A Viral World Map


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
I created a map of where the most well-known, prevalent and widespread flu and viral outbreaks of the past 100 years originated from. I included Ebola even though it is a virus of a different kind and largely confined to Africa.


For more research on dates, etc., you can refer to this:

Now what if the current Covid-19 in the USA was killing 4,000 Americans a week, resulted in 960,000 hospitalizations and 80,000 deaths with mortality exceeding 10.0% for four consecutive weeks? That would be a pretty big thing? Guess what? That happened in the 2017-18 flu season (H3N2) and no states were shut down, people were not locked up, no one lost their job, entire seasons of sports delayed/cancelled (XFL has gone bankrupt), no schools were closed, no masks were distributed, there was no widespread fear and panic in the streets, and there was no government bailout. And now, the mortality rates for Covid look to have been greatly exaggerated. Looking like Covid-19 is far more widespread than originally thought making it far less communicable and deadly than originally panned. Food for thought.

But we definitely need to wonder about what is going on in China.
In your signature line, you have the input signal connected to both sides of the left hand voltmeter ... that voltmeter should be showing a constant battery voltage ... or have I missed something? ... or should I stop touching my tongue to the filament terminal? ...

2017-18 flu season killed 61,000 here in the USA ... and that's with a vaccine available ... roughly speaking, 40% of the population got the vaccine and the vaccine was 50% effective ... without this, we would have seen 80,000 dead ... a very rough number, no doubt, but it can set a benchmark for how bad this pandemic is ... unfortunately, we won't have the numbers to compare for another year ...

We also won't know the economic cost until we get released from lock down ... how many currently on unemployment will get their old jobs back right away? ... how much relief from mortgage payments will be allowed? ... and going forward, will the FCC require PSA's asking people to WASH YOUR HANDS ...

Nitpick ... it's generally believe that the "Spanish Flu" didn't come from Spain ... this was during WWI and many of the belligerent countries had press restrictions ... Spain was the exception and their press was allowed to freely report the flu outbreak ... the flu didn't originate there, only the news of the outbreak ...
In your signature line, you have the input signal connected to both sides of the left hand voltmeter ... that voltmeter should be showing a constant battery voltage ... or have I missed something? ... or should I stop touching my tongue to the filament terminal? ...
Stop touching your tongue to the filiment terminal. You wonder how an AC voltmeter isn't showing a DC bias? It's just an animation I took off the web, don't read into it too literally.
2017-18 flu season killed 61,000 here in the USA ...
By some estimates. Others were as high as 80,000.
Nitpick ... it's generally believe that the "Spanish Flu" didn't come from Spain ... this was during WWI and many of the belligerent countries had press restrictions ... Spain was the exception and their press was allowed to freely report the flu outbreak ... the flu didn't originate there, only the news of the outbreak ...
Pretty true. That was a tough one, but since the best available information showed it starting in Spain and spreading northward into France . . .

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