ended.

Wow. You told that picture what for.
I think that's an absolutely terrible thing to say.

Poisoning swine. It's cruel to torture animals.
Yeah, you can eat their balls. They'll make it a movie for young adults called "Dean ate my balls".
I wouldn't touch you to scratch you.
Who's talking about me liar? We are talking about this crazy bitch saying she'll cut mens balls off, it has nothing to do with me. Keep up.
Yes, all you WHITE PEOPLE, send your children to Georgetown, for that wholesome, diverse education...NOT! One wonders if she knows she is white...perhaps she should lead by example!


C. Christine Fair, an associate professor at Georgetown in the School of Foreign Service, tweeted Saturday, saying white Republican men should die and an added bonus would be if women “castrate their corpses and feed them to swine.”

Her tweet was in response to South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham’s comments in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. He defended Kavanaugh against an “unethical sham”

(Excerpt) Read more at dailycallernewsfoundation.org ...

Fox News also now with the thing about the Unhinged Bitch.

Georgetown professor says white GOP senators ‘deserve miserable deaths’ after Kavanaugh hearing

Triggering snow flakes is kinda Fox's marketing plan.

Well each day The Unhinged Left get more unhinged and psychotic, so Conservatives hope is that it will not be long before The Unhinged Left totally implode and combust, that should be excellent because it could give The Donald the excuse he needs to declare a State of Emergency across the entire United States and activate the Militarised Police:





The below was a Militarised Police situation during The Ferguson Riots, but THAT was when Obama was American President and he was Pro-BLM, so when the Unhinged Left implode and combust the Militarised Police that The Donald activates will NOT be held back like Obama held them back, The Donald will tell them to operate on Zero Tolerance, No Mercy, NOT just STAND there like the below at Ferguson did:


Some leftists in this country have also armed themselves, ANTIFA for example, as the picture shows. Good thing though. They wouldn't be much of a problem to deal with, as they're all wearing the same red targets around their necks.


The below Unhinged Left FAT Bitches and Beta Cuck Faggots are going to last LESS than 5 MINUTES when they are confronted by the Militarised Police.


I disagree. Most law-enforcement officers I know (And I know a few) are not really gun guys and girls. They only qualify a couple times a year, but God bless 'em anyway.

I'd be more worried about your local American citizens who are really into firearms. I have the same loadout that most SWAT officers are equipped with: Military-issue body armor, Kevlar helmet, M-40 gas mask, night-vision, etc.

After all, it's every American's duty to be the last line of defense of this country, should our police and military fail.
This one woman is now the entire Democratic Party?

Wow. If any one person is now all Democrats, then any one person is now the entire GOP.

And I get to pick the person! This is gonna be fun.
Yep! Everyone of the scum are like her.

All democrats want to castrate Republican men?

Oh, Snowflake? What color is the sky in your triggered, triggered little world?
When will you buy your sks and start shooting, criminal?

Now *I'm* gonna hurt you, snowflake?

Oh, sweetie....you're just so terribly triggered by that mean lady in the OP.
You gonna eat my balls?

Talk to the lady in the OP, snowflake.

Triggering snow flakes is kinda Fox's marketing plan.

Well each day The Unhinged Left get more unhinged and psychotic, so Conservatives hope is that it will not be long before The Unhinged Left totally implode and combust, that should be excellent because it could give The Donald the excuse he needs to declare a State of Emergency across the entire United States and activate the Militarised Police:





The below was a Militarised Police situation during The Ferguson Riots, but THAT was when Obama was American President and he was Pro-BLM, so when the Unhinged Left implode and combust the Militarised Police that The Donald activates will NOT be held back like Obama held them back, The Donald will tell them to operate on Zero Tolerance, No Mercy, NOT just STAND there like the below at Ferguson did:


Some leftists in this country have also armed themselves, ANTIFA for example, as the picture shows. Good thing though. They wouldn't be much of a problem to deal with, as they're all wearing the same red targets around their necks.


Wouldn't be much of a skirmish: Three shots with a muzzle sweep from left to right.

The shithead on the left with the AR fancies hi self to be a Rambo, I would have put one through his neck first. The girl in the middle is just a poser, even though she's holding an AR. She's just there because she has a self-image problem and thinks she's "fat". One shot to the thigh and she'd be on the ground, screaming in pain.

The fat fucker to the right thinks he's a "tier-one" operator but he's holding an antiquated SKS rifle. He's also wearing a plate carrier which may or may not have armor plates in it. Probably would have shot him in the gut, right below the fake body armor.

Three shots in less than 2 seconds, and the "skirmish" would be ended.

