A victory for white life.

So to counter that you call them Nazi's? This is how you attract the youth? I'm not anywhere near being a youth and it drives me away also.
It was a harsh metaphor. Today's youth are hardly brownshirts, but many are very radical in their political thinking.
No Democrat did...she did...and you excuse her....what a surprise.

You still fail to understand what she meant, as opposed to what her statement sounded like to you.

Go figure it out and get back to me when you do.
Ah...more references to the Hitler era...you Republican White-wing toadies sure look back fondly, don't you?

Apparently my satire was too subtle for your low intelligence. I'm not the one who condones the genocide of Blacks and Hispanics by way of abortion.

By "gas chambers" I was referencing Planned Parenthood. And by "undesirables" I referenced the Black and Hispanic unborn that you abortion-supporters murder.

If you need more help figuring that out, I can't explain it any other way.
Again, you assume...and you know what they say about when you assume - you're an asshole.

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So how long have you believed you have the power to read people's minds and tell them what they think, feel, believe?

"I don't support anyone claiming anyone is inherently bad."

....you just got busted doing it.

That had to be the fastest exposure of being a hypocrite we have ever seen...

Cheering and excusing Hitler references.
A Reader Digest article published many years ago revealed this happening in a conservative New England town where well-connected women got abortions in such private clinics.
I know two white girls from about 30 years ago, who had abortions, in their own doctor's office....not in a smaller private clinic, but their own Gynecologist office....of course these once girls have several children and many many many beloved grand children now..... It was a long time ago.... :eek:

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