A vote for any democrat is a vote to end your ability to own a gun to protect your family...

A vote for a democrat is a vote for.....






Bunch of unapologetic fucking commies. Every goddamn one of them.

Paranoia strikes deep, into the creeps it will seep.

The D's are not colluding with Putin or the Plutocrats, and see Trump for what he is; they seek a return to normalcy and a way out of the chaos which continues to grow.
Logically, only the illogical believe your slippery slope argument. Without the 2nd A., little would change. Guns would be regulated and the voters in every state would have the power to determine something between the lassiez faire NRA policy, and what some call gun grabbers.
Just the communist revolution. That's all.

We're done with gun control. It's time to bag that shitty, worthless, ineffective idea. Gun control caused Columbine.

So, fuck off. REPEAL EVERYTHING!!!!
A vote for a democrat is a vote for.....






Bunch of unapologetic fucking commies. Every goddamn one of them.

Paranoia strikes deep, into the creeps it will seep.

The D's are not colluding with Putin or the Plutocrats, and see Trump for what he is; they seek a return to normalcy and a way out of the chaos which continues to grow.

You mean other than all the money they gave to the clinton's ...except for that...right?
How many times have commies had to change their names to hide their agenda? I count 4, but it could be 7 or 8 if you count re-rebranding and minor rebranding back to prior names.

here are the major rebrands:
Communist->Progressive->Socialist->Liberal->Progressive->??? (open society?)

Whatever they are trying to call themselves, they are a bunch of statist, authoritarian goose-steppers who are hell-bent on making us all their slaves.

They took over the Democrat party slowly, beginning in the late 1960s and were actively infiltrating academia and mass media.

This is why we need machine guns.

we will get them. It's only a matter of time.
There is no doubt, there is no more lying...we saw it at the CNN 2 minutes of hate against gun owners......the democrats will destroy the 2nd Amendment if they are given the power to do it.......

Oh Look, Another Reason Why We Should Be Skeptical Of Democrats On Gun Control

Now, YouGov has a poll showing that 82 percent of Democrats want to ban semiautomatic firearms, while they’re evenly split on a total handgun ban.

This is where the party stands on gun rights, our civil right to own firearms. They want to shred the Second Amendment and the gauge of Democratic Party members offers a dark vision of what could come if enough of these people are elected to Congress. Allahpundit broke down the numbers:

Do you have any scary music to go with your bullshit?


Fox News Host: ‘Imagine If Barack Obama Had Said That’
A vote for a democrat is a vote against law, against America, against reason and freedom.
And yes...they want to get rid of the 2nd Amendment...

Democrats are also evenly split at 39/41 on, uh, whether to repeal the Second Amendment.
You poor thing.....as a Democrat I am a supporter of the 2nd Amendment and have guns. What I DON'T have is a epine inferiority complex that can only be fixed by big black pop guns.
A vote for a democrat is a vote against law, against America, against reason and freedom.
If crazy gun-nuts aren't free to take over government property and demand snacks, are any of us truly free, Allie?
Check out the documentary 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' It lays out the Communist Agenda very clearly. Disarming the populace is a major part of the Agenda. And the Communists seized control of the Democratic Party many years ago.

If you believe this ^^^, you are nuts. If not, you're a liar.
The thing is....is it Russian communism or Chinese communism....? The clinton's sold out our country to both types of communism....so it is kinda hard to tell...
As long as it is a dead commie, I don't care if it is Russian, Chinese, North Korean, French, Venezuelan, or American Democrat.

Seem to me, you would object to background checks to vet those who should not own, possess or have in their custody or control a firearm. Post #20 is sufficient to deny your ability to legally possess a firearm.
There is no doubt, there is no more lying...we saw it at the CNN 2 minutes of hate against gun owners......the democrats will destroy the 2nd Amendment if they are given the power to do it.......

Oh Look, Another Reason Why We Should Be Skeptical Of Democrats On Gun Control

Now, YouGov has a poll showing that 82 percent of Democrats want to ban semiautomatic firearms, while they’re evenly split on a total handgun ban.

This is where the party stands on gun rights, our civil right to own firearms. They want to shred the Second Amendment and the gauge of Democratic Party members offers a dark vision of what could come if enough of these people are elected to Congress. Allahpundit broke down the numbers:
why do you put up links that feel some need to lie about what a poll shows? It just confounds me why you are compelled to seek out fake news, when going to the source is not difficult at all.
Seem to me, you would object to background checks to vet those who should not own, possess or have in their custody or control a firearm. Post #20 is sufficient to deny your ability to legally possess a firearm.
:lol: Why is post 20 sufficient? What was the specific threat of imminent harm to others?

Just quit voting for commies and your life will be better.

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