Wow. You told that picture what for.

NOBODY is frightened of the Leftist Fascist Antifa, 90% of them are THIS:

Triggering snow flakes is kinda Fox's marketing plan.

Well each day The Unhinged Left get more unhinged and psychotic, so Conservatives hope is that it will not be long before The Unhinged Left totally implode and combust, that should be excellent because it could give The Donald the excuse he needs to declare a State of Emergency across the entire United States and activate the Militarised Police:





The below was a Militarised Police situation during The Ferguson Riots, but THAT was when Obama was American President and he was Pro-BLM, so when the Unhinged Left implode and combust the Militarised Police that The Donald activates will NOT be held back like Obama held them back, The Donald will tell them to operate on Zero Tolerance, No Mercy, NOT just STAND there like the below at Ferguson did:


Some leftists in this country have also armed themselves, ANTIFA for example, as the picture shows. Good thing though. They wouldn't be much of a problem to deal with, as they're all wearing the same red targets around their necks.


Wouldn't be much of a skirmish: Three shots with a muzzle sweep from left to right.

The shithead on the left with the AR fancies hi self to be a Rambo, I would have put one through his neck first. The girl in the middle is just a poser, even though she's holding an AR. She's just there because she has a self-image problem and thinks she's "fat". One shot to the thigh and she'd be on the ground, screaming in pain.

The fat fucker to the right thinks he's a "tier-one" operator but he's holding an antiquated SKS rifle. He's also wearing a plate carrier which may or may not have armor plates in it. Probably would have shot him in the gut, right below the fake body armor.

Three shots in less than 2 seconds, and the "skirmish" would be ended.

Wow. You told that picture what for.

NOBODY is frightened of the Leftist Fascist Antifa, 90% of them are THIS:

View attachment 219763

Obviously. As this thread and the chest beating by our triggered snowflakes about who they would shoot in the thigh demonstrates elegantly.
Well each day The Unhinged Left get more unhinged and psychotic, so Conservatives hope is that it will not be long before The Unhinged Left totally implode and combust, that should be excellent because it could give The Donald the excuse he needs to declare a State of Emergency across the entire United States and activate the Militarised Police:





The below was a Militarised Police situation during The Ferguson Riots, but THAT was when Obama was American President and he was Pro-BLM, so when the Unhinged Left implode and combust the Militarised Police that The Donald activates will NOT be held back like Obama held them back, The Donald will tell them to operate on Zero Tolerance, No Mercy, NOT just STAND there like the below at Ferguson did:


Some leftists in this country have also armed themselves, ANTIFA for example, as the picture shows. Good thing though. They wouldn't be much of a problem to deal with, as they're all wearing the same red targets around their necks.


Wouldn't be much of a skirmish: Three shots with a muzzle sweep from left to right.

The shithead on the left with the AR fancies hi self to be a Rambo, I would have put one through his neck first. The girl in the middle is just a poser, even though she's holding an AR. She's just there because she has a self-image problem and thinks she's "fat". One shot to the thigh and she'd be on the ground, screaming in pain.

The fat fucker to the right thinks he's a "tier-one" operator but he's holding an antiquated SKS rifle. He's also wearing a plate carrier which may or may not have armor plates in it. Probably would have shot him in the gut, right below the fake body armor.

Three shots in less than 2 seconds, and the "skirmish" would be ended.

Wow. You told that picture what for.

NOBODY is frightened of the Leftist Fascist Antifa, 90% of them are THIS:

View attachment 219763

Obviously. As this thread and the chest beating by our triggered snowflakes about who they would shoot in the thigh demonstrates elegantly.
No one said they would shoot anybody liar, but only a moron aims for the thigh. I'm sure you would.
Triggering snow flakes is kinda Fox's marketing plan.

Well each day The Unhinged Left get more unhinged and psychotic, so Conservatives hope is that it will not be long before The Unhinged Left totally implode and combust, that should be excellent because it could give The Donald the excuse he needs to declare a State of Emergency across the entire United States and activate the Militarised Police:





The below was a Militarised Police situation during The Ferguson Riots, but THAT was when Obama was American President and he was Pro-BLM, so when the Unhinged Left implode and combust the Militarised Police that The Donald activates will NOT be held back like Obama held them back, The Donald will tell them to operate on Zero Tolerance, No Mercy, NOT just STAND there like the below at Ferguson did:


Some leftists in this country have also armed themselves, ANTIFA for example, as the picture shows. Good thing though. They wouldn't be much of a problem to deal with, as they're all wearing the same red targets around their necks.


