A victory for white life.

Most white women have a gynecologist as a doctor in their neighborhoods, their abortions are done in doctors offices, not clinics like planned parenthood.....so, unless the govt snoops in to their doctor's office or medical records, we'll never really know if it stops white women from having abortions.

Gynos don't have practices located in poorer neighborhoods, thus family planning clinics placed there.....

I see. So Planned Parenthood primarily oversees and facilitates the murder of Black and Hispanic unborn.

Isn't that what we've been saying for years?
"we need to provide policies that will attract the youth of this country".
If we means conservatives, we will have hard time luring the youth away from the liberal camp by any means. Youth is naturally attracted to all things liberal.
Kinda scary isn't it?

Perhaps. Part of the human condition though. Certainly not limited to causes or movements you don't like. Name a candidate or an issue you like, and I bet I can find a rally where people cheered as a group.

So I am wrong in the belief that people really should listen to what is being said and not blindly support whatever is being said?

So, you admit that you know that the crowd was not "really listening" to what was being said.

Yet, you insist on trying to use this as a "gotcha" to support the idea that republicans are wacist.

Are you consciously aware that this means you know that there are no GOOD examples of republican wacist to support your belief system?
Odd way of stating, OK I was wrong.
Do you live in the inner city? If so, what is the expiration date of a system that has spent trillions of dollars admitting there has been a failure to a big degree. Let's move on and cut the cord on the failures of the great society. But that has not happened.
If we means conservatives, we will have hard time luring the youth away from the liberal camp by any means. Youth is naturally attracted to all things liberal.

So to counter that you call them Nazi's? This is how you attract the youth? I'm not anywhere near being a youth and it drives me away also.
No, I doubt she read it wrong.

U.S. Rep. Mary Miller immediately drew fierce backlash on social media and elsewhere at a Saturday night rally with former President Donald Trump when she credited him for the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade calling it a “victory for white life.”

Rep. Miller thanks Trump for 'victory for white life,' campaign says she misread remarks

Were the cheers all by mistake also? No, it just sounded right to the audience.

Every now and then they say what they really mean.

If you supported the decision you would support "life" not specifically "white life" but the audience sure applauded the "white life" statement.

And some people wonder why I no longer identify as a Republican...
Just so we know we can take you white hating hypocrites seriously….link us to your posts showing that you have vilified those whom have openly celebrated ‘victories’ for the “black community” the “latino community”, “people of color”…..etc etc.
Thanks in advance.
Do you live in the inner city? If so, what is the expiration date of a system that has spent trillions of dollars admitting there has been a failure to a big degree. Let's move on and cut the cord on the failures of the great society. But that has not happened.

I dont but you are describing the country as a whole.
Just so we know we can take you white hating hypocrites seriously….link us to your posts showing that you have vilified those whom have openly celebrated ‘victories’ for the “black community” the “latino community”, “people of color”…..etc etc.
Thanks in advance.
Just so we know we can take you white hating hypocrites seriously….link us to your posts showing that you have vilified those whom have openly celebrated ‘victories’ for the “black community” the “latino community”, “people of color”…..etc etc.
Thanks in advance.

I've covered this before,

I used to work with an older black man. He admitted to being racist. I told him I believed that to be counter productive. He then told me this story.

His daughter integrated the local school system in the 2nd grade. He told me how he would go the school at lunch to sit with her as no one else would. He told me he could hear the names they would call her. I understood.

Tell me, how does Black History month hurt you so I can understand.
So if the SC decision isn't really a "victory for white life", the conclusion can only be that what we've been saying all this time is true: That the majority of victims of abortion are actually blacks and other minorities.


And if it isn't really a "victory for white life", it also reinforces the notion that abortion is a genocidal tool used to remove undesirable blacks and minorities from society, and that it was Margaret Sanger's original intent.
You mean they have been forced to get abortions?
Most white women have a gynecologist as a doctor in their neighborhoods, their abortions are done in doctors offices, not clinics like planned parenthood.....so, unless the govt snoops in to their doctor's office or medical records, we'll never really know if it stops white women from having abortions.

Gynos don't have practices located in poorer neighborhoods, thus family planning clinics placed there.....
A Reader Digest article published many years ago revealed this happening in a conservative New England town where well-connected families got abortion services in such private clinics.
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Do you have the quote? I looked it up and didn't find it.
Watch CNN, moron.
Not everything is on a web site, especially anything that shows AOC for the racist she is.
On the other hand, I'm surprised you're not jerking off to CNN.

Google "aoc congress people of color"
Did any of you actually listen to what she said? You can tell she caught herself misspeaking.
She didn't even pronounce the "t" before correcting the mistake & saying life.
Maybe she was going to say "white" but all she got out was "why", so you are really just speculating now on what she was really meaning to say.
It's not like she came out & flat out told the truth like dementia man does occasionally.

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Excusing Hitler references? How surprising.

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