Wouldn't be much of a skirmish: Three shots with a muzzle sweep from left to right.

The shithead on the left with the AR fancies hi self to be a Rambo, I would have put one through his neck first. The girl in the middle is just a poser, even though she's holding an AR. She's just there because she has a self-image problem and thinks she's "fat". One shot to the thigh and she'd be on the ground, screaming in pain.

The fat fucker to the right thinks he's a "tier-one" operator but he's holding an antiquated SKS rifle. He's also wearing a plate carrier which may or may not have armor plates in it. Probably would have shot him in the gut, right below the fake body armor.

Three shots in less than 2 seconds, and the "skirmish" would be ended.

Wow. You told that picture what for.

NOBODY is frightened of the Leftist Fascist Antifa, 90% of them are THIS:

View attachment 219763

Hell, that describes over half the left-wing posters on here too. :laughing0301:
Some leftists in this country have also armed themselves, ANTIFA for example, as the picture shows. Good thing though. They wouldn't be much of a problem to deal with, as they're all wearing the same red targets around their necks.


Wouldn't be much of a skirmish: Three shots with a muzzle sweep from left to right.

The shithead on the left with the AR fancies hi self to be a Rambo, I would have put one through his neck first. The girl in the middle is just a poser, even though she's holding an AR. She's just there because she has a self-image problem and thinks she's "fat". One shot to the thigh and she'd be on the ground, screaming in pain.

The fat fucker to the right thinks he's a "tier-one" operator but he's holding an antiquated SKS rifle. He's also wearing a plate carrier which may or may not have armor plates in it. Probably would have shot him in the gut, right below the fake body armor.

Three shots in less than 2 seconds, and the "skirmish" would be ended.

Wow. You told that picture what for.

NOBODY is frightened of the Leftist Fascist Antifa, 90% of them are THIS:

View attachment 219763

Obviously. As this thread and the chest beating by our triggered snowflakes about who they would shoot in the thigh demonstrates elegantly.
No one said they would shoot anybody liar, but only a moron aims for the thigh. I'm sure you would.

Laughing......sure, snowflake. Sure.

Wouldn't be much of a skirmish: Three shots with a muzzle sweep from left to right.

The shithead on the left with the AR fancies hi self to be a Rambo, I would have put one through his neck first. The girl in the middle is just a poser, even though she's holding an AR. She's just there because she has a self-image problem and thinks she's "fat". One shot to the thigh and she'd be on the ground, screaming in pain.

The fat fucker to the right thinks he's a "tier-one" operator but he's holding an antiquated SKS rifle. He's also wearing a plate carrier which may or may not have armor plates in it. Probably would have shot him in the gut, right below the fake body armor.

One lady and one tweet.....and you snowflakes freak the fuck out.

Take a breath. Its gonna be okay. We're not gonna let her get you.
Wouldn't be much of a skirmish: Three shots with a muzzle sweep from left to right.

The shithead on the left with the AR fancies hi self to be a Rambo, I would have put one through his neck first. The girl in the middle is just a poser, even though she's holding an AR. She's just there because she has a self-image problem and thinks she's "fat". One shot to the thigh and she'd be on the ground, screaming in pain.

The fat fucker to the right thinks he's a "tier-one" operator but he's holding an antiquated SKS rifle. He's also wearing a plate carrier which may or may not have armor plates in it. Probably would have shot him in the gut, right below the fake body armor.

Three shots in less than 2 seconds, and the "skirmish" would be ended.

Wow. You told that picture what for.

NOBODY is frightened of the Leftist Fascist Antifa, 90% of them are THIS:

View attachment 219763

Obviously. As this thread and the chest beating by our triggered snowflakes about who they would shoot in the thigh demonstrates elegantly.
No one said they would shoot anybody liar, but only a moron aims for the thigh. I'm sure you would.

Laughing......sure, snowflake. Sure.

Wouldn't be much of a skirmish: Three shots with a muzzle sweep from left to right.

The shithead on the left with the AR fancies hi self to be a Rambo, I would have put one through his neck first. The girl in the middle is just a poser, even though she's holding an AR. She's just there because she has a self-image problem and thinks she's "fat". One shot to the thigh and she'd be on the ground, screaming in pain.

The fat fucker to the right thinks he's a "tier-one" operator but he's holding an antiquated SKS rifle. He's also wearing a plate carrier which may or may not have armor plates in it. Probably would have shot him in the gut, right below the fake body armor.

One lady and one tweet.....and you snowflakes freak the fuck out.

Take a breath. Its gonna be okay. We're not gonna let her get you.
You ain't gonna do shit but sit on your ass and lie.

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